, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : The Spain we do not want



The Spain we do not want

That Spain represents, today,  the Government of Mariano Rajoy.  But along with that government, clumsy and high - handed, other subjects likewise share the same reactionary and anti - democratic orientation in its draft align Spain. 

Starting with Felipe de Borbon, following Citizens and the PSOE, and continuing for those in one way or another breed like parakeets discourse of the ruling class, making troupes of the current rule.

To define an unequivocal how we refer to  "the Spain we do not want",  making a historical perspective, we begin with  the Spain of the sword and the cross , which with such weapons pounced on the native peoples of America Latin for submission to slavery and extermination  for the benefit of the Crown of Castile . 

It was the Spain that from October 12, 1492, tortured, massacred, enslaved and robbed without limits, leaving a trail of terror unparalleled in the history of mankind. 

Nor do we want  the Spain of the Inquisition  that for three centuries and a half, extended his fundamentalist terror in this country and its colonies,  under the iron grip of the monarchy and the Catholic Church , leaving a shuddering balance of torture, religious fanaticism, ignorance and death.

But, far from being these two historical episodes an unfortunate phase to forget in Spanish history, as some claim, the matter is that over and historical traces were critical of the crucible in which the hegemonic bloc that has controlled was forged power absolutely in Spain until today. 

Pot marked by those most reactionary values ​​associated with robbery, genocide criminal, extreme exploitation, ignorance and the most obstinate fanaticism.

The hard core of the ruling class in Spain thus forging , marked in their DNA by the conquistador character, colonialist, religious fundamentalist, patriarchal and sexist, ignorant, oppressive rights of the social majority, landowning, monarchical, dictatorial, militaristic, virile...

This matrix has not changed until today , he has just taken on a new guise under the lying discourse of freedom and democracy, categories that are incompatible with the character of ruling class.

The process of independence of the colonies, culminating in  1898, overturns all the reactionary historical burden of this power bloc into the interior  of the country , to the peoples and nations of the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary Islands and Western Sahara. 

Then begins the discourse of  the unity of Spain ; as reduced expression of the new framework of capitalist accumulation, when not long ago that same ruling class was indexed in "the Spains", including in this expression colonies then.

That's the same  Spain bankers, military, landowners and priests , who organized the coup of the fascist Francisco Franco against the greatest modernizer intent of this country. 

He is betting process by defeat and liquidation of that terrifying historical bloc. 

The coup blessed by the Church and the reactionary power spread terror among all peoples of this country, subjecting them to bloodshed and terror without limits. 

Starring one of the most brutal episodes in the history of mankind in the last century. 

The Spain  against separatism and against communism,    the  ¡Arriba Spain !. 

Franco spent the previous  Vivan chains  to  Muera intelligence, living death,  a new replay of the tragedy of Spain's reactionary and ignorant.

That is the Spain that reaches 78 Transition after forty years of impunity terror. 

Spain is left on the ditches to  over one hundred fifty thousand people killed and missing , which puts the country in second place in the world for number of missing. 

This was possible thanks to the collaboration of the Social Democracy of Felipe González and also a  betrayal of the PCE de Santiago Carrillo , whose pactista surrender formally joined the camp of the coup. 

Making the claim amnesty for political prisoners in  amnesty for torturers and criminals  in the various police exercised the most terrible repression for four decades, without paying a single day in prison for his crimes: Civil Guard, Police secret Police, etc. 

And he restored, without more, to the Bourbon monarchy coup.

Thus the ideology of block historical power, coopted to its ranks organizations of the working class who participated in the Covenants of those years, corroborating the maxim of Marx that  "the dominant ideology in a society is the ideology of class dominant". 

As this transition balance exists today a paltry part of the Spanish left, in practice and in political discourse, remains indebted to the thought of the historical power bloc: jingoistic, chauvinistic and reactionary.

This Spain, where the historic block always retains absolute power, is being launched by the troops of the Civil Guard against ballot papers and posters referendum 1-O in Catalonia, which uses the judiciary to manipulate the laws and impute mayors, which threatens  "the law"  who claim the right to vote.

With the Government of Rajoy is the monarchy of the usurper Felipe VI, which these days has the audacity to talk about democracy and Constitution, when he himself is directly responsible for the legitimization of the coup against the Constitution of the Second Republic, and reaches its mandate over the bloodshed and terror of the previous Franco dictatorship; and who remains complicit in all the wiles not to investigate crimes and disappearances carried out in Spain from the same coup that always supported the monarchy.

Mariano Rajoy and his government are today the most immediate expression of Spain do not want. 

Mixture of arrogance and bigotry, and the rancid country's historical power bloc, direct heir of Franco's dictatorship, standard bearer of social injustice that removes support for unemployed and stops to give to the bankers dictator who facilitates operators the conditions that allow them to pay the most miserable wages or overtime pay millions, and directly responsible for the poverty of much of childhood, ...

In the second half of the twentieth century, workers and progressive forces in our country produced, a prominently in Catalonia and the Basque Country and also in other locations, proposals that tried to push through an overcoming of the old Spain, with elaborations located in the decurso of the great advances of the international class struggle, the dynamic development of the productive forces and the revolutionary experiences of other workers in the world detachments. 

These proposals have always been repressed and marginalized by the structures of the dominant system, but nevertheless maintain their vitality and represent the best that has occurred in our country intellectually in a while. 

These more advanced ideas are now part of the social support block struggle for a different project for this rests Spain.

Political projects in Spain are claimed as revolutionaries have to do a rigorous self-critical analysis of their inability to develop and consolidate this line of thought itself, radically independent of the ideology of the ruling class. 

Submitted by the Social Covenant, and the legitimacy within the limits of the system, have become blunt instruments, without any ability to hit the dominant power bloc.

From the positions of those we align, consistent with the positions of the revolutionary struggle for the rights of the working class and peoples, it is not possible to love that old Spain, or systemic failure that left.

The profound crisis affecting the historical power bloc which comes from behind, and is developing more explicitly in these weeks, offers new opportunities for the development of revolutionary positions, if known to understand the nature of that crisis and if you know intervene in it in concrete terms from independent positions. 

The political line of the PCPE, in their analysis of the national question in Spain, and specifically in the last elaborations of the Theses approved by the Tenth Congress in 2016, shows rigorous to interpret current events, and hit with policy proposals They derived from the same.

Spain is only possible as  a voluntary union of free nations , as a socialist republic that is with  the free exercise of the right of self - determination , and social equality.

Why the PCPE, for some time, is proposing as necessary to exit this situation  a new historical project  for this country. 

Project that has as its central axis the total liquidation of  the old block reactionary power , which sometimes staying at PP and others in the PSOE, and has a great ability to co - opt even allegedly confronted the same subject, and constitute a the working class, in alliance with other popular sectors, such as the ruling class in this new political construction.

This new historical project PCPE has synthesized in its proposal Socialist Republic of Confederal character.

A new historical project that face tough violence historic power block will advance by an unstoppable revolutionary transit liquidated the old bourgeois power in this country and its rancid monarchy and take the best values of their peoples and nations to a Spain synthesis of a higher than heir of barbarism that dominates today,  but advance in the construction of the new socialist society world.

Now that the ruling bloc goes through serious internal difficulties to sustain its hegemony must strike hard and with determination, organizing the counter. 

The unity of the working class and popular sectors in the mass struggle is the way to victory. 

The constitution of  People 's Committees  in neighborhoods and villages, and the progress of the Committees for Workers Unity  in the workplace, are brackets  Labor Front and Popular for Socialism  has to be the great social alliance to organize a broad movement mass change the balance of power against historical power block, exacerbating thus its internal crisis. 

This policy of alliances advance if you have great confidence in the combativity of the masses in their creative ability, and leadership of the revolutionary leadership is gained in the struggle of every day on the fronts of most diverse fight: union , anti-imperialist, women, youth, solidarity, pensioners, etc.

Today the priority is to hit the contradictions that exist in Catalonia, to hit all the bourgeois state.

Carmelo Suárez

Secretary General of PCPE


The Spain we do not want

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