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Your Eternal Presence and Awaken Innocence by the Celestial Dolphins

Greetings to you from the Celestial Planes of the Creator’s Universe, we share with you high vibrational frequencies of purity, truth and love. We are guardians of the Celestial Planes and levels which promote the innocence and essence of the Creator. There are others who safeguard the Celestial vibrations, in fact, all who inhabit the Celestial Planes and radiate its truth. We, the Celestial Dolphins wish to awaken within souls from the depth of their being, the joy, fun and bliss of the Celestial innocence of the Creator. In doing so we wish to create continuous realisations of your eternal alignment with the Creator.

The Eternal Presence

Imagine that you knew someone not just for one lifetime but many. Imagine if you knew the same person for eternity, that you were the same as that person, you were that person and could recognise yourself in numerous ways, aspects and phases. You have and will know the Creator for every lifetime of your existence. You will see yourself as one with the Creator and as separate aspects of the Creator. You will seek to know yourself and the Creator as fully as possible while also realising that understanding isn’t always necessary and doesn’t always create enlightenment. You may come to realise that the Source, Creator, God, you seek to acknowledge, unify with and embody has been your constant company as you and through you.
Once more imagine that you knew the Creator intimately throughout all your lifetimes and existence in the Universe of the Creator, what would it feel like? What would be your perception of yourself and the Creator? How would this simple understanding and perception embodied, transform the way you exist upon the Earth now?
It may be that you cannot answer our questions because you have yet to acknowledge such a deep knowingness of the constant presence of the Creator within and around you. You may have glimpsed that which we speak of, and yet we are speaking of a knowingness that is so abundant, all consuming and eternal. Such a knowingness of the constant presence of the Creator cannot be shaken or damaged, it can only be hidden from view. When something is hidden from view it is often labelled an illusion which can be a belief, perception, perspective or observation. When, we the Celestial Dolphins, awaken your divine innocence we are encouraging you to recognise the zest, vigour and life of your existence. This can truly manifest and be embodied when you allow yourself to fully realise the constant nature and presence of the Creator within and around you.
TRUST is a word that describes the action, embodiment and realisation that often is required to take place within your being in order to dissolve the illusion of being unsupported by the Creator and reveal the magical jewel hidden within you. The magic jewel, being your knowingness of the constant and eternal presence of the Creator. When you appreciate, acknowledge and recognise your inner innocence then trust can be empowered, revealing the constant presence of the Creator.
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Reawakening Trust and The Creator’s Eternal Presence

Many wish to develop their trust in themselves and the Creator and yet do not know how. Instead they focus upon their lack of trust and the myriad of ways it manifests in their realities. To access a trust that is real and truthful, we the Celestial Dolphins, wish to share with you a practice which uses our energies to serve you.
▪ First feel, sense or acknowledge your current relationship with the Creator, how much you believe the Creator is constantly and eternally present with you. Be honest with yourself.

▪ Call upon us the Celestial Dolphins to enter into your heart chakra and higher heart chakra weaving our energy throughout these chakras and into your entire being. Feel our energy and presence moving into your sacred heart space, simply allow us the freedom to work with you as you focus upon relaxing your sacred heart space and letting go of any blockages or wounds that may be present. You will feel our energy moving through your sacred heart space as it becomes lighter with greater freedom. We are cleansing your sacred heart space, quickening and raising the vibration present in order to draw the energy, light and consciousness of your innocence from your soul into your sacred heart space on a greater scale than experienced in this lifetime.

▪ When you feel the energy of innocence building within your sacred heart space, which can also be felt as purity, trust, love or truth, allow yourself to begin to repeat silently with meaning and intent, ‘I constantly realise and acknowledge the innocence of my soul.’ Allow yourself to imagine you align with, embody and become the intention and meaning of the statement.

▪ Let the energy of your inner innocence flow throughout your being like a healing, uplifting and awakening tonic. In doing so allow the energy of your inner innocence ignite your realisation of the life, vigour, energy, zest and fun of your being and the Universe of the Creator. It is in the energy of life itself, the rhythm, vibration, sound and light of life, that you will discover the trust that has been present within your being eternally. A trust that is unbreakable and indestructible, which creates a constant and eternal bond with the Creator and a knowingness of the everlasting support of the Creator. Imagine you acknowledge the presence of life flowing through you. We, the Celestial Dolphins, will assist you with this realisation and awareness.

▪ ‘I allow the strength, power and vigour of trust to move throughout every level of my being permanently.’ Allow yourself to repeat this statement as you imagine trust as a source of power emerging from and through your being.

▪ Let your inner power of trust lift you up as if the ocean of trust within you is carry you higher and higher, leaving behind judgments, blockages and illusions and delivering you to and awakening within you the realisation of the constant presence of the Creator within and around you. We, the Celestial Dolphins, will support you in your unique experience to you, simply allow yourself to receive.

Contemplating Your Eternity

When you make space to contemplate the eternal presence of the Creator, your embodiment of the constant presence of the Creator and how the Creator is supporting you perpetually, your inner energy begins to unwind. Beliefs and illusions unwind their hold on you or your hold on them, being set free, while your inner energy and sacred nature unwind into the infinite space that you are. You see yourself and your reality gradually in a new way which empowers and awakens you. Your abilities to sense the support of the Creator and therefore with greater ease create the reality you wish to perceive, and experience will develop. This will all require care, patience, observation, healing and inner exploration.
We, the Celestial Dolphins then wish to invite you to contemplate the eternal and infinite nature of your own being, energy, soul; whichever label you wish to use. If the Creator is eternally with you and you are an expression of the Creator then you are an infinite, constant and eternal being. You may change, transform, alter and shift through lifetimes upon the Earth and the inner planes, and yet you remain eternal. How does this make you feel? With this conscious embodiment, what changes would you make within your being and reality now?
We are present to love, support and inspire,

The Celestial Dolphins

Want to know more about celestial Cetaceans and how they came to Earth....check out Sheldan's webinar archive...

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