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Explosives pre-planted in Brussels

Explosives pre-planted in Brussels airport claims Israeli Intelligence-linked journal

Brandon Martinez
March 26, 2016
Analysis, Commentary, News

Brandon Martinez / Non-Aligned Media 
Debkafile, an Israeli intelligence-linked online journal, published an article on March 24 headlined “Israeli security firm’s advice on Brussels airport security unheeded” claiming that explosives were pre-planted within the Zaventem airport in Brussels “by an advance team of terrorist operatives masquerading as airport personnel, or a staff employee.” Debkafile claims that three identical kits of explosives, AK-47s, ammunition, and hand grenades were placed throughout the airport in advance to provide the terrorists an opportunity to “strike the emergency teams, the medics, the security forces and the other first responders when they arrived to tend the victims of the first attack.”
The article claims that Belgian police found and detonated these unexploded “kits” afterwards, writing:

Despite the spreading shock effect of the airport attack, it is also becoming clear that the terrorists only accomplished the first part of their jihadist mission. The Islamic State, which approved the operation, had envisaged a much bigger atrocity. This is attested to by the discovery of three bags containing identical kits of firearms and ammunition, a bomb belt, two AK-47 automatic rifles, magazines and hand grenades – all intact and unused. The police detonated them by controlled explosion.
CNN briefly mentioned that a third bomb was found in the airport and was indeed detonated in a “controlled explosion.” But so far no major media has mentioned the three identical bags packed with explosives and other weapons being found.
While seemingly casting doubt on the official narrative, the Israeli journal attributes this sly craftsmanship to the alleged ISIS ring blamed for the attacks, arguing that the Belgian authorities were simply skewing the facts to cover up incompetence and security failures. Not explained by the authors is how the ostensible ISIS terror cell could have penetrated security personal at the airport to secretly hide three bags of weapons and explosives within the facility without anyone noticing.
Earlier in the article it was mentioned that weeks prior to the blasts in Brussels, an Israeli security firm was hired to provide a “security assessment” of the Zaventem airport, and reported major shortcomings.

The Belgian government some weeks ago hired an Israeli security firm to inspect security arrangements at the Zaventem airport of Brussels. The security experts, who were asked for advice on improvements, submitted initial recommendations for urgent upgrades. However those improvements had not been installed by Tuesday, March 22, when Islamist terrorists hit the airport’s departure hall with exploding suitcases, claiming more than 30 deaths and injuring scores of victims..
So if anyone knew the ins and outs of the security system at Zaventem airport, it was Israel. This is reminiscent to when an Israeli security team inspected the garage area of the World Trade Centre two years before the bombing in 1993, “warning” of the vulnerability of a truck bomb. Time Magazine reported:

ISRAELI SECURITY OFFICIALS CONCLUDED TWO YEARS AGO THAT the World Trade Center garage was vulnerable to a car bomb, according to Israeli sources. These security officials checked out the garage for Zim American Israeli Shipping Co., which is located in the Twin Towers and is a subsidiary of a partly state-owned Israeli company. Zim representatives publicly admit no knowledge of the security team’s inspection.
In a strange coincidence, some outlets are reporting that an Israeli-linked security company, ICTS, was involved with security at Belgium’s airports. Some argue that the “lax” security was arranged by insiders to help the plot along. That in conjunction with the reports that Belgian intelligence received a precise prior warning as to where terrorists would strike and ignored another warning from Turkey about one of the alleged bombers lends credence to the inside job theory.
This would seem to coincide with the past actions of the Israeli Mossad, which has a long history of staging “false flag” events to turn public opinion in favour of Israel.
Back in January of 2016, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu warned Brussels and the EU to ‘change its attitude towards Israel’ and to stop labelling products produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The EU defended the practice the same month. Following the attacks in Brussels some Israeli officials blamed the EU’s labelling of Israeli settlement goods as the reason it was struck with terror, leading some to speculate that Israel was behind the carnage in the heart of Belgium as revenge for not complying with Tel Aviv’s demands.
Al-Monitor reported on this patronizing Israeli attitude, which underscores Zionist revenge fantasies against Europeans:

Using Facebook as his platform, Katz’s Likud colleague Minister of Science Ofir Akunis released an especially reproachful and condescending post about the Europeans. “Let me repeat myself,” the minister wrote. “Many in Europe preferred to focus on the vile condemnation of Israel, on marking Israeli products and on boycotts. At the same time, thousands of terrorist cells affiliated with radical Islam sprung up, right under the noses of the people living on the Continent. Some mocked those who warned them about this. Others ridiculed them. Unfortunately, reality struck full force, cutting short the lives of dozens of innocent people.” According to Akunis, Europeans were so obsessed with the Israeli occupation that they failed to notice the monster that is Islamist terror growing right under their noses.
Whatever the truth is, Israel stood most to gain from the bloodshed in Brussels.
Copyright 2016 Non-Aligned Media

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