
15 de mayo de 2018

Tour the Christ Grid Company By Archangel Michael and with an introduction by Father God

Father God: 

The world of our dreams 

is a bright day for my children of the earth, one that you have created the love of their hearts and their indomitable faith. Despite the difficult times, they are determined to carry out their missions. They have prevailed, although there has been no one to talk to her attraction to the Light, one who could understand the language or understand the need for what they do. And what they do, many do not find words to explain it It is a sense of the soul, a necessity that comes from the depths of his heart. They have woken up knowing that there is something in this life who came to meet, even without knowing what to call it .

They have heard our words, our guide, and have sought those who have taken this path before you, and have succeeded dear ones. They felt that followed his instincts, and his inner voice blindly, and now find that they are not alone and that they are loved beyond measure. They have been courageous. We see them as brave explorers, because they have followed the lead where heart, and has brought home to me and his mother.

By intensifying this deep connection with us and be at its highest, his soulmate and his legions of angels and guides they have built the end of the rainbow bridge in which we live They have opened the gates of heaven when walking through their fears and pain to embrace us as we embrace as well. With each step taken Rainbow Bridge expanded from a web thread to the largest path which is now the transition path and ascension for all. 

His new life has begun 

now embark into a new life, a new world of their own creations and ours, but is still in training, hour by hour, day by day and your own thoughts, feelings and actions are creating time after moment.
It is as if they would have given a new slate, but still remember what they wrote before, because they have lived for many lifetimes. Can they rewrite the old formulas written by others, or begin writing new. Can they re direct their energy - the life force that have dedicated themselves to fighting against oppression - and shift their attention towards creating your world with the imagination of its dreams our dreams, a world of Love, Peace and Joy? 

They have achieved the impossible. Legions of workers of light, angels and teachers have worked with and through the veil, although this was to keep them separate from us.Individually and in small groups some land workers, have worked tirelessly to establish the scriptures silently for a new system of governance and a new financial system for the entire planet Earth, along with the new spiritual energy.Meanwhile , her mother and I, we've sent waves of increased Light and Love waves carefully calibrated; transmuters teams of workers on Earth have worked tirelessly to absorb and reconfigure the dark energy to be released from the field of the Earth. If they had not done, everything had been poisoned with heavy and toxic way of thinking that prevailed. While holders of Light expanded their joy, and energy balance, anchoring our light deep into the center of Gaia vibration while increasing steadily month by month. 

For some, this was like an invisible process, beyond their knowledge, but no one on the planet who has not felt the effects of our work.Few continue to resist and want to continue to maintain the old matrix, even when it vanishes around. Others feel unbalanced and desperate because they explain not live in these new energies. They fight and use their methods of analysis and deduction (rather than expand) and arguments that reduce experiences good or bad, and security (instead of stepping into the unknown), because they do not find peace of mind, and the Light continues to provide new experiences each time. 

We understand that can be disconcerting to wake up and find all what they believed to be an illusion, and that things they thought were fantasy are now real. His mother and I are Pure Love; And that's all that is real. They were created by Love and will remain so. We have told you this before, butThey lived in a world that appeared to be dark and punisher, did not understand how God is love and you were suffering . We heart ached for you , dear children, to see them live their lives made by you, without being aware of the power and ability to create darkness around him, with the energy of your thoughts and actions. It is the simplest concept, and the most difficult to accept for you.It was a very effective way obscure psychological drivers sugestionar imposed on them for the insinuarlos and make propaganda with the idea that someone else caused their suffering and that you had no control over that. Once they were convinced of this, his power was solidified. It was an easy step blame God or someone of a different color, or belief that is not like you. 

Thus they began thousands of years of war, famine, disease, poverty and want to seek tirelessly the cause of suffering. Researchers dug deeply shortening your vision even more. The true causes of suffering remained as a mystery. Although this did not stop some to follow in the search for truth my dear. 

We are your family

See the stars above you, let your hearts be filled Honey Love your Mother and mine with which we bathe. We are your answer, its source and principle. We are here to return to contact you with Love left behind when the light fell on Earth , and resorted to dark for answers. They are realizing that there is no peace of mind in the old model; They are turning to us as their friends and families and the company galactic sky. His faith increases with every cheerful and uplifting experience. They begin to feel those who have come and feel the love offered to them on our behalf. The deep connection we feel is starting to slowly flow into their consciences and delights us to speak.

We are your family, dear, as much as their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and lovers on Earth. We are your relationships, your guardian angels, their mentors and their friends as much as embodied family. The only thing is that we have the advantage of approaching you from a plane higher existence, one where there is no jealousy or competition, revenge or anger. The universal way is our creation. Our experiences essentially prevails in higher dimensions and low dimensions where the presence of what they call evil is not known. His life experience of suffering and struggle is the exception, and are now being completed.

They have given much assistance by us and by their galactic friends who come to you for compassion and admiration for their human hearts determined to change this experiment the obscure to the other extreme race. Each of you every incarnated soul has come with a divine purpose to this life in this last phase of the old matrix. It was his life contract, contribute in their own way with their difficulties and trials on behalf of the group, and for the development of the soul itself. No human, animal, tree or rock that does not claim their part in this great drama, delivering everything on earth, from the depths of darkness and pain. Each plays an important role, each being aware contributes its energy and intent for the whole.

They are not a grain of sand in the vastness of the universe dear ones, are the great wheel gear pushing forward to the new day. Every breath you take care. Every thought and feeling is an opportunity to pick them up and bring them to our collective path towards greater Light. Let this be your big moment. Along the desire of their hearts to create peace, compassion and gratitude among you. Do it and do it well, they will lift the Earth with you. 

We are your Father and Mother God, and we are in loving service to you and you to us. 

Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, February 4, 2016 

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© Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is granted to copy and share these messages, always presented in its entirety, with no additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and website, Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.

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