
2 de septiembre de 2017

All redemption must be complete by the new fiscal year 2018 which begins on Sat. Oct. 1, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Sept. 2 2017

Compiled 12:01 am EDT 2 Sept. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. Sept. 1 2017 11:11 am EDT GCR Intel Situation Report: "2018" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - September 1, 2017

1. All redemption must be complete by the new fiscal year 2018 which begins on Sat. Oct. 1, 2017 - the NPTB's drop dead date (maybe always was the RV backwall).

2. The Chinese military is now in charge of the RV, over Dunford, over Ryan, over Congress, over HSBC (which includes Bank of China execs stepping into redemption centers).

3. If this final (Labor Day) weekend of summer is not the weekend that we will RV - which has been 100% confirmed by multiple sources in multiple arenas, then a Sept. 30th back wall is also the debt ceiling date per a UST source.

4. The USA will have no operating funds come Oct. 1st without an RV. Period.

5. The Chinese Sovereigns have underwritten the entire US economy since August 2013 and they are done carrying the load.

6. China could care less about how things might look in the global or American press with an American economic collapse. They are making decisions based on their own astronomical calculations going back 5,000 years and forcing the RV into reality now.

7. The Republic is planning a Sat. night forced release that ends before Oct. 1 2017.

8. Could a Sat. Sept. 3 start time of3:30am EDT be accurate?

9. Could Tues. Sept. 5 at 7:28am EDT be a completion time for private sovereign redemption when Mercury Retrograde goes direct, also be right?

10. This will force General Dunford to secure all private currency contract operations in Sept, and tee up the resignation flash bang distraction of President Trump that, we believe, is coming in Sept. as well.

B. Sept. 1 2017 RV Intelligence Alert: READ FULL SITREP

1. Oct. 1 is the drop dead date for the RV.

2. Oct. 1 is the fisical year deadline and the US can no longer operate without the RV.

3. The goal is to RV this Sept.

C. Sept. 1 2017 8:41 pm EDT, Dr. Clarke Update: "We're Telling you" - Dr. Clarke Update 9-1-17 According to our calculations, we’d say anywhere from Sept. 1 to Sept.11 (9-11), give or take a few days, this will go down.

D. Sept. 1 2017 11:11 am EDT GCR Intel Situation Report - The Golden Triangle: "Golden Triangle" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Friday - September 1, 2017

1. The cabal's Hail Mary goal; Mass death, mass destruction, mass chaos=no RV. Didn't happen.

1. Houston was not the target of Harvey, the Golden Triangle to the east of Houston was.

2. Beaumont, Port Author and Orange make up the original drilling home to legendary South Texas oil, gas and chemical manufacturing supply, which accounts for 25% of the country's crude oil production, and 60% of the East Coast and 50% of the Midwest's daily crude refinery supply.

3. To flood out this area would create a natural disaster of epic environmental and economic proportion, shock the financial markets and stop normal life on the entire Eastern Seaboard pre Labor Day weekend when everyone was driving to a beach.

4. Didn't happen like they had hoped. Golden Triangle oil and gas wells are 90% still on line, and only one chemical plant caught fire as a result of the flooding which has already been contained.

5. A 1,000 year flood couldn't stop the RV. As bad as Hurricane Harvey was as the nation's largest rain event ever, right in the heart of the highest crude area - there wasn't even an elongated disruption of American life outside of Texas, with no hint of a historic environmental disaster bad enough to make the entire Southern Texas coastline uninhabitable due to chemical toxicity in the local drinking water.

E. Cabal Global Elite Regularly Practice Child Sacrifice?

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