- In February prohibit the representation of the play 'The award' Lauro Olmo had already been banned before Franco's death several times.
- In February a court martial opened for sedition against periodsta José Antonio Martínez Soler for publishing an article in the journal Doblón, of which he was director.
- In March suspended the publication of the humorous magazine El Papus for four months for some drawings that undermine morality and decency.
- In March two concerts prohibit Lluis Llach Singer in Tenerife and expelled from the island.
- In March the Civil Guard in Madrid kidnaps and tortures the journalist Jose Antonio Martinez Soler, director of the magazine Doblón.
- In May hijack the weekly Saturday Graphic article writer Antonio Gala entitled 'Widows' who interpret as a defamation of the memory of Franco criminal.
- In May , the civil governor kidnaps the magazine Punto y Hora de Euskal Herria by the publication of an editorial demanding amnesty for political prisoners.
- In September they threaten to kill the director of the magazine.
- In October RTVE director general Rafael Anson prohibits the song 'Libertad sin ira' the band Jarcha and periódido he served Diario 16 launch.
- In December abduct Interviu magazine for an article by José Luis de Vilallonga on the finances of the Franco family
- In December jailing director Point and Time by publishing a letter from a party counting geese in Lekeitio (Bizcaia) that qualify as insulting the Armed Forces reader. The journalist convicted in a court martial.
- The number 235 of Cambio 16 had several attempts to kidnap because it showed the king characterized as Fred Astaire dancing actor on Manhattan.
- In January the fascists threaten the Basque magazine Berriak '.
- The festival of Cadiz censorship a short film by Enrique Seseña entitled 'How to Cook a Christ' which aired in 2004 on Canal + and would lead to the prosecution of Javier Krahe
- Kidnapped magazines Zeruko-Arguia and Goitz-Argi by the publication of an article about police considered crime of libel.
- In May detain the journalist Gregorio Morán in drafting Diario 16 accused of publishing an article against the police commissioner Conesa. The arrest warrant is dictated by a military judge.
- In September the fascists placed a bomb in the Luchana Cinemas in Madrid for the premiere of the film 'Black Brood' de Gutiérrez Aragón
- On 20 September the fascists placed an explosive at the headquarters of the humorous magazine El Papus', assassinating the concierge Joan Penalver and causing another 17 wounded.
- In October fascists placed a bomb in the writing of the magazine Punto y Hora, which is destroyed. Before dying General Saenz de Santamaria confessed that the fascists who planted the bomb acting on behalf of the secret services of the State.
- In November representation of the play 'La Torna' of the theater company Els Joglars it is prohibited, whose members all end up in jail convicted by a court martial or exiled.
-In January , the Civil Government of Barcelona prohibits the Festival for Freedom of Expression organized by artists and intellectuals in solidarity with the theater company Els Joglars.
- In February jailed three journalists from the magazine Saida by the publication of a monograph entitled 'Long live the Republic' they regard as offensive to the king. Two other journalists more are on bail.
- Kidnapped Point and Time magazine for publishing a joke interpreted as insulting the police.
- Kidnapped numbers 101 and 101a of Interviu magazine for publishing a report on the fascist family Rosón, which belonged tothe president of the Xunta de Galicia at the time, Antonio Rosón, and civil governor of Madrid , perpetrators of the worst crimes of the war in Galicia.
- On October 30 the fascists placed an explosive in the newspaper El Pais, killing the concierge Andrés Fraguas Rodriguez and causing several injuries.
- In November a court martial condemned the actor Ramón Sagaseta to a year in prison for the crime of insult to the flag for the representation of the play 'Let's count truths' that criticized the Moncloa Pacts.
- Kidnapped the magazine Cambio 16 for an article on the activities of the KGB, the secret services of the former USSR, and its relations with the company Prodag, owned by Mendoza, president of Real Madrid.
- Arrested and imprisoned the editor of 'The Little Red Schoolbook', a work that was kidnapped by the High Court and withdrawal of schools and libraries.
- Kidnapped film Pilar Miro 'El crimen de Cuenca'.
- in June Galician singer - songwriter Suso Vaamonde sang a song in an antinuclear recital held in Pontevedra that led him into exile for four years and then to jail, being sentenced to six years in prison for a crime of insulting the country (the courts concerned the Spanish homeland, not Galician)
- in July the satirical weekly 'El Papus' ends with the publication of the comic Sor Angustias de la Cruz, Ja, under pressure from the Catholic Church and the Ministry of Information and Tourism
- condemn the director of 'El País' Juan Luis Cebrian to three months in prison for contempt.
- May 19: prohibit the spread of an article by Carmen Rico Godoy in 'Cambio 16' criticizing the new government of UCD.
- Kidnapping and censor the documentary 'Rocio' directed by Fernando Ruiz Vergara. It was the first documentary made in Spain over fascist repression during the Civil War.The chiefs and the Catholic Church pressured not exhibited and judges heeded his instructions, condemning the director imprisonment for slander and mockery of religion.
- February: again kidnapped the magazine Punto y Hora 'to denounce the torture death of Joseba Arregui.
- A few days later they condemn the director Xabier Sánchez Erauskin the Crown libel for an article concerning the king's visit to the Casa de Juntas de Guernica entitled 'Paseíllo and espantá'. With paseíllo he referred to the royal visit and frightens the resignation of Adolfo Suarez in January of that year. He entered prison on April 15, 1983 and left it in January 1984
- April 8: The Supreme Court confirms the sentence against cartoonist Ja for a crime of mocking the Catholic religion committed at number 190 magazine El Papus
- police arrested the members of the band Eskorbuto and applies anti - terrorism legislation to record a demo
- In April abduct two editions of the weekly Cambio 16 by the complaint of an Argentine fascist Rodolfo Almirón, a member of the Triple A to serving as bodyguards Fraga and other leaders of the PP.
- The PSOE government prohibits the postal distribution of all editions Amaika magazines, among which was 'El Papus'.
- In June again hijack Point and Time magazine for insulting the Prime Minister, Felipe González, and Interior Minister Jose Barrionuevo. Police toured the street kiosks tearing pages of each copy corresponding to two articles entitled 'Parade cretins' and 'Herri Batasuna, Adolf Barrionuevo and his beautiful plan'.
Sentenced to one year in prison Mercedes Aizpurúa, technical director of Punto y Hora, for the crime of advocating terrorism for publishing in September 1983 an editorial entitled 'On the gudaris' and an interview with the brother of a member of ETA
- February 14: the Supreme Court condemned the magazine Interviu 'for publishing a poem considered blasphemous and slanderous against Catholicism
- October 16: accuse television presenter Paloma Chamorro offenses to religion by issuing a video for the song Moon Child Psychic-TV group. Video appeared twice a cross without the top of the vertical beam and the crucified person had the head of an animal.
In the song of Eskorbuto group 'Pray to God for the dead' hear the phrase 'The testicles cut me the skull of King' and a voice adds 'bastos' whenever he pronounces the word 'king' to avoid returning They are arrested for insulting the king. However in direct instead of saying 'bastos' say 'Juan Carlos'.The same happened with his track 'Spits flag, take my handkerchief'
- November 18: prohibit the satirical weekly 'The Crocodile' by the publication of the article entitled 'One Hundred Years of borboñez', alluding to the ruling dynasty.
- FEB 22: prohibit the satirical weekly 'The Crocodile' for insulting the king and the president of the government.
- The only television channel, TVE, censoring a program because of a song by Javier Krahe against the policy of the PSOE , which then was in the government- towards NATO. Since then the singer was never perform on TV
- From the back cover of the album 'The State of Things' of the band Kortatu had to censor a photo of the king, putting in its place a black stain that resembled him to a trimmable
- the record company Polygram Iberia censoring the song 'Bay of Pasaia' Barricada, which denounces the murder at the hands of the Civil Guard of four members of the Anti -capitalist Autonomous Commandos in 1984
- in the model that recorded the band RIP before his only solo album, the song 'I hate my country' talked about 'giving up the ass to Spain and the king', but on the disk the letter is changed, remaining at 'that give the ass to you know who. "
- condemn a sentence of six years in prison Juanjo Fernández Pérez journalist for the crime of insulting the king committed in an article entitled 'World June, August multinationals' published five years earlier point and time.
For the vinyl edition of the last concert of the band Kortatu in Pamplona, the Oihuka record censured the cries of the public in favor of ETA during the song 'Aizkolari'
The record company censors the theme 'In thename of God' Barricada that criticizes the Opus Dei
arrested the editor of the Critical Area, which is closed.
- November 26: Supreme Court orders reopening a case against the theater company Els Joglars as a result of more than 500 complaints against the work 'Tele Deum' which parodies Catholicism in particular.
- in January the Ministry of Interiorasalta Basque newspaper Egin headquarters and journalist Pepe Rei stops to when he was recovering in the ICU of a delicate heart surgery. Le imprisoned in Carabanchel Prison Hospital
- censor Loquillo and the Troglodytes his song 'Blindfolded' which denounces the practice of torture of detainees in Spain. It also censor video directed by Aitor Zabaleta and endorsed by Amnesty International in all media. Censoring the group in all radios and disc 'While breathe' disappears from circulation when it was about to reach platinum. Years later, Loquillo confessed that became 'scared shitless'
- Censored the album 'Veintegenarios' Albert Pla by the record company BMG by glorifying terrorism.
- Processing Esteban Txema for insulting the king to design the banner of sanferminera rock of Pamplona. The police arrived at the premises of the rock to take the cloth, which was already painted; they seized and were searching for clichés. Workers prevented the press boxes were carried clichés, which has allowed the drawing is preserved today.
- the Ertzaintza records the Egin newspaper 's headquarters, confiscating computer equipment research team
- in August the High Court ordered the arrest of journalist Pepe falsely accused of providing information to ETA Rei; acquit him in 1997.
- the judges hijack a magazine Interviu demand Judit Mascó by a photograph of the model on its cover.
- the Provincial Court condemns the musical group Negu Gorriak 'for the song' Ustelkeria '(rot) in which accused Colonel Galindo Civil Guard narcotrafficking
- judges sequester book by journalist Juan Ignacio Blanco' What happened Alcacer? ' on the dark murder of three teenagers in a Valencian town.
- Judge Garzon ordered the police assault and closure of the newspaper Egin and the radio station Egin Irratia.
- In March arrest for the second time journalist Pepe Rei.
- In May a team of people related to the president of the PP in Cantabria and mayor of Santander, the fascist Gonzalo Piñeiro, were bought by the kiosks of the city all copies of the magazine Interviú to prevent neighbors read who had bought a second home, a chalet luxury in Cudón (Miengo).
In March the Data Protection Agency invade the headquarters of Nodo50, close the web and then punishes the Association Against Torture.
Ardi Beltza Publishing has to publish the book clandestinely in France 'A blow by blow King' and the author signed co pseudonym.
In January the High Court Ardi Beltza magazine closes and stops for the third time journalist Pepe Rei, who will spend five months in jail before being released.
- Convicted Luis Alfonso Méndez de Vigo for the crime of insulting the king to create the web roboreal.com. The web is censored. The convicted denounced the theft of the painting collection of the Duke of Hernani by the Spanish royal family, who then sold at about 1,000 million euros to provide capital abroad.To do this they forged the will of the Duke and destroyed the documentation of the collection to avoid any subsequent claim.
- begins a long campaign of censorship and intimidation against Soziedad Alkoholika musical group, which continues until today.They were accused of advocating terrorism, cancel them numerous concerts are banned, The English Court withdrew its selling albums and eventually open up a summary to the point of bringing them to trial.
- The president of the PP in Cantabria, the far - right Gonzalo Piñeiro, requires a letter to the mayor of Torrelavega to fire Victor Gijon, his chief of staff, for a few critical remarks he had made on local television against him .
- In February the High Court closes 'Egunkaria' the only newspaper in eukara and arrested 18 workers. Seven years after its 5 executives were acquitted but the newspaper could not reappear.
- In February Otegi, Batasuna spokesman of the parliamentary group is tried and sentenced to one year in prison for rating the king, who was about to visit Euskladi, head of those who had tortured shortly before reporters of the newspaper Egunkaria. Eight years after the Strasbourg Court quash the conviction when he had already served. The Strasbourg Court said that Spain has violated freedom of expression, pointing tothe disproportion between the exaggerated conviction for insulting the Spanish monarch and the much lower penalty that would have been imposed if they had them directed against any other Spanish citizen.
- In September processed Otegi and 22 other leaders and members of Batasuna by the words spoken in tribute to Arkaitz Otazua, died in a shootout with the Ertzaintza.
- Prohibited two concerts of Manu Chao in Murcia and Malaga by bringing as a guest musician Fermin Muguruza the censored artist.
- In December Otegi processed by the words spoken in a tribute to Argala. He will be sentenced four years later by glorifying terrorism.
- In July you are convicted of insulting the author of "The cas Boadella, desventures d'un joglar in temps of it transició 'Oriol Mallo, the theater critic Joan de Sagarra, who had witnessed the prosecutor in the trial against the company Els Joglar theater.
- the playwright Inigo Ramirez de Haro will have more than 3,000 complaints for his work 'Me cago in God' for offending religious feelings. A fascist group appears at the door of the room Alfil Madrid to demand censorship of the work, two grandchildren of Blas Piñar hit an actor, author assault, destroy the sound system and try to burn down the hall.
- The High Court of the Basque Country condemns Otegi to 15 months in prison for glorifying terrorism for three years before his speech at the funeral of Olaia Castresana.The Supreme Court annulled the earlier judgment and ordered a retrial, held at the National Court in 2007. acquitted because the prosecution withdrew the accusation.
- the 'Lo + plus' program issues a video of Enrique Seseña entitled 'How to Cook a Christ' which has already been censured in 1977. A court in Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, opens a case against journalist Javier Krahe and Monste Fernández Villa which did not close until 2012.
- in October the High Court following an anonymous complaint, orders shutting down a website in English broadcasting images of the 11-M.
- In November Otegi processed by glorifying terrorism and other crimes at the rally held at the Anoeta Velodrome.
- In July processed Otegi for an offense of glorifying terrorism committed during a rally in Amorebieta (Vizcaya) in honor prisoner José María Sagardui.
- Condemn the hip hop singer canary and leader of Poets group Street, Rivas Leyva, for the crime of insulting the King and the Civil Guard during a concert in which he uttered phrases like 'the king had to be buried', calling of 'parasite' and saying 'I shit on the dead of the Civil Guard'.
- Remírez Alfredo Maranon processed by hanging a cardboard doll on the balcony of the City of Amurrio, Álava, in solidarity with the prisoners of the town, away from their homes under the penitentiary policy of dispersal
- March: denounce the comic Leo Bassi, threaten to kill him and placed an explosive in the theater Bishop of Madrid where the work 'revelation' in favor of secularism is represented. The hall was packed audience.The perpetrators were never arrested.
- In May: two people arrested for shouting 'Long live the Republic' during the visit of Felipe de Borbon to Mostoles.
- In May the judges condemned for raising a republican flag in a public building during a march for the right to housing.
- In a hunt for a private visit to Russia King kills the bear Mitrofan who had previously drunk with vodka and honey. One year and four months after the High Court prosecutes two journalists from El Mundo and considers the Basque newspapers Deia, your supplement Expires Today Gara attack and self - esteem of the monarch to publish the news. Also processed for the same reason the humorists Jose Antonio Rodriguez and Javier Ripa and writer Nicola Lococo for the crime of insulting the king for a vignette and an article called 'runt', 'cuchipanda' and 'trapisonda' the king
- and November 2 five members and the representative of the musical group Soziedad Alkohólica 'were charged in the High Court of singing
- In December decry two concerts of 'Rock Festival Against Intolerance' and 'Freedom of Expression' in Rivas-Vaciamadrid because of the participation of Basque music groups.
- In July the High Court kidnaps the humor magazine 'El Jueves' by the publication of a cover in which the current king and then heir to the Crown and Letizia Ortiz appears in an explicit sexual position. In addition, the fascist court prohibits the sale of the magazine, confiscates their molds and closes its website.
- Denounce webmaster Elite Torrent download. Despite being acquitted, years later return to the charge by the administrative authority.
- the High Court sentence of two protesters set fire to a picture of the king and his wife at a meeting convened against their visit to Girona with the slogan 'Els catalans not tenen rei' concentration. The trial had to repeat considering that it had not allowed defendants to express themselves in the process in Catalan but the conviction was the same but for disorderly conduct. Thereafter, in solidarity with the accused, it is common to burn portraits of the king, so have increased sentences.
- Convicted José Antonio Barroso Toledo, Mayor of Puerto Real and provincial deputy of Cadiz, because in a commemoration of the Second Republic declared that 'the Bourbon crumbly condition, this is no less despicable than his father was. He is the son of a scoundrel, a licentious person, deplorable, contemptible condition. No less licentious than his wife. King, gentlemen, because their origin is, is corrupt '. Upon entering the court the mayor said that "here begins the first act of the abolition of the monarchy" and said his arraignment marks the beginning of 'a battle' ending with 'the abolition of the monarchy'.
- In June the president of Congress rebukes a Franco represaliado for taking the republican flag in tribute to Franco Congress represaliados.
- The heirs of the Rosón, one of the worst fascist lineage of Galicia, demanding the journalist Alfredo Grimaldos for publishing the book 'The shadow of Franco in transition', with the excuse of protecting the honor of criminals that many massacres committed Republicans in Lugo in 1936.
- in January the official YouTube censors that the band Pereza has on the portal display a video clip containing 'sexually explicit'
- The High Court sentence of one year in prison Alfredo Remírez Marañón by hanging a doll in the city of Amurrio, Alava, denouncing the prison policy of dispersal
- Procesan second time Txema Esteban by glorifying terrorism by designing several banners for San Fermin festival in Pamplona.The corrupt mayor Yolanda Barcina manipulates the Municipal Police and withdraw the subsidy at two popular clubs by slogans 'Iñaki etxera' and 'Ongi etorri Kurika'. The following year during the holidays banners were black for the first time without drawings. The 16 clubs in Pamplona four slogans for sanfermines were distributed: 'Freedom of expression', 'No more attacks on the rocks',' We want a popular sanfermines' and '
- In July the Civil Guard invaded the headquarters of the youth website Gazte Sarea arresting 3 and leaving another 9 more processed, so you have to close next year.
- In September: sentenced the author of a replacement of a Franco flag for a Republican in a public building.
- Convicted journalist Fernando Garcia and Juan Ignacio Blanco for a crime of slander by interviews given to the Valencian TV Channel 9 by the triple murder of Alcàsser. Enrique Beltran prosecutor handling the case were reported in 1997 in full trial.
In June they censor and block the web 'La Voz Libre' by reproducing a cover of 'Interviú'.Playing covers of magazines it is considered an information event. All media -press, radio, television and Internet portals reproduce the image of others. It is customary for the front pages of newspapers and magazines are shown on television or in print media and public information elements that are displayed on newsstands. No means considers the cover as an image subject to intellectual property.
- Closure of the website Apurtu by order of the High Court.
- In March: the European Court of Human Rights condemned Spain for having imposed a disproportionate penalty for a crime of serious insults to the king in 2003 to Arnaldo Otegi.
- March 10: Two members of the Contrapoder organization are arrested and prosecuted for offenses to religion when they demonstrated along with 70 others with naked torso in the chapel of the Complutense University of Madrid
- lawsuit against the comic Leo Bassi impart a conference in Valladolid disguised as Pope and distribute condoms
- sentenced to two and a half years in prison two young Basques for spraying graffiti during the demonstration of the general strike of 29-M
- condemn a young independence Spaniard to a year in prison for the crime of praising terrorism following a complaint filed by Tuenti.
- Procesados Ferrán Blasi and Gregori Saavedra by asking for amnesty and display photos of two political prisoners in the demonstration of National Day in Barcelona
- in April: Fined a spectator wearing a republican flag in a handball match
- in May 2012 Five people were sentenced by the High Court and sentenced to a year and ayear and a half in prison for carrying banners with photographs of political prisoners and ask their approach during the celebration of the popular race Basque
- in August: stop the rapper Valtonyc in freedom for the lyrics of their songs. Will denounce the fascist Circle Balear by insulting the Crown in a song broadcast on internet titled 'Circus Balear'.
- In October arrest Jone Amézaga in Gernika to place a banner during the agricultural fair with the anagram of ETA in the gaztetxe. It will be convicted two years later by glorifying terrorism.
- Procesan the mayor of Alsasua for the crime of insulting the King for allowing a street charanga entitled 'The King's Speech'.On December 3, 2011 hundreds of locals dressed up to represent a Franco-fashioned newscast that was conveniently filmed and uploaded to YouTube. The parody was a complaint about the high rate of police that locality, 9.2 police per thousand inhabitants, three times more than the average of Navarra and almost 6 more than the state average. Parody parade observed by different streets and squares of the Navarran town of figurantes disguised as soldiers of the Spanish Army, members of the police, civil guard Spanish Legion and other bodies, as bands of Falange, who mustered 'the king'. Along the monarch he could be seen a flag of Spain and a Nazi flag of the Third Reich. On the balcony of the City 'King' he said a few words to the hundreds of people who ended with shouts of 'Long live Spain, long live the King, long live the law and order'.
- convicted of a crime of libel and slander against the Crown to each of the members of the band heartburn lyrics of a song published in 2010 in which phrases such as' who will cover the backs with included the state secrets 'and' toady who has stuck like limpets following him everywhere. "
- Condemn Colonel Amadeo Martínez English for the crime of libel and serious insults against the Crown by an article written by the defendant entitled 'Why are you silent?'in Canarias-weekly digital newspaper in which he said that the king was 'the last representative in Spain of the band of drunks, johns, idiots, brainless bastards, nymphomaniacs, vagrancy'. Also he called the King of 'corrupt maximum' and 'genocide' and accused him of having committed the offenses of participation in the coup d'etat of 23-F, corruption, embezzlement of public funds, fratricide and high treason in connection with the delivery of Spanish Sahara to Morocco.
- Convicted Ali Abdullah Olmo Rey as theauthor of a crime of praising terrorism made through internet videos and written messages from 2005 to 2011 in its open Facebook and other websites.
- In March: Colonel Martinez Multan English with 6,480 euros for an article criticizing the performance of the king in the case Noos.
- In March prosecute three journalists, Iraitz Salegui and Nekane and Izaro Zinkunegi for reporting on the Festival Gazte Danbada in which the nationalist youth organization Ernai was presented in March 2013. One year after the festival, the High Court ordered further the elimination of four videos that collected speeches, under threat of closure of Topatu.info server. Seven other people were prosecuted for the same offense that the three journalists who reported the event in the same medium.
- Procesan Sortu spokesman for the words uttered in tribute to Josu Muguruza and Santi Brouard in November 2013 in Bilbao.Muguruza and Brouard were killed by terrorists GAL.
- In April close the website of the youth association Ernai.
- In June close the web Burlata Herria, Joseba Ginés processed for the crime of advocating terrorism and ask two years in prison. They accuse him of using terms such as 'political prisoners' or 'repression' and provide informative demonstrations, press conferences and receptions images of former prisoners coverage.
- October 25: the Jovellanos Theater censorship concert by the Catalan artist Albert Pla by an interview published in the newspaper 'New Spain' not liked neither the PP nor the Foro Asturias, who directed that theater
- In February condemn a 21 - year - old Alba Gonzalez Camacho, who sent messages on your Twitter profile ( 'Black Heart'), which concerned 'top flew Carrero is nothing compared to how it will end Rajoy as the Revolution breaks out 'or' bring back the GRAPO ... urgent need cleaning fachas'. In his Twitter account he inserted a background image with the photograph of 44 political prisoners of PCE (r) and GRAPO prisoners.
- In March: Police assaulted three journalists during the convening of the Coordinadora 25-S against the fascist monarchy.
- On March 9 , the High Court condemned the rapper Pablo Hasel for singing. The process began with his arrest three years ago.
- In April the government delegate in Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, asked four years in prison for a user of Twitter by a campaign of insults against him .
- Condemn the 'Here Confidential' web for information that relates to Senator Gonzalo Piñeiro Cantabria with former treasurer and former senator from Cantabria, Luis Barcenas. Pineiro considered that the information damaging his honor and image.
- In a raid part of Operation Spider in April the Civil Guard arrested 21 people and charged two minors of glorifying terrorism for writing comments on social networks, one of which was a joke about the execution of Admiral Carrero Blanco in 1973.
- In April for covering a demonstration against the monarchy in Madrid arrested the journalist Boro so ask six years in prison
- processed Josefa Seoane Vaz, a mother of 75 - year-old who has had three imprisoned children for political reasons, for an offense of glorifying terrorism.
- a court of Seville opens trial of three women for organizing a procession with the image of a giant vagina , under a canopy, known as 'pussy insumiso'.
- In May several residents of Andorra were called to testify to the barracks of the Civil Guard Villa Minera and Arino by comments made on Facebook regarding the visit to Andorra of the president of Aragon, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, during the election campaign European.
- A week later they stop to Sergio Durán (Goro Látigo) a neighbor of Mas de las Matas (Teruel) for glorifying terrorism on Facebook. His lawyer says there is no such crime because his client is not a terrorist but is well integrated into society.Demonstrations of outrage occur in Regallo Square in support of the detainee. They described the actions of 'anti - democratic' and own a 'dictatorship' than any other system.
- In June stop in Huelva a Moroccan who isaccused of terrorism by writing messages on an internet forum considered as 'Islamist'
- In June: police prohibits the passage through the Gran Vía de Madrid a woman for wearing a Republican plate .
- In June: Police arrested eight people in the Republican demonstrations against the coronation of Felipe de Bourbon.
- In June 2014: fine and imprisonment request for 3 people for raising a republican flag in a roundabout Granada.
- In June they close the domain 'calatravatelaclava' party property EUPV for libel against the architect. Is achieved reopen as 'www.calatravanonoscalla.com'
- In July the Civil Guard detained in Burgos to a 22 - year extol terrorism in social networks.
- In September the Civil Guard cites six neighbors declare Alsasua, Euskal Herria, for participating in toasts, tributes and demonstrations in honor of political prisoners and exiles.
- In October detain a person accused of sending an anagram of ETA via SMS to a victim of the armed organization
- In October: arrest Luis Ocampo and Doris Benegas in mobilizing 'Monarchy is not democracy is dictatorship and corruption'
- In September the singer Albert Pla processed by a newspaper interview in which he allegedly 'threatening' members can and similar platforms, which were denounced him who
- In October of Antsoain four neighbors are prosecuted for participating in an act in favor of the rights of prisoners and Basque exiles. In recent months 15 local people were fined for taking part in rallies in favor of abortion rights in demonstrations in favor of the Palestinian people or to vindicate the Basque republic after the abdication of the king. Two other neighbors were tried in the High Court for his political activism and now another neighbor is in the same situation.
- In a raid which also forms part of Operation Spider, on 6 November , the Civil Guard detained in several cities in Spain 18 people and charged two other minors, of glorifying terrorism for writing comments on social networks.
- The Civil Guard detained a Moroccan by glorifying terrorism and registers a kebab in Murcia. They accuse him of contact jihadist groups through social networks.
- The High Court processes the political ex-prisoner Jesus Maria Zabarte, released last year by the statements made during an interview with the newspaper 'El Mundo'
- Nov. 6: The Civil Guard detained at his home in Pamplona journalist Boro Haine
- in November , police detained three people in Granada by the fascist outrages flag during a demonstration to demand a referendum on the form of state. Three other women they are most accused of burning the same flag.
- The Civil Guard detained on November 27 ,three people for advocating terrorism. It is a former political prisoner, Jesus Cela Seoane, Juan Manuel Olarieta lawyer and poet Aitor Cuervo, all previously detained on multiple occasions. They are accused of having given a talk last year at a town hall.
- Sentenced to one year in prison by Aitor Santamaría insert into their Facebook profile pictures prisoner Jose Maria Martin Hernando and Joxe Ignacio Arregui, tortured to death in detention in 1981
- December 1: Multan 331 euros a pensioner for singing 'bad reputation' in a protest basic income
- In January in Alicante stop a person to insert a comment in your personal profile on the policeman who died wound train station Madrid to proceed with identification.
- In January the band Prozacs process and the rapper Pablo Hasel for a song against the mayor of Lleida.
- In January the National Court processes screenwriter and director of 'Tuerka News' Facu Diaz for the issuance of a video that equates PP with ETA.
- In January the City of Salamanca censor an exhibition of paintings in which he represents senior state officials like the president or the infant feces on the head.
- In January , a judge censorship five minutes from the broadcast of a documentary TV3 Channel 33 for its allusions to the Chief Information Officer of the Guardia Urbana de Barcelona. Censorship occurs few hours before the document is issued.
- In January the Government Office of Ceuta complaint to the National Court program content 'Hurt Locker' of Antena3 by advocating terrorism.
- In January detain a youth in Barcelona for posting comments against Pilar Rahola on social networks.
- In January the National Court judge three young Pamplona accused of exalting terrorism by posting signs informing that the prisoner Iñaki Erro had been 27 years 'prison extermination' and criticizing the penitentiary policy of dispersal.
- In January detain the journalist Boro while covering a protest by squatting in Pamplona
- March 10: the Government Delegation in Madrid prohibits a concert of the band Soziedad Alkoholika, culminating 13 years of relentless pursuit ... for the moment
- in March: two young condemn threats to theking , one through a Twitter account with 172 followers and another with a banner.
- In March the Madrid City Council censure concert Soziedad Alkoholika.
- In March the High Court sentence two young men for the crime of insults and threats to the Crown during the abdication of the king in June last year.
- In March , the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art exhibition of sculpture censorship because of a piece considered libelous against the former king.
- In March , the government prohibits the play 'Swallow it , swallow it ' Inigo Ramirez de Haro for his anti-monarchist content and its author ceased diplomatic position he held
- In May , the prosecutor asked a journalist from La Haine 6 years in prison for covering the demonstration Jaque the King in Madrid on March 14 last Anno, where 6 other journalists were also assaulted by police
- In May a senior Air Force banned a lecture by Antonio García Trevijano the Mayor Barberán College of Madrid. Although the center is attached to the Complutense University, its administration under the Ministry of Defense
- In May arrest 20 people at same: glorifying terrorism, including César Mountain, singer Def with Two
- in August the Court constitutional confirms the conviction of two environmentalists who in 2009 criticized in a newspaper of Teruel a judge. The letter can be read at this link:http://www.aguilarnatural.com/Prensa/Recorte53.pdf
- in September the National Court accuses the council of Guanyer Alicante Marisol Moreno on charges of insulting the Crown to call on his blog 'motherfucker' King Juan Carlos I and qualify as 'bums, hustlers, drunks and murderers' to members of the Royal Family
- in September police arrested a young Vallecas named Oscar for the crime of insulting the Crown
- in October was sentenced by the High Court a 19 - year - old in 2012 had published a photograph of him in social networks in carrying a banner with the slogan 'Euskal Euskal Presoak Herrira' accompanied by the following comment: 'If you roll banners in favor of prisoners in the Tamborrada say it is glorifying terrorism, Convict YA'
- November 6 the High Court prosecutes Felix Urbistondo accused of glorifying terrorism by ETA to put pictures on Facebook. The prosecutor asks for a year and six months in prison
- in November the High Court condemns Imad El Mouahhid for posting on the Internet in May 2011 a documentary in which prayers of jihadi leaders were reproduced images of the training camps of Al 28 videos Qaeda and jihadist theme 'in Arabic
- January 13 the National Court condemns Ibai Otxoa Gil to one year in prison for commenting on Twitter against the monarchy
- February: the prosecution of the High Court considers delitiva the blast that occurred at the Camp Nou on May 30 during the final of the Copa del Rey between Barcelona and Athletic Club Bilbao
- February 1 the High Court sentence to two years in prison María Lluch Sancho by glorifying terrorism in his Twitter account
- on February 6, in full carnival festivities, the High Court imprisons two members of the company Puppetry from below when represented in a square in Madrid the play 'the witch and Don Cristobal' accused of a crime of praising terrorism
- on February 17 , the Supreme Court confirmed the sentence of one year in prison for Julen Ibarrola Perez, 21, for performing a painted support ETA with a pen on a wall
- February 19 Citizens calls in the city of Valladolid censorship concert Deff with two because the singer is accused of a crime of praising terrorism
- February 20 Multan journalist Catalunya Radio Merce Alcocer 600 euros "disobedience to some law enforcement officials" under gag law while covering the case before the HighCourt Pujol. The Government Delegation in Madrid attributed to the journalist a "serious offense of disobedience to authority".
- March 1 had to testify before the court of the Pamplona artist Abel Azcona an art exhibition that formed the word 'pedophile' with consecrated hosts
-the 5 March , the National Court condemns the poet Aitor Cuervo to a year and a half in prison because his verses extol terrorism - April: Judge Ayamonte prohibits the hoisting of the republican flag at City Hall - April 13 Guard civil detained 14 people in an orderly raid by the High Court by the exercise of freedom of expression in social networks - on April 16 , the civil Guard detained a person in Cigales, Valladolid, for inciting hatred against the civil Guard in social networks - on April 19 , the police arrested seven people accused of a crime of slander to the police for painting a mural in the town of Burlada, Navarra
- el 15 de marzo la Audiencia Nacional condena a 9 meses de cárcel a Ernest Bru Rodenas por un delito de injurias al rey a causa de la publicación de un mensaje en su cuenta de Twitter
- un juzgado de Barcelona abre diligencias contra la poetisa Dolors Miquel por pronunciar un Padrenuestro durante la celebración de los premios Ciudad de Barcelona que los católicos consideran ‘vejatorio’
- el 29 de marzo el Juzgado de Tudela llama a declarar a un vecino que compartió en Facebook una canción en inglés calificada de ‘antisemita’
- el 29 de marzo el delegado del gobierno en el País Vasco insta a la fiscalía que que prohíba un concierto de Pablo Hasel en Bilbao por la amnistía
- abril: la Delegación del Gobierno impide izar una bandera republicana en Cádiz
- April 20 , police arrested three people in Pamplona accused of glorifying terrorism
- on 20 April the police arrest in Bilbao to a person accused of glorifying terrorism in social networks
- April 22 TV3 censorship issuing a report on the collaborationists of Francoism in Catalonia
- May 3 arrest four people in Madrid by jihadist propaganda , '
- on May 3 the National Court sentence of one year in prison Mario Lopez del Monte by the comments made in its Facebook profile under the name 'Duende Punk', in which hedefended the activities of ETA and GRAPO
- May: condemn one and half years in prison for joking on Twitter with the death of king
- on June 21 , the Catalan police arrested the rapper Pablo Hasel
- on July 20 , the judge called to testify Emilio Lopez, a member of the Platform for Historical Memory of San Juan de Aznalfarache for writing a tweet against PP
- 1 September the National Court called to testify Pablo Hasel on charges of offenses against senior government agencies, insulting the Crown and glorifying terrorism
- October 7 the Office of the high Court asked 1 year and 6 months prison Victor, 26, to be published in 2012 in their Facebook profile images on ETA and GRAPO
- the documentary filmmaker Miguel Courtois entitled 'Yo, Juan Carlos I, king of Spain' takes censored two years TVE which refuses to issue it
- in September the National Court called to testify 13 members of the musical group 'Insurgency' for the content of his lyrics
- September 16: Liborio Ruiz, a member of Rockavieja group is penalized for a concert in Yecla, Murcia, in the the local police stormed the audience to detain an individual and two group members shouted 'Many police, little fun!'
- Nov. 23: Trial is held in Lleida against rappers Pablo Hasel and Ziniko by the lyrics of a song against the mayor
- NOVEMBER 29: councilors Citizens trying tocensor a tribute concert to La Polla, Kortatu and Eskorbuto in Santander , accusing them of 'inciting terrorism'
- December: trial in the High Court to 5 people burn pictures of the king in the manifestation of the Diada de Catalunya
- December: the prosecution asked 7,200 euro fine for a woman for review Queen Letizia in social networks
- January : Trial of Ivan Torrico, Jorge Manuel Prada Verstrynge and detained in Republican demonstrations against the coronation of the new king. The prosecution asked more than 3½ years in prison
- January 12: the prosecutor of the Audiencia Nacional asks for two years and six months for a tweet with a joke about the fascist Admiral Carrero Blanco
-14 January: the National Court sentence one and half years in prison for publishing Jury Andeka several videos on his Twitter account regarded as glorifying terrorism
- January 18: the prosecutor asks for two and half years in prison a detainee in Operation Spider by posting messages on his Twitter account denouncing the murder of Abelardo Collazo - February 27: trial in the High Court against Alfredo Remírez Marañón, already condemned in 2009 to a year in prison for glorifying terrorism, who now faces for the same offense to a penalty of two years imprisonment - February 28: National Court judge Javier Martinez Rastrollo by posting messages on Twitter that, according to the prosecutor, praise and justify acts of ETA and GRAPO - February 28: National Court judge Jesús María Lastra Herranz for posting a video on Youtube site in 2014
- 19 de enero: el Tribunal Supremo condena a un año de cárcel al cantante de Deff con Dos por seis mensajes de Twitter contra el almirante fascista Carrero Blanco y a favor de ETA y los GRAPO
- 9 de febrero: los jueces de Barcelona condenan a Adam Molotov por proferir injurias contra los Mossos d’Esquadra
- 17 de febrero: un juzgado de Salamanca condena a una persona por hacer una peineta a una imagen de la Virgen
- 27 de febrero: la Audiencia Nacional condenaa Borja Cáceres, de 20 años, a una pena de un año y tres meses de cárcel y el decomiso de su móvil por insertar mensajes en Twitter para contar chistes del almirante fascista Carrero Blanco
- February 29: the High Court judges Xabier Zelaia Madariaga for posting on his Facebook profile numerous images with separatist symbols
- February 29: the High Court judges Jordi Clara Turon by telling jokes on his Twitter account
- February 29 : National Court judge Arkaitz Lump Vives for exercising their right to freedom of expression in social networks
- March 6: the prosecution opens proceedings against a 'drag queen' for her performance in the carnival of Tenerife accusing it of offending religious feelings
- March 6: lower old rapper, Siker, appear in the High Court for exercising their right to freedom of expression
- March 8: Fined a municipal police Bilbao in a farewell Logroño for shouting 'killer cop'
- March 21 trial in the High Court against twitterers Casandra Vera Paz for a joke about Carrero Blanco
- March 25: fine a neighbor of Arenas de San Pedro (Avila) trying to record a full council
- March 27: trial in the High Court against González for exercising their right to freedom of expression on Twitter
- March 27: fine a reporter to record the selective identification of police on the street
- March 27: Defense Minister, Cospedal, sues Lieutenant Army Luis Gonzalo Segura by an opinion piece titled "Killings of Morenés and the military leadership 'on the Public newspaper about the death of four soldiers in a plane crash.
- March 31: The Provincial Court of Seville ordered to reopen the case against the women who participated in the demonstration of "pussy insumiso" held on May 2014
- 1 de abril: el delegado del Gobierno en Andalucía denuncia al Ayuntamiento de Cádiz por izar una bandera republicana en la Plaza de la Constitución con motivo de la celebración de unas jornadas sobre memoria histórica
- 6 de abril: un juez abre diligencias contra los presentadores de televisión Wyoming y Dani Mateo por ofensas a la religión católica, al afirmar que el Valle de los Caídos es ‘una mierda’
- April 20: Councilman of Culture of the City of A Coruña, Jose Manuel Sande declared in court for refusing to remove a promotional poster of the Carnival in which a picture of the Pope appears drunk. They accuse him of an offense against religious feelings. The drawing is the work of artist Alberto Guitián, a renowned humorous illustrator Spanish, and was part of a satirical series also represented other historical figures
- April 20: dismiss from office a worker of the City of Seville town of Coria del river described as 'puppets' to images of Holy Week
- June 23: arrested and transferred to the High Court two young separatists in Palma de Mallorca for burning pictures of king
- June 23: The Court 6 Guadalajara Beatriz Talegón sentence for violating the "right to honor" the mayor of Cabanillas (Guadalajara), Jose Garcia Salinas, the PSOE, which he called "sausage".
- July 18: the prosecutor of the Audiencia Nacional asks for two years in prison Dario Pareja by typing on your Twitter account
- July 28: a judge of the High Court called to testify to a member of Resistance Films for broadcasting documentaries Youtube
- August 2: the police stops in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) to a young woman by a comment on Facebook against the municipal police
- August 7: the High Court prosecutes President of Catalunya Acció, Santiago Espotl, to promote tooted the fascist anthem at the final of the Copa del Rey 2015 at the Camp Nou between FC Barcelona and Athletic Club de Bilbao. Accused of crimes of insulting the king and outrage to Spain
- August 20: in full parties Bilbao Ertzantza assails the fairgrounds to remove the popular txosna "Honztzak" the decorative motif "Butchers Vaticanas" where he looked the body of Christ boning. The diocese filed a complaint and the regional police lacked time to be of service as true acolytes
- September 9: The Civil Guard raided the editor of the weekly 'El Vallenc' and quotes the director to testify
- 13 September: The Civil Guard closed the official website of the referendum in Catalonia
- 14 September: the town hall of Gijon prohibits holding a talk on Catalunya
- September 15: A judge orders phone companies to block access ten internet domains related to the referendum in Catalonia
- September 15: the judge imposes 22 other internet domains related to the Catalan referendum censorship
- 22 September: the Superior Court of Catalonia censorship website which they appear polling stations for the referendum in Catalonia
- 25 September: the prosecutor accused of glorifying terrorism four members of the separatist organization Poble Lliure by a ceremony held in February in the town of Castelló de Farfanya (Lleida) in recognition of which was independence activist Julià Babia, killed in accident traffic 30 years ago and linking Terra Lliure, even though he was never convicted
- 25 September: the creator of the web ironic marianorajoy.cat has been subpoenaed to testify. Your manager wanted to advertise the referendum after the closure of the official website. The website reached 600,000 visits, but then disappeared
- 26 September: web pages censored by order of the Supreme Court of Catalonia now total over 140, including the Catalan National Assembly
- 29 September: the Superior Court of Catalonia ordered Google to remove all links and applications that explain where you can vote in the referendum and the Civil Guard held for several hours workers
- 29 September: government closes airspace in Catalunya helicopters and planes to keep them from taking pictures of the massive demonstrations in favor of independence
- October 1: the court appointment to declare Jordi Pesarrodona, ERC councilor for disobedience, since 20 September during the records in the Generalitat, stood next to a Civil Guard wearing a clown nose, which is his profession.
- October 2: Investigating Court 1 of the Seu d'Urgell (Lleida) eight teachers accused of a crime of hate speech for comments on three schools on police charges in the Catalan referendum
-10 October: Civil guard closes for the second time the web 'assemblea.cat' of the National Assembly of Catalonia
- November 1: Lleida arrested two young men for publishing images of the Civil guard in Facebook that the prosecution considered inciting to hatred that military body
- November 2: tried in the High Court 12 rappers of the group 'Insurgency' for singing.The prosecutor asks for two years and one day in prison for 'glorifying terrorism'
- November 4: the Court number 20 of Barcelona accuses the satirical magazine 'El Jueves' published an article insinuating that riot police used cocaine during their deployment in Catalonia
- November 7: sanctioned 7,000 euro fine one councilman we can of Catarroja because writing messages celebrating the death of the bullfighter Victor Barrio in social networks.
-8 November: the Government Office penalizes journalist Cristina Fallarás 600 euro fine for "disobeying authority 'during a protest outside the Embassy of Mexico in Madrid
- November 24: Police stops in Barcelona to a man accused of mocking the death of the state attorney general, Jose Manuel Maza on social networks.
- November 24: The prosecution requested three years in prison Victor Tormo, militant CGT in Castelló, for posting on his Facebook a photo of police.
- November 27: the municipality of Redondela censorship a photographic exhibition of the Republican Collective entitled 'The criminalization of thought'
- December 4: the High Court condemns the 12 rappers of the group 'Insurgency' barely over two years in prison for singing
- December 12: trial against the President of Catalunya Acció, Santiago Espot to promote tooted the fascist anthem at the
end of the Copa del Rey in 2015. prosecutors accused of crimes of insulting the King and insult to Spain
- December 19: the protagonist of critical channel 'Protest' in Youtube, Karlos Beach Sunset, go to prison by not paying the fine to the Criminal Court 4 of Cádiz imposed in May by exercising their right to freedom of expression.
- December 22: the Audiencia Nacional Santiago Espot sentence for a crime of insulting the Crown and other outrages upon Spain by ringing in the Cup final between Athletic Bilbao and Barcelona.
- January 10: A court sentencing a woman to four months in prison for a crime against moral integrity for a comment on Facebook showing her wish that violate Agnes Arrimadas group, leader of Citizens in Catalonia.
- January 13: the Provincial Court of Guadalajara confirms the conviction of journalist Beatriz Talegón for rating of 'sausage' the mayor of the PSOE José Salinas
- January 19: the National Court condemns journalist 'La Haine' Jorge Correa ' Boro ', a year and a half in prison for writing messages on his Twitter account
- January 22: the humorist Eduard Biosca declares before the Court of Instruction 9 Barcelona for a joke about the police operation during the October referendum which was representing the "Senyor Bohigues", a fictional character in the RAC-1 radio.
- January 30: the High Court sentencing a person for criticizing Juan Carlos de Borbon on Facebook, where he wrote that it was a "corrupt bad calved" and that neither he nor his "descendants putos" pay "all you need".He also said that "he had cut his head the bastard".
- February 1: the High Court sentence of one year in prison to a tuitero who posted several messages in exercising their right to freedom of expression.
- Feb. 1: trial in the High Court against the rapper Pablo Hasel for offending the king demerit
- Feb. 1: trial in the High Court against Kaiet Prieto messages posted on Twitter
- February 2: the High Court ordered the imprisonment of Julen Ibarrola, a young Amurrio convicted of making a painted with a marker three years earlier. You have to serve a sentence of one year in jail. Had another similar trial, which he was acquitted
- February 6: sentenced a young Jaen for offending religious feelings because of a graphic assembly Instagram with his face and Christ
- February 20: The Supreme Court confirms the Valtonyc condemns the rapper sing a sentence of three and half years in prison
- February 21: the ARCO contemporary art fair requires removing a series of 24 photographs of Santiago Sierra entitled "Political Prisoners in Contemporary Spain", in which images of Oriol Junqueras or youths arrested in Altsasu (Navarra) appear .
- February 21: in the High Court prosecutor asks for two years in prison two tweeters for expressing opiniónen social networks
- February 21: A judge ordered the kidnapping of the book of Nacho Carretero "Farina" (cocaine) on PP relations with the Galician drug
- March 2: the High Court sentence for thesecond time two years and one day in prison rapper Pablo Hasel expressing their views on Twitter
- March 7: a court in Tarragona fined for insulting a man who after the suicide of an agent of the Mossos d'Esquadra posted a comment on Facebook insulting the members of the Catalan police and branded them criminal
- March 15: accuse the actor Willy Toledo offense to religious feelings for his comments in defense of three women who participated in an atheistic procession in Seville in 2014
- April 8: the Municipal group PP in Pinos Puente ( Granada) calls on the Council and the City censoring the play "Self - portrait of a young Spanish capitalism" from Alberto San Juan
- April 16: A Madrid judge accuses three people of a crime of slander and hatred for some messages on Twitter in which they criticized the city police for the death of a mantero in Lavapies
- April 16: A judge in Barcelona orders closure of web http://quedelibros.com at therequest of the Ministry of Culture. The web allowed download public library books without copyright and works provided by the authors themselves. The accusation is 'piracy'.
- April 19: Trial in the High Court against Jose Ignacio Martinez, Sartaguda, Nafarroa, to write messages on Twitter. The prosecutor asks for two and a half years in prison.
- April 19: Police stops at Tenerife Roberto Mesa for a crime of 'hatred of the monarchy'
- April 21: During the final of the Cup, the police seize the followers of FC Barcelona's yellow shirts carrying
- April 23: The prosecution sends a note to the press threatening the consequences of the demonstrations called by CDR at the headquarters of the procuratorates of Catalunya, to request that all delegates wear a clown nose to support the councilor Jordi Pesarrodona. More information: - Oscar de la Fuente: Freedom of expression and religious feelings scornhttp://www.rtfd.es/numero18/04-18.pdfhttp://www.rtfd.es/numero18/04-18 .pdf - Documentary ETB: Injurias King:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5Th30u5xkM - Javier Krahe and Enrique lisp: How to cook a Christ,

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