
17 de mayo de 2018

Interview with Billie Woodard and God / Father / Zorra Part 2

 -what they call "Global Warming" is not tal.Somos us melting the ice, taking sideways, returning to freeze - Area 51 and Telos - 

 Wednesday, May 16, 2018 

Interview with Billie Woodard and God / Father / Zorra - area 51 and Telos - Part 2 

Q: What gave you work at the Pentagon? 
A: I got a lot of classified UFO documents they wanted to read. He did not agree with the place where he was and protest. I wanted to go to Hawaii. I was told that I would be sent to the area 51 to underground facilities there. I got a position / rank much higher when they moved. OK, I'll do there? I asked. You're going to a top secret facility beneath the desert answered Nevada.-
Q: Who do you think these people were? 
A: I have no idea ... but I think we were the secret government. Ask, and how long I'll be here until you take me there? A month they replied-but you can not tell anyone. A month they put me on a plane to Nevada. When you arrive, I got $ 5,000 and was told to go to have fun. Ask why? Because you will not see sunlight for 11 years and a half they replied I did not understand until I was told that the first level is 3-4 miles below the surface. 
Q: Ever have you explained why you have given so much responsibility and you have risen to positions-ranks so high?
A: Yes, I was replacing someone who had retired from that position and my foster father also recommended me for the position. I was put on another plane and arrived 45 minutes. But it was all dark when the day was off. He did not understand why or where I was exactly. I explained that was inside a mountain. We came up with the people who came with me to a cart that started down at 45 degrees, it was obvious that we were heading down. We arrived and asked us to come into a room and we change our clothes. We were given white robes and were "bathed" with a very soft blue rain descontaminarnos. Back to cart and continue down a few miles. We descend facing another building and there receive a gentle rain pink. We passed through 3 different segments decontamination. The last was transparent. After the third follow and we find an elevator. There they made us change the outfit by one wearing a triangle on his arm. They took me to a room where I met the person who would replace. This gentleman was completely stressed out and told me he was happy to withdraw from that place. He was afraid everything he had "learned" there. Take my chair and started reading the papers were on the desk, was a tall stack of documents and reports should be revised, but to my luck, the first was the personal diary of Admiral Bird. More I read, the more I was interested. When I was in the middle of reading, I get a person who told me it was "required" at level 27. After the third follow and we find an elevator. There they made us change the outfit by one wearing a triangle on his arm. They took me to a room where I met the person who would replace. This gentleman was completely stressed out and told me he was happy to withdraw from that place. He was afraid everything he had "learned" there. Take my chair and started reading the papers were on the desk, was a tall stack of documents and reports should be revised, but to my luck, the first was the personal diary of Admiral Bird. More I read, the more I was interested. When I was in the middle of reading, I get a person who told me it was "required" at level 27. After the third follow and we find an elevator. There they made us change the outfit by one wearing a triangle on his arm. They took me to a room where I met the person who would replace. This gentleman was completely stressed out and told me he was happy to withdraw from that place. He was afraid everything he had "learned" there. Take my chair and started reading the papers were on the desk, was a tall stack of documents and reports should be revised, but to my luck, the first was the personal diary of Admiral Bird. More I read, the more I was interested. When I was in the middle of reading, I get a person who told me it was "required" at level 27. They took me to a room where I met the person who would replace. This gentleman was completely stressed out and told me he was happy to withdraw from that place. He was afraid everything he had "learned" there. Take my chair and started reading the papers were on the desk, was a tall stack of documents and reports should be revised, but to my luck, the first was the personal diary of Admiral Bird. More I read, the more I was interested. When I was in the middle of reading, I get a person who told me it was "required" at level 27. They took me to a room where I met the person who would replace. This gentleman was completely stressed out and told me he was happy to withdraw from that place. He was afraid everything he had "learned" there. Take my chair and started reading the papers were on the desk, was a tall stack of documents and reports should be revised, but to my luck, the first was the personal diary of Admiral Bird. More I read, the more I was interested. When I was in the middle of reading, I get a person who told me it was "required" at level 27. Take my chair and started reading the papers were on the desk, was a tall stack of documents and reports should be revised, but to my luck, the first was the personal diary of Admiral Bird. More I read, the more I was interested. When I was in the middle of reading, I get a person who told me it was "required" at level 27. Take my chair and started reading the papers were on the desk, was a tall stack of documents and reports should be revised, but to my luck, the first was the personal diary of Admiral Bird. More I read, the more I was interested. When I was in the middle of reading, I get a person who told me it was "required" at level 27.

Ask: 27? At what level are we now? 10- I reply. And there at level 27? Since you asked , I answer'll find out. You were called by your name you present you there. 

 I followed this person to level 27 and found a cave that led me into a tunnel that appeared to be new, freshly made. We walked through that tunnel until we find two towering beings standing in front of us. I was informed that they had been those who had called me there and I was about to do a job. My superior, who was the one who took me there, asked me to document everything he saw and heard. We want a complete report said. There was a ship alongside these cigar-shaped beings. His door opened very quietly and walked away .
Q: Let me ask you something: there was light in there? It was cold there? 
A: There was artificial light, not cold, the floor was rocky at first but in the new tunnel, the floor was flat and even as marble surface. 

 Upon entering the ship they explained that we were heading to the city of Telos. OK- I said, and that is Telos? It is a city under Mount Shasta in California they replied. 
Q: What was the type of ship they used to be transported? 
A: It 's a ship that used to pass inside the tunnels which are circular so have a form of "Bala" or "Cigar".

I sat down after the door was closed and the ship began to move first was slow until increasing its speed. Ask: how fast are we going? A 4000 miles per hour - and your knowledge just arrived at their destination-respondents. 
Q: Describe how they looked these things? 
A: They were very tall, had some loose suits with tie at the waist and wore sandals on their feet. They had a turquoise green skin color. I asked them why they were so high? And they said because they were Lemurian.

 When we reached our destination, the hatch opened and descended. They had pyramid-shaped buildings and other round dome as the dome. It was very interesting to see the city, people coming and going, very tall, with turquoise-green skin and that is mostly due to the high copper content in the water consumed in there. I met Adama, came to receive me, gave me a hug. 
Q: Who is Adama? 
A: It is an Ascended Master and is a leader in Telos. He is Telosian and Lemurian. His daughter Bonny (Sharulla The princess of Telos) lives in Santa Fe -New Mexico with her husband. I do not know why she preferred to live on the surface ... you had the chance to meet her ? Billie asks the interviewer 

 No, I have not met personally - I answer the interviewer

Billie: As you know who I am? How do you know my name? I asked Adama. He replied: I know your two names. Your name is Billie surface and your real name is Zaraya. Yes? -Ask ... and how do you know? To what Adama said, because I know your real father. Oh, ok - answer ... and why am I here? Because we're going to show the city- answered. 
 They took me to see their hydroponic gardens and they showed me how they grow their fruits and vegetables. 
Q: Where exactly is located the city of Telos? 
A: It is located about a mile down the surface under Mount Shasta in California. 
Q: It is located beneath the volcano which is asleep? A: Yes 
Q: It's hot in there?
A: No, not at all. It is a very pleasant temperature indeed. The city is built inside a dome and is bright as crystal. Although the volcano erupts not affect the city in any way.
 Adama designo a partner to take me to the surface, to the top of Mount Shasta. We made through a cylindrical tube. Enter it and being accommodated within its platform began to raise to reach out. All around was snow. A very nice view indeed. I asked my companion: what is the purpose that I know all this? To which he replied: your superiors want you to document everything you see and hear here and we're going to show everything but you're going to tell them to some extent. You can tell you visited one intraterrestrial city but you can not tell where it is.

 After a few hours of walking in the city with Adama, I had the opportunity to try the food. He gave me a strawberry / strawberry of enormous size like a melon, rich, a very special taste sweet. Ask: here are all vegetarians? To which I answer Adama many and not others eat absolutely anything, just take the air they breathe and that's the ideal diet ... .and you can do that? -Ask 

 Yes, of course we answered Adama. 

 So you know my real father? -Ask intrigued. Yes, I know your real father. And ... I can go see him? Not now, He is in the deep earth and you'll learn with time ... 
Q: Now that you mention Deep Earth, what is the difference with the Intraterra?
A: The Intraterra has to do with the underground cities in the earth 's crust. Caves, one might say. There are cities like Agartha, Shambala but a small version of the one in the deep earth and is a city of glass. Deep Earth is located within the "shell" of the planet where the central sun is suspended in the center. 

Q: Before we go any further, I want to ask you a question: what is the difference between 3D, 4D and 5D?
A: 3D is your three - dimensional world, which lives on the surface to which you are accustomed. 4D is already a higher vibration, it is to have understanding and realize who you are. 5D is an even higher vibration and also involves a physical change. It is when your body becomes traslucidodonde nothing can harm him, literally making an immortal form. It is also the beginning of the path to higher dimensions. 
Q: There are beings 5D in Intraterra and Deep Earth? 
A: Yes 
Q: It is said that we are on the way to a dimensional change, is it?
R: Let en route to a dimensional change as a physical / body change. Once being rises to 5D physical body changes for the better. The bodies have much density that you look solid, when in fact you're pure energy. The energy of a body 5th dimension is transparent, you can be seen from side to side but also solid density without the body has now. 

Since January 2006 every day you wake up, that was when we move from 3D to 4D, from there your body was feeling lighter and more energetic. 
 Since then every baby is born and 5D, are very intelligent, more developed than their parents. 
Q: And how long until we go through these changes?
A: I can not say date because it would be a mistake. But I can tell you that we must prepare for these changes especially when we meet beings who come from other star systems. It is a highly anticipated meeting because we will have the collaboration of them when the earth passes through its expansion. All beings both animals and people are going to be evacuated so that nothing happens to them. They will lead to Intraterra, the deep earth or the planet where they belong until the land ends with its amendment and thus return. All buildings made by human hands will disappear and the surface will again be the paradise it was originally.
Q: Going back to when you were in the city of Telos, you were like 16 years, right? What happened after? What kind of light have in that city? 
A: Yes, I was 16 years old. The artificial light is used and comes from the walls of the tunnels / caverns but as we all are in there 5D, their bodies emit their own light shine. There are other things that are highly luminous and live in the sun is a planet. 

 I continue telling ... Take breaks in the gardens of the city that are a beauty. Different kinds of animals that are larger than on the surface are. 
Q: Ok, now tell me when you came back to Area 51, you told your superiors?
A: Well, explain to them that led me to a city under the ground but was not told where it was (I lied because I told them not to reveal their location). Explain that have oxygen, artificial light and only some details to conform. 

 The next day, I turn to look again telling me that I should go with the same beings the day before. I went through the same process I went up to the ship but instead of going to the right, we turn to the left. I felt like the ship was going down. That was when I was asked if I was ready to go to the Deep Earth. Yes! exclaimed

 We keep going but at 400 miles inside the earth's crust stopped and I explained that it is there where the center of gravity and we had to because we were balancing the pressure. We waited only a moment and continued on our way. When we arrived, the gate opened and immediately recognized the place. Look up and saw the sun, no moon. Now you can go wherever you want- said. I went to different places and visit a library as well. Then I was told I should meet with senior advisors of Deep Earth (Arians) They who spoke with Admiral Bird years ago. One of them looks very young and who is considered the World Teacher but I know it is a very old one.

 I asked for the 51 area and progress in science and technology. I told them that they were developing nuclear weapons what I was advised that they should not be doing that to which I replied that I agreed with them. I told them also records and information I was reading. I was told to return to the surface because he was on a mission but I did not remember I had agreed to help with my sister. 

 I asked them why I could not remember , and they said it was not yet time that the world was not ready for my message.

 Return to Area 51 and began to wonder what he had seen. They said only know that you were the center of the earth, nothing more, but tell us you saw? I said, I saw a world completely at peace and harmony where people communicate only with the mind. Where no one has thoughts and evil deeds. There is no separation between them. They are always smiling. Advanced technology and have a lot of power and asked me to tell them to stop using nuclear weapons because it has too many side effects and want them to stop. They said they would not stop doing so. 
Q: Ok ... and then you could see your father in the deep earth? 
A: Not on that trip. He was not there. It was monitoring the entrance to the North Pole. 
Q: And actually what was your mission?
A: Continue the work of Admiral Bird. Bring a message to the world and consists of 3 parts: the first is to let everyone know of the existence of the deep earth and living there our @ s brothers and sisters. The second is a doctor: they gave him the cure of all diseases present on the surface for scientists to develop and the disease (which hid) is finished and the third was to stop using nuclear weapons. These messages should have been given to the world in 1947. The world would not be what it is today if they had allowed these truths come to light. 
Q: So that's the mission that you and your sister agreed to come to the surface? 
A: That's right , we had to give that message to the world.
Q: How old were you when you lived in the deep earth before reaching the surface? 
R: 1800 laps around the sun. So there are there. They are 1,800 years of you. 
Q: And what was your height when you lived there? 
A: 15 feet tall (5 meters.) 
P: And when brought to the surface, which had size? 
A: The size of a 3 or 4 years 
Q: And when you were in the deep earth were a 5D be? 
A: Yes of course, we both were. My twin sister and me. 
Q: And when you reach the surface, you no longer were more 5D? 
A: Yes My mind, my body no. 
Q: How was the process since they arrived or were deposited here on the surface?
A: After going through the process of "downsize" our bodies to the desired size had to change skin color so you do not have misunderstandings but for all who vibrate high and have no understanding, skin color and as one looks no it means nothing. All in there we live in harmony and love with beings who look like us and others not. Everyone in the Deep Earth have a turquoise-green by the high copper content that has water we consume that's all. And by the way that water keeps us young and healthy.

 We were brought in a ship and left us in a park in Texas. We were wrapped in a blanket and placed us on the top of a large dumpster. We started screaming and a policewoman and park maintenance person found us. We were taken to the office of Child Protective Services in Texas there. When the policewoman had charged us both in his arms, her body began to tremble as not to make us fall and we put on the floor. But in reality, what happened was that she had breast cancer and to have us in his arms, was instantly healed. We learned that because the next day she came to see us, sat next to us and started talking to us. He told us that he felt strange and asked to pack studies and the doctor told him that everything had gone negative. We heard them very attentive but did not say a word. Also she told us that she knew that we were understanding and added that he would have liked to adopt us but I could not because I was single but wished that we were adopted by a family that will give us love ... but it was not the case ...

Telepathically we convey that we had given the gift of healing for having found and we were well secured. 

 He was given permission to take us to an adoption agency. When we got there, he told people in charge to which we were very special, that keep us quarantined (for adaptation) and away from other children for a few days.

 We were put in an attic where there was a radio and a tiny television in black and white. That helped us learn to "speak" the English language as we spoke the Lemurian language, but by telepathy, mind. It was hard to start talking, it was rare for us to have to use words. After a week and shared with the other children but did not speak. They thought we were deaf and dumb. The radio announced that they had lost a child in Yellowstone Park. With my sister, listening, we close our eyes and visualize where the child was. We write down on a sheet with the exact coordinates where the child was. We gave it to one of the people who looked after us, they called the park to give them information. Very curious they asked how they knew where to find it? To which they replied:

 They sent a helicopter to the area with the caretaker of the park. By lowering the scene, found in a cave was a woman of race "Big Foot" with the child in her arms looking after him. The woman got up, took the child in his arms and handed to the caretaker. 
P: Oh wow, I did not imagine that this conversation would talk about Bigfoot. Are real? 
A: Oh yes ... it is a very peaceful race, it does not bother anyone. They hide from humans because they sense bad intentions who want to approach. This race "Bigfoot" are originally from Earth. They were here from the beginning with the Native Indians and blacks. They are the first real inhabitants of Planet Earth. The White Race was "planted" in other star systems brought from surface.
Q: What message would you like to? 
A: I came to meet my commitment to know that Deep Earth is real. Who they live their brothers and sisters and love them very much. They are preparing to come to the surface. Agarthans that are already working on cleaning up pollution in surface waters and the environment. Many changes are: dimensional and physical. Do not forget that you are Gods and Goddesses and that the planet is in their hands because they are creators. 
Q: Tell me about the separation of the military.
A: My rank was colonel and was active for 11 years and average idle for 5 years later. But very conveniently all my records / documents were lost, the president at that time gave "Closed" and then I realized that all medical and dental benefits that corresponded me to retire me were denied. 
Q: Tell me about the headband that you wear on your head. 
R: is a combination of copper and gold glass. Gold is used because it gives you a high frequency vibration. It helps to communicate with Los Galacticos, wake up your third eye, helps you in your immune system ... help around! 
Q: What is the legacy you want to leave?
A: That everyone should know that you are Gods / as and healers from the youngest to the oldest. They have no limits, which are essentially immortal. They have all the power of God as it says in the Bible: God created man in his image and likeness. 
Q: What is "Channeling" 
A: In my past experience only saw someone sitting in a chair giving a lot of information but in this case is different. 
Q: Can you describe the process by which you pass when you channel? 
R: an hour and 24 minutes) 

P: Hello! 

A: Hello! 

Q: Can we ask you some questions about the mission of Billie here on the surface? 
R: How not! 
Q: Can you explain about your mission?
A: Billie first I wonder if I could do that mission. I told him that he would consult the Directors of the deep earth and they agreed to the request. Billie and her sister had to share the information he had gathered Admiral Bird that the military did not allow it to be known. 
Q: What were you doing before you got here? 
A: Using my observations in the opening of the North Pole. 
Q: And where Billie is now? 
A: That's 
P: And what happens when you're busy and Billie call you? You have to leave everything because you interrupted? 
A: Abort? DO NOT! It is a pleasure for me to answer the call of Billie 
P: I'll ask the same question I asked Billie. I want to leave legacy?
A: Legacy? I will not leave any legacy. I will continue to be channeled by someone else to bring my messages. 
Q: Ok, and you've already contacted that person to begin canalizarte? 
A: He knows his name is Peter, but still do not feel prepared. 
Q: And that ability can have it either? 
A: Only if you allow yourself that you do. The problem is that many people do not believe, doubt. 
Q: Is there anything you want to share with us? 
A: You probably want to know? 
Q: Anything interesting
A: Billie has its very different from yours immune system, has two hearts and has no sangre.Su blood type can be given to anyone and problema.Cuando completed their work without documents wrote that his blood type was "unknown" 
Q: can you talk about the "meeting" between the brothers of the Intraterra, deep, the Galacticos, all .. 
a: that's why the Agarthans already on the surface. Your planet is too polluted and they have been cleaning. It is in anticipation of the meeting together. It is time that the family is united in the world. 
Q: Given that there are two entrances: one in the north pole and the south, I saw on the internet that there are many Nazis in Antarctica there.
A: Yes, but there is no entry on the continent of Antarctica. There are ways we open water but the only entrance on the south to the center of the Earth is the Pole. Antarctica was not great as it is now. What they call "Global Warming" is not. We are melting the ice, leading him sideways, again making a way of freezing water passages to make contact with the surface. Surface cruises will be able to get around to know the deep Earth. 
Q: Can you tell me about the city of Agartha?
A: Agartha is an underground city located under the Tibet. To enter Agartha you have to go around and behind a waterfall that there is no where you'll find a cave. You walk through the cave and you'll see a large door with the symbol of Lemuria. Put your hand on the symbol to be open. Only open if your vibration is the correcta.Tu heart and mind must be in harmony ... many in the area are not ready yet. 
Q: Since Billie finished his mission? 
A: Not yet, you should speak publicly in places such as Hawaii. 
Q: How old you have? 
A: If we talk about Earth years, I could say that 150,000 years traveling around the sun and that only counts in Deep Earth not all I have.
Q: And where were you before? 
A: Planet Nibiru aka Lemurian but his real name is Lemuria 

 Q: How is there in Lemuria? 
A: A beautiful, wonderful planet. Much bigger than this. When you approach may cause some negative gravitational pull, nothing drastic as people who live there have the ability to minimize the forces. No deserts, lots of greenery, its atmosphere is pure like its oceans. Falls a soft, gentle rain. There are many races living there and has two moons. 
Q: How long were you on that planet? 
A: A long time! Time is an illusion, there 
Q: What were you doing in Lemuria 
A: As I explain it ... it was a love of nature ...
Do not get bored of always looking at the North Pole? 
A: No, pleasure. I also see people who come visiting ships and aircraft. Those who are not prepared to enter not see the opening is obstructed by a holographic image of clouds. 
Q: As you know who is ready? 
A: We measure the vibration of your heart. 
Q: How is life in the deep earth? 
A: Freedom is for all questions, creativity, activities, decisions, etc. 
Q: how babies are born?
A: It is an agreement of pure love between two people who decide to be parents. It is through thought. The desire and love to procreate is so great that pregnancy that lasts only 3 months and no pain occurs. Pain is negativity. And it is done in the ocean with a soft, soothing music. It is a very special moment of great happiness. Inside there is a tropical climate. Babies do not consume milk. They give a liquid fruit is very nutritious. They should do the same on the surface. From birth can read, writing is not necessary because telepathy is used. We proctologist library where beings can go to learn because it is a living library. Experiences are live and learn there. For example if you want to know about the sinking of the Titanic, it presents as a holographic image are glass discs that produce these images ... where you are in the boat having the same experience of those who were at that actual moment. So you learn faster. We let our children to express themselves freely and choose what they want to do and be. To freely develop their creativity which is what they should do in the superficie.Después "Military" make vaccines are mandatory for from small start to lose their creative and eventually many diseases besides drugs for their skills. We let our children to express themselves freely and choose what they want to do and be. To freely develop their creativity which is what they should do in the superficie.Después "Military" make vaccines are mandatory for from small start to lose their creative and eventually many diseases besides drugs for their skills. We let our children to express themselves freely and choose what they want to do and be. To freely develop their creativity which is what they should do in the superficie.Después "Military" make vaccines are mandatory for from small start to lose their creative and eventually many diseases besides drugs for their skills.
Q: How are the houses and rooms? 
A: Circulars and the rooms too. It is a big and in small circles representing the different quarters circle. The furnishings are round, the bed is a platform that adapts to the shape of your body and are suspended although the chairs are comfortable is better not to have furniture as it is more pleasant rest in mother nature. People enjoy singing or playing instruments, sharing and being outside with others. There is also no toilets or waste disposal systems of the body. Just when you feel the desire to "eliminate bowel movements" automatically disintegrates when leaving. 
Q: How Billie will regain its stature? He told me it was 15 feet high
A: If you decide to stay in the deep earth will begin the process immediately and automatically restored. In there gravity is only 1/3 of that is on the surface. If you grow tall with the same weight you have now serious very thin. 
P: Oh wow ... then short: no bathrooms are needed, there is no dust or dirt, do not have to make the bed because no sheets are needed, everything is harmony, the food is healthy, one stays young, bodies remain pure no need to take baths, enjoying the activities, everyone cooperates with everyone. Is the paradise! 
A: Well, there is a city called EDEN ... is the Garden of Eden ... 
Q: Where are the negative beings of the earth 's crust?
A: They are beings who are always at odds with each other Diros & Shots ... are descendants of the culture of Atlantis ... have very little resemblance to a human. They are being monitored constantly. 
Q: What about Gray? 
A: They are visitors not live here. That's just a gray suit, they do not look like inside. 
Q: As the Agarthans look? 
A: Like you and me but not so high. And they choose the way they want to look. Well, you learned something from this conversation? 
P: Yes, much 


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