
2 de diciembre de 2018

Message of Angels: energy must flow

angel messages eraoflightdotcom

My dear friends, we love you,
Before each exhalation, you should inhale. Before each inhalation there is an exhalation. When you give you receive. When you get you give. When you spend itis because you have saved or save to pay for your purchase.
In all things within the vast and magnificent presence of the Divine, there must be movement. Energy must flow into you, through you and from you to you, and the universe, are healthy.
When the energy gets stuck, you feel tired or unpleasant. When spiritual energy flows, you feel a joy and unlimited physical. You have access to a source of constant and consistent power at all times. You need not feel tired. You need not feel pain. However, many of you just not been taught how to keep your energy flow.
There is a human tendency to fill your feelings, for example. Your body tries to maintain energy, like a battery, the best you can. However, "overload" with desiccated emotions and begins to attract more energy from the outside world. Very soon, as a person with "static attachment", you have all kinds of energies stuck to you. As soon as I find a healthy outlet for those feelings, energy is moving again and everything was "clinging" you easily washed in the flow.
There is also the belief that " it is better to give than toreceive." Indeed, you can not separate the two. When you give, you receive joy, satisfaction, pleasure upon receiving the receiver. When you receive, if done gracefully, the donor gives him his own joy and appreciation. If you give but you refuse to receive, you can easily embitter, break and wear you down. If you get but you refuse to give your love, you will feel very lonely, because you never feel God's love emanating from you.
Give and receive not have to be "even" in the material sense. Just you have to feel good in the energy sense. You know when flow is out due to fatigue, pain or discomfort. You'll know when you get back to flow through your feelings of relief, joy and happiness. Even your body will relax when you feel the flow of grace that runs through its channels unobstructed again. Your heart will be glad!
So, dear, in this season of giving, of course, share their love. But do not forget to get well. Sit. Breathe. Receive our love and God's love. Get your gifts with grace. Give your gratitude and appreciation.
Especially given the gift of your presence. Your real, honest and authentic as the world without shame or guilt, at a given moment, it is the best gift you can give. A rose is made to bloom and yet, the thorns are also a gift of his presence. You are all a gift, dear ones. Surrender yourself to the world honestly and in return they will have no obstacles for our love.
God bless you! We love you so very much. 
- The Angels
»   Source  » Canal: Ann Albers

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