
2 de mayo de 2016

without water in 2050

Reveal the date on which drinking water will end on Earth 

 . A recent secret report leaked by Wikileaks reveals that unless we change our eating habits soon we will be left without drinking water Before 2050 human being could deplete all the resources of drinking water on the planet. This was revealed in an article published by Inquisitr based on a secret report leaked by WikiLeaks. 

The report was written by Nestle executives, aware of the danger it posed this problem to the interests of the company the world's largest food. According to the secret report, a third of the world population would have problems of water scarcity by 2025, while the situation would become catastrophic in 2050. The reason The report, secretly obtained by officers from the United States, detailing how diet centered in meat that is still largely in the West it is running with drinking water. 

This is because to feed livestock is necessary to cultivate tons of corn and soybeans, which in turn requires large amounts of the precious liquid. Instead, if humans directly consume these vegetables, much less water is wasted. 
Currently, Americans are the largest consumers of meat worldwide, but this indicator grows in countries like India and China. If everyone on the planet had the same eating habits that the average American, drinking water would have already finished the 2000, when the planet reached 6,000 million.
 An alternative solution would embrace vegetarianism colonize another planet to save humanity. And crazy enough, and there are proposals of this type. © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization

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