
25 de diciembre de 2018

Potus Vs deep state

POS American Traitor Chuck Schumer played right into Trump's hand with his resistance for the wall funding...because the truth is...they had planned to shut down the government anyway to make the change over.

POTUS is about to 'Rock The Boat" BIG TIME because the swamp has not been drained yet.

All of this drama over the wall...when it was already funded under the military budget. It is the military building the wall (corp of engineers) as all the fuss is smoke & mirrors.

We have a Christmas party for the cabal. Many of them got a personal invitation at the funeral for the special party at GITMO this holiday. (transportation and all expenses paid) :)

If I were Chuck...I would be careful about rising to the top of the POS list...because the first two on the list are gone now.

(no name mccain...and poppy nazi bush) You will learn later that neither of these guys were human. (and if you think that sounds need to wake the hell up)

The NAZI's didn't lose the war (WW2) ...they took over the world...and now they rule the universe. (look into Solar Warden)
They run America and been traveling & trading with alien races for over 70 years right in your face...and you never blinked. NASA is nothing more that a distraction to keep you dumbed down and ignorant...and guess what? worked.

The people are asleep. They let a tranny in the WH 8 years and never blinked!!! (IN YOUR FACE)

Well folks...take my advise...and go get supplies for about 2 weeks and hunker down and watch the show.

When we come out the other side of will be blown away.

And get ready for lots of SHOCKING revelations which will just keep on coming.

It's time to wake up folks. Mr.Ed :)

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