
6 de mayo de 2018


This is the translation of the radio program today 05/05/18 God the Father says: - Exchanges continue to occur. They soon will announce the # 800 to make appointments.

- The Cabal Government is being surrounded and in a few days will be exposed and will be released the news of the arrests by the mass media what they have done. 

- Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Slavery come to an end. 

- Nesara / GESARA will announce when it reaches peace agreement in Syria and the Middle East (soon). 

- The money backed by gold has already been distributed to all banks and financial institutions. It will only be a simple change of FIAT to gold - backed money.

- That also ends the Federal Government and the Tax Revenue Office or IRS. 

- The Western Union was closed by the Galacticos as they discovered they were part of the Cabal and it was through this company that moved their money internationally. 

- The US Republic is being organized with the final details for its official announcement. True facilities US government operates from facilities under International Airport Denver (Colorado) 

- Paul Ryan presidential spokesman was found part of the Cabal agenda, that is to be placed as interim president to General Dunford. 

- Every president in his country will make the official announcement of NESARA with all reforms.

- Trump will be replaced by the next president of the Republic who is a representative of the Galacticos. 

- The Arcturian ships have been placed in strategic locations in major coastlines in the world and in "invisible" status. They have a circumference of 150 feet. 

- In Sedona-California- a person walking along the coast, he ran into the energy that surrounds these ships and automatically received healing. This caused more people and today, are coming crutches and wheelchairs and walk out knowing about it .Those who gather there, make a circle around holding hands in gratitude. 

- These ships are on the coastlines of all countries of the hope that is ok to send the pulse of healing the whole planet.

- First Source is "holding back" the OLA for now waiting for the ideal moment. They will realize when you get because you will feel and see.Colored lights in the sky and a very intense energy of pure love. 

- With OLA, your brain will develop 10% is now 100%. They will retrieve all the skills and powers with which they were created. Besides the ability of telepathic communication with anyone on the planet. 

- Many will "wake up" and continue refusing to change from being in a "black" agenda, will be transferred to Earth 2 to track your process of raising awareness. - On that planet, all reside within. 

- Do not forget to meditate, it is very important,

They can share information without altering the content. 

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...