, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : ROBERT DE NIRO, THREATENED BY THE PHARMACEUTICAL MAFIA




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Recently he has seen a new chapter in the war between advocates of vaccination and official medicine and activists who denounce the damage caused by toxic chemicals contained in some vaccines.
And the main protagonist of this new confrontation, is none other than the famous actor  Robert De Niro .
Recall that according to reports from many anti-vaccination activists, aluminum content in many of the vaccines given to children could be related to the high growth in cases of autism are suffering around the world and more specifically, activists point the MMR vaccine, Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR for its acronym in English).
The controversy has been generated by the screening of the documentary  "Vaxxed: From Concealment to Catastrophe"  at the Tribeca Film Festival, New York, Robert de Niro is co - founder and promoter.
Initially, De Niro defended the anti-vaccination screening of this controversial documentary at the Festival:
"I want there to be a debate" , De Niro said, referring to the documentary directed by Andrew Wakefield
"Grace and I have a child with autism, and we believe it is essential that all issues related to the causes of autism are openly discussed and examined" , De Niro said.
"In the 15 years since the start of the Tribeca Film Festival I have never asked that a film is projected or entering programming.
"However, this is very personal for me and my family and I want a debate is generated, and therefore support the documentary is projected. I do not personally support (the contents of) the film, nor am I anti-vaccination. I'm just giving the opportunity to be discussed around the question "
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The documentary  "Vaxxed"  has sparked protests in many sectors, especially in publications of scientific topics.
Many in the scientific community believe that the director of  "Vaxxed" , Andrew Wakefield, is responsible for helping to create the myth that the MMR vaccine can cause autism. even they assume that thousands of people in the UK did not receive the MMR vaccine and measles spread it throughout the country (would not be clear why some people vaccinated for measles were also infected, even though the vaccine should have protected).
The point is that the controversy led to the festival organizers have to justify their decision to project the documentary, relying on something as essential as freedom of expression:
"Tribeca, like most film festivals, is dialogue and discussion. Over the years we have presented many films from opposite sides of the same problem.We are a forum, not a judge , " said the statement from the direction of the festival.
"Vaxxed"  was due premiere in Tribeca on Sunday 24 April ... but no longer be shown.
Robert de Niro himself, to the sustained pressure has been forced to go on stage and cancel the screening of the film, reversing its initial decision.
"We do not contribute or promote the debate we had expected , " said the actor.
"My intention when selecting this film was to provide an opportunity for debate on a subject that is very personal to me and my family. But after discussions in recent days with the team Tribeca Film Festival and people from the scientific community, we do not contribute or promote the discussion we had hoped "
"The Festival does not try to avoid or move away from the controversy.However, we have concerns with certain aspects of this film that we would not allow us to present it in the Festival program. We have decided to remove it from our "
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Well, it does not take too much imagination to understand what has happened.
If as De Niro said initially, the film could cause an enriching debate between advocates of both views, no one can understand how a few days later, and after meeting with"people of the scientific community" , that possibility of discussion disappears .
In a debate, advocates of vaccination, using scientific knowledge, could have demonstrated to the audience they were right, beating those people who treat practically as  "bigoted and ignorant" .
And here, we should ask: why a scientist does not want to debate face to face with an ignorant to what can be easily removed with data and arguments?
And above all, we should ask: what they have said or done to Robert De Niro to retract thus its initial intention?
Robert DeNiro-Getty-
Jon Rappoport researcher, explains how there has been revelatory sequence of events that led to this decision by De Niro ...
1- De Niro, who has an autistic son, decides to publicly defend the screening of "Vaxxed" at the Tribeca Film Festival. This film reveals that there is a causal link between vaccines and autism.
2- a lobbying campaign starts to Robert De Niro, so the actor meets with Congressman Bill Posey Florida, who lets him know that the film is right on target. Posey knows, because he and his team have in their possession many documents of William Thompson, a researcher at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Disease USA), who publicly denounced the great fraud of vaccination and autism 2014.
3- After meeting with the congressman, De Niro decides he will not only project the film in the Festival, but also, it will present to the audience himself, live on stage.
4- From the shadows emerge people who will "tighten the screws" to De Niro. What do you say? What you are threatened? Perhaps with his film career will end? What will kill the Tribeca Film Festival? What medical treatment you receive your autistic child will be cut? Perhaps you have been threatened personally or someone in your family?
5- De Niro decides to leave and cancel the screening of "Vaxxed" publicly contradicting his own initial argument, which focused on "generate debate."
It is quite evident that the powerful Mafia Medical-Pharmaceutical has launched all its machinery of repression and threat.
That sees anyone.
As very rightly denounces Jon Rappoport:
"Think about it. You can see a film about US air strikes kill innocent civilians. You can see a film about the criminal surveillance on the entire population. You can see a film about the CIA acting against foreign governments. You can see a film about the mega-corporations throwing chemicals on cities, where children are born with physical and mental defects and adults die of cancer.
- However, you can not watch a movie that suggests that a vaccine could be the cause of autism.
That is too important and injures a secret too large to be counted. Torpedoed a monopoly that must be protected, no matter how or what "
What is so disturbing Rappoport complaint as true.
There have been all kinds of documentaries, who denounce large corporations such as the all - powerful Monsanto, or agencies related to the higher powers of the planet, as the CIA ... however, all repressive force is applied against those who denounce the possibility of a relationship between vaccination and autism, thereby squashing freedom of expression.
And everyone should ask ... Why?
Other American actors like Jim Carrey and comic Rob Schneider, are not silent and are sticking up publicly to denounce this dark reality ... and seeing what happened with De Niro, obviously it must be also receiving strong pressure.
Better to monitor their health and watch your backs.
Finally, the article discusses the history of Rappoport complaints by researcher William Thompson.
In 2014, William Thompson, reputed CDC researcher, made a statement that he and several fellow scientists had lied about a key study authors who were 10 years earlier.
The study revealed a connection between MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) and the proliferation of autism cases among young black children ... but that so controversial part of the study (and so potentially damaging to the pharmaceutical and the CDC itself) it was censured and removed by the researchers themselves.
However, Thompson kept copies of pages and ended up passing them Congressman Bill Posey, among others.
Congressman Bill Posey
Congressman Bill Posey
Thompson later said, through his lawyer, who would not talk to the press and only work with the US Congress, in the event that an investigation was started ... However, there is no indication ever that such investigation comes to fruition, nor is there evidence that Thompson allegations are heard in Congressional hearings.
And this very dark and disturbing issue is the central theme of the movie "Vaxxed" the film that has been censured in the Tribeca Film Festival.

Finally, self Jon Rappoport, a researcher who has spent many years trying to denounce the activities of the medical mafia pharmaceutical, tell us their own experiences with people from the film industry, who may help us better understand the level of pressure that can Robert De Niro have experienced.
In the words of Rappoport himself, from his article "Medical Canceled due to Hollywood truth" ...
Twenty five years ago, I fired the career of a Hollywood actor who suddenly collapsed completely. I had a conversation with him and revealed many things.
This actor had already caused certain alerts to make some observations in denouncing counterfeit medical research; He is talking to their friends about unnecessary surgeries performed in a famous hospital and was reviewing a script that dealt with the investigation of this corruption and, of course, was never made into a film.
One day, this actor disappeared from the screens, as if it had never existed. It was not just the fact that his career collapsed completely. It is that also the other people in the film industry were afraid that associate them with him. Subtly, step by step, the people around him began to  "see you in a different way" .
Fortunately, it was a strong person and was able to restore his life outside the film industry.
He said that even the biggest stars could suffer this kind of excommunication.
"Very few actors , " he said,  "have the strength to endure"
I met a producer who had not worked in film for 20 years. He suffered from a number of diseases. I met with him to discuss a script that talked about a false epidemic, which was actually driven by the CDC. When I explained that argument, suddenly he became white. After recovering, he looked at me like I was the devil incarnate, who had come at home to drag him to Hell.
I said I was crazy, that was never done a movie like that, and that if anyone be associated with a project like this, eventually included in the blacklist. I reminded him that he had nothing to fear, since he had not been active in the business for a long time. But the producer replied that it did not matter. He said that the medical industry had its tentacles cast on the film industry.
"For the love of God , " he said,  "when I exercised producer, my own boss was on the board of a large hospital. He had given large sums of money to a medical school of the university. You really think someone like him would have allowed a film that denounced a medical fraud on a large scale do? Before letting me do that, I'd run over with your car. "
Some years ago, I had a meeting with a budding producer. I showed him an idea for a film, whose plot revolved around secret evidence in the medical field: doctors in the United States were killing hundreds of thousands of people each year with medications and ill - treatment in hospitals. That argument was based, in fact, scientific studies denounce.The producer looked at me and said, "Yes, you told me on the phone about this story. I made ​​you come just to see what crazy face you can have " .
The truth is that was a nice guy, and we talked for an hour or so. He assured me that his career would end if he ever go to work seriously in raising money for a script like the one I had in mind.  "As soon as Istarted to get money to make this film, the word would get.People know what the movie is about. And then you lose all your friends and contacts in the industry and you no longer would return calls. You'd be finished. "
Finally, I spoke not long ago, a man I would qualify as  "medical fund raiser" . A guy who operated in and around the film industry.
Basically it was dedicated to channel large sums of money from celebrities, that donated to medical causes.
He wanted to see his reaction, so I said I had a script about mass deaths caused by the medical industry in the United States. He looked at me and smiled:  "You're kidding me, right? I'll bet my house against a dollar from its part that never will come to make a movie like that " . I asked why come to make a bet of that caliber and his answer was very revealing. He said:  "We and movie people slept in the same bed. We are happily married for a long time. Do you think you can come here and tell us one of the other has been cheating onhim and pretend to tell everyone? How do you think we're going to react? "
Over the years, I have learned that the doctor and Hollywood sign are closely related.
You can climb much as you want to try to understand how this relationship between the two industries work, but at ground level, where actors, agents, producers and directors try to live and work, all are under strict control. And they all know it. They will not talk about it publicly, but they know.
Well, this is the opinion of Rappoport and obviously can be discussed.
But what Rappoport complaint does not seem so fanciful as developers when we see cases like Robert De Niro and the film Vaxxed at the Tribeca Film Festival ...

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