, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : CALL FOR OBSERVERS AND clarion call of Unintended SYMPTOMS AWAKENING





Resultat d'imatges trees with clock
See your world divided into four groups of beings:


Those blind to what happens around her are centered on an old individualistic life simple and rational world.

Those who have plunged into an obsessive race to save himself, opening a deep chaos inside them that causes multiple physical, mental and emotional symptoms. These are generating an epidemic of hardly controllable massive infection.

And also observers, those facing the two sides trying positioned evenly between them. Tidal energy holding each other. Trying to compensate and harmonize without falling into the simplistic neglect of the old, nor be swayed by the collective paranoia of those who believe worship the new.

These observers or pillars are being subjected to great stress for both polarities.

Stand is not easy when the human tide comes in sharp panic and camouflaged by a faith built on fear and not on love. Nor is it easy to sustain the flow of the mass frequencies that still vibrates in selfishness and authoritative reason for popular and social domain, because their power is still important.

Therefore we demand to observers, the sostentores pillars of balance in ascension. To not get carried away by the massive self-delusion and paranoia of fear or its opposite collective envalentamiento who fought for blaming the outside of everything that does not agree to change internally.

We ask you to resist the temptation to get carried away by the tide of vibratory imbalance that the confusion and chaos of these days are taking place in a large part of the population.

Hold centers, let go through it, any symptoms that create not typical of their physical condition (remember that still have a body that reacts to its internal, emotional, mental, nutritious ... states, not only to external vibrations) and adjust their energy engines.

Frequency changes in open and connected to their being more or essential self, with few locks on their lighting channels, why will not experience abrupt changes or significant discomfort in them bodies. Although they can still develop their own vital state (self-care, food, sleep, chronic illness, sedentary lifestyle, housing subjected to high electromagnetic frequencies, etc. And all these symptoms lead) discomfort. This means that the integration process, still need to repair their physical vehicle and continue to suffer the discomforts of your stay on earth and evolutionary period.

An example: if the day happens to them with a serious loss until it is accepted and transcended (can be hours, days, months or years), your body will be weakened and your immune system may let in a virus or bacteria they cause disease. Blaming the symptoms they cause in your body, to ascension symptoms, magic, evil eyes or energy attacks, will prevent them from hearing what your body tells them about how it is affecting the loss and the healing process of this are having. Since those declined to listen to any message of your inner self, to focus on the voice of resistance to forward it to others blaming deceive your state, look to keep their own personal evolution. They fail to see the inner mechanism that can help heal them and prevent new infections.

We see that they are both confusing and generalizing happenings, which are generating a collective contagion staring external and internal processes of understanding, which is not recommended in the process of global vibrational elevation in which they are immersed.

Observers must put balance and calm in the population, especially those more sensitive and perceptive, since his great work is being hampered by this to which we are calling "collective paranoia".

We ask again that look for self and those vibrations and frequencies emitted from mental and emotional fields before blaming external changes everything that happens to them in day to day adjustment. For they are forgetting their own responsibility for transformation and power of alchemy that you yourselves have.

Channels in their outreach, are giving general premises, but should not take and adapt everything they read and listen to your comfort to ignore your own inner voice that warns them of personal changes that have yet to do, to be Total integration of their light bodies.

Escúchense brothers, his body and soul are still talking to them yourselves, not desoigan the call, do not be confused by collective epidemics and physical ailments, which are nothing but signs that their bodies must transcend aspects of you that do not they are determined so that each of its lighting tickets are released and give way to the light of his true self.

With love, but from the strength in showing what this is now.

We support you and always accompany you on your way, with love and gratitude.

always loved

SANANDA AND BROTHERS OF CONFEDERATION Galactic for karnet (Almicar voice)

Source: winged isis group

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