
14 de mayo de 2018


Reading the Book of Knowledge. 

This section is titled 

The Cosmos corresponds to a Universe in which there are all galactic Scopes. But these Cosmos also meet many Universes. Let us explain this more clearly. 

All galaxies have been formed by Big Bangs in atomic level, according to the Law of Eighteen Systems. This is not under - our supervision. It is an event that belongs to the Circulatory System of Nature. We are only responsible for the supervision of the systems that are already formed. 

There is a powerful Monitoring and Unification in the Universal Plan. This Unification depends on a mutual friendship. Mechanism of LORDS presents a hierarchical order according to the scale of values of a mechanical system.

Valuations in this system begin with cubic number three. This is a base number that never changes. Your universe is based on the assessment of a prismatic system depends on the speed centrifuge. 

Universes are infinite and have no borders. Within each universe there are many Cosmos and kingdoms. The only common point of this Divine Order is the Atomic Unification. All galaxies are subject to the Order section of a common call. "Cosma Unification Center". 

There are 277 Cosma Unification Centers. Each Unification Center supervises a Kingdom. Kingdoms consist of numerous galactic ramifications. 18,000 Realms form a Cosmos and we want to follow up the Universe Cosmos 18,000 System.

Measures numbers and belong to Your Planet. Here, the units of measurement are expressed differently. We Os transmit messages according to your level of understanding and knowledge. Here, we used the terms Cosmos Kingdoms and evaluating them separately for your understanding. 

The Universe depends on the Law of 18 Systems creates a Centrifugal Field. Apart from this, there are many Universes in completely different orbits. Some of these are: 

Kingdoms evaluated according to the cubic system are evaluated according to the Realms ductwork Online, some are Universes that depend on different assessments created by particle systems. (In these there is no rotation).

So far we have not transmitted this information to anyone. Here we as a small crumb of knowledge. While You still are a particle of the Milky Way Galaxy, you receive the information of an area that depends on the Law of Eighteen Systems.But We ask please that you also think about the other Galácticos Scopes. 
There are numerous galactic Branches and many branches Universes infinitely transcend this Order. These kingdoms and Cosmos are infinite. Even our friends who have reached the highest level, still struggling to discover.

There are such dimensions where your expressions and terms are not used.Neither electricity, nor the lights there are those that you know. His energy is not the energy that you know. In their evaluations no numbers or letters are used. There dominates a more complete system. Even if we try to explain it , it would not be understandable. Let us explain this more comprehensively: 
Leave us the dictemos article by article. 

1. galaxies are formed Cosmas create the Realms as a necessity of Universal Unification. 

2. Many Kingdoms form a Cosmos. This is a systematic image. 

3. Numerous Cosmos make up the universe that depends only on the Law of Eighteen Systems.

4. Centrifugal In the universe there is a rotational speed within each and a sequence within each. There is an expansion and opening from the center towards the circumference of the circle. 

5.- Universos are one inside the other, like the rings of a time warp. Seven rings of a universe form a universe. 

6. Universos 189 exist within each other, form numerous Kingdoms and Cosmos. 

7. Each galaxy has its own little universe and a very powerful magnetic Field. 

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This is the first 7 of the 66 principles that define the nature of consciousness of the galactic order. 

Today we are dealing particularly 6.

6 x 3 is 18. The Law of 18 systems is the law that governs the entire universe. 
3 is like the letter "a" trio 03/07/21 and 6 times 3 creates these 18 systems. 
We know that in a perfect crystal two central sides have 6 points more than 6 faces we could call "pole faces Marka" and 6 other "pole faces Darka". So the glass double pointed represents a highly condensed, perfect manifest form of the Law of 18 systems. 18 is 13 + 5, ie 13 more toned power.

In the Wavespell, we see that 5 and 13 have this relationship, and that's how 13 plus 5 creates the system 18. We also saw on the log scale Fibonacci terms 5, 8 and 13 are followed. 5 + 3 created 8 and 8 + 5 created 13. The 13 is the 7th factor on this scale and 8 is 21 because 13 + 8 = 21. 

In any wavespell the 8th tone is always the first tone wavespell precedent.Interestingly, if we apply the Fibonacci spiral in a wavespell to the next, we return to 8. 

The system or galactic consciousness is organized order based on what we call "clusters" ( "Cluster"). "Bunches" refers to Nova systems. In our system we have 6 + 1 systems Nova.

And when we come to consciousness, we operate in a wider galactic system and invoke the Synchronotron hub. And the cube Synchronotron includes Racimos system. 
We can imagine with 6 other neighboring galaxies, with about 70 million stars, our galaxy and encompassing this enormous hyperdimensional etheric cube. This huge etheric cube is intended to synchronize this particular Nova System 7 for what is called the seventh day of Creation.

That is to say that it is very self - centered and selfish to think that the 7th day of creation is occurring only on our planet. We are going through a leap in universal time. The galaxy cluster is becoming a larger cluster of 18, which in turn form larger and larger clusters that form a universal colony of 468 galaxies. (A universal colony consists of 468 galaxies.) 

And 18 of these form a cosmic union. 

In a Cosmic Union there are 8,748 galaxies. So when we talk about the Intergalactic Cosmic Federal Assembly, we are talking about the number of galaxies uniting their intelligence in an Assembly. 
27 of these form a kingdom. And there are an infinite number of realms.

This is just to get an idea of how small is the point where we are. And now we're getting this kind of information to expand our minds, if not make it explode! 

For example a Kingdom consists of a number of galaxies of about 27 x 8,748 (236,196). And we know that there is what can be called "edge of the universe".
And we are at this point, getting this information. And as we said, our planet is the most primitive form of the evolution of cosmic consciousness. So we are here trying to stimulate the consciousness of this planet that is atomised in about 7 trillion egos, so that at least some we realize that the basic unit of cosmic consciousness is global and not individual. In other words, when we talk about the leap that we are taking the noosphere, the noosphere is the collective consciousness of the planet telepathically as a unified field. And this unified field is dependent on the dominant planetary organism accessing a state of unification. We have no choice, we will return to this point over and over and over and over and over again.

A Galactic Federal Assembly does not care about your "blogs", unless you put in your "Earthlings, unifíquense! We are one, we always have been and always will be. We go beyond ignorance and illusion ". This is the only tolerable message by AFG. And I will continue repeating it over and over again. We must unify our consciousness if we survive this planetary period. This is what the resurrection: the resurrection of planetary consciousness as a whole. And we are providing this information so that we can understand and access new meanings and forms of communication supermental. Systems of letters and numbers have value only for our planet. We have different types of systems on the planet, with different number of letters etc. But we are now asked to raise our mind to a pure mathematical form.Often we refer to mathematics as the structure used by God to build the universe.Mathematical research about the divine mind. Because when we observe and understand the basic and fundamental laws of mathematics, we understand the own divine laws of creation. When we see the relationship between 9 and 11 or between 27 and 37 we see the beautiful elegance of these relationships, we are really appreciating and entering the divine principles of creation. So you can take the 142857 and see how both the 27 and 37 divide this number. You can also see how so pretty 9 11 and 13 divide this number.


The Synchronotron system is a tool to learn the mathematical language of telepathy, which is codified in the Law of Time. It is a teaching Sirio containing the language of post-conceptual mind. 

Notes: Synchrontron

We know that the radial plasma extends Alfa double electron in the South Pole. So when we work with this plasma we are actually mentally projecting a double extended electron at the South Pole. We can think of this as an electron and electron then another doubly extended. And we can ask ourselves: what does a double extended electron at the South Pole ... Well, when many people do this, we have many double extended electron at the South Pole?. This creates a better balance in the balance of electrons to the launch of the Circumpolar Rainbow. 

Alpha-Alpha channel is located on the rear right brain. 
Alpha-Beta channel is in the anterior right brain. 
Beta-Beta is located in the left anterior lobe.
And Beta-Alpha in the left posterior lobe. 

Dum Kuali is the primary heat Parton. 
Dum Duar Parton is the primary light. 
Kum is the complex Parton heat of the inner mind. 
Kemio is the complex light parton internal heat. 

If you look at the matrix 441, we find that they are part of the same circuit. 

Looking at the base matrix 441, we see circuits consisting of 10 or 10 channels.And in the center is the 11th channel, the channel root sources of the 11th dimension where the system originates cube. 
This circuit we have seen (that of the partons) is the eighth circuit, which is the outer circuit within the ninth time dimension. Which it describes and defines this circuit is called the Hiper Parton.

The Hiperparton is a circuit Hyperdimensional primary energy and electrical charges of the universe. Polarity have a neutron and an electron. This creates an axis that is called Cosmic Science Mauri tube. When we look at the galactic system, it looks a bit like a flying disc with a central axis, called the Tube Mauri. Its north pole is called the South Pole Brand and called Darka. Neutron activates the Marka pole and the active electron Darka pole. 

Hunab Ku 21 - Tree of Life and Knowledge Galactic

On Earth Darka is the South pole and Marka is the North. So we do and what happens in the 9D is totally a function that is a higher dimensional hiperpartón particle containing all electrical loads and energy primary universe.
So this is the eighth circuit, the external circuit of the ninth time dimension. One side or outer parts of the eighth circuit (hiperneutrón) is the thermal load Dum Kuali, corresponding to the primary heat exchanger 

In position 399, it is Kum, that is the heat of the interior light. 

And Hiperelectrón contains or holds the primary light load Dum called Duar, which forms the center of the cell light, like the above manner the cell center heat. 
And on the other side, in position 393 it is kemio, which is the light of internal heat.
So the load goes in this direction neutron and electron in this other direction, activating the primary heat and light. On the other side the same applies (in the left and right of the matrix). And there is a midpoint in each side, which corresponds to 396 to the right and to the left 408. These are transducers transformation points. 

From this point (on the left, 408) a load which creates what is called the Forcefield Dum Kuali, which is rotating on this side of our head is sent. 

And from the 396 Field Force Duar Dum is created. 
The coordinates of the right side are H11 and V14 left side are V8- H 11.
The force field Dum Kuali (thermal and represented in red), active 5th time dimension and 5th mental or superconscient sphere. 5th mental sphere coordinated the first and second mental spheres, which is managed everything we call paranormal, paranormal telepathic suggestions etc.
The force field Dum Duar (luminous and shown in blue) activates the 6th time dimension and 6th mental sphere or subliminal conscious, which coordinates the 3rd mental sphere (conscious) and the 4th mental sphere (continuous conscious).Refers to subliminal stimuli or sensory signals are sent from distant places. For example, today in the Telektonon we are on day 19, hub 13, which corresponds to the TEL syllable, which is the power of Lejanos Seers. This power refers to thepower of subliminal messages sent to your consciousness awakens your higher mind or consciousness continuously. 
In the 5th Gate heptad, we activate the hiperelectrón which in turn activates the Kuali Dum force field that activates the 5th mental sphere that activates the superconscious time.
I saw that some of you carry in your T 414, do please get up and explain why you wear this? Is it because the door is heptad? And today is the day frequency (414), so we must be in a higher frequency superconscious. So the "feed back" superconscious should be acting. We just try to keep this feeling we experience in recognizing this superior synchronicity. To start doing this, one would feel like to perform "441 day" so we can see how this synchronicity works. 

Source: FIRST SEMINAR Synchronotron 
in Cisternino, Italy - Day 6

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