, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Why is Catalonia's independence inevitable?



Why is Catalonia's independence inevitable?

A few months ago I wrote an article that had very good reviews . In it he mentioned that the problem of the Catalan conflict is that both parties have different rules of the game, and thus it is impossible to reach common agreements. 

Today I want to go deeper, and I would like to get to what I believe to be the epicenter of the conflict, which is the difference between Catalan and Spanish society . 

In politics, two large blocks have always been differentiated, the left and the right.But it is a simplistic classification that robs us of the possibility of using more adequate and understandable concepts.We call left or right two different types of approach because they are the positions occupied in the French parliament by the two great political blocs that emerged after the French Revolution. 
But really, the great divide in how people understand politics, would be betweenprogressive and conservative . 

As I like politics very much, I have very internalized these concepts, but if I had to define them quickly and eloquently to make them understand, this would be the way in which I would do it: 

Conservatism : Political thinking in which the laws or rules mark the behavior of individuals.

Progressive : Political thinking in which the behavior of individuals marks the laws or rules. 

An example of a conservative organization would be religions . In them, individuals must behave as their sacred books say. For years that pass, the rules will be the same and it is the people who must adapt to the laws, not the other way around. 

And an example of progressive organization would be the companies .Internal policies or ways of acting, will be adapted to the behavior of individuals.Companies observe the behavior of society to launch products or services that fit the mentality or current needs. The regulations of the companies will be adapted to the market, and not to the contrary.

We can take gay marriage as a fact that is differently interpretable depending on which political trend is judged. A conservative will argue that marriage is the union between a man and a woman, and anything other than that, it is not a marriage. Because this is what the laws say, it has always been the way it should be . 

Under the prism of progressivism, if we have reached a point in history we have seen that homosexuals are not sick people (as has been thought in many periods of mankind) and it has been shown that homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality, laws have to be revised in order to accommodate this new thinking, to this new progress. Thus, laws must be rewritten and adapted to new times, to a new mentality. 

Is it better to be progressive than to be conservative? No. 
Not the other way around. Being conservative or progressive is a personal choice , which does not place us above the contrary thought. It simply indicates how we understand the world and how we think societies are to be organized. 
But a conservative is no better person than a progressive, and vice versa. 

What is certain, however, is that living together under one roof in such different ways of understanding life will never be easy. Never. 
And I do not discover anything if I state categorically that Catalonia is a progressive territory, while Spain is clearly conservative. 
Is Catalonia better than Spain because it is progressive? No. Not the other way around. But it is obvious that differences of thought are sometimes insurmountable to coexist together. 

Right now, the backbone of the Catalan conflict is the holding of the referendum on 1 October . And here the great difference of thought is reflected. 
In Spain it is argued that the referendum is illegal because the Constitution says so.It is the most convincing proof of conservatism. There are written rules to be followed, and the behavior of individuals must be adapted to what the Constitution says, as if the treatises signed in 78 were sacred texts directly descended from Mount Sinai. 
In Catalonia, however, support for a self-determination referendum is 80% , because a progressive will always agree to rewrite the laws if necessary. 

The clash between Catalonia and Spain is the clash between conservatism and progressivism . It is the struggle between those who do not want to change anything against those who want to reform everything. It is the permanent conflict between who wants to keep what he has, and who wants to change everything to progress.
Spain is a conservative and centralist state that does not fit the desire for progress of a people like Catalan, so the different attempts to get the coveted lace of Catalonia in Spain have failed . 

Because for a conservative, it is very difficult to accept that the rules of the game can change and irrefutable truths such as the Constitution, traditions and unwritten laws can be replaced by creating a new order in which concepts that believed immovable become obsolete . 

And in parallel, for a progressive is very difficult to accept that there is a barrier that can not be exceeded, that there arelaws that can not be changed , that there are places that can not be passed.

The independence of Catalonia is inevitable, because two different mentalities can not coexist unless one of the two wants to change. 
And at this point, I see unlikely a major change in either of the two parts . 

Because I believe that a profound change in Spain is unfeasible. I doubt that one day modify its Constitution so that the Catalans can vote . Let it become a Republic, renouncing the monarchy. That it discarded traditions like the bulls, already abolished in Catalonia. Accept that Barcelona is much more international than Madrid and that, for example, El Prat becomes the main airport in Spain. Become a federal state whereeach region will self-determineLet go of centralism, conservatism, traditionalism. 

And in parallel, I do not see the Catalans resigning themselves to not being able to vote things that directly affect them. Give up being a republic. To accept that Barcelona will never surpass Madrid due to limitations imposed by an inflexible , Jacobin and immovable state structure . I do not see the Catalans resigning themselves to continually encountering a wall that would curb their progressivism, their innate entrepreneurship, their desire to advance. I do not imagine Catalonia accepting the burden of being part of a state whose structure will always relegate it to a second position because the state model prioritizes a centrality establishedmany years ago.
It is legitimate, legitimate and acceptable to mount a state thinking that centrality is a good system for the common good of the same state. But it is also legitimate, legitimate and acceptable not to want to be part of that state if you believe that this centrality stifles the desires for progress of your territory. 
Catalonia and Spain will no longer walk hand in hand, because they go to different places . 

If there is a reason why today independence is not the majority in Catalonia, it is because there are still many people with emotional and affective ties to SpainThere is still a lot of population with very latent links, product of being still descendants of the massive Andalusian and Murcian immigration of the years 60 and 70 (between which my family is by mother). 
As the Spanish settlement dissipates in the families to come, the embrace of independence will be the majority . There are statistical studies that situate 90% of those in favor of independence in those who have parents and grandparents born in Catalonia. By contrast, only 20% is reached in those in which none of their descendants was born in Catalan lands. 
The demography, irrefutable in its role, will be the one that makes happen of 50% of pro-independentismo to establish a loose majority.
That is why I have never understood that Spain has not allowed a referendum in Catalonia in the last 10 years, when the victory was assured, nor will I ever understand the rulers of Catalonia, in a rush incomprehensible for holding a referendum as soon as possible, knowing what to expect only about 10-15 years is to ensure a clear victory at the polls. 

It no longer makes sense to ask whether Catalonia will be independent or not . It is obvious that sooner or later will be a new state, when the feeling of strong Spanishness that still have those born outside Catalonia and their respective children vanish. It will then, when the emotion is within a margin, when it will be impossible to defend that a territory as progressive as Catalonia remains in a structure as conservative as the Spanish state. 

Now that it is no longer necessary to ask whether Catalonia will be independent or not, other questions are of interest to many. The questions we now have to ask ourselves are the 'how' , the 'when' and'under what conditions' . 
To the three questions I have my preferences, my wishes that I hope will come true. 
As for the 'how' , I wish with all my might that it be a 100% peaceful process .Because the independence of Catalonia does not deserve even a single drop of spilled blood. The unity of Spain either.

As for 'what conditions' , I also have a longing: I would like Catalonia and Spain to maintain a close and fraternal relationship. Because Spain is an incredible country , with splendid people, with an extraordinary culture and with thousands of things that unite us.Catalonia and Spain has not been a good marriage, but we can be great brothers . 

And also to the question of 'when' I have clear my answer: soon enough so that my father can see it.

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