
13 de mayo de 2016

As overthrow the Illuminati

Against Conspiranoia: As overthrow the Illuminati September 24, 2015 the Illuminati DOMI
Everyone talks about the Illuminati. You may have heard that Jay Z and Beyonce are members of the Illuminati, and acting possessed by demons. You may have heard that Obama is a member of the Illuminati, and plans toimplant microchips in all US citizens to prepare martial law. You may have heard that dollar bills contain secret symbols, which reveal that the US has been controlled by the Illuminati for hundreds of years. The illuminati theory helps oppressed people explain their experiences. The company pulls us a lot of shit in the face: our family are blocked by baloney, friends kill others by piques or money, our future is full of dead - end jobs where they pay a pittance, struggle to get tickets while other people live in abundance, on TV we see people die worldwide from hunger and poverty while telling us that we live in society with more material abundance of history. Many people do like that none of these things happen, but not all people. And then what happens? We started looking foranswers, and the Illuminati theory gives us. We believe that the Illuminati theory is wrong, and we write this pamphlet to provide a different answer. We wrote this pamphlet because we know that people who think the Illuminati normally want to end oppression and exploitation. These are some of the smartest people among our people. Forty years ago, theorists about the Illuminati had been in the Black Panther party. Today most of them sit and talk endlessly about conspiracies. It's a waste of talent. The world is in a big crisis, and there are big protests, revolutions and rebellions. In Egypt, South Africa, Turkey, and even in the US, these movements are taking place. People who say they can not do anything because nobody does anything is simply giving up fight for themselves. With the right you can participate in these actions and make history with millions more tools. This brochure is a tool to help you understand the world around you. It provides an overview of the history of the Illuminati theory, who invented it , when and where. Shows how the Illuminati theory becomes popular among our people after the disappearance of the movements of the 70 it reveals that the Illuminati theory is unable to explain how society works, or provide solutions to end oppression and exploitation. It offers an alternative explanation of why there is exploitation and oppression and what we can do to change it . First we see the origin of the Illuminati theory. 1.De where the theory comes Illuminati Most Illuminati theory is made ​​of several pieces, as different parts of an urban legend. The pieces can be put in different ways, or some may be more boldly than others. But always they combine to tell much the same story. You may have heard several of those pieces: Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanists, Bilderbergers or bankers. Each of these parts of the Illuminati theory appears in a historical moment. In many cases are developed by rich and powerful people who had been displaced from power by mass movements. FIRST PART: the Bavarian Illuminati ... The first part of the Illuminati theory is based on a real group called the "Order of the Illuminati". The Illuminati were founded in May 1776 in Bavaria, part of present -day Germany (which did not exist as such). The leader of the Illuminati, a professor of religion named Adam Weishaupt Bavarian, wanted to rid the world "of all religious and political authority established." His order sought unseat kings and churches that had ruled Europe since the Middle Ages and thus give way to new forms of trade, science and democratic governments that were emerging at the time. The Illuminati were modeled himself partly as the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests, and partly as freemasonry. They infiltrated Masonic lodges to gain influence in society and thus achieve their goals. To understand any group or movement must understand the context in which they occur. The time when Illuminatis appear called "Enlightenment". It was a century of radical changes in Europe, which began in the seventeenth century and lasted until the late eighteenth century. For illustration, the old social system in which people had lived for centuries with kings and priests over the peasant majority, begins to break. A class of rich merchants appear in Europe, trading with distant parts of the world. New technologies were developed, and with them new types of workers. These new classes began to have more power than the kings and queens who were who were supposed to be on top according to the law and tradition. The American Revolution demonstrated the power of those classes to everyone, when they broke with the English crown. When the social world began to change, the mentality of people did too. Before illustration, most people believed that the physical world and the social reality were determined by the divine law of God. When illustration, scientists like Isaac Newton, and philosophers like Hobbes and Rousseau arrived, they developed modern science and policy. People began to think that the laws of nature that shaped the world as the law of gravity, could be discovered through research. Others described as no kings could rule through a social contract between "citizens". Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes.But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe. People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONS Original illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. and plans to implant microchips in all US citizens to prepare martial law. You may have heard that dollar bills contain secret symbols, which reveal that the US has been controlled by the Illuminati for hundreds of years. The illuminati theory helps oppressed people explain their experiences. The company pulls us a lot of shit in the face: our family are blocked by baloney, friends kill others by piques or money, our future is full of dead - end jobs where they pay a pittance, struggle to get tickets while other people live in abundance, on TV we see people die worldwide from hunger and poverty while telling us that we live in society with more material abundance of history. Many people do like that none of these things happen, but not all people. And then what happens? We started looking for answers, and the Illuminati theory gives us. We believe that the Illuminati theory is wrong, and we write this pamphlet to provide a different answer. We wrote this pamphlet because we know that people who think the Illuminati normally want toend oppression and exploitation. These are some of the smartest people among our people. Forty years ago, theorists about the Illuminati had been in the Black Panther party. Today most of them sit and talk endlessly about conspiracies. It's a waste of talent. The world is in a big crisis, and there are big protests, revolutions and rebellions. In Egypt, South Africa, Turkey, and even in the US, these movements are taking place. People who say they can not do anything because nobody does anything is simply giving up fight for themselves. With the right you can participate in these actions and make history with millions more tools. This brochure is a tool to help you understand the world around you. It provides an overview of the history of the Illuminati theory, who invented it , when and where. Shows how the Illuminati theory becomes popular among our people after the disappearance of the movements of the 70 it reveals that the Illuminati theory is unable to explain how society works, or provide solutions to end oppression and exploitation. It offers an alternative explanation of why there is exploitation and oppression and what we can do to change it . First we see the origin of the Illuminati theory.1.De where the theory comes Illuminati Most Illuminati theory is made ​​of several pieces, as different parts of an urban legend. The pieces can be put in different ways, or some may be more boldly than others. But always they combine to tell much the same story. You may have heard several of those pieces: Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanists, Bilderbergers or bankers. Each of these parts of the Illuminati theory appears in a historical moment.In many cases are developed by rich and powerful people who had been displaced from power by mass movements. FIRST PART: the Bavarian Illuminati ... The first part of the Illuminati theory is based on a real group called the "Order of the Illuminati". The Illuminati were founded in May 1776 in Bavaria, part of present -dayGermany (which did not exist as such). The leader of the Illuminati, a professor of religion named Adam Weishaupt Bavarian, wanted to rid the world "of all religious and political authority established." His order sought unseat kings and churches that had ruled Europe since the Middle Ages and thus give way to new forms of trade, science and democratic governments that were emerging at the time. The Illuminati were modeled himself partly as the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests, and partly as freemasonry. They infiltrated Masonic lodges to gain influence in society and thus achieve their goals. To understand any group or movement must understand the context in which they occur. The time when Illuminatis appear called "Enlightenment". It was a century of radical changes in Europe, which began in the seventeenth century and lasted until the late eighteenth century.For illustration, the old social system in which people had lived for centuries with kings and priests over the peasant majority, begins to break. A class of rich merchants appear in Europe, trading with distant parts of the world. New technologies were developed, and with them new types of workers. These new classes began to have more power than the kings and queens who were who were supposed to be on top according to the law and tradition. The American Revolution demonstrated the power of those classes to everyone, when they broke with the English crown. When the social world began to change, the mentality of people did too. Before illustration, most people believed that the physical world and the social reality were determined by the divine law of God. When illustration, scientists like Isaac Newton, and philosophers like Hobbes and Rousseau arrived, they developed modern science and policy. People began to think that the laws of nature that shaped the world as the law of gravity, could be discovered through research. Others described as no kings could rule through a social contract between "citizens". Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes.But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe. People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONS Original illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. and plans to implant microchips in all US citizens to prepare martial law. You may have heard that dollar bills contain secret symbols, which reveal that the US has been controlled by the Illuminati for hundreds of years. The illuminati theory helps oppressed people explain their experiences. The company pulls us a lot of shit in the face: our family are blocked by baloney, friends kill others by piques or money, our future is full of dead - end jobs where they pay a pittance, struggle to get tickets while other people live in abundance, on TV we see people die worldwide from hunger and poverty while telling us that we live in society with more material abundance of history. Many people do like that none of these things happen, but not all people. And then what happens? We started looking for answers, and the Illuminati theory gives us. We believe that the Illuminati theory is wrong, and we write this pamphlet to provide a different answer. We wrote this pamphlet because we know that people who think the Illuminati normally want toend oppression and exploitation. These are some of the smartest people among our people. Forty years ago, theorists about the Illuminati had been in the Black Panther party. Today most of them sit and talk endlessly about conspiracies. It's a waste of talent. The world is in a big crisis, and there are big protests, revolutions and rebellions. In Egypt, South Africa, Turkey, and even in the US, these movements are taking place. People who say they can not do anything because nobody does anything is simply giving up fight for themselves. With the right you can participate in these actions and make history with millions more tools. This brochure is a tool to help you understand the world around you. It provides an overview of the history of the Illuminati theory, who invented it , when and where. Shows how the Illuminati theory becomes popular among our people after the disappearance of the movements of the 70 it reveals that the Illuminati theory is unable to explain how society works, or provide solutions to end oppression and exploitation. It offers an alternative explanation of why there is exploitation and oppression and what we can do to change it . First we see the origin of the Illuminati theory.1.De where the theory comes Illuminati Most Illuminati theory is made ​​of several pieces, as different parts of an urban legend. The pieces can be put in different ways, or some may be more boldly than others. But always they combine to tell much the same story. You may have heard several of those pieces: Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanists, Bilderbergers or bankers. Each of these parts of the Illuminati theory appears in a historical moment.In many cases are developed by rich and powerful people who had been displaced from power by mass movements. FIRST PART: the Bavarian Illuminati ... The first part of the Illuminati theory is based on a real group called the "Order of the Illuminati". The Illuminati were founded in May 1776 in Bavaria, part of present -dayGermany (which did not exist as such). The leader of the Illuminati, a professor of religion named Adam Weishaupt Bavarian, wanted to rid the world "of all religious and political authority established." His order sought unseat kings and churches that had ruled Europe since the Middle Ages and thus give way to new forms of trade, science and democratic governments that were emerging at the time. The Illuminati were modeled himself partly as the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests, and partly as freemasonry. They infiltrated Masonic lodges to gain influence in society and thus achieve their goals. To understand any group or movement must understand the context in which they occur. The time when Illuminatis appear called "Enlightenment". It was a century of radical changes in Europe, which began in the seventeenth century and lasted until the late eighteenth century.For illustration, the old social system in which people had lived for centuries with kings and priests over the peasant majority, begins to break. A class of rich merchants appear in Europe, trading with distant parts of the world. New technologies were developed, and with them new types of workers. These new classes began to have more power than the kings and queens who were who were supposed to be on top according to the law and tradition. The American Revolution demonstrated the power of those classes to everyone, when they broke with the English crown. When the social world began to change, the mentality of people did too. Before illustration, most people believed that the physical world and the social reality were determined by the divine law of God. When illustration, scientists like Isaac Newton, and philosophers like Hobbes and Rousseau arrived, they developed modern science and policy. People began to think that the laws of nature that shaped the world as the law of gravity, could be discovered through research. Others described as no kings could rule through a social contract between "citizens". Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes.But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe. People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONS Original illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. Many people do like that none of these things happen, but not all people. And then what happens? We started looking for answers, and the Illuminati theory gives us. We believe that the Illuminati theory is wrong, and we write this pamphlet to provide a different answer. We wrote this pamphlet because we know that people who think the Illuminati normally want to end oppression and exploitation. These are some of the smartest people among our people. Forty years ago, theorists about the Illuminati had been in the Black Panther party. Today most of them sit and talk endlessly about conspiracies. It's a waste of talent. The world is in a big crisis, and there are big protests, revolutions and rebellions. In Egypt, South Africa, Turkey, and even in the US, these movements are taking place. People who say they can not do anything because nobody does anything is simply giving up fight for themselves. With the right you can participate in these actions and make history with millions more tools. This brochure is a tool to help you understand the world around you. It provides an overview of the history of the Illuminati theory, who invented it , when and where. Shows how the Illuminati theory becomes popular among our people after the disappearance of the movements of the 70 it reveals that the Illuminati theory is unable to explain how society works, or provide solutions to end oppression and exploitation. It offers an alternative explanation of why there is exploitation and oppression and what we can do to change it . First we see the origin of the Illuminati theory.1.De where the theory comes Illuminati Most Illuminati theory is made ​​of several pieces, as different parts of an urban legend. The pieces can be put in different ways, or some may be more boldly than others. But always they combine to tell much the same story. You may have heard several of those pieces: Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanists, Bilderbergers or bankers. Each of these parts of the Illuminati theory appears in a historical moment.In many cases are developed by rich and powerful people who had been displaced from power by mass movements. FIRST PART: the Bavarian Illuminati ... The first part of the Illuminati theory is based on a real group called the "Order of the Illuminati". The Illuminati were founded in May 1776 in Bavaria, part of present -dayGermany (which did not exist as such). The leader of the Illuminati, a professor of religion named Adam Weishaupt Bavarian, wanted to rid the world "of all religious and political authority established." His order sought unseat kings and churches that had ruled Europe since the Middle Ages and thus give way to new forms of trade, science and democratic governments that were emerging at the time. The Illuminati were modeled himself partly as the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests, and partly as freemasonry. They infiltrated Masonic lodges to gain influence in society and thus achieve their goals. To understand any group or movement must understand the context in which they occur. The time when Illuminatis appear called "Enlightenment". It was a century of radical changes in Europe, which began in the seventeenth century and lasted until the late eighteenth century.For illustration, the old social system in which people had lived for centuries with kings and priests over the peasant majority, begins to break. A class of rich merchants appear in Europe, trading with distant parts of the world. New technologies were developed, and with them new types of workers. These new classes began to have more power than the kings and queens who were who were supposed to be on top according to the law and tradition. The American Revolution demonstrated the power of those classes to everyone, when they broke with the English crown. When the social world began to change, the mentality of people did too. Before illustration, most people believed that the physical world and the social reality were determined by the divine law of God. When illustration, scientists like Isaac Newton, and philosophers like Hobbes and Rousseau arrived, they developed modern science and policy. People began to think that the laws of nature that shaped the world as the law of gravity, could be discovered through research. Others described as no kings could rule through a social contract between "citizens". Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes.But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe. People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONS Original illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. Many people do like that none of these things happen, but not all people. And then what happens? We started looking for answers, and the Illuminati theory gives us. We believe that the Illuminati theory is wrong, and we write this pamphlet to provide a different answer. We wrote this pamphlet because we know that people who think the Illuminati normally want to end oppression and exploitation. These are some of the smartest people among our people. Forty years ago, theorists about the Illuminati had been in the Black Panther party. Today most of them sit and talk endlessly about conspiracies. It's a waste of talent. The world is in a big crisis, and there are big protests, revolutions and rebellions. In Egypt, South Africa, Turkey, and even in the US, these movements are taking place. People who say they can not do anything because nobody does anything is simply giving up fight for themselves. With the right you can participate in these actions and make history with millions more tools. This brochure is a tool to help you understand the world around you. It provides an overview of the history of the Illuminati theory, who invented it , when and where. Shows how the Illuminati theory becomes popular among our people after the disappearance of the movements of the 70 it reveals that the Illuminati theory is unable to explain how society works, or provide solutions to end oppression and exploitation. It offers an alternative explanation of why there is exploitation and oppression and what we can do to change it . First we see the origin of the Illuminati theory.1.De where the theory comes Illuminati Most Illuminati theory is made ​​of several pieces, as different parts of an urban legend. The pieces can be put in different ways, or some may be more boldly than others. But always they combine to tell much the same story. You may have heard several of those pieces: Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanists, Bilderbergers or bankers. Each of these parts of the Illuminati theory appears in a historical moment.In many cases are developed by rich and powerful people who had been displaced from power by mass movements. FIRST PART: the Bavarian Illuminati ... The first part of the Illuminati theory is based on a real group called the "Order of the Illuminati". The Illuminati were founded in May 1776 in Bavaria, part of present -dayGermany (which did not exist as such). The leader of the Illuminati, a professor of religion named Adam Weishaupt Bavarian, wanted to rid the world "of all religious and political authority established." His order sought unseat kings and churches that had ruled Europe since the Middle Ages and thus give way to new forms of trade, science and democratic governments that were emerging at the time. The Illuminati were modeled himself partly as the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests, and partly as freemasonry. They infiltrated Masonic lodges to gain influence in society and thus achieve their goals. To understand any group or movement must understand the context in which they occur. The time when Illuminatis appear called "Enlightenment". It was a century of radical changes in Europe, which began in the seventeenth century and lasted until the late eighteenth century.For illustration, the old social system in which people had lived for centuries with kings and priests over the peasant majority, begins to break. A class of rich merchants appear in Europe, trading with distant parts of the world. New technologies were developed, and with them new types of workers. These new classes began to have more power than the kings and queens who were who were supposed to be on top according to the law and tradition. The American Revolution demonstrated the power of those classes to everyone, when they broke with the English crown. When the social world began to change, the mentality of people did too. Before illustration, most people believed that the physical world and the social reality were determined by the divine law of God. When illustration, scientists like Isaac Newton, and philosophers like Hobbes and Rousseau arrived, they developed modern science and policy. People began to think that the laws of nature that shaped the world as the law of gravity, could be discovered through research. Others described as no kings could rule through a social contract between "citizens". Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes.But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe. People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONS Original illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. It offers an alternative explanation of why there is exploitation and oppression and what we can do to change it. First we see the origin of the Illuminati theory. 1.De where the theory comes Illuminati Most Illuminati theory is made ​​of several pieces, as different parts of an urban legend. The pieces can be put in different ways, or some may be more boldly than others. But always they combine to tell much the same story. You may have heard several of those pieces: Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanists, Bilderbergers or bankers. Each of these parts of the Illuminati theory appears in a historical moment. In many cases are developed by rich and powerful people who had been displaced from power by mass movements. FIRST PART: the Bavarian Illuminati ... The first part of the Illuminati theory is based on a real group called the "Order of the Illuminati". The Illuminati were founded in May 1776 in Bavaria, part of present -day Germany (which did not exist as such). The leader of the Illuminati, a professor of religion named Adam Weishaupt Bavarian, wanted to rid the world "of all religious and political authority established." His order sought unseat kings and churches that had ruled Europe since the Middle Ages and thus give way to new forms of trade, science and democratic governments that were emerging at the time. The Illuminati were modeled himself partly as the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests, and partly as freemasonry. They infiltrated Masonic lodges to gain influence in society and thus achieve their goals. To understand any group or movement must understand the context in which they occur. The time when Illuminatis appear called "Enlightenment". It was a century of radical changes in Europe, which began in the seventeenth century and lasted until the late eighteenth century. For illustration, the old social system in which people had lived for centuries with kings and priests over the peasant majority, begins to break. A class of rich merchants appear in Europe, trading with distant parts of the world. New technologies were developed, and with them new types of workers. These new classes began to have more power than the kings and queens who were who were supposed to be on top according to the law and tradition. The American Revolution demonstrated the power of those classes to everyone, when they broke with the English crown. When the social world began to change, the mentality of people did too. Before illustration, most people believed that the physical world and the social reality were determined by the divine law of God. When illustration, scientists like Isaac Newton, and philosophers like Hobbes and Rousseau arrived, they developed modern science and policy. People began to think that the laws of nature that shaped the world as the law of gravity, could be discovered through research. Others described as no kings could rule through a social contract between "citizens". Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes.But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe. People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONS Original illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. It offers an alternative explanation of why there is exploitation and oppression and what we can do to change it. First we see the origin of the Illuminati theory. 1.De where the theory comes Illuminati Most Illuminati theory is made ​​of several pieces, as different parts of an urban legend. The pieces can be put in different ways, or some may be more boldly than others. But always they combine to tell much the same story. You may have heard several of those pieces: Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanists, Bilderbergers or bankers. Each of these parts of the Illuminati theory appears in a historical moment. In many cases are developed by rich and powerful people who had been displaced from power by mass movements. FIRST PART: the Bavarian Illuminati ... The first part of the Illuminati theory is based on a real group called the "Order of the Illuminati". The Illuminati were founded in May 1776 in Bavaria, part of present -day Germany (which did not exist as such). The leader of the Illuminati, a professor of religion named Adam Weishaupt Bavarian, wanted to rid the world "of all religious and political authority established." His order sought unseat kings and churches that had ruled Europe since the Middle Ages and thus give way to new forms of trade, science and democratic governments that were emerging at the time. The Illuminati were modeled himself partly as the Jesuits, an order of Catholic priests, and partly as freemasonry. They infiltrated Masonic lodges to gain influence in society and thus achieve their goals. To understand any group or movement must understand the context in which they occur. The time when Illuminatis appear called "Enlightenment". It was a century of radical changes in Europe, which began in the seventeenth century and lasted until the late eighteenth century. For illustration, the old social system in which people had lived for centuries with kings and priests over the peasant majority, begins to break. A class of rich merchants appear in Europe, trading with distant parts of the world. New technologies were developed, and with them new types of workers. These new classes began to have more power than the kings and queens who were who were supposed to be on top according to the law and tradition. The American Revolution demonstrated the power of those classes to everyone, when they broke with the English crown. When the social world began to change, the mentality of people did too. Before illustration, most people believed that the physical world and the social reality were determined by the divine law of God. When illustration, scientists like Isaac Newton, and philosophers like Hobbes and Rousseau arrived, they developed modern science and policy. People began to think that the laws of nature that shaped the world as the law of gravity, could be discovered through research. Others described as no kings could rule through a social contract between "citizens". Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes.But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe. People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONS Original illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes. But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe.People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONSOriginal illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. Soon hundreds of small groups of thinkers and activists embraced the spirit of enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was just one of these groups, among others as the Rosicrucians or the Italian Carbonari. During the 1780s the Illuminati grew to 2,500 members in Central Europe. But they were not very effective in bringing down the medieval regime and soon had to face the repression of the authorities. They were dissolved in around 1787. Like many other such groups, the Illuminati failed to bring revolutionary changes. But the revolution happened without them. In the decade following the collapse of the Order of the Illuminati, mass protests blocked France and culminated in the French Revolution. The rebellion of angry peasants and urban workers demolished the existing feudal order for centuries and took effect throughout Europe. The slaves of the French colony Haiti took to make their own revolution, demanding the same freedoms that French citizens were winning on the streets of Paris. In France the aristocrats were driven out of their palaces and systematically executed so that no king could claim the throne again. The churches were burned to the ground, and Catholics sacertodes away from positions of power. A parliamentary system with representative elections, and legislation was established. It was the first time something like this happened in history. However, not everyone welcomed the changes taking place in Europe.People with a social status that depended on the old aristocracy and the church resisted the changes. Some wrote books, and that's how the first theories Illuminatis born. In 1798, a scientist and English inventor named John Robinson wrote "Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions ad goverments of Europe, Carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies." In 1803, the Jesuit priest Agustin Barruel wrote "Memoirs, ilustrating the history of Jacobinism" both authors disliked the French revolution, and blamed it to a small group of conspirators. Illuminati Robinson and Barruel argued that the order of the Illuminati had not been dissolved in 1787 but he had gone underground. They said that these Illuminati had planned and carried out secretly the French Revolution and remained hidden in Masonic lodges, planning to overthrow governments in Europe and America. Robinson and Barruel not see well the revolution, and did not believe it was possible that millions of people were mobilized together and change the conditions of their lives. For them, normal people were not organized enough or smart enough to do it. They must be led like sheep by an elite. In this sense, Robinson and Barruel illuminati created a theory that was a kind of conservative myth, used to make sense of a social reality that these authors were confusing and frightening. Illuminati current theories follow the same pattern. Even poor people involved in the Illuminati theory, who should sympathize with the protest movements tend to see social movements as secret plans of the Illuminati to create problems. ... AND FREEMASONSOriginal illuminati theory of Robinson and Barruel, and current theory speaks a lot about the Masons. The original order of the Illuminati was established herself in freemasons groups, called lodges. But freemasonry had appeared hundreds of years earlier. Originally, Freemasonry was simply a group of people who worked in masonry (masonry) and the stone to build structures like cathedrals. In 1300 professional groups, such as masons, weavers and blacksmiths, they begin to organize into groups called "guilds". The unions received permission to carry out its activity in a particular city and to control who can do their job. They were very exclusive, and invented rituals and symbols to distinguish themselves from the rest. With the development of capitalism, the unions gradually disappear. New technologies make obsolete their tools and skills. But the Masonic lodges of masons, were different. In the eighteenth century Masonic lodges begin to recruit wealthy people or influence to maintain funding and high social status. They soon lost their association with the work of amason and became a social club. The Masonic lodges offered a form of radical organization when the Enlightenment arrives. Emerging class of rich merchants and intellectuals enter Masonic lodges, discuss the changes he had in society activists and plan actions. Many famous revolutionaries developed their radical ideas when they were linked to Freemasonry. Because of this association with the radical enlightenment, people who opposed the revolution used to see the Masons as an enemy. It is a common pattern: the elite always think that revolutions are planned and run by a small group of enlightened, instead of being carried by masses of people. In fact, the Masonic lodges were social clubs for people who want to feel "elite" . In some places the Masonic lodges have a place to intellectuals to discuss change society, but often boring sites. If you go today to a Freemason temple, you'll see groups of small businessmen talking about planting trees on the main street, not a secret group planning to dominate the world. However, its association with the original Bavarian Order of the Illuminati makes are always included in the accounts of the Illuminati theory. The Bavarian Illuminati and its association with Freemasonry is the first piece of the Illuminati theory that we hear today. But there are two other important pieces in most of the Illuminati theories: anti-Semitism and the antichrist. THE SECOND PART: Antisemitism Mistrust, prejudice and hatred of Jews appeared in Europe hundreds of years ago. Europe was ruled by monarchies allied with the Catholic Church after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence. Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination.In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists. They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to alesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying to dominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century. Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War ,the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it tohappen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like theUnited Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism.Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US.Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted to establish a communist society.For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements.Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked forsigns of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence.Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination. In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists.They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to a lesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying todominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century.Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War , the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it to happen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like the United Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism. Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US. Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted toestablish a communist society. For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements. Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked for signs of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. Jews were forbidden to exercise greater role in the economy or politics. Therefore, different Jewish communities found a way to survive on the edge of society, doing things most of society did not like to lend money. Soon the Jews I was associated with this profession. At first this profession was little powerful, but with the development of capitalism, borrowing money becomes important. With capitalism developed million people left the camp and forced to work for poverty wages in the new factories of industrial Europe . Since the Jews were identified with money and credit, other groups began to see Jews as a symbol of capitalism itself. Many European workers believed that Jews used to use its role as financial to gain power and exploit people. Jews also were seen as a convenient outlet for the petty bourgeoisie: small businessmen who were trying to become owners of large factories. This class is bothered with debts they had to incur in order to expand their businesses. They saw financial as an obstacle. In the early twentieth century Jewish communities suffered regular attacks by masses of workers and petty bourgeoisie. Especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, "pogroms" (mass lynchings against Jewish neighborhoods) were a common occurrence.Anti - Semitism joined workers and small proprietors, although they had opposing interests. Poor workers were angry about their situation under capitalism, but saw the Jews as a larger than the heads of the factories where they were exploited enemy. Small entrepreneurs working to become large operators working poor, and saw the Jews an obstacle to achieving their goals. These two classes were fundamentally opposed to each other, but temporarily joined in a populist movement, because they shared anti - Semitism. Populist movements joined the working poor with the petty bourgeoisie against an imaginary elite. They are speaking on behalf of the "normal man", but they were led by middle class elements and eventually ended up hurting the poor and workers who participated in them. Current examples of populism would the Tea Party, some elements of Occupy Wall Street and Nation of Islam. The Illuminati theories often have a populist character. Many of the populist theories use anti - Semitism to identify an elite that rules the world. Many of the Illuminati theories use a document of the early twentieth century called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Protocols tried to be a secret document written by Jews about their plans for world domination. In fact, they were written between 1897 and 1903, quite possibly by members of the Russian secret police. At the time, Russian nationalists were trying to prevent the outbreak of a Russian revolution against the emperor, called "the Tsar". Many of these were strongly anti - Semitic nationalists.They saw the whole movement to overthrow the Czar as a Jewish conspiracy. The protocols were written to give wings to the anti-Jewish movement and thus curb the revolution. Most protocols were copied from two other books: "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" by Maurice Joly in 1864, and "Biarritz" a German novel written in 1868 by Hermann Goedsche. Even being a false document, it has been widely spread in Russia and Europe, and to a lesser extent in the US. Because of this, the Illuminati theories usually make mention of groups of Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers, portraying Jews as a secret group trying todominate the world. This is the second part of the Illuminati theory. The third is the antichrist. THE THIRD PART: THE ANTICHRIST Many theorists speak Illuminati also the end of days and the mark of the beast. These terms come from a religious movement called the Protestant Millenarism, which appears in the nineteenth century.Millenarian movements believe we approach the end of the world and try to be ready for him. Millenarian nineteenth century developed complex descriptions of the second coming of Christ, with an important sequence of events. One of these signs was the coming of the Antichrist. In the Bible, the Antichrist is sometimes described as a single person, sometimes as several people. The antichrist is supposed to win a dictatorial power in the world before the return of Christ. Today, many US evangelical Christians are constantly seeking signs of the appearance dl antichrist. The beginning of the twentieth century World War I , Great Depression, Fascism, Second World War , the evangelists gave many signs that the end of days was near . Based on interpretations of the Bible, the evangelists were seeking signs of increasing government powers and cult of certain personalities who could symbolize the antichrist. In the 20s, the leader of the American evangelical church Gerald Winrod pointed out that Mussolini, Italy 's fascist leader, was the Antichrist. He said the League of Nations was the sign of a growing world power. The predictions of the end of days continued over the years. In 1950, some evangelists predicted that the new invention called computer was the antichrist. In the 70 others they argued that the microchip or barcodes were the mark of the beast. During Obama's election, many people thought he was the antichrist. The figure of Antichrist and the end of days has been a key part of many illuminati theories from the 20 function as a bingo: believers make a list of things they consider signs of the end of the world and sit back and wait for it to happen. Every politically popular figure like Obama may be the Antichrist. Each political organization like the United Nations, can be seen as a rising power. Each development in information technology, such as implanting microchips, can be seen as the mark of the beast. Theories like that do not describe the reality well. On the contrary, force people to seek evidence for a theory that want to believe. THE THREE COMBINED PARTS = THE ILLUMINATI THEORY AS WE KNOW All parts of which we have spoken were combined in the 20s, a decade of great agitation. After World War I there were huge rebellions of the working class against capitalism. Mass movements of workers with millions of members blockaded Germany, Italy, France, UK and even the US. Workers abolished the Tsar in the Russian revolution in 1917 and attempted toestablish a communist society. For many people seemed to launch a world socialist revolution tumbaría capitalism as capitalism had supplanted feudalism a century before. Just like before, those who relied on the established order opposed the protest movements. They felt they had to explain the growing agitation, which neither liked nor could understand. Just as the kings and queens in the French Revolution could not explain the uprisings against them, modern capitalists returned to the Illuminati theories. They did not believe that workers were smart enough to change the world. In 1926, Nesta Webster, an English aristocrat, published "Secret societies and subversive movements. The need for fascism in Great Britain. "Lady Queenborough (also known as Edith Starr Miller), daughter of an American industrialist, published" Occult theocrasy. "In 1933. Both writers argued that the revolutionary upheavals around the world were caused by a secret conspiracy. Both the old theory Illuminati combined with new elements. Webster and publicized Queenborough further Illuminati old theory: it was said that the Illuminati were descendants of former Knights Templar secret society and that all that has existed throughout history has always been a front for the Illuminati. Also they connected to the Illuminati Jewish banking conspiracy. The Illuminati, they say , were funded by a small group of Jewish bankers in the process of world domination. Webster theory and Queenborough was preached by Gerald Winrod in the US, the same Gerald cited above, which looked for signs of antichrist. Winrod wrote a pamphlet in 1935 called "Adam Weishaupt, a human devil", based on the work of Webster and Queenborough. He argued that communism itself was a Jewish conspiracy and that the conspiracy Illuminati announces the coming of the Antichrist. Webster, Queenborough and Winrod joined the 3 pieces of the theory illuminati under one umbrella. His writings constitute the common core of all current theories Illuminati: The Illuminati are a secret society, funded by the Jewish banking, which comes from ancient religious societies and aspiring to control the world. In some cases the Illuminati are portrayed as followers of Satan or the Antichrist, helping you come to rule the world. Most Illuminati theories are based on this common core. Originally, theories Illuminati elite used them to try to explain and stop social movements. But these theories were developed by the elites and other conservative forces, how have ended up being used by the poor and oppressed people? 2. How the Illuminati theory comes to our people Elites invented the Illuminati theory to explain the challenges to their power and today our people use to explain their own oppression. We live in a society that blames individuals for their success or failure. But our people are not stupid , we know that we are not guilty, that there are forces that prevent us strength to live with dignity. For this reason, conspiracy theories and urban legends have been a common factor among oppressed communities in the US, especially the black community for decades. In black neighborhoods, people said that AIDS was created by the government to kill blacks. People said that the government had secret plans to open camps. KFC said the property was secret Klan, who used it to destroy the health of black people. These small conspiratorial and urban legends ideas have haunted the black communities for decades. It was only a matter of time that the enormous conspiracy theories 20s join in a grand theory Illuminati. On the other hand, the black liberation movement helped this happen. The Illuminati theory reaches the ghetto after the fall of the social movements of the 70 THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES BLACK POWER DURING AND AFTER IT With the rebellions of the ' 60s, millions of black people rose up against US capitalism . The riots were enormous: in the summers between 1965 and 1968, all major cities experienced a rebellion. People looted goods and distributed free. They ransacked armories of the National Guard and fought police in the streets. According advancing the revolt million people were raised why the exploitation and oppression of black people and what common enemies were. Black Communists, like the Black Panthers, they identified the enemy as white supremacist capitalism and called the workers of all races united to rise up against the system. Others like Ron Karenga (inventor of Kwanzaa) were based on erroneous explanations similar to the Illuminati theory. They saw blacks as a united group, whether they were rich or poor, and that all were at war with all white people. They taught their followers that whites were created hundreds of years ago by a black scientist named Yakub, in an accident in a laboratory. Then, with the help of Nation Of Islam, blacks should regain its place of superior race on earth. This story had no basis in science or history, but itprovided an explanation for the suffering of blacks, and gave them an enemy. Another part of the black power movement turned antisemitic. Many black people look like small businesses took advantage of black consumers and as banks refused to give credit to blacks, and some of those people were Jews. In "Black Art", the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers. Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities.There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not. Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers.Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities. There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not.Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories. the most famous poem of Black Art movement, Amiri Baraka wrote that blacks needed "dagger poems in the Slimby bellies / of owner-jews". Louis Farrakhan Nation Of Islam also adopted anti - Semitic rhetoric while. These artists and black activists completely wrong to identify their oppression. Yes, many black people were exploited by small businessmen and bankers.Yes, many of those assholes, not all were Jews. But they exploited blacks because they were businessmen, not because they were Jews. Behind these individuals lies the entire global capitalist system, which also exploits other black. But black militants could not point out there, so critical of the banker and businessman who had little in front of their faces. As in the nineteenth century, in the 60-Semitism it served as populist myth, hiding the class differences between the black community. Poor blacks and workers could join and collaborate with other poor people, to oppose the ruling class. They could have found in black businessmen who were later to become police chiefs and mayors. Instead, they joined with other black businessmen and politicians against an artificial Jewish enemy. In the mid-70s, the black liberation movement was almost all deactivated. The rebellions were extinguished by the use of force and the revolutionaries were either dead or prisoners. American capitalism made ​​reforms to curb the strength of the movement. There were black mayors in large US cities. There were new opportunities for black professionals. There had always been entrepreneurs and black middle classes. But legal segregation and white attacks followed by the black working class. They had removed some of the legal and social barriers that had the bourgeoisie and the black middle class. Quickly upgraded economically and socially, leaving behind poor blacks. Like all capitalists, black capitalists put profits ahead of people, black or not.Like all politicians, blacks politicians look before their own interests and its consequences and will come later.Black mayors elected in the 70 soon led the ruptures within the black movement. In Philadelphia, the black mayor Wilson Goode oversaw the bombing of the MOVE organization, a black radical group in 1985. The shares of black capitalists and politicians mistook the black movement, because they felt they had been fighting for entrepreneurs, capitalists and black politicians . black Revolutionaries like Fred Hampton, who had opposed to this course of events, was taken prisoner and was killed. As a result, new generations of blacks were not exposed to the idea of a class struggle between black workers and blaca and black ruling class. Other black revolutionaries helped black politicians in his career, and academics were made, and stopped talking about revolution. Internationally, the national liberation movements in Africa, Asia and South America gave to an end.Theories of revolution predispositions of those struggles lost popularity. All this left a political vacuum in the poor and working people of black communities. Black people had risen to positions of political and economic power, but racist oppression and exploitation continued for poor and working people. How could this be explained? The Illuminati theory appears to fill that gap. It was similar to earlier conspiracy theories. They said the black elite had achieved that because they were part of a secret group, or because they had pacts with the devil. It said the working poor and oppressed black people followed him because that was super powerful secret group. Then enter 90. THE ILLUMINATI THEORY IN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" The Illuminati theory resurfaces in the US at the beginning of the 90. Before the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, many people believed that major events they could be explained by the conflict between American capitalism and Russian state "socialism". Any struggle for national liberation in the Third World had to position themselves on either side.But everything changed with the end of the Cold War and the growth of globalization. In 1990, George Bush Sr. called the fall of Russia and the US victory a "New World Order". This phrase was adopted by many conspiracy theorists, like an umbrella that links together all conspiracy theories.

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