At least four independent insider sources have revealed that the Alliance is now locating and legally seizing trillions and trillions of dollars in assets stolen by the Deep State.
The money is set to be released back into the legitimate economy as “prosperity funds” that could almost immediately create radical improvements in our overall quality of life.
Certain purported “sources” have been prognosticating this online for years, but this is the first time that our own insider circle has made such statements.
Enormous leaps forward are now being promised by Q Anon for this very month — July 2018. This is a very exciting moment.
The title graphic for this article is an illustration of what 15 trillion in 100-dollar bills would look like. One insider’s estimate of how much stolen money may be recovered is literally twice this amount.
Thankfully, no one will have to design a building big enough to hold all that cash. The stolen credits will simply be transferred back into the economy.

This is one major piece of “good news” that we have been authorized to discuss. The details of this plan are being hammered out in a variety of high-profile meetings of top world leaders.
The enigmatic Q Anon briefings went completely silent as of May 22nd following a big burst of data. It looked like it might be over. One small post was made on June 3rd, followed by another week-long delay.
As it turns out, this was because the team was fully focused on these high-profile meetings, which involved very serious and complex negotiations.
Then the cryptic announcements came back in full, daily force as of June 10th, and have continued ever since.
The Alliance versus Cabal battle is now moving so fast that we have not had time to keep up with it, given a very busy schedule of work, conferences and new initiatives.
Things have finally eased up enough for us to make the time to post… and I do apologize for the delay.
This may hopefully be one of the last ones we write before the “Big One” finally drops.

In case you are unaware of this, Q Anon is a series of enigmatic posts on 4Chan, an anonymous internet forum, which began last October.
These posts are giving the blow-by-blow stages in an ongoing, official effort to expose and defeat the Deep State / Cabal / New World Order / Illuminati.
All of our very best intel has confirmed that Q Anon is the legitimate, public voice of the Alliance, kept anonymous for their own protection.
A recent article, linked below, indicated that Q has called out certain prominent public figures as Alliance supporters:
Among the figures who have been promoted by QAnon as heroes resisting the “deep state” include Blackwater founder Erik Prince, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former Mayor of New York City turned Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

The statements in the Q Anon briefings have aligned very nicely with our own intel, and added vast amounts of new, supporting data.
Though our insiders have indicated the US President is cooperating with this agenda, the Alliance’s effort is decades in the making and far bigger than any one administration.

Many people are divided about whether or not anything good is happening in the US executive branch at this time.
The good part is that with the incredible speed with which things are building, we won’t have long to find out what the results of these current, very provocative signposts will be.
You will always read comments on an article like this where people have already given up hope. I certainly haven’t.
It is very obvious that the Deep State is in a hyper-violent fight to the death right now, and it is losing by the day.
The sealed indictments alone are nothing we’ve ever before seen in history, and Q has now validated their involvement in the plan.
If our briefings are correct, we are seeing a nearly complete shut-down of human trafficking and pedo rings, an end to genocidal aspirations and “false flag” terrorism, and an imminent financial rehabilitation on an epic scale.
These events will also pave the way for disclosure of forbidden technology, the secret space program and the ET presence in time.
This will go from a “fringe” subject to something that is fully, absolutely mainstream, and a key concern on everyone’s minds.
We have been covering the Alliance’s efforts in great detail, with insider testimony, since 2009 — fully seven years before the last US Presidential election.

Just a few days ago, on June 26th, 2018, QAnon made a very enigmatic statement in post number 1595.
[The best site to keep up with the latest Q posts is]
Post 1595 included a link to a Wikileaks tweet, which directed readers to a Mint Press News article that attempted to argue that Q was a massive psy-op that had everyone fooled.
Insiders have told us that Wikileaks has been taken over by certain intelligence agencies warring with other groups.
Here is the Twitter post where this link was dropped:

Here is the Q Anon follow-up response the day after the article in the link was written:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 267e20 No.1918277 📁 
Desperate agencies do stupid things.
Dead cat bounce.
You may have the site but we have the source. [DW: The “source” appears to be Julian Assange.]📁
Panic is good.
Panic is right.
July 2018 – the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.

Let’s just stop for a moment right there. “The month the world discovered the TRUTH” is a very, very provocative statement.
What truth? How far will it go? Does this mean that the indictments will start to become unsealed?
No matter what, Q is clearly prognosticating that many “conspiracy theories” will soon become provable facts.
And again, today is July 1st… so if all goes to plan, this disclosure event will happen within no more than 30 days tops.

Then the next day, June 27th, Q post number 1602 included the following:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 079dd1 No.1925332 📁 The game is over when the public knows.
The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you.
You will FAIL.
You lost CONTROL.
You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative.
We will DECLAS.
We will shine LIGHT.
No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this.

Clearly, this is giving further context to what is being planned for this very month.
The “game” will be “over,” and the public will “know” — as various unpleasant secrets are declassified.
It is also interesting that just nine days before, the administration declared the immediate formation of a Space Force.
This is a provocative clue. It may well be that the Alliance is preparing to declassify space technology in the near future as well.

Just as we were writing this section, even more posts came up in real time.
We just found out that Mueller’s team actually has 470 people working it, and is directly responsible for filing the 40,483 sealed indictments now on record as of June 30th, 2018.
[An article Q linked to indicated this is Inspector General’s team. The post was a bit hard to understand. This is all anyone wanted to write in the comments! Got it….]
Attorney General Sessions… also informed the chairmen that Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel.

Even while Mueller appears to be going after the president, this is another clear insider “leak” that a far deeper agenda is at work.
Twitter user @damartin32 has been reporting on the efforts of a team of individuals who are systematically going through and looking for sealed indictments.
PACER stands for Public Access to Court Electronic Records. It is the definitive archive of court cases in America, sealed and unsealed.
The 40,483 indictments now on official record is a vastly, vastly higher number than the “norm” of 1,077 per year.
Please bear in mind that an indictment can only be filed after the conclusion of a grand jury, where a prosecutor questions witnesses in front of ordinary citizens.
Our intel has confirmed that many hundreds of secret grand juries and newly-hired attorneys have produced these indictments.

Here is the Q Anon post that links to an image of the above graphic and explains the context:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 35fcbf No.1986153 📁 
Ask yourself – who is filing the indictments?
It would take a very large team to work this quickly.
Who has that kind of manpower?

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d4a218 No.1986443 📁
Ask yourself – does Huber have the ability to file across all 50 states?
Is any of this normal?
Think sealed indictments.
Think resignations of CEOs.
Think resignations of Senators.
Think resignations of Congress.
Think termination of senior FBI….
Think termination of senior DOJ….
How large is Mueller’s team?
Think 470.
The more you know.

And in post number 1664, we just heard that the unsealing of the indictments will NOT result in a civil war.
Nor is the dumb media fear-mongering about North Korea continuing their weapons program correct.
Here is an example of one such article from yesterday, June 30th, 2018:
U.S. intelligence officials, citing newly obtained evidence, have concluded that North Korea does not intend to fully surrender its nuclear stockpile, and instead is considering ways to conceal the number of weapons it has and secret production facilities, according to U.S. officials.
The evidence, collected in the wake of the June 12 summit in Singapore, points to preparations to deceive the United States about the number of nuclear warheads in North Korea’s arsenal as well as the existence of undisclosed facilities used to make fissile material for nuclear bombs, the officials said.
Here is the Q Anon post number 1664 in response:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 8704f4 No.1991829 📁 
There will be no civil war.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear – change narrative.
NK is NOT advancing their weapons program.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear – change narrative.

After so many years of releasing inside intel about an international alliance working to defeat the New World Order / Illuminati / Cabal / Deep State, it is very gratifying to see the revolution now underway.
The revolution will not be televised, but thanks to the anonymity, scope and power of the internet, we can now make sense out of the many seemingly mysterious clues and signposts of this secret battle, and hear from the Alliance directly.
For many years I was almost a solitary voice of hope in a “conspiracy theory” crowd, with writers and video talents who typically acted as if the Deep State was all-powerful — giving it a nearly Godlike mystique of supernatural evil.

The Alliance has discovered that their goal of defeating the Deep State has been far more complex, time-consuming and difficult than earlier battle plans had considered.
It is becoming obvious that a very large “drop” of contentious, world-changing information will occur at some point, now quite possibly before the end of this month.
This will likely be paired with dramatic and publicly visible actions, such as some form of the mass arrests we have been briefed about since 2009.
This is much different from insider chatter. There are literally forty thousand sealed criminal indictments ready to hit the scene.
It is hard to even imagine what names will be among those 40,000, and the things we will learn as it all becomes public.
Once this event sequence takes place, it will be up to us — this audience — to help everyone understand what is going on, and the positive nature of the steps that are being taken.

The Alliance is fighting to recover stolen funds, restore the devastated economy, end human trafficking, stop the real root cause of most terrorism, disclose the truth of the UFO presence, and release an incredible slate of “forbidden technologies.”
The “big picture” we have assembled from insiders such as Henry Deacon, Bob Dean, Clifford Stone, Pete Peterson, William Tompkins, Corey Goode and Emery Smith suggests that our own Earth humanity is already an interstellar species.
The true scope and depth of our technological advancement, and interaction with extraterrestrial societies, has been deeply hidden from us, even at the highest levels of elected government.
This is not likely to continue for much longer. Q Anon has just gone “all in” with their imminent July prophecy.

The truth is admittedly difficult to adjust to. I have been interviewing and connecting with insiders with “Cosmic” clearance, directly or indirectly, since 1993.
Cosmic clearance is considered to be 35 levels of “Need to Know” above the President of the United States.
The Deep State is not only involved in mega-banks, media and corporations. They are the closed, elite society that has hoarded all of these cosmic advancements for themselves — even from our own elected governments.
Until and unless you have Cosmic clearance, you won’t even begin to understand what is really going on in the inside world. These various programs are highly compartmentalized.
I attended the Disclosure Project event in May, 2001, where 39 top insiders came forward as whistleblowers to reveal the truth of the UFO cover-up. I met the majority of all of these insiders during the course of a four-day trip.
Since that time I have had several others come forward and share intel with me on an exclusive basis.
Now that Emery Smith has come forward, you have the opportunity to hear from another new insider who helped introduce me to this vast world of secrecy over the past decade.

A very elaborate and brutal psy-ops campaign has been in place ever since the Roswell Crash was awkwardly re-written as a “weather balloon” after an initial media juggernaut of truth about a crashed “flying disc.”
Anyone who is about 35 and up, and particularly those who are 50 and up, may still carry the scars of this “psychological operation” in their psyche.
It never ceases to surprise me how many people actually have their own UFO sighting story to share, once they find out I am a public figure who discusses the subject.
Again and again I find people in these older age ranges actually feel depressed about their sighting, rather than invigorated.
So strong was the “laughter curtain” that they often wished they never had the experience, as they did not want to become a “Saucer Freak.”
People 35 and under are almost completely immune from this sense of fear and ridicule, as they have grown up in a world of decentralized, on-demand media.
Similarly, the Pizzagate and Q Anon discussions have gained far more traction and credibility within this younger demographic as well.

So in case you are new to this, the reason why the global economy is so depressed is that money has been stolen from us on a truly outrageous scale.
There is clearly a tremendous amount of money missing. It obviously didn’t just vanish. It all had to go somewhere.
The amounts that have disappeared are vastly greater than any luxuries the “one percent” could possibly afford, such as houses, cars, jets and yachts.
It is literally enough money to build entire civilizations — as the Chinese have been doing with similar amounts.
This is a very important point that I argued mathematically in a previous article. Click here and scroll halfway down the page to “WHAT COULD THEY HAVE BOUGHT?”

Even the “trillions and trillions” that we are hearing may get re-introduced into the economy by the Alliance is only a small figure compared to the total amount of theft that has taken place.
Top insiders reveal that much of our money has been spent on developing a vast amount of high-tech infrastructure in underground and off-world bases, as well as the craft and facilities to make it all possible.
This is the Biggest Lie that seems so incomprehensible.
Even worse is the fact that the group responsible for this vast, super-high-tech secrecy is actively involved in the practice of what most sane individuals would call evil.
This is far more than just a vaguely-outlined belief system. It is a very complex religion with a host of different symbols that we are constantly being bombarded with.

Sacred texts such as the Bible start to seem far more credible than most people have imagined once you truly understand what is actually going on.
Jesus caused quite a headache for the Roman Empire.
This same elite relocated to the islands of Great Britain to protect themselves from land invasion and become the elusive global menace that Jesus and St John the Divine’s prophecies had spoken of.
Most of Europe was under the control of the Deep State until recently. The same was true for other British protectorates (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Canada) as well as the US.
Indeed, much of the “civilized Western world” was being held in a strangle-hold by this globalist elite cult.
This is the true realization of St. John the Divine’s prophecy of “the Great Beast of Revelations having dominion over the Earth.”
I don’t try to shove any religion down anyone’s throat. I do find it interesting to note the similarities between Bible prophecy and the true, hidden reality of today’s world.

At my last conference I had a woman come up to me and nervously ask me if the “Antichrist” is coming, who it would be, and what we would need to do to oppose him / it.
I explained to her that this prophecy was most likely metaphorical in nature, speaking about a much larger problem than could ever have consolidated into a single Hitler-type individual.
Simply put, the Antichrist prophecy has already come true — in the form of many different individuals who are participating in this horrific agenda in various ways.
The classic Edgar Cayce psychic readings defined the Antichrist prophecies as referring to a “spirit of hate” that affects many people in our world to varying degrees:

“The fruits of the spirit of the Christ [Christ Consciousness] are love, joy, obedience, long-suffering, brotherly love, kindness.
Against such, there is no law.
The spirit of hate, the anti-Christ, is contention, strife, fault-finding.
Those are the anti-Christ, and take possession of groups, masses, and show themselves even in the lives of men.”
– Edgar Cayce

Every essential aspect of the Antichrist prophecy has already been in place for quite some time, when seen in terms of this Cayce reading.
The world was thoroughly and completely deceived by a group that controlled all major aspects of our society, and had a secret goal to kill off the vast majority of us — in what they call “depopulation.”
This agenda has been shoved in our face for quite some time — forcing us to have to reconcile the inner conflicts of living in a world run by psychopathic, suicidal “leaders.”

As an example, the Cabal really did intend to have a global nuclear war. They drilled out a truly vast underground infrastructure of over 265 cities to comfortably live out their lives until the surface again became habitable.
Thankfully, beings we would have called “angels” in the Bible, and which are now referred to as positive extraterrestrials, have systematically prevented any and all attempts to create nuclear war from succeeding.
This even included the complete melting down of all nuclear warheads in the US and USSR both some time in 1990. Multiple insiders including Bob Dean and Pete Peterson have confirmed that this event did take place.

The USSR was greatly demoralized by losing their entire arsenal and could not keep up the charade any longer — causing it to collapse within the following year.
Many other insiders have reported on UFOs appearing over nuclear missile installations and powering down the entire facility.
The story becomes very interesting once we realize that the beings in our ancient texts are very real.
These beings become far more three-dimensional — or, more precisely, multi-dimensional — once we realize that they never left.
Emery Smith is only the latest whistleblower to come forward with reports of multiple, direct interactions with extraterrestrials working in underground corporate/military bases.

Even back in the 1990s, I remember reading vintage UFO books such as the works of Timothy Good, where he reported that a sizable number of people in this “black ops” world wanted to tell the public the truth.
“Alien Contact” was the classic I read first — released in Great Britain in 1991 and in the US in 1993, right as my awakening began. It is still fantastic, essential reading.

The truth-seekers have consistently been overpowered and out-muscled by the elite group wishing to keep everything a secret.
The idea that “Everyone is In On It, All Government, Intelligence and Military is Bad” is really nothing more than a fairytale — ironically created by these same individuals.
The Deep State very much wanted us to lose all hope in the idea that any credible opposition existed to counteract their sinister agenda.
In reality, powerful opposition groups have existed all along. They have come surprisingly close to succeeding on multiple occasions just in the 20th century alone.
Now the momentum is unstoppable.
There is a huge shake-up going on worldwide. Many different opposing factions are working together in what we are calling the Alliance.
If Q is right, the Alliance is about to make the first of a series of very big moves in the public eye.

To me, the most surprising aspect of the Cabal / Deep State / Illuminati is how blatantly and repeatedly they advertise their occult religious symbolism.
You see it everywhere — in movies, music videos, TV shows, video games, awards ceremonies and the like.
Once you understand the canon of symbols, such as the Masonic arch, the Masonic pillars, the Square and Compass, the All-Seeing Eye, pyramids, obelisks, number codes, “fallen angels” and so on, you will never look at “entertainment” the same way.
Typically once you start seeing these symbols appear in a movie, you will end up finding dozens of examples.
We have covered this extensively in many previous entries of David’s Blog here on the Divine Cosmos website.

It is quite a psychedelic experience to “awaken” and realize that this has been “hiding out in the open” the entire time.
The religion this group practices requires them to tell us about it. According to Q, this requirement will be their downfall.
Consider this post, number 1630 from June 28th, 2018:

The next post, number 1631, gave even more details.
The “fire drill” five minutes before the mass shooting is an important point.
Once you do your homework, you find that in these contrived, Deep State-ordered events, they often have drills scheduled right before the event.
In a psychopathic way, this helps them feel like they aren’t quite as evil, since they’ve already positioned emergency staff at the site.
On the day of 9/11, there were multiple drills scheduled in the affected area, which most media just framed as a happy, if not Divine coincidence:

However, in post number 1632, Q also points out that not everyone who is a Freemason is supporting a negative agenda — just as we saw with the American Founding Fathers:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: cdb588 No.1948303 📁 
Most all powerful organizations have sinister components.
With power comes corruption.
Like alphabet agencies, not all are bad apples.
Should the bad spoil the bunch?

Lately I have been going back and reviewing movies that were clearly provocative when I first saw them, and make a lot more sense now.
Part of this is due to the ongoing collapse of the film industry and the overall lack of interesting new titles to watch.
Two recent examples I went back to are “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” or LXG, and the superhero film “Hancock.”
LXG is an amazing study with what we know now.

An extremely wealthy and powerful man calling himself M makes multiple references to Knight Templars and has images of them all over his study.
This is not the most provocative one, but is the only example easily available in an image search. If you watch the film, you will definitely see more.

M brings a group of vintage superheroes together against a villain called the Fantom, who is attacking and arming both sides of World War I in the late 1800s — before it ever started.
Symbols pop out everywhere. When we first see the Fantom, it is just his hand — holding a cane with a Templar skull on top, and wearing a Masonic seven-sided ring:

There is a dramatic opening scene where the Fantom breaks into a central bank with a tank, re-enacting the historic global theft of gold we outlined in Financial Tyranny — the secret purpose of both world wars.
The “big twist” is that the Fantom is M himself.

The superheroes were duped into supporting his “depopulation” agenda.
There was no Fantom except for M himself — carrying on the lineage of Templars and Masons.
M carefully collected samples of what made each of them “extraordinary” in the hopes of creating an army of supervillains.
Naturally, this film bombed at the box office, and demoralized Sean Connery enough that he never made another film.

In Hancock, Will Smith is a drunk, violent and miserable “fallen angel” who has to go through a deep healing process to become a positive force for humanity again.
The “superhero as fallen angel” theme is one the Cabal has used extensively — becoming far more blatant in Batman Vs. Superman.
Charlize Theron ends up being Hancock’s surviving counterpart, an immortal who has also lived on earth for thousands of years.

Charlize’s husband is trying to launch a charitable business where corporations are asked to give away important products for free.
The symbol he created to show these businesses are “accepted,” which they will then “proudly” display on their products, is a heart within a heart.
In the post-Pizzagate world, this is now an undeniable reference to the Girl Lover pedo symbol.
This next image comes directly out of an unclassified FBI database:

It is particularly shocking that this 2007 movie ends with Hancock somehow painting this symbol onto the Moon, supposedly just to help his friend’s startup business.
Obviously if a super-being existed and were to actually have done this, it would be an extraordinary act of vandalism that he would immediately have to repair.
Even weirder is that the size and positioning of this heart symbol precisely matched images of Pluto that we weren’t “officially” allowed to see until New Horizons imaged it almost a decade later…. in 2015.

This may have been “seeded” into the movie to be discovered later, in an attempt to give people more of a sense of the power and significance of the “heart within a heart” symbol as an apparent positive.
It could be a coincidence that the Moon heart in Hancock matches the Pluto heart so well.
It could also be the result of inside intel from covert space missions that most of us have been kept in the dark about.
Pedos typically become very obsessed with their practices. It would make sense that they would want to envision a world where the Moon itself advertises their symbols to us every night.

Multiple stars have said that pedophilia is the “Open Secret” in Hollywood that no one really wants to face — hence Amy Berg’s suppressed documentary of the same name, with some major celebrities in it.

Actors often get duped into taking these roles with events and symbolism that they are not aware of.
I feel Will Smith is a complete innocent in this case. It saddened me to discover this connection.
Since I have met both of his kids at the health food store, Jaden and Wilough, and spoke to them in depth, I want to make it clear that I do not think he willingly supported any of this.

In one scene of Hancock, Will’s character slaps Charlize’s blonde boy on his butt and says “If they tell you to turn the other cheek, don’t make it this one.”
This is funny, but with the symbols in place it becomes very creepy. It cleverly disses Christianity at the same time.
Earlier in the film he had slapped a woman’s butt in a clearly sexual way, on the same side.
In the special features, they brag about how Will Smith is so beloved he can “get away” with doing “just about anything” in a movie.
As they say this, they show the scene of him slapping the woman’s butt.
Strangely, Hancock’s ancient relationship with Charlize is cursed. They can never be together for very long or they will both lose their superpowers, become weak and die.
This really got me thinking. What in the world could this mean?

Consider all the pedo symbols so prominently displayed in the film, including Child Lover spirals Hancock etched into the walls.
This curse could subconsciously represent how pedos can never spend much time with the children they “groom”.
Any involvement is doomed to fail from the start.
Yet an important part of their religion is that “magical power” is achieved from these interactions — just like in the movie.
They “hide out in the open” with so many examples like these. Prominent, multi-million-dollar films are often vehicles of propaganda.
This creates a schizoidal situation, where we are simultaneously bombarded with proof that they exist, while being aggressively ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists” if we identify it.

Another key area to remember, particularly if we end up seeing trillions of stolen dollars re-introduced into the economy, is the story of the “too big to fail” banks.
Dr. James Glattfelder et al. proved that a mere 147 corporations are secretly earning 80 percent of all the money to be made in the world.
The LIBOR and other scandals revealed that these megabanks only appear to be competing with each other.
They are actually rigging their own credit ratings to appear far more financially solvent than they really are.

“Too Big to Fail” banking is a truly vast, international Ponzi scheme.
The scam is so big that it makes Bernie Madoff look like the three-year old student of a backwoods Sunday school teacher.
Imagine that you have one single bank that created many divisions for the purpose of “divide and conquer.”
All the while, their apparent competition is a fraud — and the Cabal continues to profit regardless of which of its entities are doing the best.
Nonetheless, we are still forced to use these utilities in order to function in the world and get anything done.
Banking is undergoing sweeping and massive reform, after many lawsuits, but clearly more change and awareness is needed.
The extraordinary money flowing through this group allows them to continually finance propaganda disguised as expensive entertainment.

A simple exercise of logic would reveal that many people in all different levels of power are not going to agree with a suicidal depopulation agenda.
The Cabal folks are notorious for committing acts of betrayal. In fact, Illuminati whistleblower Svalirevealed that “Betrayal is the first rule of the Order.”
This is something that parents in the cult will say to their own children after putting them through horrific experiences.

Think about what would happen if your computer ran on a similar principle.
The hard drive would betray the CPU, who was secretly plotting against the memory — and nothing would ever even function.
It is very, very important to realize that ANY form of mass exposure or awakening about what this group is doing is literally fatal for them.
The only exception would be if they had totally brought the world to its knees first, which they thankfully have not done.
Their “New World Order” plan only involved revealing their true identity after most of us had died, and the rest of us would literally starve without their direct, emergency aid.
They cannot afford to have their secrets openly and publicly exposed in today’s world — even as they keep exposing us to their religion through seemingly fictional works of “entertainment” and symbolic public events.

As an example, I am convinced that the real reason the “Solo” Star Wars movie bombed so badly is because The Last Jedi was loaded with deeply disturbing, Luciferian themes.
So much for the light being good and the “dark side of the Force” being bad. Once George Lucas lost control, the same tired old “Illuminati” agenda soon emerged.
Now Luke Skywalker has become more “enlightened” by realizing that he must embrace the Dark Side and combine it with the light.
He conveys the same understanding to his female protege’, who is the hero of the film.
This is precisely what the Cabal’s religion actually teaches.

An astonishing fan-based uprising has occurred against this disaster of a film — the likes of which have never before been seen in the history of cinema.
A hero is someone we can relate to, someone who faces obstacles and finds ways to either overcome them or cope and deal with them throughout their story. 
The more relate-able a hero is to human nature, the more compelling the story, because people begin to see themselves in these heroes. This is imperative to storytelling, because if you don’t care about the characters, then you don’t care to see where their story goes.
When we decide to edit out the human element from within a story, then the story becomes no longer compelling. 
This is why many of us tend to point at The Last Jedi as having a bad story. The characters have lost their relatability. 
Hence, in moments when the audience should feel the most concern for these heroes, be in anticipation of what happens next, we feel disconnected and almost indifferent — and the movie fails to penetrate into the ethos of human nature (the basis for telling stories). 

This website does not spell out the deeper issue — which is that the heroes are now embracing the Dark Side as being a good thing.
The pledged amount is now enough to make two and a half more Star Wars movies with the Hero’s Journey elements restored.
You would think any legitimate studio would be ecstatic about this, particularly in our current economy.
Even if only 25 percent of pledges actually followed through, that’s nearly their entire budget.

Instead, the studio’s response has been to completely sideline and dismiss this movement as frivolous and stupid:
6/24: Star Wars Fans Cry Out as Studio Hires Deep State Propaganda Artists to Continue Star Wars Franchise
After a poor performance by “Solo: A Star Wars Story” — a movie poised to become the first money-losing film in the series — Disney faces criticism over how it’s managing one of Hollywood’s most lucrative franchises.
The company is dealing with reports that its next stand-alone “Star Wars” movie may be delayed and an effort by one faction of fans to remake “The Last Jedi,” which came out in December….
When films cost $300 million or $400 million to produce and release, a cool response from audiences can bring huge losses.
Then there’s the question of what fans actually want. The latest controversy facing Disney is a social-media campaign to remake “The Last Jedi.”
The effort is unlikely to succeed — either in raising enough money [WTF?] or securing Disney’s cooperation — but it has highlighted the disquiet among some of the fan base.

With such costly projects, having a core group of acolytes — the kind of people who see a movie several times in the theaters — is crucial.
Warner Bros.’ DC Comics film franchise, for instance, has struggled to build momentum. Poor reviews and controversial story lines for characters like Superman have hindered the movies.

How is the studio responding to this massive public uprising? The same article tells us exactly what they are going to do.
This Last Jedi director Rian Johnson — whose main achievement beforehand was the propaganda-loaded film Looper — is now being given THE NEXT TRILOGY of Star Wars films.
And — the authors of the most Illuminati-heavy show on television — Game of Thrones — have been handed all the spinoffs.
You literally cannot make this stuff up:
6/24: Star Wars Fans Cry Out as Studio Hires Deep State Propaganda Artists to Continue Star Wars Franchise
Earlier this year, Disney gave “The Last Jedi” director Rian Johnson the task of developing the next trilogy.
It also has commissioned “Game of Thrones” creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss with creating a separate series of “Star Wars” films.

Do you think maybe, just maybe, the reason why people didn’t go see Solo was that they were embittered enough to pledge 400M to remake the previous film?

It is sad to see Alden Ehrenreich, the star of Solo, being blamed for why the movie failed so miserably.
The deeper truth is that the public is tired of toxic rapists and child molesters using entertainment as a vehicle for their occult propaganda.
It is interesting that as the earlier stages of the Hollywood pedo rings were being exposed, prior to #MeToo, both previous directors of Solo were fired from the project.
My guess is that the Ron Howard version that finally emerged had a lot less of this type of “illuminated” content in it than the original was intended to.
The #MeToo movement has created an irreversible tide of public awakening, and “show biz” is now in an ever-worsening state of terrifying financial collapse as a result.

There are countless examples of classic movie franchises being rebooted with much more negative elements.
This includes the notorious “Batman Vs. Superman” fiasco, where both heroes are quite literally described as “fallen angels” capable of extreme violence against humanity.
Notice the hidden Masonic symbol burned into this next image from the movie.
The outer edge of both capes forms an upward triangle, the inner edge of both capes forms a downward triangle, and the integrated symbol is where the All-Seeing Eye would appear.
Notice the slight Photoshopping of dark diagonal lines in the clouds around the symbol to further delineate the main upward-pointing triangle:

Superman used to be a hero who would go to great lengths to save innocent human lives.
In the latest iterations, he is a dangerous “fallen angel” who cares very little about how many he kills as he has his power tantrums.

In the immediate run-up to the Solo film, the black actor Donald Glover who played Lando Calrissian was simultaneously presented as “Childish Gambino” in the pop-rap music video “This is America.”
Bear in mind that the Black community had just gotten a great hero in the Alliance-made film Black Panther.
The new Star Wars film had the potential to get people to forget about Black Panther and fall in love with Lando.
This video currently purports to have had 286 million views on YouTube — which adds up to almost the entire population of America.
In this video, an initial shiny pop opener turns into a sinister and queasy-sounding rap groove as Glover gleefully dances around while blowing people’s brains out.
His first victim is a single, blindfolded person who is completely defenseless — the same musician who played the guitar part that opened up the song.
As he shoots the man, he adopts a highly racist “dancing minstrel” pose — one of many that appear throughout the video in his dance moves, based on the testimony of Black researchers cited below.

Later in the video, he mows down an entire group of Christian Gospel singers with a machine gun, right after they were kind enough to sing his chorus for him.

This is “behavior modeling” — intended to inspire others to do the same things by having a hero figure enact it for them.
The idea is to desensitize people to the point where this is all perfectly normal, and perhaps even seen as humorous.

Donald was likely talked into all of this by having it presented to him as a statement about how violent and corrupt America has become.
Nonetheless, the Cabal folks are very clever at tricking people into serving their agenda, such as for “artistic expression.”
The Black writer Blue Telusma pointed out extremely racist elements that were worked into Glover’s performance in the video.
This included dramatic facial and bodily movements evoking the Jim Crow era of the “minstrel show,” such as the pose he strikes during his first shooting.
In the video, Glover’s pulling of this bizarre facial expression is a dramatic moment where all other action stops for a beat.
Glover seems to be looking at a TV monitor of himself outside of frame, to make sure he pulls the face exactly the right way:

This is highly racist. I would not include it here except for the fact that Blue is a Black journalist who identified this.
She was very disturbed by this. The best way for her to get your attention is to post it here instead of just using a link.
What in the world is Disney doing adding these hyper-racist elements into a music video for one of the top stars of the new Star Wars film?

Additionally, Blue points out how Glover dances with a group of youths while the Grim Reaper, dressed entirely in black, rides a white horse in the background — complete with a police escort.

Blue was deeply disturbed by this video, as I am sure most of its viewers were. The high view count was probably caused by multiple viewings of people in disbelief.
Blue specifically said she was “stunned silent” by it, and had to watch multiple times to take it all in — after which she suffered an emotional “hangover.”

Isn’t it strange that one of the top stars in the latest Star Wars film was featured in this deeply disturbing and violent rap video just before the movie’s release?
The Deep State is yearning for a “race war” to get us fighting against each other instead of realizing we have a common enemy.
White people might not catch all the racist references in this video. It obviously seems intended to create violent rage in blacks — to inspire revenge attacks against whites.
Gambino’s gunning-down of the gospel singers is apparently intended to invoke the Charleston shootings, where white supremacist Dylan Roof gunned down nine Black church members.
This deeply racist group is lashing out as they surf inevitably towards a total exposure and defeat — desperate to turn us against each other instead of realizing that we have a common enemy.

As the Q Anon briefings have indicated, these pathetic attempts to manipulate the public are consistently falling flat.
It is very likely that we will never see any more of the “Illuminized” Star Wars sequels.
The franchise will likely succumb to the 400 million-dollar wishes of its fan base, as well as the noble efforts of the Alliance.
We can expect that a massive number of Hollywood executives will be frog-marched out of their studios as their indictments become unsealed.
The resulting public outcry will mean that these topics are no longer “conspiracy theories,” but established facts.

My wife tells me my articles are always too long, and at this point I still haven’t even begun to cover all the interesting things that are now going on in this battle.
There is much more data to discuss as the time becomes available.
It is an “embarrassment of riches” at this point, if your goal is to prove the reality of the Alliance versus Cabal war.
However, I am happy that we now have the most up-to-date Alliance information embedded into the beginning.
The briefings we have received indicated that major deals were being negotiated in the “down-time” of the Q briefings, regarding the return of trillions of dollars of stolen money.
Apparently, the people who have already been brought in and interrogated, along with the investigative work of the Alliance, have uncovered multiple hiding places for massive amounts of stolen funds.
We will need to rehabilitate our world and its systems, and restore public faith and confidence in our institutions. These prosperity funds should go a long way in that direction.
The excitement going on right now is so high it is almost unbelievable.

Another authorized Alliance briefing came in from our sources, upon my explicit request for more data, right before we posted this article.
The now-legendary insider Sigmund has not yet come forward, but he probably will in the not-too-distant future — and he will look just like the picture of him that we commissioned.

In the meantime, he has resurfaced to give us further information.
Specifically, scroll down to the middle of the article on this link where you see the words “COMPROMISED BEYOND REPAIR.”

Sigmund has now revealed that the bad actors infiltrating Ufology are going to be systematically exposed as we lead up to larger legal movements against the Cabal.
This will end much of the “divide and conquer” operations this group is pulling on our community.
The SSP Alliance is telling us that the level of infiltration is staggering. This includes people secretly working on the payroll for intelligence agencies.
Expect a variety of unpleasant and contentious surprises. Some “big names” could have very ugly things emerge about them, and may include actual arrests.
I have no idea what type of evidence is being put together, but it should be quite surprising.
And no, the earth is not flat, nor is it a dome with another city on top. Enough of that.
Guys smoke good weed and get paid a lot of money by the Cabal to come up with that crap.
Some guy tried to jump 20 people in line at the last event to yell out, “WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE SPINNING EARTH, DAVID?”
I told him if he waited in line like everyone else, I would be happy to tell him. This will do. It f-ing spins, dude.

I have been so busy that I haven’t even had a chance to promote an event I am hosting with Emery Smith this next weekend (!) in Boulder, Colorado.
We are hosting it at the E-Town facility, for the explicit purpose of creating a high-quality, four-camera-angle shoot for future use in film projects — like what you saw in Sirius.

This footage could easily become iconic and very popular worldwide… particularly with Disclosure about to break through at any moment.
If you are in the audience, you will very likely make it into the film!
VIP front-row tickets are available with a catered meet-and-greet for those who would like to help on a larger level, as well as general admission tickets that are less expensive.
You can also buy streaming video passes to the event at a significantly lower cost of $49 dollars.

This event provides Emery with vitally-needed emergency funding. He only just secured a home rental after nearly six months of living in cars and cheap hotels.
In order to nail down the property, he paid out five months in advance. Every landlord was rejecting him due to the threats we had delineated in the past. It was horrible.
Thankfully, he finally got one… but this victory has wiped him out financially in the process. Our event therefore serves multiple purposes.
Furthermore, the day before Emery closed this deal, when it was already almost certainly a go, he got jumped by three criminals in hoodies who stole his Iphone and Ipad.
This was clearly an intelligence-agency hit, as Emery’s own insider contacts were later phoned — even though no contact info for them was available in either device.
They were offered to buy his phone back for 800 dollars. I cannot politely spell out what the Alliance’s response was.
It is common for the Deep State to hire street criminals to do jobs like this. They wanted us to know it was them, hence the call. We will not be intimidated.

I uncovered a wealth of dazzling new information from Emery when we got handed a last-minute, three-hour slot on Monday at Contact in the Desert.
This includes material on time travel, ET pineal glands, underground bases, ETs he personally interacted with in the projects, and so much more.
There are also very significant things that he knew about in the past but was unwilling to talk about until now.
We will be going through this data and anything else that comes up in the moment. It will certainly be mind-blowing!
Here are your links to get involved:
Purchase Live Stream Tickets here:

Right at the end of the July 2018 “disclosure window,” I have booked an all-weekend gala event in lovely Estes Park, Colorado.
The hotel we are hosting the event in has no more rooms available, unfortunately, but there are many other options in the area.
This is the first time I have done an all-weekend event like this since 2013, when I first started my job as the host of TV shows on Gaia.
As always, you can binge-watch to your heart’s content for 99 cents and cancel within the first month if you so choose, with no penalty or hidden fees.
My show Wisdom Teachings has now been running at a half hour a week for five and a half years. A huge wealth of data has been shared.
This body of work now goes way beyond the scope of what is in my published books — and the “Grand Download” is quite an expansive view.
Additionally, we have an astonishing amount of insider testimony that needs to be analyzed and factored in as well.