
8 de mayo de 2018

#NUEVO Authanis Antares: Antares lighting Seals for UNITY channeled by Solange Marín

Star Antares (Alpha Scorpii - A Red Supergiant)Antares, a red supergiant star
Beloved children of Mother / Father Creator, I am Authanis of Antares, and I come from the energy of my beloved star to deliver a message of hope and unity.
First let me introduce myself, I am a stellar entity serving the beloved Tera, very few know me but I have attended many of you still without their knowledge. Antares embrace the power of unity through unconditional love, we are responsible for waking the teranos in his stellar consciousness and teach them to increase their frecuenciales levels so that they can move along the path of spiritual evolution as expeditiously as possible .
Right now, as you well know, the beloved Tera is moving various processes that can help humanity seated on its soil to rise increasingly, therefore we have aligned with the rest of our stellar brothers and to send the energies and unconditional love they need to advance. Each star system is vibrating at a frequency of specific aid and in the case of Antares go through unity among yourselves and with one, Father / Mother Creator of All That Is.
The Galactic Confederation of Worlds embracing people of all star systems and to us, they coordinate shipments and objectives, while they are guarantors that you are never alone.
Loved our assistance to their souls is constant, it is a permanent work we deliver with the highest sense of love, with the highest purity of our beings of light and with the greatest dedication, because we understand how important it is for you.
Today will be imposed on them three light Antares seals that will draw them then and this is what they mean:
authanis seals
1. Unit-All-ONE 
2. Unconditional Love infinitely-Expansion Limitless Delivery 
3. Continuous-Evolution Ascension Eterna-9 Stars (Stellar Master)
As they have previously done with other teachers, they should only show their willingness to receive the energies of Antares. In the course of their lives, just they have to call the energy of these symbols and will be activated in you.
Being of high vibrations, I suggest that with closed eyes receive the imposition from their hearts, and 24 hours after receiving them start asking their activation for periods of 6 hours, then 12 and so on until they reach 24 hours of his days.
Once sis bodies have been used, they can request activation in their astral bodies permanently. Call these energies consciously work with each seal-symbol and you'll see how they are progressing. The power of each symbol depends on its use, if they are imposed and do not use more, also remain in their astral bodies because they are lost, but without energy and without force. Constant use, however, makes them increasingly powerful and are integrated into the energy of each of you.
Tera my beloved brethren are here to serve when they want, when they need assistance think of me and I will come. It's mission. You are not alone, we are here.
Love, Light and stellar energy.
I'm Authanis Antares 
I am!
* NOTE: 
ANTARES:  Antares is the alpha star of the constellation Scorpius, is a red supergiant, millions of times bigger than our sun, is about the size of the orbit of Mars around the Sun, its spectral type is mixed , while it is said to be a double with dwarf most M0 is kind of reddish color and low temperature and small companion A3 - green.
I apologize in advance with the basics of the drawings, obviously this is not my forte but it is a challenge to work. If anyone has more skills and can develop in a more harmonious way I would appreciate collaboration. Anyway these graphics have all the elements, colors and layout delivered by Amado Authanis. Love and Light my dear! Solange.

Channeler: Solange Marin

Date: 08/17/2015

Location: Caracas, Venezuela.

I, Solange Marin, channeler of this message, give freedom to anyone who wishes to disclose orally or in writing. I only ask to be quoted and respected channeler full text. If you wish and is in resonance with you please spread it by mentioning
Light sharing with Sun

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