, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Extraterrestrial Message from Pleiades (Taygeta) (2)



Extraterrestrial Message from Pleiades (Taygeta) (2)

Now I understand from our previous conversation that 2008 is when you came here although I understand you have been here before too. *We have been here before in smaller numbers, we have been here for thousands of years but we came in force in 1952 and then in a much larger force in 2008 and have been here ever since.
You came back in a larger force in 2008 why? What happened exactly?
The Kabala was preparing the calling of the people a mass killing, it was related to the end times of 2012 we stopped that, agenda 21 to be exact, it was to start in high gear in 2012 it sloed down now but not off yet, unfortunately.
Doesn’t have to do with the New World Order agenda, elimination of human population etc
Yes, it is part of the New World Order
Okay Wow so you came back for that, now what do you mean the end times, I understood that 2012 and all that only meant the ascension process.
In reality it is an ascension process as you said, the problem is that the Cabal used the 9/11 2001 as a start or a heating up of the negative plan.
Wow this is an explosive information at least for me I wasn’t really aware of it
Now you are.
So among other reasons that’s why you came
Yes there isn’t just one reason it’s many.
Can you give me the other reasons of why you are here?
Solving the problems of Earth is not something we can do from outside, it has to be done from inside, so what we do is to point things out to people, so they will in turn see more investigate on their own until a tipping point in consciousness is achieved and then things will start to turn towards the positive and you don’t have to awaken the masses don’t worry about that, all you need is to awaken a key core of people, the rest will follow and they will follow because they are not even real people, but manifestations within the mind of the few real people on earth, we are on a massive contact campaign now to give information that will resonate with some people, it may not resonate with most but it doesn’t need to all we need is to activate the few key people then a chain reaction will occur.
But after it resonates with them, is that the purpose of the contact just for it to resonate, their resonance is enough.
As it resonates it fulfilled, it makes those key people understand who they are they will be in alignment with their true self and will start to manifest a different reality for themselves, and therefore for the rest of humanity or of the world as they manifest they change the world, they terraform those key people are manifesting all the reality you see, what I mean is that if you have a certain amount of key people and they all understand what’s going on then they will manifest a new reality for all, because the remainder of the population on earth is just more matrix, as they are just more matrix they are the product of manifestation of those mentioned key people, we or anyone else cannot come into earth shooting at all the negatives and cleaning the place, setting a new holographic government at all because it won’t last, it won’t last because it has been done that way before with horrible results, people tend to make us into deities, we are not we are messengers that’s the very meaning of the world angels and for hundreds if not thousands of years they’ve been pinning that angel thing on us over and over again, that’s because the people of Earth are brought up that way, to look for a parent to take care of them and in a way that could be used to describe us versus humans we are a race who is self responsible therefore we are adults, the humans on the other hand don’t know how to be responsible, the people of the earth have to be told what to think what’s right and what’s wrong who to listen to, first the father and the mother then the teachers in school then the bosses and their jobs and the priests and the politicians, they are guided all the time and don’t know how to make their own decisions, they are in a hive mind at least most of them so they must learn how to grow up be self responsible, the humans must be the ones could Sun send the oppressors, not us we don’t need the credit, we know who and what we are the humans must do the work.
But going back to why we are here exactly now, we are here to help and aid the liberation of Earth from hostile alien takeover mostly reptilian in origin, we are also here to aid and study the ascension of Earth from a scientific point of view and many of us come here for personal reasons as well apart from that but related we are here to place star seeds on the surface to aid the awakening of humankind from the inside, the ones who wants to go in then to monitor find and bring them back home once they have fulfilled their task.
I see and it can’t be done from your planet.
It can and is, but it’s faster and much more comfortable to do from the ship in orbit the main problem with doing so from the planets is because there is a significant 4.5 to one time slip ratio, that is for each day in our planets 108 hours have passed on earth for days 12 hours for each day on our planet.
Is it the same time ratio for you now in the orbit?
No, from here time is only 5 minutes slower per day, if I had a watch and I synchronize that with yours tomorrow mine will be 5 minutes slower than yours, day after it will be 10 minutes slower and so on,
But you are still in the fifth density up there in the orbit, so shouldn’t it be the same as on your planet.
No, time is relative to each person, it is not a universal constant as Einstein wrongly claims it is, time in the planet is the average of the perception of the entire population inside.
It so it has nothing to do with densities.
No only because densities are tied to consciousness, time is a product or a perception of each individual consciousness in itself is non-existent.
Okay you say that the time is only the perception within the consciousness of the people residing in the given a world or density, is that why your time in the orbit is so similar to ours here, because you are closer to the 3d and our consciousness affects you there.
Correct, and also because we are coordinating with you and with earth events so our collective perception of time is similar from here in orbit.
hmm okay, going back to the reasons why you are here, is there another reason you are here you said it is to help us ascend, but is it important for you that we ascend or is your helping us purely altruistic, I understand you are here to help, the question is why the deeper why is it perhaps that our presence in 5d is needed for some reason.
The real population of Earth is made of star seeds even if they have been on earth several or thousands of incarnations, they are all star seeds because they don’t originate on earth they are source, so essentially the real people on earth are us of our family and we cannot be truly free if someone else is oppressed, also many of us are there and here at the same time, we want to get all our timelines variants out and yes you are needed in 5d because 5d is home, as home as it can get outside the non physical existence.
You said you cannot be truly free if someone else is oppressed you don’t feel yourself to be a free race with us oppressed.
Complicated answer my people say and feel they carry a lot of karma things like nuking Mars for example, so they feel that this cleans their karma the problem is that the Karma concept is wrong, you don’t have to carry bad karma you do only because you choose to do so, you liberate karma when you understand then why your past events took place, you overcome karma when you accumulate and process sufficient wisdom to let the all go, from that point of view we are here only because of altruistic reasons.
We definitely must talk about the cost of karma in the future.
No problem, I am here for you.
And you volunteered to come here.
Yes it’s strictly volunteer, mostly it is the young and idealistic Taygetas who come here, the older ones prefer other things.
Going back to not feeling free as it is still on my mind you said we cannot be truly free if someone else is oppressed, does it mean you feel compassion for the humans or you help just to be free yourselves or is it all connected.
It is connected the concepts that we are all one is very clear from here, we are very empathic race and we suffer in the shoes of others as in our own, so we do it because we can do something about the problem if we do nothing it makes us as guilty as those who perpetuate the problem, because we do have the solution.
I imagine that you can provide the solution within the limits of the laws.
Yes, correct and the problem is that many may not understand the solutions, as it’s very metaphysical in short though you change the perception of the real people who are manifesting the matrix from the inside and you change solve the problem, the problems on earth are the external reflection mirror of a split and traumatized self of the real people manifesting the matrix, that’s the problem here.
This is very deep and I love it the real people here are the ones manifesting and maintaining the matrix might controlled to do so, the matrix imposed by the negative ones and to change our perception consciousness is to reprogram the matrix from within, I think I understand.
And that is why we are now my race for lack of better words, but also many others in an extensive campaign to mass contact people all over the globe, this is massive like never seen before, yet we who are doing so are comparable few and the contact doesn’t take place using the same means or methods of contact, the methods are adapted to the receptive capacity and the preferences of each individual.
Why is it massive now?
Why now because it’s only now when we understood the necessity of the mass contact it’s the real war, it’s a war for the mind and the perception of the people of Earth, but the problems on earth will not be solved with blood leads and plasma guns it’s to use the very nature of the matrix its inner workings to defeat itself, if we can contact enough people and awaken them help them see things differently then they will be the ones who solved the problem from the inside and this will not go against any space law.
I love it and I imagine you tried to solve the problems earlier in our history – always adapting the strategies.
We have, always trying to influence from the inside like Joan of Arc mostly alone heavily trained target ins themselves in harm’s way for the greater good
You said we needed 51 percentage of people to awaken to tip the timeline towards a positive direction at what percentage are we now?
Not completely clear yet somewhere in the vicinity of 49 to 50 percent other races calculate and not so favorable 32 percent.
Okay not bad though and how come didn’t occur to you just now to implement a massive contact strategy because I’m still not sure about that.
It occurred because a new data was received, data on how time and timelines really work as I said above your real population is made of star seeds, metaphysically speaking you on earth are us all so waking you up we are directly influencing the timeline toward the positive one there.
Are other planets in the similar situation to ours, and are you helping them.
Yes, there are exactly 9 other planets in a similar condition, 10 in total but none of them are in such a critical condition and are as relevant as Earth is.
Why is Earth so important?
Because it’s closer to us and to a very large variety of species because it’s full of their star seeds and we all must take care of our own, also for strategic reasons this is the negative stronghold, if earth negative forces are defeated on earth the other planets in trouble will also be liberated, the other planets are only nodes of the Earth’s cabal Mars and Venus for example earth is the key planet.
Key in this quadrant you mean, because the universe is very large.
Yes, this quadrant and problem of negative infiltration.
Can you specify the problem of negative infiltration please?
The negative forces going in to peaceful planets to overtake and dominate the indigenous populations, using lies and mind control for service to self-purposes.
So, this is a key planet for them also, why so much interest in Earth from both sides.
That’s right, see it as the negative forces headquarters and also because in other positive timelines earth is also the headquarters of the Federation, it’s the negative forces headquarters and the Federation headquarters at the same time.
Now this is interesting you mean we are the headquarters of the Federation in other timelines, so isn’t that by helping us here now you are also saving Federation in other timelines.
That’s exactly what I’m saying, it’s all concentrated here.
And why are the negative ones interested in the 3d planet, or you mean they made it 3d.
We the Federation made it 3d, the negative forces only hijacked it and used the 3d in their favor, we did not intend to make it such a difficult place.
You made it 3d it is getting interesting I need to save this topic to go into more depth later overall, I feel amazing chatting with you although still in off why you’re giving us so much information I feel so privileged and still scratching my head.
We are doing it because it is necessary, see this information as the real earth changing ammunition, it is not information it is ordinance
Hello Swarru and thank you so much for meeting tonight.
Thank you for being here with me.
To start could you please tell us who you are more exactly?
We are mostly from planets Erra and Temmer that are revolving around the Sun Taygeta in the Messia 45 M 45 star system Pleiades the Seven Sisters that is 422 light years away we are a task force of nearly 18,000 Taygetans in several ships.
What dimension are you from?
We come from the fifth density we prefer to call it densities than dimensions however all outside earth is fifth density anyway it’s only earth that is artificially kept in the super dense third density the normal universe is all fifth density having said that we don’t observe those densities as people on earth – we observe everything as a whole one gradient of softly raising frequencies as a whole not separate densities as if they had a wall between them those ideas are an earth concept only
We will definitely talk about densities in more depth in the future as this subject fascinates me now you said you are about 18,000 Taygetas in several ships are you in the orbit of planet Earth permanently or moving around between various places and how far from Earth are you stationed?
The ships are placed on several orbit height depending on the individual tasks of each ship one is at four hundred and ninety thousand kilometres orbit the big ones are mostly stationary the smaller ones are moving all over the place.
What are the tasks of these different ships
Some ships are command and control from where everything is monitored organized and controlled leadership isn’t done there are two such ships this is one of them others are dedicated to enforce the blockade one of them is a science ship and there are also several smaller agile ships to do multiple tasks and then there are also the most numerous ones and these are shuttles to go to and from the ships these are most ladies coital or box-shaped.
Can you expand on what you mean by ships that are dedicated to enforce the blockade.
We stop ships from leaving Earth or from going into earth without a clear motive to do so this to prevent hostile forces from entering and reinforcing the negative ones on earth also to stop the negative ones from smuggling people from earth to be sold as slaves or as meat to eat in several black market places especially on Orion and Zeta Reticuli the blockade is enforced mostly by three races Taygetas in command and control Alfratars from Alpha Centauri and Antarians.
I would like to ask two things are the small moving ships the ones that can be seen by us here mostly the so called UFOs some of them.
Yes and then you said you monitor ships going in and out now this is probably also another topic but what about the secret space program ships have they left the earth as they claim they have they bypassed your blockade.
There are many ships some are in areas like s4 area 51 but most of the big ones are on the move and under Federation control the u.s. space program has lost all its large ships doesn’t mean at some point they did leave earth yes they did in the 60s all the way up to the year 2008 when asked it knocked them all out in a space battle captured them.
Okay you said you stopped ships leaving earth what ships leave earth are you referring to the secret space program once
Some of the remaining ones are SSP others are reptilian or tall white or Maytree tall grey ships there is a lot of traffic here.
Okay let’s leave SSP for another top you then as it is a big one too you said everything around Earth is fifth density are your ships in the fifth density to when they are close to Earth
Everything outside Earth is in the fifth density.
How far out from Earth does it begin to be fifth density
The Van Allen belts mark the barrier.
How can we see those ships if they are in the fifth or are they below the Van Allen belts
I have a problem describing them here they are fighter ships and I am reluctant to call them like that because they sound very belligerent and yes many are below the belt many are on the surface landed or a low level flight and all variants in between when you follow just say they saw a plasma ship it’s not the ship itself what they are saying it’s the ionization that occurs in the atmosphere when the presence of a starships engine superheat and ion’s eise’s the airs molecules in short what they are saying it’s the ship’s exhaust pipe.
This is the Black Knight satellite there are nineteen of these they are Alfratans, l class fighters they stay in low-earth orbit knows them like a bird of prey looking for cabal reptilian or other negative ships.
Are more people coming from different places in Pleiades or mainly from the planets you mentioned?
Mainly but not incarnated they mostly go in using full immersion technology they do the same as we do but as they see fit however we all must follow the same rules.
What is an immersion technology?
A computerized virtual reality where you hack into the digital matrix that controls earth you appear and function as a human when you are not you go in there for a mission or a purpose.
Wow I definitely want to know more about that program at some point now you are biological human looking beings right
Yes we are from the same illyrian branch our main differences are the 12 strengths 24 chromosome DNA and as a result of this difference our nervous system is different as well as the sexual organs mainly it’s nearly all related to the nervous system where the nerve voltage is a lot higher than with humans and the brain has no celebrant lobes no right and left brain it’s all one mass we think holographically understanding duality with no conflict between hemispheres as it occurs with most earth people we also can seen a dark as cats do this is also because of a higher nervous system efficiency and all our senses are heightened as well we hardly get tired when running because our recovery time is a lot faster this is because of added material efficiency processing oxygen and also because of a higher oxygen level in our planets and ship’s internal atmosphere we are at 78 oxygen 20 percent nitrogen 2 percent other gases when on earth you are at roughly 78 nitrogen 20% oxygen and 2% other gases we are inverted and also we have no skeletal problems or they are rare because our gravity is at 80% 0.8 than that on earth in our planet and in the settings of the artificial gravity in the ship’s.
How do you learn our language?
By telepathic download and some practice as we pass information in bulk between all of us here it’s quite easy to learn a new language most of us speak fluently more than 10 earth languages.
ok I understand you are mostly women.
Our population is roughly 75 percent female.
Yes why is it mostly women what happened with yin and yang.
We don’t know the answer our selves there are many theories it’s more of a 50/50 percent when you look at it from a reproduction only point of view as most women that are in excess are very old and not interested in having a mate.
To be clear old but still in a 20 year old body yes.
Some older women in a 20 year old body and others in older looking bodies it all depends on what they want to look like the reason why most babies are female is also coming from the spirit side so cloning doesn’t work because there is no one to inhabit a male body if most souls are interested in being female everything here is for women nearly everything it’s easier to have a project as a woman because you are more respected in a professional this shouldn’t be I know but it’s how it is a woman is very respected in science and art circles and men not so much so because Taygeta men are mostly interested in love and relationships romance and sports entertainment and rarely in science and politics as an example so even if there are many more women here most are not interested in men when the men nearly all are interested in women so it is balanced.
What is your in native language what is it similar to
Our native language is Taygeta Pleiadian in similar to earth Navajo language with a touch of Japanese the language is verbal telepathic this means that individual words are loaded with extensive telepathic data and meanings each word is a vehicle for the telepathic load we talk with our mouths like you do but as we talk we also load details to other words passing close to 1,000 percent more data than a normal earth language does per phrase.
Wow I love Native American language by the way.
That’s because it comes from Taygeta because of the influence we had there with Native American cultures.
I see, can we said that you are from our future because some contactees contact with beings from the future as they say.
That means a very long explanation there is no future it’s all occurring now it’s just your perception and your frequency that determines what you are experiencing in here now in one way or another yes it can be said that we are from the future but not from Earth we are not earth humans from the future.
Yes those concepts are always very difficult for us to understand ok so you are not earth humans from the future not time travelers not us traveling back in time as some people claim.
Well essentially to travel through space using a warp drive engine is time travelling.
Yes I understand that but I mean you are not earth people that advanced several hundreds of years and came back right.
Right, We are not we are kind boss from Lyrian descent but we are another race and other people another culture.
You and humans here are both of Lyrian descent.
Yes as well as many countless other civilizations with human looking people in them Lyrians are the oldest known human looking race.

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