by EraOfLight |

“The sighting was reported but nothing threatening was found. More details cannot be shared keeping security reasons in mind,” Pathak added. This was also reported across multiple mainstream outlets.
This follows the release of footage from the Pentagon, and a massive wake up call article written in the New York Times, as well as a big article on the topic by Christopher Mellon in the Washington Post, he served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. He is a private equity investor and an adviser to the To the Stars Academy for Arts and Science.
To the Stars Academy are the ones who released the Pentagon UFO videos a couple of months ago.
It’s important to remember that these are establishment mouthpieces, and they have all but lost the people’s trust in covering events in an accurate and unbias manner. Documents, along with award-winning mainstream media journalists have made this quite obvious, and there are multiple examples that seem to be happening all the time, like the recent coverage in Syria, for example. The real portrayers of fake news seem to be the ones who created that title in the first place…
Why has the establishment, or a fraction of it, chosen to release this information? All they’ve done with information is use it to deceive the masses for ulterior motives, those motives include, for example, the ‘war on terror’ as well as the ‘war on drugs.’ Now the UFO/ET topic is too big to hide, so they are choosing to control the disclosure narrative to essentially protect themselves and their cover-up.
What’s Next For Disclosure?
The UFO topic is becoming quite strange, because never before in history have we seen this type of mainstream media coverage. It’s hard to think that it’s not being used for reasons to “heighten” national security interests, perhaps a reason to justify space? After all, Donald Trump is now talking about creating a military space force, despite the fact that multiple high ranking military whistle-blowers, as well as the biggest military computer hack of all time that went mainstream in 2010, uncovers enough evidence to support the idea that space has already, quite possibly, been militarized.
Are they planning a false flag alien invasion? Or is a faction within the Deep State really trying to let the world know that something is going on here? Is this a process of slow disclosure to prepare us for the inevitable? Extraterrestrial contact.
If one thing is for certain, our plant is quite something…We don’t live in a world of transparency, the majority of people on the planet do not even want to think about the world, and what’s going on. The term “ignorance is bliss” is understandable, but one should not project any type of hate towards any type of activism…
It’s going to be interesting to see where the mainstream is going to take this. Unfortunately, much of the mainstream coverage and release seem to justify a “threat narrative.” Regardless of the fact that contained within the millions of pages of UFO-related documents, that have been released by multiple governments worldwide, many instances do mention “evasive” manoeuvres. Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Helyer once said, “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”
Perhaps that’s true, perhaps multiple races, some with good intentions and some with malevolent intent have visited us? This would line up with much of the testimony and research regarding a reptilian influence on Earth. Perhaps, as astronaut Storey Musgrave said at a UFO conference, there are trillions of races out there, “and they’re doing star travel.” You can see a quick clip here, along with two other astronauts.
Just imagine the implications of such a truth? “there is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” Jack Kasher, Ph.D, a professor emeritus of physics at the University of Nebraska.
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc. . . . They are visiting Earth NOW; this is not a matter of conjecture or wishful thinking.”
– Theodore C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire
There are hundreds of statements from people like the above mentioned, to complement the documents and military whistle-blowers.
Do We Really Know What’s Going On?
Can we really say we know what is going on? To a degree, yes. We know that we’ve been lied to for decades regarding the existence of strange aerial objects that defy our understanding and belief. There is also a great deal of evidence to suggest some are extraterrestrial. There is also a great deal of evidence suggesting human governments are in contact with ET beings.
This information leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. The biggest thing we can do for disclosure right now is to continue to look at ourselves. We need to look at what we are allowing to happen on our planet right now via a controlling cabal/elite and come to terms with this reality.
We can change the human experience any-time we want, but what is going to take? So far, we’ve seen activism shift many problems. There are a lot of people out there doing a lot of good, but we still have major issues that need to be sorted out. What the global citizenry truly wants, is peace. That peace begins within each of us as Change Starts Within.
It’s time to start questioning our opinions, perspectives, beliefs in our systems today and ask why we choose to support them. It’s time to find out what stops us from having peace within ourselves within our own emotional turmoil we have in our lives. These shifts, in fact, effect collective consciousness and begin opening the door for others to change too.
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”
– Edward Bernays (“the father of public relations”), Propaganda, 1928 (note that Bernays’ book, Propaganda, begins with the above quote).
It’s time for Earth to experience a new paradigm, and even though we fear stepping out of our comfort zone, we must.
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