
10 de mayo de 2018

* Kathryn E. May * The Temple of Light-Part 3 - Elimination of dark cell with Sananda ** | Sunday, March 22, 2015 

Part 3 - Elimination of dark cell with Sananda, and El Portal del Pilar de la Paz with Archangel Michael - Wednesday, February 18, 2015 

Presenter:. Dr. Kathryn May - Co-Presenter: Meg Davis 
guests: Sananda and Archangel Michael 
Audio: (8:30 - 1: 52: 40) 

Notes: Kathryn begins this remarkable program describing what is happening in the Temple of Light, located in the higher dimensions where those higher Beings who have been in the toughest schedule of darkness on Earth are receiving loving care for his return to the Light.

Before I talk about the history of Sleeper Cell that will lead to their elimination and the end of our own dark contract, Sananda will give us an exciting update from the Temple of Light. 

Sananda will also guide us in the same way and that will help a little boy with Sleeper Cell removal. 

And at the end of the program we Archangel Michael leading the program to "activate - establish" your Pilar Portal Light of Peace throughout the Earth, this activation will be available for everyone. 

LINK opening song (We Are the World, USA for Africa - Michael Jackson and guests ):


The Temple of Light 

Kathryn: Well, I'm doing fine. I just want toreassure everyone. 

For those who have not heard about it, we had an attack by the Kabbalah on a group of Lightworkers. And there were some wounded, but all we are recovering. 

That was the "last nail" that ultimately led to the order ..., de la Fuente that all the darkest of Kabbalah should be brought to light or be dissolved. 

And so, (The Company of Heaven) have created a Temple of Light, and in our last program of February 11, we have asked to describe - planned to do so we could be there - to tell people the program what we saw.

Five millions, these are the superior beings of all the darkest creatures of darkness, they were taken to the temple, what we call "The Temple of Light." 

The Temple of Light is like a huge hospital where all who agreed to return to the Light is paying attention to them 24/7. ( "24 hours a day, 7 days a week") 

The first phase was an intensive introduction to "Light Program": who are the beings of light, who is the source, an introduction to all the angels and the Masters walking among all beings there, and really start teaching to help them understand what is "being in the Light.

"Now this is important The reason I'm giving this little explanation about what is happening there is that many people have commented." Well, we have not seen all of the Kabbalah out or doing something spectacular. " 

so I'll explain why this is so and what you can expect to see in our dimension. 

what has been explained to us this week, is that this is not an event a moment people have the impression. - and I can understand why - that all Kabbalah would be eliminated and that would be the end of the dark Well, that's not so simple..

All the souls of the Kabbalah have been brought to the Temple of Light, and have been raised, literally. They are being recycled, re - introduced to God, receiving special training, so they can understand what has happened to them, where they've been, and so they can understand the programming to which they were subjected and be able to recognize it 

Because if you lived within the Matrix, of course you did not know you were living in a Matrix.Only you knew what you knew. So they are being incorporated gradually, so that they can recognize the light and not be afraid of it, so they can begin to raise your vibration. 

I'll give you a little picture of how.

They are surrounded by the Angels and the Masters. All are getting individual attention. All are being treated and taught smoothly. That was the first phase, and then during the week, were divided into groups and therapy groups. And then they were working in groups, but each, every soul has a team of attention to them. 

Well, some people are saying, "Well, what and why they are getting so much attention, and I do not?" You know, and, "How is that Lightworkers are not getting attention?" Well, if we're getting.

First, this is for us. The work we are doing will raise the vibration of the planet. That is already beginning. This will make things much easier for those of us on the ground things, and we know a lot of people ... that Lightworkers are tired, they are exhausted by the work they have been doing for several years in reality at an incredible speed, everyone is tired.

But our friends in the Higher Dimensions are working literally day and night without stopping, and around our watch. Of course they do not have watches, but you know, usually in the higher dimensions have time leisure for a little rest, or downtime, or some music, or a short trip, or - whatever, you know, or a ride on a cloud (laughs).

Meg: They have been working hard to try to dispel all that mess. (More laughter) 

Kathryn: If all that. They are working nonstop. So they have asked us to help them by sending them our loving energy and help sustain them , and help them keep going.

And when we do, when we send love to your Higher Self and your Soulmate and anyone else wishing to send - they know they're all there, and that helps them. 

Each of the Masters of those who have heard you are working 'round the clock' because they want to complete this process as quickly as possible.And it will not be complete until they get to raise all souls to the 5th dimension. 

If you think about what we are familiar with , this would be like having all souls after death returning to God for review, and experience the kindness and friendship and warmth that we all experience when we finished one life and we do our review to prepare for what we will do after that.

None of these beings - I'm not sure if that's exactly right, but I think anyone in this group - would have been in the 5th dimension to rest and recover from this difficult life on Earth for many lives, and perhaps even generations or hundreds of years. 

So some of them have been recycled as well as we understand it , through the 4th dimension without having to make revisions or spending time with your group or committee. Now it is when you are doing this. They are receiving support and review and updating that we all get when the end of each life.

So it's nothing that we no longer or not have had the privilege of doing done. It 's just that they have not done for many lives, and they need it now. And in order to do that, everyone has to raise your vibration of the 4th dimension, where everyone lived, into the 5th dimension where they can go to God. 

We all need to send our prayers, our loving energy to help those who are there ... who have agreed toreturn to the light to be transformed. And, of course, they had no idea what that means, at all, because there are Lightworkers. They are not used to what we understand.

They have not felt the energy and warmth and well - being that we have felt to connect to our higher selves. So they are learning from scratch.And the faster they can do this better, because once the leaders, the darkest of the dark are capable of being elevated to the 5th dimension to their revisions, then we will start to feel the difference in their (physical) bodies they are still here. 

So this is not death, and not the Ascension. This is not either. 

Like the rest of us are working towards Ascension, we will take our bodies with us. This is an "event - process" unique and very special. It has never been done before, and I think they have said: "In the history of the Multiverse,

So for us on the ground, it is very important not empezemos saying, "Well, why are we not seeing results here?" 

We are not responsible for this, but it certainly can help! And we have to trust that they are doing so quickly and seamlessly as possible. And we will see the results because it is the best of all possible worlds, when you think about it, because those who have been taken are the highest (top) of the Kabbalah, those who command and are the most -dark of the dark . And when they return will be Lightworkers.

So those who have been in charge of the darkest activities on the planet will return to the same position they left. It may take some time toorientate, to acclimate to these new feelings that come to them through your Higher Self, because they will be again connected with their higher selves and God. 

And then slowly - they will start to look around and say, "Well, this makes no sense, and this is not fair, and why we should keep all the money And you know, why do we need to keep these? laws in this way, and so on? "so you see the news.

But as you can see, the Lightworkers are already receiving a tremendous boost. If you read, not the media, not the regular press, but if Internet - Internet reliable sources, will see around the world that people are waking up. 

They are seeing the dark actions for what they really are. They are seeing that all wars have been calculated and planned and imposed upon us, and people are saying, "No." Throughout the world, people say: "No, we will not believe these lies anymore."

It really is a double progress. The Lightworkers continue doing what they have been doing for along time and are making real progress. And now our beloved Masters and Angels in the higher dimensions we really have covered their backs - really have your back covered. 

They have said they would ... well, that's all folks!And they're working so hard. You know, I told people I talk to our friends in high places throughout the day, but now are still too busy to talk (laughs). And we will give answers' work 'you know,' Come back later. " 

So I made contact with Sananda few minutes ago, and said: "Yes, I'll be there for the program , " and then left again.

Meg: Well Kathryn, you know what came to my mind was the (Blog Talk Radio) exciting program where Reginaldo - Reptilian - he spoke of what he experienced when he had his review, and when he returned to be rewired and healed by the CIA. Heaven. It was a very exciting program last year. 

Kathryn: Oh, yes. 

Meg: And I thought about it. I thought about what that would mean 000.000 5. Reginaldos are planted back into their bodies. Not only in places of power and influence, which is a wonderful place to accelerate the work of Light for the planet place, but with the intelligence level of the darkest of the dark, but as a Lightworker, and reginaldo. 

Kathryn: Right.

Meg: And that means ... and dedication will be ... I can not imagine the ratio of light to be irradiated on this planet when we have many supporters with that deep experience, which of course was a choice to come here to experience that. Oh, I'm just so excited and anxious to see that they are older workers on behalf of Light, joining us. I think it will be very exciting. 

Kathryn: Oh, yes. I want to thank you for reminding us just that. It's just wonderful.

Meg: I feel Reginaldo us. You know, and although Reginaldo is in the higher dimensions, just saw him there, understanding these beings who probably worked together, and were part (of the group). These were his companions in that regard.And working with Reginaldo, how it became to be part of that, and he was the leader of the group. 

And how he returned so humbly and said: "Oh, if I understand, and I feel so compassionate." And you know ... and taking them to them in this way - even though it will not be exactly the same as they still have to stand - fit in their new bodies, as youknow in their light bodies here. And it will take time to achieve the connection here on Earth. But that will be exciting and will be immediate.

Kathryn: That's a very good point. We have this program listed. I'll get the date hereof and publish it on our Facebook page, perhaps with the following message you send. 

Meg: Oh, that'll be fun. 

Kathryn: I'll find the link to that program (the three links to programs - Blog Talk Radio Reginaldo can be found at the end), because you're right. That's very similar to what is happening right now, and give people a good idea of what happens when someone who has really been very dark, you know, a leader of a shadowy group, and as they return. 

For people who do not know who Reginaldo, he was the leader of the Reptilians that were removed from the planet in a similar manner.

They were told they should return to light, or be dissolved. 

It was expected that when they (the reptilians) left, things really change. But instead what happened is that the Cabal stepped forward and took their places and then some. So it was not what we expected to happen after the Reptilians left, but we are here - and this time, it will not happen again. 

The Source has ruled regulations (standards) and will never be allowed to reach the level of darkness we were experiencing in the last month.

Another small point ... of course I'm a psychologist, so I'm interested in how treatment programs are executed. And it 's interesting - the progression from the field that was presented and has been used, and that a week ago now. The first days were presented in large groups. Then they went into smaller groups, and have now been divided individually. 

Each person has three or four Lightworkers with them: archangels, teachers, ancestors that can help them. Here are beings throughout the Multiverse helping. They came in droves to help because with 5,000,000 dark beings being reprogrammed / rehabilitated - that means about 20 million in the process of treating all day and all night.

So they have developed what we now call a "Zero Tolerance Policy." Each individual is being cared for by a loving and caring group of light beings and are being careful not to allow any darkness penetrate the pillar of light. So in this way they will be fully prepared to raise their vibration and achieve the 5th dimension. 

But they first have to learn the concept of zero tolerance for darkness. Now this is very good, but it's also something that also we all can learn. In order to ascend, in order to effectively restore all systems must have a zero tolerance approach where no hint of old habits, old ways of thinking are allowed.

This brings us to what we will do in the next phase, when we talk about sleeper cell, because that is the part that also we all need to be doing right now: deprogramming. So we can send our energy and our support for our teachers and our friends in the higher dimensions, but we can do it ourselves, and so we will be raising the Light quotient on the planet. 

And if everyone on this call (program) go ahead with this and do meditation and cleanings we are suggesting, today we will see a difference. 

So let's call Sananda, and come and join us in eliminating sleeper cell, for those who have not done this to do so now.

And it has been told by the source, Sananda and Archangel Michael, who also helped with this, that every person on the planet has come here with what we are calling: the dark cell. 

Usually inlaid in the center of our brain, which would interfere with our third eye. That helps interfere, so that you feel like you're further behind the veil. 

So everyone needs to eliminate this, each human being. And we must also eliminate the contract we agreed. Sananda tell us more about this. All agreed with this dark cell, and I would like to ask Sananda what the circumstances were that this contract was created, and when we agreed with it because I'm not sure of the details.

And there is another important factor in all this.You can go to a shaman or Lightworker who remove metal implants or different types of implants, but "just us" we remove our own dark cell. 

No one else can do it for you. So you have to be able to concentrate, work with it and delete your own cell, dark cell. 

So let me call Sananda, and you're there Meg. I can hear you. 

Meg: Yes . And Kathryn, anything - and I know that Sananda is - listen, I know last week you mentioned that sometimes people, boots on the ground may be feeling some things, some reverberations of the Temple of Light. Is it ?. 

Kathryn: Oh, yes. Thank you.

Meg: You said you can absorb some things, so maybe Sananda can talk about what can be confusing, because it will eliminate the sleeper cell, since it also might be getting some reverberations of the Temple of Light, especially if our Being superior is involved "as part of aid" ... in (the Temple of Light). And we are connecting there helping. Sananda so maybe you can talk about that too. I think I could help some people who might be a little confused about this last week ... what they might be feeling.

Kathryn: Right. I'm so glad that you mentioned.Yes, because right after all were taken (the Temple), the next day what we felt were waves of anxiety and fear and discomfort. And then we realized that our higher selves are there working and that's what they are feeling, because that's what everyone is feeling there. 

Those who had been brought to the Temple of Light had no idea what was going to happen to them. And of course because of its programming thought they would be punished or tortured. You know, because that's what was done to them. So there were a couple of days - I remember as a day and a half - when things were really hectic.

A great darkness with ill feelings of anxiety, fear, only waves of dark feelings. And then it decreased.So we're starting to feel a quieter phase. And I hope that what we feel is ... you know ... it's a real lift. 

But it is important that we all be aware that if you are feeling these intense really strange and unusual feelings, do not assume they are sick or there 's something wrong with you or if you're anxious, because these days many things that happen there and on the planet that are so powerful. And so huge that we will be feeling all sorts of things. Hopefully it will improve and improve. Thanks Meg.

And do you think there's something else on which we should ask Sananda? Oh, if I know. We have had a request here. We have asked, and what about young children? Do they have a sleeper cell? Can it be eliminated? So we will consult with Sananda about that. 

I think at one point I asked about it and was told: young children who are coming now because we have not removed the contract. But the probable dates, I do not know. So I ask that too. 

Meg: That will be useful. I think many parents probably have been asking that question. Thank you. 

Kathryn: Anything else than you think deberíamospedir or cover? 

Meg: No, I think it's fine. If I think of something, I'll tell you .

Kathryn: Yes I do. Okay, so now I'll put aside. 


Welcome to Sananda and updating in the Temple of Light 

Meg: Okay, thank you Kathryn. We give you a few seconds to connect with our dear brother (Sananda). I know he is very busy, and we are grateful - grateful - and will leave for some time their important work to come and be with us and let us know how to help them with their mission to help all of us. Welcome Sananda. 

Good afternoon how are you? 

Sananda: (merry laughter) Hey Meg. I'm slipping into the base (much laughter). 

Meg: "Safe!"

Sananda: I am very happy to be here with you.Yes, I was listening course, and things in the higher dimensions are cooking! We've never worked so hard. (Chuckles) I can tell you've never worked so hard, and we're pushing all together - all together pushing - and many people have come from all over the universe and even other universes to help. 

As told, this has never happened before. First, it is very rare that so many souls would be coming to higher dimensions simultaneously, and in need of treatment - this has never happened before. So you've heard a little about the program that we have presented. I'll give you a little idea of what we do there.

Naturally, when we started in the Light to people who have always lived in darkness or many lives, is an enigma, you might say. It's like trying to teach someone who tastes like chocolate ice cream. You can not teach. You have to show it ;You have to present it 

And so we have developed a whole program to present what is light, including what we call "shock and awe", as presented in our last message. We drove to all of them (the dark souls in the Temple of Light) in our light bodies. And ofcourse, Archangel Michael knows how to present himself in a way that is simply magnificent and awe - inspiring, and so we've all done that at first, especially those of us who are more familiar with people on the surface.

Most people have heard of the Archangel Michael and Raphael and Gabriel and me of course, so we have presented and we have allowed ourselves, and then walked among them talking to them, giving them confidence. And if they were awestruck, but mostly fear, and we had to prove we really are of Light and what that means, and means that we do not harm. We are there to help and teach.

After the first 72 hours or so of this "light show", as you might call that was on 24/7, ( "24 hours a day, 7 days a week") you can imagine that any of old ideas they had about who we were ... and were being strongly challenged. And it was the kind of intense presentation that is required to be able to open their eyes and see things they've never seen before and feel things that have no meaning. It was a very dramatic moment.

And after the first 72 hours, there were a few who were the least dark of those who came, who actually were able to understand what we were showing and were immediately moved to a deeper formation. So we are achieving. But after a couple of days of work of the group, we were still looking for some of the group was not possible to move - just observe, but do not really change.

And that's when we developed the following technique we used: private groups "zero tolerance". It's almost like a cell Light beings created around the soul of the person to block all darkness and actually being bombarded with light. And we encourage them to do the same.Starting to absorb light. Open your hearts and begin to open their minds, because that, you see, is the hardest part. 

When one has lived a life that has been tortured, manipulated and then magnified and even worship, a kind of mentality that is very rigid and very difficult to break is created. I will not go into detail about that because Kathryn has written a book titled, Who Needs Light? (Link below).

There is a whole section in the book that describes them what they feel the dark beings, how theythink, what their attitude, what are your ideas and how to act on them. I encourage everyone to read it , and see what we're dealing with 

Many of you have dealt with people who were rigidly scheduled and barricaded themselves in a dark system. That's very hard to break, and I want you to know all of you, which is not that this process is not working. It is not that way. And if you have not seen immediate results it is why ... because it is not possible for someone who has spent lifetimes in the dark simply change.

They must be driven into the Light. We have to show them how it is, and yet, if they have not changed their way of thinking, would call something false or something real or something that could not count or something temporary.There are many ways in which they could see and not accept what could be his way of life, or even that it is real. 

And so we must first convince them that it is real, and may indeed go to the Light and be accepted by God. Only that idea is amazing for most of them. 

SANANDA Helping a child to remove their cell Asleep ?. 

They have asked about the children and about the contract.

First, if you can have a dark cell if they are over two years old, and parents can really help the child to do this. I'll tell you how you can help your child to remove the cell. 

You look deeply into his eyes; and they look straight to and toward the center of your brain.And when you look at the child he will go to that place in the brain, and make his dwelling there and you look back from there (the center of the brain).

And then gently massaging her temples and forehead, and also move your hands slowly up around your head up, like you're helping to push a sliver through the crown. And while you do this you look deep into his eyes smiling with all the love in your heart for this little you loved one is your son. 

And as you do this the energy of love in your eyes will help the child to simply push the dark cell through the top of your brain. In fact, it is easier for children because they have not developed a life around the emanations of that cell.

They have not. Their brains have not been trained to adapt to it. Tracks have not been established in their brains, so help a child to do this is much easier than it is for most adults. And just to be safe, they can do it several times. 

Your child will be happy because a child to have a father thrives deeply into his eyes. And as you learn to do this with your child, take note of it and know that this is the ultimate in education (training) of children. This is how you express love to a child - not giving them anything, not saying anything. He is watching them deep into her eyes, so they see the pleasure you experience fromlooking directly at them.

And there will be a lot of happy children when doing this. So I'm glad I asked the question, and Isuggest you all do this exercise with your children often. They can choose massaging his shoulder ... but all children love having a massage on their heads. It feels wonderful Oh no? Around the back of his brain stem, her neck, around the temples, behind the ears - it feels wonderful and especially your mother or your father are looking deep into the eyes. What child does not thrive - flowers? 

SANANDA The Dark History of the Cell

So now let me answer your question and give you some history of this dark cell, and why everyone has one. No animals on the planet, but every human being - - Every human being has come to incarnate on Earth with this cell added to his being. 

Now I'll give you an idea of where this started.You are aware, especially since the latter challenge, the planet Earth really is the territory on which it is conducting the battle between light and darkness. Although we do not really think of it as a battle. But the dark do. We think of it simply as bringing light to a difficult situation.

While watching it continue that way will succeed because you can not fight the darkness, because darkness is nothing. It is not a thing. It is an illusion, and when you bring the light, darkness disappears. Evaporate. 

So we have come here, as I did when I incarnated here, as you have done. We came here with the understanding that this was what we were going to experience here. And we entered into a contract with our confidence and the knowledge that the Light is everything, and our commitment to our Father Source.

We agreed to incarnate here between the dark, and in doing so we would wear a dark cell, so we were going to experience something dark experience for themselves. And in doing so actually we agreed on a type of disability. And so this agreement was developed over many, many Council meetings between the heads of the dark races and our teachers. Many of you were there.

We've given much thought to the Company of Heaven about the implications of what could assume this challenge. But you see, this is not just on planet Earth. This is where the plot thickens.You know us as the Masters of the Earth, but this is not our only job. We are also ... all of us, you know by name and those who have intuited, we are all beings of this Universe. 

We have embodied in many places. We have worked with the darkness to bring light through many planets throughout the aeons.

It has been a long process, and one in which Lightworkers have always been called in to help maintain and control the dark, so they could not take over (take over). And that has the same challenged our integrity, our commitment, our loyalty and our strength to grow and expand, and continue with our creations, expand our galaxy, to establish planets, and creating - created new forms of life, new civilizations and yet being able to contain the dark. 

Now as many of you know, the dark can not rise above the upper 4th Dimension and sometimes slightly on the 5th, but only around the edges -orillas. They have high technology but in no way are not of the Light.

So they have never experienced the higher dimensions of Earth that many of you have experienced. And occasionally they decide to cause problems for all of us, and when that happens, we must unite. We have to be creative.We need to be firm, and find imaginative and creative ways to protect ourselves and our loved ones while maintaining the contract of Universal Law that is free will.

You see, those who have decided to join with the dark have free will. They can come and go out of alignment with the dark, and loyalties that have agreed. Many have not noticed or have not known, but nevertheless, it is true and never allow the Source of Light just end up with your enemies.That is not possible. But those who are in the dark do not understand this. 

They think it's a weakness on our part that simply do not fly or eliminated, but we would not do that.They and we have free will, and it's time that some of them may come to light and join us.

So that's always our hope that we will win - that the Light will win because people return back to the light and join us. This is how the Light expands. This is how we protect our Universes areas we have designated and be our territory for the Light. 

But now you have realized that the Earth has been in a fight (dispute). Dark they expected, especially after they were able to design the destruction of Atlantis, hoped that they would come to the wounded planet and just take over.And that's when this program actually began in full force. 

This has been the system. This has been what we have done for thousands of years.

When Sanat Kumara said. "I'm going to planet Earth and hold the Light, and will remain as long as necessary," I said, "I will come I will walk on earth, I'll be in charge of what happens in the planet Earth. I will help my beloved friends, the Lightworkers, who will rise up to defend humanity, incarnate among human beings who are being subjected to darkness, and we will encourage as many as possible of returns to the light ". This has been the system. This has been what we have done for thousands of years.

And as some of you know, our beloved Sanat Kumara and his twin flame have recently gone to the new universe to take important positions there. So you see, our beloved Sanat, who came here to stay until the end, he has now decided that he can move and move to the exciting position of being the main Creator, being both the main creators of the new universe. 

So our own beloved Masters will have the option of going to the new universe, if desired. We're all going to have these wonderful choices, but first we will finish our work here. Our job here is to bring the light and allow a new blossoming of the Golden Age on Earth.

Now, that gives them some perspective of the history and importance of this. You know what most people say, "Oh, I feel like a small grain of sand in this vast universe. How could be important? Well, take the perspective that just given and multiplied by a thousand. 

I can not possibly tell you how important that is, because this ... this ... could be called a "drama" being represented here and that resound throughout the Multiverse. and our victory here will set a new standard (level). and thus, the planet Earth will never be harassed by dark. the energies are increasing.

As we break the barriers of dark energies rotating around the Earth and that have limited the progress of the Ascension of Mother Earth and stifled the progress of all human beings on the planet ... we are now cleaning up all that, and everything is possible. 

Terra will raise your vibration, will complete your Ascension, and you all will be able to go with it.And when they do, there will be no more darkness on planet Earth because dimensionally not possible. Kabbalah not be able to maintain itself in the light of the new planet Earth.

I know many of you are tired. I know sometimes feel the dispirited. The process seems to take forever, but you understand that it is a massive task, if massive, and how important it is for the source, to the Company of Heaven, and the entire Multiverse. And so you have to be careful, we must be patient and must be resolved. And we ask for your help. 

When they send their love when they send their love, their good feelings, greetings, we feel. We are high. We know you are. We know that we are helping and I agradecemos.- now being heard any beeps (used with the phone indicates a low battery beep), but that should not be a problem. We are going to continue.

Now we continue with the elimination of sleeper cell. 

I see there are some problems with the phone (the sound fades) .... ah that was the problem thanks dear (solve the problem). 


Now let's talk about the elimination of the sleeping cell. Well now all they accompany me. 

Sit quietly and comfortably in your chair. If you are in the north or east, you wrap a warm blanket around you and so you feel more comfortable in your seat and begin. 

First breathe deeply. Feel your whole being. Feel your body. Gently feel your breath .... feel as you expand when inhaling abundant oxygen flowing through your brain.

And in doing so you move toward the center of your brain that place that Kathryn has taught them to go when they do the "Visual Centering", back there near the pineal gland, not inside but very close to it. 

That is the position of your soul. 

It is the place in the brain where all of your intuition, reflexes, memory, reasoning, creativity ... everything comes together. That's where youfeel you're just you. 

Now carries oxygen to the brain that place where you experience like you, you are the soul. Anyone who has been watching this life, without losing sight at all times.

Now breathe that place in your brain and shine your light through your brain. Feel every part of your brain, and in any case, those of you who have already done this exercise, join me and do it again because you will learn more about your brain while you do it 

Make shine the light around your brain, especially forward on the part of your brain called the prefrontal cortex. Where would you see the line of your third eye. 

Place your finger on the forehead and then pointing backwards from that point on the front of the center of your brain where your soul is positioned. 

Along that line it is where the sleeper cell, dark cell was placed.

Now use your connections and returns there to the center of your brain, and your connection with your Higher Self 

Go straight through the top of your head, and there you can feel your higher self and your Higher connected with God and All That Is. 

Allow yourself to feel the warmth and light as itshines on you and down through your channel through all your chakras and into the Earth, and anchor in the heart of Terra. 

There, he feels the power of that energy flowing through you. And you can, you can allow it to flow in both directions. You can open your crown chakra and let the light pour through you down to earth, or can absorb from the ground up through your body, so let those energies are combined within you .

And now, with your light you go to that place in the brain where, if you have not removed the sleeping cell, you feel a little headache or a pang or pain, usually near the center, near where the two halves of your brain bind. 

That interferes with the exchange between the right brain and left. That's why so many of you have become "left - brain people" as he often called. Those who can make calculations, analysis, detailed work, but they have problems with their emotions, understanding of self, and so on.

This is a sign of having carried the sleeper cell and having developed around a way that allowed them to live their, but handicapped by not having the full use of all of your brain working in sync. 

So just as you would see your body expelling a splinter, let the energy rise of the Earth through your chakras, up to the brain and out - push it out.Just to and through the top of your head and you give it to your higher self .

Your Higher Self is encouraging you and is happy you're doing this work. Give it to them. They take you to God, will put in the large bowl with the collection of all the old sleeper cells, dark cells all now be dissolved and returned to the ocean of molecules. And you, dear ones, you are free. 

And now, includes this statement with your firm intention: " I remove this dark cell of my own brain, and I declare at this time, I said the contract agreed before coming here is void and is canceled, and no longer will behave over a cell dark inside me. I will be no longer controlled by the 'thoughts -form' that were created by that dark cell. "

Now I will tell you the main 'thinking - how' emanating from that cell, which is what we agreed before I came here, it was the idea that you are separate from God. 

It was used by the dark very cleverly, and I might add that was to create programming, propaganda which evolved into religions, political philosophies, social movements, all that was used to develop 'feelings - thoughts' thoughts They would create: anxiety, fear, especially fear of lack, and competition among you, depression, despair, the feeling that will never be able to be sufficient.They will never be good enough. That they will never be accepted. You're always alone.

All those feelings were emanations that were either started with sleeper cell or were trained in you, that was the program that was deliberately designed by the dark to control all humanity.Kabbalah plan was that all human beings were enslaved. 

We all get to work - which would allow them to survive - at the service of the dark. That was the "Master Plan", and feelings of being apart were used in all of us to create feelings of 'disability - uselessness' - not only separated from God, but unworthy of God, unworthy of love, unworthy of happiness.

And that my beloved must now learn to completely remove from your thought. And now that you have removed the sleeping cell, now must deprogram your own brain. 

Well to do that allow the light to pour through you. Feel like a wave of honey - gold flowing through your brain, your body, your heart filling every space. Filling all those 'cracks - cracks' that have been so painful, where the dark thoughts are connected.

Now, keep in mind that for many of you had deep connections of the dark cell to other areas of your body and your heart. For example, the brainstem.There was a direct line of the sleeper cell response to your fight or flight, and that's why when people experience something, is when strong emotions are brought to the surface and the first reaction would be fear. 

Now when you think about human life and its real sensory capabilities and the ability of your heart, does not make sense for anyone to say something like: "I'm afraid of commitment." That makes no sense. We are social "social animals" as they call them .

You are fully able to love with heart, love completely. Humans are remarkably loyal, so it's not that there 's anything wrong with their human, at all. All these painful ideas were what could be considered as outcrops of dark dark cell and programming. 

Now the program has created dark habits, patterns, thoughts, and actions that have become what they thought was normal, what they thought was a human being. 

None of that ... my beloved, listen to me! Anxiety is not a normal state for a human being.

Watch a happy baby. See how they look with joy a sunbeam. They kicking his little legs. They wave their little arms. They laugh at the sight of an animal. This is how we are made. This is how we are designed and feel. It 's just dark programming that has made us one race undecided, unemployed, filled - with - worry, anxious and desperate beings. 

Look now your thinking, dear. Examine every thought, every gesture, even every blink of the eye and eradicate any hint of dark negative thinking.There is no lack. They live in a world of plenty, in a universe that is made of love. There is no lack.There is only the illusion that need will suffer all your life. It is an illusion.

Every human being on this planet have a choice, if they leave, if you look around, if you care to look carefully that ray of light are made. 

Anyone can find joy in their hearts - even one that is held incommunicado, even one who is terminally ill can look inside your heart to the center of your mind where joy is found. And the circumstances of his life not even matter because there is joy. You just need to breathe. They just have to catch up 

I send you all my deepest love. The Company of Heaven is working very hard for you, our beloveds.

We want you to be able to come with us to celebrate this wonderful time, wonderful and that is the flowering of our beloved planet Earth and all humankind. 

And now, I will deliver the turn of the word to my dear friends here who have more really important to you. 

And here is my brother Miguel. 

Well you think of it as the Archangel Michael, oh no? Sometimes I blew it a little; even we call him "Mike". (Laughter) 

And so happened to our beautiful Meg and Christine and Eleanora, and they continue to call us .... / ... Note.- Unable to contain a single note, continues the transcript with the Pilar del Portal de la Paz with Archangel Michael. 

© Kathryn E. May, PsyD ∞

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