November 2018 Ascension Energies; The Space Within

October Review
October had an interesting energetic. The energies of Calming the Chaos were great preparation for the energies of November. October felt like an intensity of inner movement, something beneath the surface. There was quite an “opposites attract” flow to it, an intensification of the nature of duality within as we nourish the courage to Love when Love isn’t easy.
Sometimes in October I felt successful with that, other times I felt like the anger/resistance/fear won the moment. It’s all a progression. And it flows directly into the next level—November.
The Space Within
The Space Within
November energies are The Space Within. It is a core focus of Ascension that as we evolve into fourth density we are more consciously aligned with the subtle flow of Life.
The invisible aspect of Life, the 99% engine that builds worlds, is your Space Within. Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, calls it your subtle bridge. Your thoughts and emotions are subtle, not dense (physical), and subtle speaks directly to subtle. How you think and feel within is the information that you emanate into the physical to create reality around you.
We all know this. The work is living it day to day. Can you hold that vibration of All is Well in good times and challenge? It’s what “holding space” really means. The creative Space Within you is where potential resides. What potentials are you shifting your vibration to resonate with?
Holding Space
Holding Space
Even if you’re feeling upset, is there part of you that is observing with some detached compassion which knows that all that is occurring is the perfect opportunity for improvement? Are you taking the leap of improvement. As I said, I found myself doing that and not doing that in October, yet it all ends up in the same place. More clarity to continue the progression.
What Are You Discovering Within
What Are You Discovering Within
The inner realm is where your true control is. That is not about controlling your thoughts and emotions so they are only positive. Of course, shifting your thoughts and emotions to positive potentials is healthy and creative, but only when the resonance is strong enough. If positivity is rooted in suppression, the pattern of avoidance will create chaos because of the dissonance in your energy field. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be clear enough that your overall resonance expects improvement. All is well.
Being Authentic with your thoughts and emotions allows you to transform them. Observe what your initial reaction is within and you are allowing the subconscious mind to speak directly to the conscious mind. As you “connect” the two, you are creating your expansion—your embodiment of more of the vastness of the subtle realm that builds worlds. You are amplifying your energetic flow.
What Else is Within You
What Else is Within You
The inner realm is also where your true freedom is. How is it that freedom and control are both within? They seem so opposite. Welcome to the world of duality. It’s how the linear mind separates in order to connect. What connects two opposites? Your heart (Love/subtle) and your mind (Choice/physical).
The Space Within you is where Love resides and your choice presides.
That ability to Choose Love is within you. Are you doing that even when times are tough? Again, in my own life sometimes I feel like it’s a yes, other times a no. Yet they both have the potential to lead me in the same direction of progress. I just have to continue to Choose and Love in the next moment of opportunity.
The Mastery of Eleven
The Mastery of Eleven
November is an 11 month in an 11 year (2+0+1+8=11). The energy of eleven is all about mastery. Are you able to experience the reflection in life and see the potentials that may not be obvious? Can you master that which is yours in the physical realm, your inner domain? As you master the duality, you merge opposites into a connection, like the subatomic model exemplifies, and new form builds.
When two become one, it creates a three. The triangle, the triality, the connection. Ascension is just a natural evolution that is at an exciting point of conscious connection with the subtle realm, rather than defaulting to physicality to create through reaction.
It starts within you. As you connect opposites within—where a moment of pain creates a new courage, or a moment of vulnerability creates a new strength—you are aligning your triangular aspect. The triangle represents a strong foundation to create the new. You are amplifying the power of your Merkaba, your Lightbody to build the physical realm.
In Summary
In Summary
As things continue to intensify in this Year of Amplification, November calls you embody a new level of mastery. Your mastery begins within, your subtle bridge. Then your powerful electromagnetic flow can offer the potential of Love directly into your world.
Observe and hold the space of Love within. Love for yourself when it feels like you failed to Love in moment. Love for another when it seems like they’re part of the problem rather than the solution. Love for Life, the brilliant engine of creation that allows you the fun of discovering your divinity within. Two become one as you connect your heart and mind to Choose Love. Thank you, Creative One. You were born to create.
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