
18 de mayo de 2018

The Thirteen Universal Laws Chapter 3. The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance


The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance

The Thirteen Universal Laws
Chapter 3. The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance
All Universal Law is a codex — the understanding of the truth of God — of how things work in the higher realms.
The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance helps us bring Divine Alignment forth in tangible reality, practical direct alignment of our hearts’ desires with Who We Truly Are.
Sanat Kumara, our beloved Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us now is a time of fruition, of bringing into our life, our world, our reality not only the understanding of how the Law works, but the practicality of how we work with it in order to create.
We are bringing forth what our heart desires but also Nova Earth, Nova Human, Nova Being, the beauty of each of us.
We each have a sacred mission and purpose, individual plans within the Mother’s Divine Plan, and this Law reminds us that we are fully the reflection of Love here on Earth, the embodiment of the spark of Love that we are above, the totality of our being.
It also reminds us that everything we desire that is of truth, not ego and not lack, is ready for us.
The Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without reminds us our desires are within us — that they exist in the Universe within — and that they also exist in the without, upon our planet.
Invoking this Law helps draw our desires to us, reminding us we are unlimited potential — God’s Expression of Divinity on the Earth — essence in form.
The Universal Laws and the Divine Blessings, Virtues and Qualities, The Mother’s Guidebook, How Things Work In The Higher Realms, remind us how to create, how to bring forth our hearts’ desires, how to fulfill our missions, our sacred purpose all at once while encouraging and fostering Love everywhere — creation of Nova Being and Nova Earth — as above so below.
In the higher realms there is no hierarchy.
Here now, we are remembering, learning to anchor that in the below, working in partnership, in co-creation with our unseen friends: the Divine, the angelic realms, the Ascended Masters, our star family, the elements, the animal kingdoms, the fairies, sprites, devas, and the mineral kingdoms.
Crystals, for example, are our ‘friends’ and with the understanding that anywhere ‘two or more are gathered’ — two of anything connecting and engaging — we amplify our healing/creation work.
Invoking, calling upon Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Above and Below, Within and Without for help with our personal balance and planetary balance, and posting the archangels daily around us, amplifies our co-creation work.
When we post the archangels, we are making a healing/creation chamber around us, around our living space that helps us raise our frequency and vibrations by bringing the balance of the Higher Realms into the here and now.

Posting The Archangels — Daily Healing/Creation Chamber

Post Archangel Michael with his Blue Flame of Truth

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