
9 de junio de 2018

breaking Spain

The demonstration that Spain (Spain that dominated by arrogant and boisterous in the set, in newspaper editorials and in parliaments, not the other Spain judiciously and weighted) is late, it is the cry of alarm which say , they want to break Spain. Refers, of course, to his own, that of the cave, intolerant, rulers infected thieves from public coffers, the Spain Cateta ...
Insist, obstinate in the idea that has to persist in society the idea or the feeling of a great and free dictatorial and isabelina.They do not realize that time is exhausted. Very fools still believe that nations are great for the extension of its territory or by their domination over other nations. Ignore these disrupters of public order civilized world long ago it discovered that nations are either Great for past glories or have been empires; nations that are great for the degree of solidarity and tolerance level of their peoples, with only intolerant bigots s ... What breaks to Spain is looting the administrators themselves their finances. Rompea what Spain is to instil hatred population some hardened regions are not left easily victimized by pimps of politics. What breaks to Spain is maintaining a stony territorial unit. What breaks to Spain is not engage in a thorough reform a constitution that was born vitiated consent because they were very exceptional moments of those who took the usual ...
There are many reasons why millions of individuals wish to turn away from a rancid administrative and political order which reinstated in 1978, with much pressure and chicanery, a monarchy in recent intermittent times when the natural form of state in Spain is now the Republic . Reasons ranging from the widespread sentiment in a region of the country to be the rulers of the metropolis encouraged since institutions hatred against the inhabitants of that region, even the simple desire to escape from an untenable situation brought about by the degustation of those same rulers in different areas of governance emulators they behave like the dictator.
Fortunately the frame, at least the psychological framework, this situation has been momentarily overcome. But solutions will necessarily go through somehow reverse the preceding statutory conditions in Catalonia before becoming the Spanish State in the continuation of the previous repressor apparatus. 
Jaime Richart. Anthropologist and jurist.
Rebellion has posted this article with the author 'spermission through a  license Creative Commons , respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere

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