, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : THE TRUTH, THE WAY, AND THE LIFE




CHRIST was a servant of God, and a fellow servant of his brothers & sisters, that is why he washed his disciples feet, to show that he was their equal, and not their superior. - CHRIST IS NOT TO BE WORSHIPPED - CHRIST IS NOT THE TRUTH, THE WAY, AND THE LIFE, that is Satan's corruption of the Bible. - God says you shall put no other before me, no idols, no pictures, NO OTHER. - GOD, The ONE, Infinite Creator, is the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE - posted by The Son of Man (formerly Sun Tzu)

Ever since my birthday and since God knocked me upside the head really good, I have been noticing all across the internet all of this worship Jesus, and find salvation in Jesus, and that Jesus is the Truth, the Way, and the Life, and I'm gonna come out and tell you that I believe you are being lead astray.

It is obvious that Satan and his minions in the; Roman Catholic Church, Methodist, Baptist, and every other Church have been twisting God's words to suit Satan's needs and desires.

Do not worship The Son of Man, worship God, The ONE Infinite Creator, and put no others before God, nor next to God, as God must have the mantle all to God's self.

This is why Jesus washed the feet of his disciple.  This is why the angel in revelations said, "See that you do not do that, for I am your fellow brother servant of God," when the man being shown the vision by the angel of God dropped to his knees before the angel.

You have been lead astray my fellow brothers and sisters, and lead astray by Satan and his disciples.

You were never supposed to worship the Blessed Virgin Mary, nor to worship the Virgin de Guadalupe.

You were never supposed to worship the Son, and the Holy Ghost, but the same Romans that crucified christians and fed them to lions, whom took over christianity so that they could trick christians into eating the body of christ, and drinking the blood of christ, and worshipping all these false idols, which Satan has tricked you into, for you are not worshipping the virgin Mary, and instead you are worshipping "Eve from the Garden of Eden, whom did sleep with Satan, and beget Cain," and you are worshipping Satan when you worship "The Lord," as the Infinite Creator has no sex.

The Notre Dame Church fire is the best example, you can easily see all the idols inside the church, and the church began construction in 1177 AD, and if you look up the biblical concordance for 1177, you get, "BAAL IS GRACIOUS," which means, "The Devil is gracious," or "Satan is gracious."

And so is the reason that God says that "The woman who has enslaved all the kings and the nations of earth, that she is adorned in scarlet and purple and she holds a golden chalice in her hands full of abominations."  That is because the Romand Catholic Church, which spawned every other Satan controlled religious institution, THEY WEAR PURPLE, AND THEY WEAR SCARLET, and THEY HOLD A GOLDEN CHALICE FULL OF ABOMINATION EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY GIVE MASS.


This is The Son of Man, and THE END is HERE, welcome to the TRIBULATIONS.
(formerly Sun Tzu)

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