
10 de mayo de 2018


His Gabi 
 Important Information Radio Program with God the Father / Vixen 09/05/2018 TODAY 

Jane / Qazar (host of the program): Hello everyone, welcome! Zaraya have any comments for us? 

 Billie / Zaraya: Hello everyone! If, stay positive and express what they want in their lives. Be patient, do not get frustrated because the blessings are closer every day. Continue raising your vibrations, do not fall ... 

Jane / Qazar: Zaraya Thanks! We can bring Zorra now? 
Billie / Zaraya: Ok 

God the Father / Zorra: 

Hello everyone!
-the RV is still happening in many places around the world. The reason is because nobody makes comments have signed a non - disclosure agreement, is all. T1, T2 and T3 have completed their exchanges, just missing the T4 group at any time will have the information they need to make appointments to go to the bank. I will not say "soon" rather say "Imminent" 

-The situation in the Middle East will be resolved in a very short time so do not worry about it.Please continue to send vibrations of love that area, send more love, faster things are solved. 

-Hawaii- earthquakes: they are "closures" that are opening up because Gaia is expanding but theyshould not worry about that either.

 There are people asking for the exact address where the healing ship in Sedona that I mentioned ... Saturday is located near a canyon on the right side of a mountain on the east side of the city.Understand that it is very difficult to explain each of the different locations of all the ships there.There in London, Germany, Moscow, China, are everywhere. I would take the whole day to explain exactly where you can find!

Although vaccines for children are mandatory in many countries, you as parents always have the authority to say no.Si need to go to school, teach their children at home or hire a private teacher to be completed school education from home. In addition to remind you that the vaccine was not put gripe.Les I have explained many times placed the danger of vaccines, all are affected by poison.He takes away the skills with which they were born and shorten their life years in addition to diseases like cancer.
-Usen the power of God that all have in their interiorpara heal ... .all are healers and have the ability to heal themselves and to heal others with healing technique! I would also remind them to use the technique of purification of food and drink to teach them. 
 -The "crystals" although different colors and sizes, all have power, there is no separation between them, all are one and serve to heal and raise the vibration too.

 'In this moment we are in the process of following the arrest of people who were involved in the sale of black market organs, pedophilia and sex trafficking. News heard are to cause fear but remember that the Galacticos know at all times what is happening on the planet ... the process of "cleansing" of these beings either jailing them or taking them elsewhere occurs at every moment even in this very moment. Do not worry that is already being controlled. In addition it will be announced publicly who were involved in all these atrocities against children and adults around the globe.
Though Trump has a wife who is representative of the Galacticos guiding him, his ego does often say or do things that are not correct. Threats or talk about certain people is not the way to go. 
-not verdadque you will remove zeros to theticket-bono Zimbabwe. It was only misinformation. 

 -NESARA Your ad is imminent ... and this information comes from the source. 
Nor well NESARA announced with all the blessings, we will have the official release of the Galacticos where they will see millions of ships in the sky. 

-a Clarification needs to be done is: 
* The Most High is the source, the beginning, the UNO.
* Then there are all the first creators (Sons created by The Source) Each galaxy or milky way has its first Creator like all the other millions of galaxies in all the millions of universes that exist so there are millions of First Creadores.El First Creator we talked always, was the one who created this universe and my Father because I think me and my beloved Sorayia or Mother God and Sananda. 

* Then come the Gods as we Mother God and Father God and there are other minor gods such as the Ascended Masters. Mother God and I had a mission to create this galaxy with all its planets with the help of many lesser gods.

Not take you 7 díascomo says the Bible. It took 70,000 years to create everything. Mother and Father God, or whether we also create them two- to each of you, or you are our children. When you rezan- pray is not to pray mine who is the God or the goddess in you. Prayer "wake up" the God / Goddess or Higher Self is in each one of you.When they want an answer to a problem, just ask the question and the God within is the one who guides the path they should take. They were created in our image and likeness, all have our powers and abilities because they are all Gods and Goddesses! Do not forget.

-the chemtrails emitted by aircraft and were neutralized long ago. The oceans are clean radiation and toxic in the environment have been absorbed. 

-Remember that have the power to change your reality by the Law of Attraction, for example if you go to the mailbox and find a lot of envelopes with accounts payable. You say: I'm already Cansad @ pay and pay and pay! That comment continues to attract more bills to pay! By the Law of Attraction to attract what they want, say better: all my bills are paid! Change their attitudes, and I tell my blessings, I am rich ...!They believe what they would like to see manifested in your life. This is how the universe works. 

-have a wonderful, happy and glorious day!

They can share but without altering the content, graces and blessings

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...