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complete anchoring timelines higher through "template templates coding processes

September 25, 2017 Lisa Transcendence Brown - Intentional Gatekeepers and Gridkeepers complete anchoring timelines higher through "templates template encoding process" in unison with our lives fully awakened Earth Gaia & Living Cosmos, Convergences, Grand Expedite Timelines Awakening - 9/25/2017 September 25, 2017

This has been a great month HOLDING HIGH TIMELINES IN PLACE to complete the integration of these new codes / encodings, which means that Stargates is activated to synchronize and change everything to a higher time line. It has been a month of huge focus of our own energy on what we came here to achieve, what we agreed before incarnating / walk in our ways físicas.Esto goes far beyond what is physically visible and what our unconscious minds of men They may comprise limited. You need to fully expand our awareness dimensions / timelines / INFINITE realities and maintain this expansion, all the time, intentionally breaking the old programming as presented.

Still, many with one foot in each world, trying to keep the old together, "thinking" they are aware and do not realize that they are still having programming of the matrix within their physical bodies yet. Yet many are unaware of what is SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS, because they are still stuck in "stories" ... it provides to its own programs and maintains a "victim mentality" yet. This energy, these structures ... are all within ... The exterior is mirror / mirror to show everyone what still held and where SEPARATION AS A SOURCE AUTO / CREATOR still maintained. I call these "human aspects" because the ego is still in control. The moment of incarnation in human form, the duality of ego became a reality to enact every human / experiment experience here. This process continues until "s time for everyone to wake up the old illusory to enter a different state of sueño.Realidades / dreams bandwidth lower frequency sleep or nightmares interpreted as hell until they are resolved by each one.

This time division means that each must choose completely and any hesitation, any excuse, any fear, any guilt, any victim mentality, any inability to fully connect from inside, will "play" in physical reality to solve all this. ... Each one of the new existence of the earth is not a given, if you will, is an option dedicated service, but not as we understand the human aspects, since none of this fits the human mentalities of the which are REALITIES ...

Ascension times now accelerate, seem SPEED UP, which is the appearance of "fast" when in essence "Time and Speed" are ENERGETICS in, and nonlinear quantum level as "before". Schedules are realities that are created by the ENERGY HELD FREQUENCY VIBRATIONAL MEAN as SUBSTANTIALLY, then those timelines are true or not true. This is just a small way the realities do not exist. The constructure OF NEW REALITIES on Earth are opposite poles of the Old Earth and the Transition Process of Old Earth to new, means that a process of restructuring must take place. RESTRUCTURING this process is a realignment of all the realities of "off" to "on".

Human aspects or dimensions do not understand how physical Realities take in response to them. They do not understand (or want to hear / see / know), therefore turn a blind eye to their own personal responsibility in every situation that occurs, because this was the "easy way" before ... These vibrations are changing this, since it will not be the easy way to ignore / pretend / try to hold on to the "old safe array" ..... the safety and unconsciousness / Ignorance is gone. The "reaction" is faster, which is not a backlash, is a responsible reaction of a LIVING EARTH-COSMOS RETURNING TO EACH experience of what still remains within ..... faster = vibrations .. .. slower vibrations ..... =

Gaia Earth and Our Divine Cosmos "talked" 2 years that the human experiment had concluded ago, but everyone still exists in those dimensions / deadlines were not aware. As Guardian / Gridkeepers bring the information to help everyone to get into their own power and RETURN TO UNIT / LOVE / PEACE again, however, everyone to choose to apply this universal knowledge to how they live their lives, how they conduct how they treat themselves and others, how they manifest themselves every day, they convey, what programs continue to allow work in your own reality ... there is no need to impose or force anything, because "the collapse of the terms" they will do this for each one, according to the experience of his own soul chosen for humans here.

There is much to share, but much to write here and much energy is needed in our part to sustain these HIGHEST TIMELINES UP energy confusion that can "throw" one in a state unconscious where the full balance through expansion yet has not been achieved since dentro.Las distortions are at a level of all time to exacerbate separation so that it can be dissolved / dissipated "faster" .... the amount of force / force required to break the old structures / programs held so strongly by the human unconscious aspect that gripped the old realities of the earth with every bit of power,still trying to hang on out of fear / of illusory perceptions that kept creating those old realities that are obsolete, yet limited / no access before meant there was also no conscience ...

These soular Flares & CME increases have many purposes, time and restructuring of the land, all part of "this". Unconscious humans blame these things to others (not saying much is not true, but that line of dimensional time only) because there is another dimension / timeline where the truth is very different and does not feed a victim mentality, but the human aspects do not want to not hear them as true, it would mean intensified and his power, who fear more than give their power and blame everything out so that their realities are what they are ....

Not until reality is "threatened" or things are "lost" or change is "forced" in the human aspect that gets your attention, activates your desire to get involved, it breaks the hold that programs of fear and guilt have for a different reality to be important enough to make then something ... but what everyone should do will be different depending on the awakening phase is inch each phase has an answer and a different action and more fear there, the more out of alignment (on the soul level, non-human), each must do more to align their own reality completely with the higher consciousness and this will not fit into boxes linear / mentality which is typical,reasonable or acceptable for human aspect still maintaining attitudes and fixed judgments.

GREAT AWAKENING This is not new .... it's just the next phase of what has been happening, and we enter new phases again. Those who live a unified existence are experiencing very different reality to those who are waking up to corruption programs / prison of the old matrix ... no good for everyone to re-enter the dimensions / schedules to play Unconsciousness the old unconscious realities again. This will infuriate those who love to put the responsibility for their own realities in others ... that is a part of the dissolution of the separation / ego.Aquellos existence with REALITIES dualist no longer have transcended more entertainment and Flyleaf NO PROGRAMS ARE UNCONSCIOUS ...

We did not come here to keep playing in the old, to continue allowing it to continue ... we came here to STOP UNCONSCIOUSNESS in their tracks and take power away saying "no more" and move to a completely different chronology. .. to do INSTANTEMENTE through quantum existence, because we no longer have the linear constructs. This is a vibrational EXISTENCE now ... and recognize VIBRATION AND PRESENT ENERGY and choose, change, we align ourselves .... realities letting everyone "go play" their time off however / wherever they need it, t being in our realities .... more.

Our responsibility is to maintain these higher timetables in place to integrate the new codes in our physical body templates and HOLD everything in place. This is a huge company, because we have to "go against" all the unconscious to do this and a reality flow and vacillating chaos, we are the balance, we are for peace, we love and we are the "NO" that required when others have duality within itself still same.

We did not come here to win a contest or try Popularity anything to anyone. We did not come here to "save" others of their experiences of awakening to open their hearts and minds TOP TOP / HIGHEST access LORDS so they can choose the transition from old earth to new as well. We have come here to open the gates and walk through them, leaving them open for those who are ready to do this as well and to understand when one is not ready yet, that allow your human ego continue the command until they have experienced enough to change / expand their consciousness also ..... Part of our service here is to allow each of its chosen paths and provide re-education through our own experiences to anyone wishing to use / apply this knowledge to IN-JOY overlooked too much longer ..... we do not have to suffer to do this ... like it was with the old well, however, the human aspect (ego) would prefer this as they do not like being the only one suffering, and misery loves company, but not why we are here. Suffering is an internal program that develops on the outside to bring the inner suffering upwards / outwards so that it can clean / clear the body of cellular memory of each, so that suffering no longer unconscious choice of each to keep experimenting ......

Human aspects have no ability to understand, perceive our reality of the New Earth, because they are still trying to apply old programming, linear constructions which is not linear ... is VIBRATIONAL, is energetic ... and Holographic access is he turned when each heart opens and releases the resistance within the guarding each unconscious before. Where resistance is strong, then physical realities can occur, to assist with dissolution / disruption of the constructs of this energy ..... for higher awareness can enter / be accessed from inside.

These growing flares CME / soular do many things ... are when every soul consciousness exponentially active for a further expansion occurs, activating the DNA DIMENSIONAL higher consciousness to awaken and to recalibrate the field and the body. They activate PHOTONS HIGH / LIGHT PHOTONICS, giving each the ability to access the faster / stronger / more higher dimensions, having weak human / earthly body, to complete integration processes, re-encoding and recalibration can complete .... which can take hours / days / weeks / months, on & off for years until everyone ACLIMA the frequency of his own soul and higher dimensional / multidimensional existence here.

These increases CME and soular flares serve many purposes, with another being INTERRUPT lower frequencies that "held" each in a state of unconsciousness by accepting enter the INCONSCIENTE REALMS (3rd / 4th Dimensions) of amnesia, where total disconnect SOURCE / Creator / God / GALACTIC occurred consciousness. This disconnect now decreases with each BLAST interrupting bandwidths / signals "lowland" that kept the old Matrix in place ... this was agreed by each of us and each exists when it is your time (which it is now for all still experiencing this), with precursors out "first" to guide / lead / provide information for those who do not have full access yet. Nevertheless, this information has been disseminated about "time" to prepare everyone for this now. Every human aspect has been provided with a ridiculous amount of knowledge and tools to "this time now," but did not want to hear / listen / learn / understand ... and until "something happens" open your heart / mind enough, these tools and this knowledge will not do them any good, because they fight / judge / ignore / refuse, until all the energy is going ... and then it will be important and will be there waiting for them, inside or fuera.Afuera for which it is not entered in to hear / listen / watch yet. this being an evolutionary process, the body must also evolve .... Carbon Plasma Based on Cristalino, every experience to release this resistance / judgment / fight will help with this,

These "interruptions frequency" resemble the movie "They Live" where Roddy Piper accidentally stumbled upon a pair of sunglasses to give you the vision to "see" what was not visible, it was amazing, confusing and frightening to beginning. However, instead of sunglasses, our pineal gland does this for us, since this clearly brings to light every new awareness that things are not as we thought they were. Beings / Soul Star, ALL ACUERDAMOS participate / play experience / human experiment until it was time to awaken our human being (as Souls, Selves, Universes and Galaxies / Galactic here). Our awakening gives us access to see from these other dimensions, a multitude of realities, what is confusing at first and reality is challenged in every way. While we sleep, as the fog lifts / veils / amnesia,

WE are the ones who must reconnect back to consciousness a unified existence through the purity of our souls and transcend ego ALL PROGRAMS / SEPARATION we had within us. They work deep into our core, deep within our cellular body and take everything we have to maintain these higher states, no matter what happens around us "out there", not to succumb to old programming another vez.Tenemos to be okay with being the "bad guy" for a while, for humans dualist need a bad guy to blame / focus on and we do not mind being that retrains through higher consciousness and keeps NOVELTY in its place. .. for a while .... but this is changing as well.

This NEW ZERO POINT RANGE which was activated with the Eclipse 8/21 affected many things for all of us. It has taken a month to anchor these codes within our templates as well. Establish a new range of zero point field has a profound effect on REALITIES for all of us. This new version more "separates" each in its own universe galactically more than nunca.Ahora places additional responsibility IN EACH for what is creating Single Point Zero to experience aquí.Creación intentional conscious / operating Creators PURE ENERGY SOURCE kept as rank higher time while creating / transmit what is highest ranked at all times. These realities created produce more ease and simplicity and identifying what is not aligned is now faster / instantaneous, which then makes the second point: Zero Tolerance for Inconscientes Programs. Zero Tolerance This gives everyone the RESPONSE ABILITY --- once reeducen / lovingly communicate what is fully aligned / conscious and what is not, what is acceptable behavior (unit) and what is not (duality) to TIME CUT immediately without anything you need happen. The timeline closed / finished ... which will make the human aspect is left unconscious with her head-turning reality, confused and often in victim mode until all that "I am a victim" (dis-empowered "fault "energy) is gone .... what is acceptable behavior (unit) and what is not (duality) to collapse a schedule immediately without any need to occur. The timeline closed / finished ... which will make the human aspect is left unconscious with her head-turning reality, confused and often in victim mode until all that "I am a victim" (dis-empowered "fault "energy) is gone .... what is acceptable behavior (unit) and what is not (duality) to collapse a schedule immediately without any need to occur. The timeline closed / finished ... which will make the human aspect is left unconscious with her head-turning reality, confused and often in victim mode until all that "I am a victim" (dis-empowered "fault "energy) is gone ....

When the ego is dissolved, the heart / higher mind will open completely. When all the energy of the victim is gone, the story will end. Fact. It's that simple

Zero Point Field new Range is more expansive than ever. The higher is the broader state of full consciousness (Super Consciousness) is the field's realities are aligned, the easier the physical reality. Human aligned realities (unconscious) are now re-aligned at an exponential rate, due to the vibrational frequencies of Tierra Viva Gaia and Cosmos Living constantly re-aligning, recalibrating, recoding and restructuring now to bring everything in line with NEW EARTH NOW. The more unconscious, more physical is all ... as intentionally integrates its multidimensional EACH BODY Alma with your physical body shape, the more it transits REALITIES QUERÚN ENERGÉTICAS where the physical takes on new meaning and finally understood. Limited old / bad perceptions as they dissolve boundaries, trials go, the resistance goes and every EMBODIES their own PUREST FORM here. APPLYING greater awareness to every part of our lives is how things are made easier for all of us. There is no struggle and its higher aspects, just as their lowest, it is up to you to see and choose where you come from, dictating his own experiences of physical reality here.


This is not a glamorous "work" is unrewarding by the majority and does not conform to what any human "thinks" we are here to be / more challenging at first to anchor CODES NEW EARTH in our template hacer.Es body / grids and keep them above all. We had to let go of our "old life" to embrace a stranger for a while. Human hears these words (Gatekeeper / Gridkeeper) and sees something very different from "how it really is." There is much judgment (and anger) by others ... you have to learn to deal with your own perceptions / judgments if you want to do this without allowing the unconscious beliefs dictate yours. His own dedication to service and humanity will not be anything like you "thought". You will sleep when your body tells sleep, you can cut everything that no longer supports, you change what is important to constantly and your realities will change without notice, as you "learn" to embody Heaven and release versions of hell you held in your own body templates, cellular programming and fields together. disentangle, dismantle, dissolve and collapse the "old" yourself to achieve your highest goals / missions here too. You will be angry from time to time and ready to leave this planet, off the trip, patient is hace.Sea, as it is all part of the process. There are thick heavy veils that were in place, they dissolve faster while you sleep / constantly clean your field, surrounding yourself with nature and everything as vibration possible, so you can keep your higher states of consciousness here. Sometimes around others who operate from this place too, sometimes alone, to replace / regenerate / recalibrate without interruption / distortions in their field, so that your body can retune / re-code / re-everything easier for you. You can / will experience much resistance and judgment along the way. Hearts / minds open with "thick skin" are necessary for you to resist these Tsunami Wave after wave of Higher Light Consciousness that floods our Tierra Viva atmosphere and planetary bodies now ..... Keep your connection, Keep your soil stability from within first and the rest will be easy. If you find yourself overwhelmed, then stay away and make time for yourself.

For those who experience severe physical realities ... they have purposes that are not visible to the humanos.Todo aspects is to open our hearts and minds and bring compassion, care, consideration, unity and a deep and profound respect for us themselves and each otro.Donde will need this in itself will be played in your physical reality for you to experience / see / learn / understand ... integrity is its own, is his own honor, respect love is its own, the buildings are yours, the limits are yours, judgment is yours, failure in every way is yours ... and everything goes to show you that diversity or UNIT iS ..... and where you come , where operas, where you're still not ready ....

New Earth is nothing like your old ... "work" is needed to open the portals / gateways and to evolve continuously, continuously higher consciousness anchor realities here, continually identifying and solving old programming, continually challenge their humanity, keep NEW continually, continually embrace and integrate and change vibrationally as appropriate. Every time we passed a massive upshift in COSMIC UPGRADES, we have to re-acclimate our bodies and fields again. This last time it took the entire month to complete and now we move into our next phase, depending on what we're all showing / see and depends on each of us to be ready and "do" what appears to us / see, without excuses,

Triggering begins Unity Consciousness intentionally from within you .... WE Connect with CONSCIOUSNESS and leaves the "I" consciousness of separation and duality, which has a "rougher ride". For a while, when you're out there, like you Your Universe, you will be "the only one in your universe", yet this should also be dissolved. After your Lightbody has come online, you will have tons of energy and the need to be seen, the need to be visible, share their gifts, their light shine, laying the foundation for their new realities and then ....

His conscience Cristalina / Cristiana LightBody is activated to go online, and you will leave "is all about me" and individual "I AM" in "WE", where there is no "them" "out there". You will become "them" and will be fully responsible for todos.Tú you become Galactic / Maximum aspects, you turn on your computer, you achieved your 12 aspects Dimensional (and dominate every physical reality) and this 13th Dimension has a much higher frequency than anything you've ever felt or experienced, begins to finally realize that nothing happens until you actually step to do, and this is what activates their "new" realities to succeed. "Waiting" for something to happen is very different, as everything is vibrational here (not like procrastination / fear realities were). You "do" and keep doing / being that vibration in all that you are and know that vibration will materialize for you while you achieve this within you now. no longer afraid of anything, because finally VES and we understand how everything is meant to be ..... now you see why we have to come together here, because we are all part of the bigger / LARGER IMAGE DIVINE PLAN, which leads us all to board now ....

We are here to do this together, unite, support ... be taxpayers, be those who show the way to be our highest all aquí.Donde are no longer suffering, and this is often resented by those who are yet. We had to be okay with this long ago. We opened the gates and each can pass through anytime you are ready too. abiertas.Simplemente still do not need to be there and keep them ... left us and went to open more portals, continuously ... that's what a WayShower / Gatekeeper ago.

This whole year has been receding to allow everyone to play their own lines of unconscious time until they are ready to reach full board, we are also limited by what we can accomplish here for these next phases until each anchor these higher limits and also steps forward as encoded and stop trying halfway between Old Earth and NUEVO.Estos changes in the timeline are dealing with this for each and these next 3 months will accelerate this substantially for everyone. Instant convergence means that there is no more "interruptions".

Intentionally changing timelines open a gateway to their realities much easier to materialize for you ....

Those of us who came here to "carry" HUMANITY back to full consciousness, are working in a multitude of ways, only visible by what we share regularly, the rest unseen and often not supported by those who " they are not ready yet. " We do not sit waiting for the others, we honor what shows us to do / accomplish here. The higher we go vibrationally, the easier it is physical, but we must maintain balance through the management and operation of a multitude of realities, both physically and holographically ..... We are working hard in our dream state with others, teaching, rehabilitation, construction of the new, while holding a multitude of physical realities in place as well. Our templates physical body constantly updated to support the encodments, Schematics and "plans" for our new civilizations, as everything is re-vamped, more time spent on our bodies and own now than ever before physical realities is needed. The fact that they do not see us or hear us, does not mean we have taken a break from or stopped, it just means that our next steps take precedence over holding each hand through these initiatory stages that everyone is always on. to provide information of "what is to come" is available in our work, our compartments and how time teacher, the maneuver is too. You have to do the job, apply, only you can choose it .... .... Many of us have completed the "work" of making information available "daily" to attract awareness and focus of what is important and "how". It is energetic however, so if you're looking for someone to tell you what to do, you will not find here. That was the old way lineal.Proporcionamos the energetic support, activations, knowledge .... and you have to actually use it, reads, absorbs, integrates to help you in your state easier walking ... ..

For me, you will see me keep stepping back, because it is now up to each timeline to play himself, so everyone chooses to change the lines of vibrationally time for everyone to apply greater awareness to your own time. In my own retreat, I'm going to focus on things that are now displayed / ven achieve / do, covering a multitude of realities in different ways, some visible physical, most do not, as it always has been, because each has only seen what we shared, which is just a tiny multidimensional realities of how working portion. Much has to happen / occur for these next steps in anchor. Many must take a step forward / step and unite before we can achieve these higher limits, which it means that much to be dissolved / collapse yet. As unification occurs for each INTERIOR, then the larger image is opened. The papers we came here to play are evident, however everyone must "overcome" his own humanity to be truly ready to join all new ways. This union is beyond beautiful and expected, but requires a lot of synchronization to work cohesively realities and easily, because everyone should be fully aware to make it happen. The amount of energy needed to work through the unconscious programming is immense. We INVESTIMAMOS on each other, our new realities, and all we have as well. This is not taken lightly, so when others are not ready yet, it shouts loud / brazenly, so we can choose to close the timeline out. Where one leads to a lack of deep respect, integrity, love, consideration or selfish agendas ... then the timeline is closed before it ever begins. We need to reverse the rotating field polarity ourselves if we continued exquisiteness. Not enough room for old and new timelines more ... ..... It used to be that option is gone too. We need to reverse the rotating field polarity ourselves if we continued exquisiteness. Not enough room for old and new timelines more ... ..... It used to be that option is gone too. We need to reverse the rotating field polarity ourselves if we continued exquisiteness. Not enough room for old and new timelines more ... ..... It used to be that option is gone too.

Only novelty is what we anchored in our new Integration Zero Point Field ... The unconscious is visible as instantly as we are ready to see, and where this is immediate, so is the ability to change a timeline and a whole new, fully conscious and breathing the cosmic breath throughout.

Here we maintain the cosmic alignment at all times. This last month we had many activations ... A whole KA & Breath of Life was breathed through us, Gaia and our Universe / Galaxy to unify all as one, to a whole new level ..... This cosmic breath now breathes through all at once with a force like never before. This breathing is a Unified Love, Unity Consciousness is power of our CORE, which no longer tolerates unconsciousness as an excuse ..... which means that each situation will align "faster" and this life force SUPERIOR pulsing through our veins active stimulant like more power to awaken every body now .....

This communicative breath breathes life where he appeared latency, wake the sleeping giants pressing, shaking, shocking, activating and stimulating as never before. Everything was buried, asleep, asleep, everything was unconscious becomes fully visible to everyone. The mind of each should be blown and heart bursting wide open at first, sanity challenged, as amplified distortions to hold the unconscious programs can dissolve .....

This living breath moves through everything now .... awakened Kundalini fire at all. Burned to the emergence of a new birth for all to rise from the ashes (Phoenix Energy) to be born again (Christ). Each reality is REPRESENTATIVE .... is to show everyone what's going on inside. The chaos outside reflects the internal chaos, outer peace reflects inner peace, the outside everything that reflects what needs attention / resolution from inside to outside change ... for your eyes see what you think, you show what your fear, show you your own state power / disallowance, your own care / consideration / respect, your own inner connection or disconnected state .... This is your external reality materializing everything, and as purity, love and unity BECOMES of where you work,

The old realities are strong and you must break the power yourself, dissolve the energy / program and choose to write a new program to take place, one that is your highest ALMA and Universal Alignment instead of your old human. You will not understand the difference until you have more than one of you within your body and you're choosing which "runs the show" .... where you let your human drive, then your human reality will prevail. Where these your higher self, then you will see your human programs and playing within yourself out there and you have to choose to stop these IMMEDIATELY .... or let them play until you need it to finally become fully conscious and "learn" intentionally change everything yourself.

You can keep blaming everything or you can regain your power and choose. You can keep one foot (or your whole body) in the former parent until all this energy / programming can identify and break down or decompose / dissolve / reprogram yourself. Awareness of a matrix is ​​only part of the equation. Consciousness is not enough. What you do with this awareness ... this is what importa.Una is a fully conscious choice and the other is still unconscious. Your choice will be fully aware that you choose to leave the womb rather than hold on to it for fear.

On the other side of the veil, there is a much higher existence which is amazing, beautiful, exquisite and not suffering or experiencing any fault at all. The way to get there is by embracing and choosing to dissolve these veils held within yourself. It will challenge all human / ego about you, which is the main point. It will not be comfortable for humans, as it is assumed that it is not, but on a soul level, you know ... and this is what is needed for each transition NOVELTY / UNKNOWN safe / known / old ..... the "unknown" is only unknown to his human ego aspect, since it has the ability to see or understand. Only its highest aspect you have this access and depends on you to keep this at all times, no matter what ....

This large-scale restructuring has just begun and will continue to increase. Focus your energy on constantly stabilize and integrate, so your physique can realign easier for you. If you allow your fears and mind take control, then you short out, overwhelm and overload (which also needs to occur for the molecular breakdown / restructuring occurs). How you experience this can be by choice (honor your body / you) or wait until you can not do anything and your body beyond your human mind or both / all exhausted, because you are not aware of what you're doing with your energy. Respect your power respect the energy of others ... The existence of the timeline is larger respect, plenty of space and honor all from within.

I will share more as we go .... Stargates are finally activating and synchronizing, since now close this door and now turn to the siguiente.Esto now focuses on these next 3 months and the power that comes from these changing experiences immense reality, as we all move to our next stages of purpose / mission aquí.Estamos focused on what we are anchoring / uniting and unifying all new much higher limits here, while the old wither and die .... playing, as long as each permitted / need / energy keeps some unconscious scheduled yet .....

most impressive may emerge to take their place. He will face the choice, along the way,

then each choose the transition from the old matrix ground to fully connect with the Crystalline Matrix NEW Tierra.Estas realities are polar opposites ....

Human aspects under the veils are experiencing an explosion of great magnitude to their realities, as major disruptions soular / Cosmic are often necessary to interrupt the frequency bandwidths of unconsciousness ..... During these interruptions our electronics (and all earthly bodies) as well. This is a part of the process, whether paciente.Honre your body and downtime needed to happen again everything. These interruptions are literally interrupting frequency transmissions of unconsciousness and are necessary to awaken the masses (at first shaking his head / confusion), where the eyes of the old illusions wipe away and are shocked awake, running from fear and other responses emotional that "seem" unconscious (yes they are, but they are important too) .These initial emotional responses will dissipate, become another emotion until it dissolves, then another .... until all the emotions of "victim" are gone which is when the heart is fully open, so that your higher consciousness can also be activated. Be patient, supportive, but focus on you, what you are doing, being, allow, create and how are joining in the dimensional plane currently residing in ..... so that your higher consciousness can be activated as well. Be patient, supportive, but focus on you, what you are doing, being, allow, create and how are joining in the dimensional plane currently residing in ..... so that your higher consciousness can be activated as well. Be patient, supportive, but focus on you, what you are doing, being, allow, create and how are joining in the dimensional plane currently residing in .....

There will be many human bodies who die while those souls end their missions aquí.Ellos return to the Unified Field as love, not lack or need, so any emotion that every experience is experience their own "healing" / wholing that needs to occur. The human body was the body "host" of the soul. Humans are unable to understand this, because they stick to the human form, rather than connect with the Soul that is infinite and never is linked to the body .... He only took that body for a while .... Bodies humans are meant to experience Physical body Ascension require the Alma (Light) can be fully integrated with the structure of the whole body, systems and re-encoding / re-set / re-set the entire body differently, which they are experienced by multidimensional. When the body can not integrate the soul body, then the body will close. Breath of Life / KA will be exhausted and the electromagnetic system that body is permanently disconnected .... What is death is física.Para each "transition" with his physical body, this depletion will occur frequently and many times so that the ascension of the whole body occurs. While there is a breath of life that still exists, it keeps the body and experience a re-boot required for an update / rewrite template body occurs. It is a continuous process until the entire template has been restored to ORIGINAL TEMPLATE and distorted codes have been overwritten with all new. This occurs naturally with the activation of our DNA Cristalino / Christed / Universal. Our human aspect does not have the ability to understand any of this and try to understand everything according to old programs and creencias.Solo limited one 's Higher Self / Soul understands this, so it's important to connect with this aspect of himself when body experience anything as part of the evolution of the physical body here. Be careful on the beliefs that you hold and limited / old beliefs also. When you open yourself to ask others, make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to another. You want to reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ When you open yourself to ask others, make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to otra.Desea reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ When you open yourself to ask others, make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to another. You want to reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to otra.Desea reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ When you open yourself to ask others, make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to another. You want to reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to otra.Desea reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ When you open yourself to ask others, make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to another. You want to reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ You want to reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ When you open yourself to ask others, make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to another. You want to reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ You want to reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. ♥ When you open yourself to ask others, make sure you support your higher understanding, rather than an old fear-based. It is easy for our man to give our power. You do not want to change the power away from one thing to another. You want to reconnect with their own inner power and use all to support this. 

There are tons more, always hay.Regresaré / I will write as appropriate. We are doing what we need to do for these next stages, while all the old programs meet / separation contributing to join the most appropriate and beneficial way for all. Sometimes what is most beneficial is what others do not see until they are also ready .... ♥ I love you. Shine your light, continues to generate genius, experiencing the available magnificence at all times, supporting what they call you to support, contribute what you are called to contribute and keep encodamientos for our timelines higher that as our fields connect us to unite to achieve the immensity of all our next steps .... ♥ ☼ Lisa Brown Transcendence

Awareness Awareness Avatar, greater awareness Holder Key, Supervisor Galactic Guardian and Contributing to our New Earth Conscious

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...