
7 de julio de 2018

Did you miss PAO's Galactic Activation Webinar? with Andrew Downey

If you were unable to register for PAO’s LIve Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, June 24, it is now available for downloading.

Are you being controlled by events you can't see?

Have you ever wondered why unexplained dark energies seemingly take over your life's path?

Would you like to discover a way to overpower these dark energies with the light?


Our special guest, Andrew Downey, invites you to:

• Explore the interface between your body and parallel dimensions. 
• Discover three critical aspects that allow you to interact between dimensions. 
• Become aware internally of this interface. 
• Discover what you can do with your new awareness.

About Andrew:

Where were you born and where did you spend your youth? I was born in Fort Sill Oklahoma and grew up in Carmichael California.
What inspired you to become a chiropractor? When I was 9 years old, I knew I was going to be a doctor but I had no idea what path lay before me, nor how rewarding helping people would be. On a drive to the Toulumne River to go kayaking, my girl friend (and now wife), Naomi, was excited & passionate about this thing called chiropractic. Her enthusiasm about the self-healing capacities of the body, the miraculous nervous system and how chiropractors enhance life's expression, fascinated me. During a philosophy lecture by Dr. Anthony Trumain, I was on the edge of my seat as he spoke of the body's innate intelligence and its ability to self-organize and heal. He spoke about how chiropractors, through gently adjusting the spine, could, maximize that healing capacity. At the end of the class, I went directly to the admissions office. That was 23 years ago.
What is your education? BA Environmental Studies California State University Sacramento - Life Chiropractic College West, Hayward CA
Where do you now live and where is your healing clinic located? Newcastle CA. We practice on an estate filled with nature and beauty.
How are you different from most healers in your field? I gently awaken people at the core of their being and invite them to participate with themselves and their lives in greater depth.
What are your special gifts as a healer? My special ability is to meet people precisely where they are on their inner journey of discovery and provide them a safe step by step movement forward.

Webinar Theme Questions:

What are parallel dimensions? Any domain that occupies the same space and is not perceptible.
What does an interface between body and parallel dimension mean? (Can you define what you mean by the word interface?) Interface means where two or more dimensions meet.
What should we do to become internally aware of this interface? Develop New skills
What will happen to me when I learn how to work with my body and the interface between parallel dimensions? Your quality of life will go up, significantly, in all domains and you will learn how to tap into your inner power.

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