Greetings and Salutations,
Greetings and Salutations,
We believe the ships headed to the shores of delivery are en route and
We believe that some out flow of funds is already in sight;
We believe the doves and the ravens are making land in a few places.
We believe the efforts of the many are beginning to be felt and to pay off.
We believe that some out flow of funds is already in sight;
We believe the doves and the ravens are making land in a few places.
We believe the efforts of the many are beginning to be felt and to pay off.
Kindly notice that intentions are everything. Intentions set sail for your tomorrows, so give strict attention to your intentions and how they rate faith-wise;
Do you believe or are you ambivalent?
Do you hold forth that extrasensory perceptions are valid or not?
Do you believe or are you ambivalent?
Do you hold forth that extrasensory perceptions are valid or not?
Whether you believe or not, what you intend is coming forth. You can not depend upon another to secure your desires or your dreams; you have to be the formulator and the builder Mind is the builder. Who said that.. Edgar Cayce.? Pay far more attention and as has been said many times before, holding a vision and doing the necessary attraction work continues to be key to the manifestation of a lot of good for a lot of people.
If you think you don’t have to do that and others will do it for you, what do you think will come of your slap- happy mode of being a team player. Your letter could get lost, your name and address go away, your last move didn’t make it through the hoops- all kinds of things. If you believed in this project way back when, then what matters is that you continue to hold it quietly, but determinedly now! Why not? What do you have to lose if you are a disbeliever? You Help many when you Help Yourself!!!!!
We are in the final loops of this long saga. Now is not the time to wait upon someone else to do the work you agreed to do when you signed on!! You think we kid? Not at all.! What other game plan can you think of that would do the work of rebuilding or making or resolving problems; what else is there that could and will do what this one will for the people who were in the right place at the right time?? Pray tell? If you come up with one do let us know…
We see a glimmer of light on the horizon. That we can confirm. There are busybodies that are trying to stop the onward movement but they are not the kingpins. We think that you will find the efforts to be prevailing of those who have been in the trenches for several years or so.
We also want you to know that you who have held the long vigil have been acknowledged and you have managed to keep the lights aloft in ways even in times that looked pretty dark for your tattered image. That did not go unnoticed. P
Dear Community,
“The Heart”
The driving force of all humanity is the Heart.
Oh what a gift to have a Heart of Gold that is pure and priceless.
Oh what a gift to have a Heart of Gold that is pure and priceless.
The Victory of Life is won or lost due to one’s Heart.
Many champions have surfaced because of a
Heart of Perseverance and Fortitude.
Many champions have surfaced because of a
Heart of Perseverance and Fortitude.
A hardened Heart is cold and selfish.
Unable to escape from the bondage of self and leads
one down a dark path of self-righteousness and destruction.
Unable to escape from the bondage of self and leads
one down a dark path of self-righteousness and destruction.
Love is the core of an affectionate relationship with a Heart of joy,
The chorus of Angels singing the Hallelujahs and the firework
display from the Heaven’s above, celebrating the victory of love.
The chorus of Angels singing the Hallelujahs and the firework
display from the Heaven’s above, celebrating the victory of love.
A Heart can be transformed either way.
To keep one’s Heart pure is to seek wisdom from your
Maker and let him mold your Heart to His Will
To keep one’s Heart pure is to seek wisdom from your
Maker and let him mold your Heart to His Will
W.R. Blackmore
The divisiveness and paranoia in this country can be cut with a knife………
When Poof and I started on this journey 23 years ago we were told to watch for massive chaos and confusion as a indicator that the changes were on there way and the PP’s would begin distribution. I ask, could this be the time?
My higher level contacts say it could….we shall see.!!!
My higher level contacts say it could….we shall see.!!!
DJ’s detached retina surgery healing is progressing slowly. He was hoping to be able to post a progress report on the state of the GCR/RV movement today but unfortunately he has not yet regained his vision. The doctor believes it could be another week or so. I have re-posted an article (posted in June )which is even more relevant today regarding future projects. Please send DJ any form of energy, healing, donations and Love. Much gratitude, Susan
Good Evening.
First off, I would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming response to present their project concepts to be shared by all. Because the response was so large, below is a just sample of the replies . I would also like to point out that this is not a Humanus/ Land Global forum. Upon completion of their infrastructure, the Humanus/Landa Global team will provide the means to contact and communicate with them. They will provide direct access to protocols and processes for intelligence reports and project updates and procedures.
My purpose being involved in this particular forum is to help guide those involved who care about saving our humanity. I choose to assist others through the landmines of speculation, exaggerations and self-imposed expectations based on the massive intel circus that ultimately takes our eyes of the ball that may cause personal damage and bad decisions.
This indeed, is the first time in human history that a single individual will have the opportunity to affect the masses in a profound and meaningful way. Read the initiatives below. Hopefully it will give some hope, comfort and assurance that this path we have chosen is shared by many and our efforts and suffering will ultimately bear fruit. Stay focused! Review your personal risk/reward scenario. You will see that the reward of saving and helping thousands if not millions of suffering people far outweighs the risk. The world needs us to stay involved.
“You have not lived life until you have lived life for others.”
“You have not lived life until you have lived life for others.”
1. Second Chances will be the first center of many and will start in Calgary, for women aged 50 – 65 who need a place to escape a bad marriage, domestic abuse, find themselves out of work with no other financial means, need training to better themselves in a job situation, need a lawyer and can’t afford one or need a temporary shoulder to lean on. The Centre offers financial help, counseling, job finding and job training, financial opportunity to return to school for upgrading or starting a new career in life, computer skills, a happy home for up to a year or two (longer if necessary), a place to become strong again; a place to find friendship and acceptance; a place of relief that is stress free and so much more.
Women of this age are the most ignored group, the invisible group as most are past the mothering stage, are usually passed over for promotions and advancements, are often in a lower income bracket than their male counterpart and divorce costs can leave both parties with barely enough to survive.
1. Second Chances will be the first center of many and will start in Calgary, for women aged 50 – 65 who need a place to escape a bad marriage, domestic abuse, find themselves out of work with no other financial means, need training to better themselves in a job situation, need a lawyer and can’t afford one or need a temporary shoulder to lean on. The Centre offers financial help, counseling, job finding and job training, financial opportunity to return to school for upgrading or starting a new career in life, computer skills, a happy home for up to a year or two (longer if necessary), a place to become strong again; a place to find friendship and acceptance; a place of relief that is stress free and so much more.
Women of this age are the most ignored group, the invisible group as most are past the mothering stage, are usually passed over for promotions and advancements, are often in a lower income bracket than their male counterpart and divorce costs can leave both parties with barely enough to survive.
2. Our projects are designed to awaken and inspire the innate Creative, Imaginative, Inventive endowments resident in all, and to Create and Publish great works of Art in the Literary/Poetic/Musical/Singing/Playing/Performing/Composition/Inventions, etc. fields, and to encourage and train others to bring out their own gifts and talents, and to share these Fine Arts with others in order to Restore and Preserve our Cultures and Civilization, and in order to facilitate the release of the Creative Abilities of Humans.
3. Real Solutions. Only one of Many. Take mycilleum mushrooms that have been bred to eat plastic, garbage, petroleum, and radioactive material (yes, these mushrooms already exist right now!) and spread them on plastic islands, dumps, spills, etc., where they will eat bad stuff and turn it into good stuff, i.e., more mushrooms that will be edible for humans, animals, fish, birds, etc., thereby also fixing the endemic problem of food for humans, and of creatures eating plastic and starving/dying because that’s all they can find. Boom! One Solution that Fixes Many Issues! I’m super excited to be a part of all this–part of it all–the chance to help in this great effort to heal Gaia and humanity is a true Blessing and a great gift.
4. My mission has been started even if in a small way. I run an inclusive child development center. I provide an environment where the very “special” children I have in my small center are given every opportunity to thrive. We don’t soak families who need care–we soak in the love they all share with us. I hope to open a center that specifically meets the needs of every family looking for a place to belong.
So far I serve 50 children and I have a waiting list for over 300 still wishing. I started what I could afford, not to get rich but to provide a rich environment. Let’s help love grow.
Kind Regards,
So far I serve 50 children and I have a waiting list for over 300 still wishing. I started what I could afford, not to get rich but to provide a rich environment. Let’s help love grow.
Kind Regards,
5. DJ, in response to projects: I have worked on a humanitarian project for the last ten years that provides the basic necessities of life for natural disaster and families in desperate need. I have a corporation that will build insulated steel panels that can withstand a category 6 hurricane and a 9 on the Richter scale earthquake. The panels can build a variety of homes, clinics, schools, churches ,etc.
We are in the waiting mode like so many others that look forward to the PP’s. As soon as they are released we are approximately 18 months from production of the first panels and hope to put hundreds of employees to work. Thanks for your encouraging words each week!
6. Good day! You asked from the last Poofness report on anyone wishing to start a project and to let you know what that project was. I have been thinking about one for a long time on helping those who have needed house repairs. I have 2 sons and a brother-n-law that wish to help out and do the hands-on work. I don’t have a thought on how to find these needing families, but all I see as I drive around, are houses that need repair and aren’t getting done.
That’s my aim in a humanitarian project to make sure people have a good and sound place to live. This would also include sanitation needs as well.
That’s my aim in a humanitarian project to make sure people have a good and sound place to live. This would also include sanitation needs as well.
7. Other projects to assist
a.. Help St. Jude Hospital ……….Saving the lives of small children.
b.. Help the Homeless Veterans & America’s Homeless.
c..Supervised Water Wells in areas that have none to drink, here
and abroad around the world.
d..Help The National Home in Cedar Rapids Michigan (Orphanage
for children whose parents were killed in war).
e..Start a non-profit business to feed these projects continuously.
b.. Help the Homeless Veterans & America’s Homeless.
c..Supervised Water Wells in areas that have none to drink, here
and abroad around the world.
d..Help The National Home in Cedar Rapids Michigan (Orphanage
for children whose parents were killed in war).
e..Start a non-profit business to feed these projects continuously.
8. First, people need the immediate pressure off – this means food, finding land to purchase to grow food in every city, soup kitchens and convincing food sources to share their so called out dated food and left overs.
Concurrently people need housing. Take the abandoned hotels etc and create immediate shelter while other structures are being built.
Keep an eye on whatever others are doing to contribute and assist.
Build sanctuaries for the animals or turn them loose in safe zones.
My personal project after all the fires are extinguished is to grow and plant millions of trees globally.
This is a nutshell of necessities.
Thanks for asking
Concurrently people need housing. Take the abandoned hotels etc and create immediate shelter while other structures are being built.
Keep an eye on whatever others are doing to contribute and assist.
Build sanctuaries for the animals or turn them loose in safe zones.
My personal project after all the fires are extinguished is to grow and plant millions of trees globally.
This is a nutshell of necessities.
Thanks for asking
9, Good day DJ
I read your message and you said that we can send a few lines of our humanitarian project.
I am in South Africa and here is my project.
I am in South Africa and here is my project.
This was shown to me. Here is a big need for a safe house for women who are single and pregnant and a place where they can stay during that time for a peaceful time. When it is time for the baby to come and they want to give up the baby for adoption then the social workers come in with the necessary documents because they will know where the baby can be adopted.
Then the other thing is also a home for the aged people who are retired but don’t get big money but a government pension. There are many of them so that they have a place to stay and be safe.
In the Bible it says that you will always have the poor and needy around you but to discern about the right people to help.
Then the other thing is also a home for the aged people who are retired but don’t get big money but a government pension. There are many of them so that they have a place to stay and be safe.
In the Bible it says that you will always have the poor and needy around you but to discern about the right people to help.
I broadened my scope to include care for the elderly in assisted living centers fully staffed with the necessary equipment and medical personnel. That still wasn’t broad enough in my mind and, someone made mention of a “Home Office.” The vision is a source that could be duplicated, providing and creating jobs in multiple fields of endeavor…fully funded to be capable of taking someone who is homeless and without any means of fulfilling their life’s journey and, assisting them in pursuing a vocation that would not only be satisfying to them but, would put them in a position of also paying it forward to someone else. Life is like a cut diamond, in a way…multi-faceted and appears ever-changing. The idea behind the Home Office, in a sense may sound like a glorified Welfare System but, the goal is not to make someone dependent but rather, to help them become independent and productive in their life. This not only creates jobs for people but, helps people in pursuing their hearts desire for a vocation and maybe even a calling on their life.
Post RV, I intend to build 100 studio apartments to house all homelessness in my community. Additional to that broad scope is also a need to supply immediate short term accommodation for the same homelessness and domestic violence victims in the way of temporary shelters.
10, I am a self employed web designer, photographer, and videographer. My project is to help the projects tell their story. My goal is to not only develop a core operation (facilities, gear, people, systems) here in my small New Mexico village, but to clone the concept worldwide. Train and equip the people and their facility. Travel and teach. Recruit the best web designers, story tellers, photographers, videographers, editors… and pay them well to do the most extraordinary work they are capable of. Keep me in mind when others of like mind raise their hands.
Our high level objectives:
• Discover, define and implement a comprehensive set of suitable and sustainable remedies for the homelessness we see before us.
• Grow and strengthen our neighborhoods and overall community by instilling a culture of producing and sharing our own food here locally so that :
1) interruptions in the national ‘just in time’ supply chain will have less dire effect on our local economy, and
(2) we can choose to consume food and water that supports our overall wellbeing, allowing our community to better thrive in the process.
• Develop a model – a defined structure that will serve as a template of considerations which can be customized and employed in any other community to remedy the scourge of homelessness in their town, as well.
• Allow the Field of Homelessness itself to Illuminate our quest to identify what is needed to fulfill these objectives.
1) interruptions in the national ‘just in time’ supply chain will have less dire effect on our local economy, and
(2) we can choose to consume food and water that supports our overall wellbeing, allowing our community to better thrive in the process.
• Develop a model – a defined structure that will serve as a template of considerations which can be customized and employed in any other community to remedy the scourge of homelessness in their town, as well.
• Allow the Field of Homelessness itself to Illuminate our quest to identify what is needed to fulfill these objectives.
Some other projects include:
Mobile windmills
Solar powered generators.
New agriculture technologies to increase crop production and tillable acreage yield
New global communication technology bringing education information to remote and 3rd world populations.
Batteries the size of a candy bar that supply energy to a home for 8 months at a time and can be recharged in 30 min.
Water purification systems that are compatible with almost any water condition
An incentive to create ten thousand new small businesses complete with personnel support systems and supply lines.
An organic, highly nutritious food supplement that doesn’t require refrigeration and is created with already existing ingredients that are currently discarded that can literally feed every starving person on the planet while it repairs internal damages to digestive and internal organs
Medical breakthroughs for almost all the dread diseases
Solar powered generators.
New agriculture technologies to increase crop production and tillable acreage yield
New global communication technology bringing education information to remote and 3rd world populations.
Batteries the size of a candy bar that supply energy to a home for 8 months at a time and can be recharged in 30 min.
Water purification systems that are compatible with almost any water condition
An incentive to create ten thousand new small businesses complete with personnel support systems and supply lines.
An organic, highly nutritious food supplement that doesn’t require refrigeration and is created with already existing ingredients that are currently discarded that can literally feed every starving person on the planet while it repairs internal damages to digestive and internal organs
Medical breakthroughs for almost all the dread diseases
The list goes on an on and too numerous to list here. We must stay the course . There can be no failure. The world needs us if we are to survive
Zap has been on a 12 day whirlwind of travel and meetings. He has just arrived back at his base outside of Hong Kong after a 10 hour train trip. Unfortunately, while traveling he experienced another shingle flare up which is going to need medical treatment. Thanks to those that have sent suggestions for shingle relief; he has received them all. Hopefully after a few days of rest ( he hasn’t had much in the past 5 days ) Zap will be up and regenerated and ready to share in the Mid-Week. For those that call continually, kindly give him a few days to regain his health.
Zap has been on a 12 day whirlwind of travel and meetings. He has just arrived back at his base outside of Hong Kong after a 10 hour train trip. Unfortunately, while traveling he experienced another shingle flare up which is going to need medical treatment. Thanks to those that have sent suggestions for shingle relief; he has received them all. Hopefully after a few days of rest ( he hasn’t had much in the past 5 days ) Zap will be up and regenerated and ready to share in the Mid-Week. For those that call continually, kindly give him a few days to regain his health.
Kindly send energy, healing, love and any financial help for a speedy recovery . Much Thanks, Susan
Thank you for your support as we do our best to keep you up to date. We couldn’t do this without your Help. Please go to Paypal.com using the account address: goneforthfornow@gmail.com to support the cause. Please remember to click friends and family when sending. We’re still struggling to keep the lights on and food on the table.
Love and Kisses,
“The Office of Poofness”
ZAP, Susan and Staff
Love and Kisses,
“The Office of Poofness”
ZAP, Susan and Staff
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