
23 de mayo de 2018


NEW SCRIPTURE Chapter IX by SANANDA / JESUS ​​- Canal Kathryn E May, PsyD

There is a significant event which takes place on planet Earth today, 21 August 2013. They may not be aware of it, but that makes it no less historic.

Today is the day that all dark entities that have been hidden inside the human hordes, they are told they must leave now, and in doing so, they must choose to give themselves and go to the light, or be redissolved in groups of molecules, as well has been required by the Supreme Creator. There will be no exceptions.

Anyone who refuses to leave, and insist on staying with hordes will be slowly dissolved by the action of light energy within the group. The higher the vibration, the faster the dissolution.

As you can see, they are given the option whether to continue his life as a soul or be dissolved.

As you might say, this is more than reasonable. If you decide to return to the Light, will be gently accompanied by a guide that respects their individuality and choice, those who decide to return to the light will be forgiven and will be welcome, because it's not the past that matters in the development of the soul. It is the current state of your soul, your attitude, your intention and your Light right now what matters. Nothing else. Anyone can be restored, everyone can be forgiven.

As we write this, our beloved Lady Portia, who is transcribing my words, you can feel the intense energy. It is full of feelings: anxiety, fear, confusion, conflict, like a drop of water on a hot skillet, as she describes it.

It is difficult to handle for those who are empathetic, especially if they are not aware of the source. This high intensity will continue until after healing in the dark to light by the archangels Gabriel and Lucifer entities will be taken.

They have taken responsibility for calling and receiving all those who were lost, and all who were recruited from the legions of Satan, under the mistaken impression that their leader was Lucifer.

Lucifer was never evil, nor was Satan, nor was the leader of a shadowy organization of gangs or groups. He was and will always be our dear brother, whose name means light, and has lived a number of exemplary lives in the service of humanity.

His intention was to teach humans to learn to love themselves, and in doing so he believed they would find their connection with God. Although we do not talk in general about our earthly incarnations, I will give you an idea of ​​the kind of work that Lucifer did in their lives.

In a recent incarnation was Abraham Maslow, a brilliant psychologist who developed the concept of "optimal performance". It inspired many to achieve the best of themselves. You have also heard of his work as one of the most famous philosophers of ancient Greece.

Lucifer and Gabriel continue their work to protect humanity and free them from the dark who came to Earth to dominate everything. They are completing this arduous task in cleaning the entire planet minions who were seduced and in the order of evildoers by those who believed they could defeat God.

As you can see, they never did, and never will. Now it's time to be removed permanently from within their bodies, and from the surface of planet Earth.

They can not survive in the higher dimensions without being restored to the feeling of the heart, so they are not a threat to the other planets in 5th dimension or to any of the high vibrational beings.

Now let's focus our attention on the monumental events of today, Thursday 22 August 2013 by the calendar of Earth. This evening, at 8 pm Eastern Time (New York), an event that will be recorded in the planet's history as a turning point, the beginning of a new era will be performed.

We will conduct a healing session of monumental proportions, in which all dark entities still hiding on the planet Earth will be called to appear to be driven to light. What we call the Prince Reginaldo cooperate with Gabriel, who will blow his trumpet. This sound will reverberate throughout the world, who are being protected by human hosts and for those who hide within the earth's crust, and those who have been removed from their bases on the far side of the Moon.

Reptilian no entity will be allowed to remain and harass or endanger the happiness and the full functioning of any being on Earth. There will be no exceptions.

Any human being to cede or relinquish control over a dark entity inside you will find that you can not stand. Although it may take a few hours, the Light that is pouring from the Central Sun, and the outpouring of love Healers and Teachers participating in this event Healing will overcome the darkness once and for all, and parasites will be dissolved molecules and dispersed.

I repeat this statement:

No dark entity will remain on Planet Earth. There will be no exceptions.Anyone who insist that still affected by the dark, will have to search their own ideas and convictions and discover why have pledged their loyalty to the pain and misery.

What will remain for those who have been invaded by these invaders, will the need for healing for allowing the feelings of deprivation, depression, anxiety, uncertainty, self-hatred and confusion. This will require determination and dedication to rebuilding their own internal connections to your higher self and God.

We will provide encouragement and instructions in these my messages, Mother / Father God and to help them rebalance their energies for the promise to be fulfilled in his own ego bright, strong, safe and full Creator of the BIG LIGHT HEAVEN.

Never more people on the planet will be affected by interference within themselves, which was imposed from outside by those who wanted to harm them and control them. Now they will have the freedom to breathe, take control of your own thoughts and feelings, and begin manifesting the dream we have all promised to build.

Only now the true nature of humanity will be visible to all, because they have been deeply manipulated by these dark entities, of which there are millions.

They have targeted particular workers of the Light of Great Power, to retain them in compliance with the amazing achievements of what they are capable. Now you will see a flowering, a new Golden Age of creativity and goodwill, as all the energies of Light are released, and these talented and dedicated beings will manage to live up to its potential.

It is truly a new day Beloved. We are now able to organize this "massive healing" and elimination of the Dark, so that everyone can witness the same events, no matter where in the world they live.

Any place where a "computer-computer 'is available with an Internet connection will have access to this great event. It will be recorded for posterity, and copies of the recording will be available in '' and Youtube to be copied and distributed around the globe.

Everyone knows this event, and you will know why feel wonderful lightness that morning.

Everyone will see and feel the change, even if they are unaware of the cause.
Mark this day on your time line Beloved. This is the day that all psychiatric hospitals will become useless, emptied all hospitals, prisons will become outdated houses horror, never to be inhabited again.

As souls throughout the world awaken to their new inner peace, the soldiers will lose their interest in the fight, despots will withdraw from wanting to control their people, and armies will turn their attention to rebuilding, restoration and They will help people to live more comfortably.

All weapons have an aura of bad taste, as will be seen as instruments of torture and destruction and what they really are. Nobody will want to be known as someone who is attracted by violence and death; these agitations will be known as the wrong those who were under the influence of the dark invaders thought, these lower life forms that could not really feel or think.

They were not able to really think because of their neurological defect, caused by his unfortunate decision to manipulate their own DNA, to suppress their heart / mind. They are beings without compassion, without a connection to Love, without a connection to God.

Collectively, they were the expression of evil. They were known as the reptiles, the faction of the Dark Orion star system. Those who initiated this project professing to have a leader of great power, Satan, Lucifer was the son of God. The story was told so often and with such conviction that the minions of reptiles under the command of the original Dark were convinced that they were the army of Lucifer.

They knew they had been betrayed, deceived and manipulated. We also now know that Lucifer was a true leader, and they began to know that they had a choice.

As the energies of the planet increased, and the Lightworkers who were trying to keep them in the dark began to raise their vibration, the DNA of the Dark began to recover, as was the case with humanity.

They heard the voices of Lucifer and Gabriel, who were calling home, inviting them to come to light to be forgiven and return to their rightful place with God.

When Prince Reginald, the current leader of reptiles, learned of the return of Lucifer, he took the decision to leave the body of powerful light worker who had been dwelling. It came out at night, in order to escape and go to Lady Portia in order to request a safe conduct.

He was able to lift your vibration due to time spent in the aura of his hordes, and presented himself in the throat of our beloved Lady Master. He accepted the invitation to leave, surrounded by the team of healing which he was a member. He surrendered, asking to be allowed to bring all members of their species to the Light.

Reginald has been forgiven, and you are encouraged to raise their light even more in order to remove all debris from the thought patterns that lead to dark deeds. It has been brought to light, and offered the forgiveness of God, and have given curative treatments that will prepare for the job of leading his people to the Light. He will be accompanied by Lucifer, whom he now sees as its legitimate leader, Gabriel, whose powerful beacon of light invited to their homes, and the Legions of Light - those in spirit and those incarnated now.

All beings who return will be escorted, one by one, with the help of millions of mentors, who accompany them in their home. There will be received, wrapped in the love of All That Is, and brought to light cameras that will restore healing to complete beings that were created originally to be.

They no longer continue as the Dark, they will be restored to live their birthright, the mission of doing the work of God, bringing love and light to the galaxy of the Milky Way and beyond.

Rejoice with us in this historic Freedom Day Beloved. You have triumphed over darkness by keeping their own vibrations, light doing his job and staying in faith during these long centuries of pain and difficult struggle.

You have risen above the challenges, and will be rewarded with the joy of knowing they have achieved this wonderful change, which has allowed the defeat of darkness throughout the planet.

As the Father God likes to say, "It's done. It is finished."

Before sunset in the Americas today, all dark entities will have joined the great procession of souls moving into the Light.

Tears of joy wash the years of pain, and all celebrating by dancing, singing and hugging each other on the streets.

As embodiments are spreading, people will awaken to the truth. It will not happen in a moment, but take power in the hearts and minds of all mankind, in this year of our magnificent ASCENSION TO LIGHT!

I am Sananda ...

Which you have known as Jesus ...

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