, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Events that will mark the month of October and that will transform human civilization



Events that will mark the month of October and that will transform human civilization


But perhaps the most important has to do with the US dollar, but let's just review the events that will mark the future of humanity in the following month.

But let us begin by mentioning that this 29th of September began, on the Jewish calendar, the day of Yom Kippur; that is, the day of forgiveness or the day of atonement. This day according to the Jewish faith, man, or society, undergoes a judgment that will determine his destiny the rest of the year.

On the other hand, this first of October Catalonia carries out a referendum, or at least that is the intention, to determine if they continue forming part of Spain or they become independent of her. 

This event will undoubtedly have important repercussions for the same Spain as for the rest of Europe; since there would be a precedent for other regions of Europe to seek their independence from their respective countries. 

Already the Spanish army has sent tanks to Catalonia to prevent the independentist referendum; that could get out of control and end up regrettably.

It has also transpired that whoever is behind these secessionist attempts is neither more nor less than the genocidal George Soros. This subject has been behind many other violent events around the planet, as was the case of Ukraine and its Maidan; Maidan that ended in the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk and, also, in the return of Crimea to the Russian federation. Let us pray that in Spain there will not be a similar case.

On October 2, it is assumed that the US Federal Reserve will initiate, or at least that is the stated intention, the decline of its balance sheet; that is, the sale of assets denominated in dollars, assets that are nothing more than US Treasury bonds, bonds that were bought from the federal government in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. With this transaction, the government made a very large sum of cash; money he used to save Wall Street and its network of parasitic banks from the US economy, but not to save the average citizen, the ordinary citizen.

This, the reduction of the balance sheet, in simple terms is nothing other than the withdrawal of cash circulation (dollars) from the US and world economy. The Federal Reserve plans to withdraw 10 trillion dollars of circulation monthly.

This action of the Fed will have serious repercussions in the global economy, because it will cause a great flow of capitals towards the USA. This will in turn cause countries like Mexico and, in general, the so-called emerging economies, to suffer capital flight, that is, dollars, which will cause the devaluation of their currencies. No doubt the countries will seek to avoid the devaluation of their currencies by selling large amounts of dollars from their international reserves, but that could be a double-edged sword, for if they run out of dollars they will not be able to buy raw materials, oil, or anything else need. It will also be impossible for them to fulfill their international obligations to the IMF or the World Bank, since they will not have dollars to pay the interest on the debt contracted with them.

But here is where another important news comes on the scene and that will undoubtedly be the protagonist in this month of October. 

While it is true that currently the main reserve currency, and with which international payments are made, is the Dollar, that is about to change radically with the entry of the Petro-Yuan or Yuan-gold: This new currency is replacing the US dollar and thus liberating all countries of the world from the slavery of the old imperialist dollar system.

So, if countries decide to sell large quantities of dollars to prevent a sharp devaluation of their respective currencies, the reality is that they will no longer need those dollars to supply the raw materials needed for their economy, or to buy oil, gas or any other good they need. Nor will they have the need to sell their products in dollars, so that the demand for the US currency will decline dramatically.

That is the real news this October, and not what the Fed does or stop doing, because that really does not matter anymore. 

In any case, if the FED really decides to reduce its balance sheet, which I personally doubt it, rather than doing a bad thing to the other countries I think it will do them a good thing, and with that it will accelerate the fall of the dollar. 

Let us not forget that the announcement of the Fed was made days before the BRICS announced the launch of Petro-Yuan for this October 18; so they had not considered in their calculations the new international financial reality.

In addition, by selling the FED the US Treasury bonds that debt will become the property of multiple entities scattered around the planet, meaning those who buy those bonds will now be the new creditors of the US government. Therefore, the government will no longer deal with a single subject, if not with many. 

But perhaps that is the true intent of the Fed: getting rid of those dollar-denominated bonds before the US currency crashes and is worthless and avoid greater losses, because the losers would be others and not them. Let us not forget that the Fed is a private non-state bank, that is, it is not public; and how he does not want to lose even if his actions lose US citizens.

There is a lot of talk about this "dollar vacuum" that will make the Fed work and its negative effects in many countries, but no one has included in its calculations the new reality after the presentation of the Yuan-gold; this no doubt radically changes the conditions and their results, for the dollar is no longer the only world reserve currency with which to pay in international trade: the Yuan has ended its monopoly and will most likely end it as well.

So, if the FED really puts the dollar vacuum cleaner to work, most likely with that action will accelerate the fall of the Dollar, because countries that are in need of selling dollars will replace them with Yuan, which will in turn cause the rapid devaluation of the dollar. 

Other very significant events that take place this month of October is the five hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. 

October 31, 2017 marks 500 years of religious reform led by the Augustinian friar, Martin Luther, who gives rise to Lutheranism. On October 31, 2016, Pope Francis was present at the cathedral of Lund, Sweden, in the event that began the Year of Luther which opens the commemorative festivities of the Protestant Reformation.

On that day, the Pope and the president of the Lutheran World Federation, Munib Younan, signed a joint statement rejecting all kinds of violence in the name of God and religion. The Second Vatican Council gave a great impulse to ecumenism, which intentionally stopped Pope John Paul II. Francisco, the present Jesuit pope, has resumed the route traced by the council. 

In June last year the pope told La Civiltà Cattolica that "Luther was a reformer and perhaps some of his methods were not correct, but if we read the story, we see that the Church was not a model to imitate, there were corruption, worldliness, attachment to wealth and power. "

Likewise, on Friday, October 13, one hundred years after the last appearance of the "virgin" of Fatima, and as you all know, the "revelations" of the virgin are apocalyptic. 

There are those who speak of a solar "miracle" during the course of these apparitions, but the reality is that this was an optical illusion or, in any case, an extraterrestrial phenomenon, that is, a phenomenon produced by intelligences outside this world or intelligences interdimensional. 

If we look closely at the description given by the witnesses of the apparitions we find that their appearance more like the virgin Mary has more resemblance to what is commonly known as the "grays." Also about the miracle of the "two suns", that is impossible, because no other sun can appear as well as from nothing; in fact this was not another sun, it was something else that seemed to be another sun. 

Although I want to clarify that I am not very fan of the extraterrestrial phenomenon, rather I think that it was work of spiritual beings more than of extraterrestrial beings; but for the most religious it is a proof of the divine presence; others will say it was the work of demons. Let everyone draw their conclusions.

Also on October 13, 710 years have passed since the dissolution of the Temple order. We all know that this was nothing more than a struggle between powers within the Catholic hierarchy and an attempt by Rome to keep all the possessions and money of the order. Let us not forget that the Templars were very rich because they functioned as the bankers of the Vatican and, as well as the army that protected the Christians in their trips to Palestine in exchange for a "modest" sum of money.

Eye: The Templars of yesterday are the illuminatis of now.

Also on 25 October, the 100th anniversary of the triumph of the Bolshevik revolution is completed; a revolution that ended the monarchy of the Tsars in Russia and transformed the Europe of that time. Nor should we forget that according to Vladimir Putin, 85% of the leaders of that revolution were Jews.

Summarizing; no doubt this month of October will represent a turning point in modern human history.

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