
22 de julio de 2018

Improbability, becomes reality.

Tellinger TN 
32 min · 
John F. Kennedy Jr. as "Q"
Resultado de imagen de nesara gesara
Suddenly, in recent days, the Internet is full of speculation that Q is actually John F. Kennedy Jr. The claim is that faked his own death in 1999 and was a close friend of Donald J. Trump. My initial reaction to this was to dismiss it as utterly ridiculous; coin holders have waited too long and finally lost their disappointments and improbable speculation.
Tonight, in my meditation, I saw that, actually, it is quite possible that this is true, and could even see a purpose and a spectacular finish.
· Constants references throughout JFK Sr, painting him in glowing terms, saying it was the last honest and honestly elected president
· Publication Q: "You will not believe who has been speaking to you
· JFK Jr always took with him an instructor when he flew to Martha's Vineyard
· Also always he took his dog with him
· This trip took less than an instructor or a dog
Rather flimsy ... after all, the whole world saw a video of her body being removed from the plane and specifically remember hearing in the media at that time that his head was completely twisted, looking back.
But then considered:
· The Alliance began shortly after and as a result of the Kennedy assassination
· Jr was 3 years old when his father died
· As Jr grew up, attended college and law school, it was very likely to be contacted with members of the Alliance and become an active member.
· He was determined to show the world who really killed his father and fulfill the promise of his father to destroy the shadow government.
· The story made it clear that JFK Jr never have a public office because he would be killed.
· ¡¡¡¡¡¡The only way to keep alive Jr is faking his death !!
· With the help of the Alliance, it would have been possible to achieve this.
· Then he, his wife and his sister could live incognito in a remote part of the ground or off the planet.
· In the 19 years since his supposed death, he has been working between racks, researching, compiling constitutional and legal processes to ensure the success of the final revolution.
Then consider:
· Q has said that July is the month when everything will be exposed
· Q also said, "Wait until you find out who has been talking.
· Then the revelations begin, starting with the revelation of Q
· Then Q - JFK Jr - he tells the world about the cabal / illuminati / MIC and what they have been doing
· No one will believe in this source ... !!! instant credibility
· A 1-2 punch ... hit the public with the fact that JFK Jr VIVE and then let him tell the public the truth ... 'It is now a cosmic explosion !!
· WITHOUT civil disruption ... no need to Martial Law! People will freeze in shock and amazement, therefore disinterested in protests and violence!
· The issue has now become non-partisan ... JFK is a Democrat; appoint names on both sides and call for a more balanced progressive perspective, a type of society 5D instead of a 3D type.
· Announce NESARA, requiring the resignation of the current pres and vp
· JFK Jr entered on November 6 as the new (first) president of the republic restored.
Fran D. July 19, 2018

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