
20 de septiembre de 2017

Khrushchev explains on Ukrainian television the historical situation of Crimea

Serguei Khrushchev

As we have already explained in another entry , in times of the USSR the Crimean peninsula was part of the Russian Federation until February 19, 1954, in Khrushchev's time, when it was transferred to Ukraine, as we have said, in an illegal way. It should also be remembered that Khrushchov, secretary general of the CPSU from 1953 to 1964, was Ukrainian and recently his son Serguei has appeared on Ukrainian television to explain that in 1954 the change in the administrative ascription of Crimea was made for economic reasons: construction of the North Crimean canal. "The Gosplan assured that it was better to build  [the canal]  under the authority of a single legal person"

, said Khrushchev on television, noting that the decision did not intervene political factors.Khrushchev's son denied the Russians that it was an attempt to cajole the Ukrainian bureaucracy, nor a gift to my mother, born in western Ukraine. "It was a structural and fair decision. And Crimea knew a rebirth. Many vineyards were planted , "he added to the cameras. Khrushchev's son is like his father: his neurons do not work like other humans. The construction of the canal began in 1961, that is to say, seven years after the peninsula was part of Ukraine.

The canal was closed definitively in 2014 and during its operation brought the water of the Dnieper river to the peninsula, that was used mainly for the irrigation of the agricultural crops. The annexation of Crimea to Russia has been rejected by most countries of the world, although it was widely adopted in the three consultations that have been held since the fall of the USSR in 1990. Only North Korea, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and Nicaragua voted in favor. More information:

Nikita Khrushchov with Stalin in 1936

Nikita Khrushchev with José Stalin

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