
7 de febrero de 2018

Before you set foot on planet Earth for the first time, you understood that this was a mission. You understood that the Earth had a very special place in the galaxy and that you embarked on a very specific mission for the whole consciousness.

THE HIGH PLEYADIAN COUNCIL ,. Mission: Earth through Daniel Scranton, February 6, 2018

Mission: Earth ∞ The Pleiadian Supreme Council of the Seven

"We are the Pleiadian High Council of the Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

Before you set foot on planet Earth for the first time, you understood that this was a mission. You understood that the Earth had a very special place in the galaxy and that you embarked on a very specific mission for the whole consciousness.

Everyone saw this experience as the greatest possible challenge they could undertake. And even though you knew there would be very dark moments, a lot of pain and a little too much suffering, you came to him and decided that this was the only place for you.

Now that you started your cycle of lives on planet Earth, you also understood how far you could expand. You understood that the reward for being on planet Earth was like no other in the galaxy. And then you feel that pain and suffering were worth it. You may not feel it now, from where you are, but we guarantee that you feel it at the level of your higher self and your super-soul.

Your next mission on this trip will be to create a new earth experience for you and for all future generations, and those experiences will not be about challenges. The next mission is to experience uncontrolled and unconditional joy and love. You have come here to feel what it is to move from the depths of darkness to the heights of ecstasy.

Now, when you decide to embark on the new mission, it's up to you. It is up to you how much more time you play with the rules of the third dimension and when you fully embrace the perspective of the fifth dimension, the frequency of the fifth dimension, the experience of the reality of the fifth dimension. We know that many of you feel ready, and we tell you that they are. Everything is just a matter of opening your heart, letting it be your guide and forgetting everything you think you have learned up to this moment.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of the Seven, and we have great appreciation for them. That is all."

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