
11 de junio de 2018

The Choice is Yours

The Galactic Federation: The Choice is Yours

You divine beings who walk on Earth are we shall say doing a major reset of your lives. What we mean by that is, if you see yourselves as computers carrying wisdom inside your cellular content you can than begin reprograming and adjusting to the new energies in moment.
The programs housed inside are that of a and allow a master program for ascension. It is here and now that you can step up to the plate and align inside that thread of love.
What better time than now it is to shed your old beliefs some of which are programed into you from birth and move with a rebirth.
What better time but to take advantage to awake and dance in these new energies for harmony.
The choice is yours. Open your hearts and minds to a new beginning. Open your treasure chest of wisdom by taking care of your sacred vessel.
You have already heard many times to eat better and rest when you need. You have been encouraged by the many channelers to feel and honor yourself.
It is one thing to read it but now is the time to enact the program with your willingness to bring into self more life force energies.
Your intention through prayer and commitment will speed up the process. The rewards are to reacquaint yourselves with your true potential as beings of light.
If you feel ungrounded with racing minds and other symptoms know it is temporary. And like any grand computer it must be grounded. You too must stay grounded.
Grounded in moment and Mother Earth.
We remind that there is a group consciousness that you are feeding so stay positive. Know you make a difference with your thoughts individually.
Earth is at cutting edge of a new reality and you are in it as you chose to be. We assure you that much is going on behind scenes for your benefits so separation becomes a part of past and love rules.
Stay strong during this shift by being who you really are Avatars of Light. We feel you are ready NOW to step in your power and no longer be a prisoner to those who thought they controlled or even your own ego minds.
You are ready to shed your skins and move on the super highway of knowledge for freedom.
There is no lack once you focus on what you are and have. And what you are capable of manifesting.
Beloved humans. You are light and you are loved so dance in the new energies and choose to move the best you can as you shift during these changing times.
Reboot to relive in life love and harmony. Push button with breath and focus aimed at heart. You are the co creators of Gods mind and therefore your destiny is peace joy abundance and FREEDOM.
» Source » Channel: Star Blossom

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