
6 de febrero de 2018

Incursions into caves and other important information

by Disclosure News | Aggiornato il Message from the Pleiadians 

Incursion caves and other important information. By Sementes Das Estrelas . 

Pleiadians report that expands the more light on the surface of the Earth, more rebellious movements of those who do not accept and / or understand the Light manifest. 

It is an understandable phenomenon, as darkness needs to be exposed and then be involved / integrated into the Light.
They also say this, of course, many of the Lightworkers frontline may conflict with themselves, as their own deepest shadows, of course, will surface. 

This should not be cause for concern as it is an invitation to an even greater connection with the higher planes of Light and to invoke the angels to help you in these times, to help these intense phases of catharsis and renewal. 

The Pleiadians also say reinforcements have arrived around the Earth for even more security guarantee as the Protocols of light are activated and set in motion so that nothing impedes the necessary progress.
They say that there is great agitation in the interior of the Earth, where the armies of Light are increasingly determined to rise to the surface and put an end to the actions of those working with the forces of darkness. 

Of course, these lightweight soldiers will surface unless it is safe to do so, with plasma threats eliminated and no human being directly subject to retaliation. Scalar weapons are disabling, as more and more Light imposed by the Code of Liberty. (See Operation Cobra Mjolnir ) 

they say they expect some resources are released in this year 2018, if all goes well, and with the surface of humanity cooperating positively with thoughts and actions. 

Rock engraving
Incursions into caves and other important information 

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Operation Cobra Mjolnir 
Incursions into caves and other important information 

Again, reinforce the need to sustain themselves and unity among Lightworkers. This will become more obvious when a Lightworker attacks another, in this case the attacker was "trapped" by the old order and unfortunately fell into some traps. 

They seriously emphasize the need for unity among all those who are committed to the Light and emphasize that special protocols can only be followed when Momentum achieves a specific power. 

They remind us that situations like that seen in recent days, when the forces of darkness tried to destroy Hawaii with a missile, only occur when there is strong support acting in some way.

The solution works together ... 
Incursions into caves and other important information 

Certainly, the masses on Earth have already achieved a coefficient of light which ensures that such action could not be completed. But the shooting occurred, and again call the Lightworkers to the seriousness and more commitment to the Forces of Light, because they lose time fighting each other, the energy for the sake of Light is wasted. 

And those who still try to stay in power know very well how to harness these energies of internal conflict, especially among Lightworkers. 

They ask every time you see someone being attacked by Lightworkers not support these movements with comments on their social networks or in any way.
Stop, breathe and send good energy to the dissolution of the negativity that tries to install. 

They say more: the rage of a Lightworker against another and / or against anyone generally is sufficient for an agent dark forces begin a negative movement on the planet, such is the energy generated by a Lightworker. And how agents on the other side benefit! 

Finally, we also report that the Fleet Estevis visit and are looking for several caves around the world. 

In recent weeks, several reptiles, Draconian and gray have been taken aboard motherships of Light. 

They hid because they knew they could not leave the planet and did not want to cooperate with the Plans of Light.

They have graciously invited them to leave the caves, and about 90% of them cooperated with the Warriors of Light who came to look for them.
Concept artist Reptilian 
Incursions in caves and other important information 

Search Stocks and cleaning of various physical sectors of the planet are happening now and will continue until the entire planet is completely free of stellar beings who do not intend to cooperate with the Planetary Ascension . 

There is no place that can not be seen. No physical, plasma or etheric beings can hide, if this is your intention, they will soon be found and invited to come out of hiding. 

The mentiionados beings above were captured in caves in areas such as Ireland, Finland, Norway, the French Alps and Indonesia. 

The work continues! 


It is difficult to know the truth, but sometimes it is very easy to recognize a lie. 

Albert Einstein

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