, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : DICTATORSHIP OF GENDER, ABSOLUTE DENIAL OF HUMAN REALITY (PART 1)




"Being a woman is not a natural fact. It is the result of some history. No biological and psychological fate that define a woman as such. No woman born: do you woman "!
(Simone de Beauvoir).

It is difficult to gather countless such nonsense in so few lines. Ideology of "imagination to power" dislodges the same biology, common sense and the most glaring evidence (such as sex assigned to him on his birth certificate instead of waiting for it "won" through her know that merits) and puts his identity delusions above a totally ignoring scientific rigor, making true the opinion of Dawkins' Too simple for science?Try religion. " For nothing more than a religion, with its irrational and immutable dogmas, their excommunications and their rejection of the shallowest critical analysis, is gender ideology that defended the cow is sacred, that is with all "animus injuriandi."
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Natural is not necessarily a human value. Humanity has begun to surpass nature; we can no longer justify the continuation of a discriminatory sex class system on the basis of their origins in nature. In fact, just to pragmatism it begins to seem that we should get rid of it. The revolution of women to control media playback is parallel to the revolution of the proletariat to control the means of production. How to control the means of reproduction is the abolition of the biological family. 
(Shulamith Firestone).
One born man or woman born. No one is born homosexual or asexual.
"The natural is no longer a human value" dic- 
tamina a fool. But it can be a 
human value unnatural?
Sex is referred to the anatomical, physiological and endocrine characteristics in the form and function of the reproductive organs themselves which differentiate between male and female. Two different but perfectly complementary to physically and psychologically sexes. And they will remain what they were since their birth: a man or a woman.
Sexuality involves the whole individual being in their way of thinking, feeling and acting, ie, a non-instinctive potential which manifests itself as a gift that we bring in us: One is always male or female.
No one can choose or choose their sexuality. There is no other possibility of natural sexuality, and there are natural features of homosexuality.
Prenatally by genetic know that the first characteristic is recorded in a human being at the time of conception it is sexuality.
This is the first stamp of the union of one egg and sperm: male or female. Why sexuality is defined from the beginning to the end of our life, being the brain by the governing body conformation of sexual identity.
Homosexuality is a symptom of a psychological problem unsolved. A child to grow up healthy requires a parent who is male and a mother who is a woman. Affective gaps and inadequate sexual identity models generate distortion problems, conflict and affective-sexual disorder. Feminism is a political fight for male supremacy on behalf of women as aclass practice.

Andrea Dworkin.
Gender ideology is a theoretical system of punitive and authoritarian thinking for the planned suppression of the instinct of procreation, which destroys the biological basis of society with the postulate that the differences between men and women do not have their specific nature, being a mere cultural construct developed by stereotypes that each society assigns to the sexes, broken down into'géneros' that can be assigned to pleasure.
In analyzing language of reality field, every ideology is an unscientific philosophical essay, a political theory no method of checking for possible facts, which nevertheless is used to regulate group behavior. Gender ideology is based on the axiom that Western culture is capitalist, patriarchal and phallogocentric - the sacred masculine logos, spiritual foundation of society that must be destroyed.
The enemy of science is ideology. Science only discussed in science and the opinions are discussed only opinions. An ideology is a set of beliefs they profess an activist group defined jointly by profess that ideology, against other ideologies. That is, ideologies are critical with other ideologies, but never with themselves or with their own foundations.
The ideological perception of reality is to kill the species by gender. An ideology defends his criticism when questioned about herself, but criticism when questioned exerts the opposite ideology. Thus, ideologies articulate unions in society and face each other. It is that humans feel stronger when they are fed by the ideology of the union to which they belong.
Science must crush the false ideologies or false consciousness of activists highly trained by ideology but ignorant in science who believe that profess an ideology are strong to the extent that identify with the guild exercising that ideology, although this does not constitute an alternative to scientific theories, being a conceptual error of ideological perception of reality that is very difficult to reverse.
Today the enemy of science is not religion as coming ideologies of secularism and atheistic doctrines, often more irrational than any religion. Culture is a science-free zone, with no reliable information and propaganda jargon generated in place of the facts. It other words, "culture" is the enemy of science and replaced. Science no longer can protect us from the "culture" (which, unlike nature, which imposes ways of being genuine, we imposed identities that interest the political power, note the "blogger").
Culture is what identifies a human being as a member of a group. In this sense, feminism does not stop being an atheist ideological union. According to this neo-Marxist theory, the personal is political and therefore sexuality is a matter of the state, for which the self-perception is really a category that lets you choose before the law between gender countless options.
The danger of gender ideology is very subtle because it does not use violence but ideological subversion and propaganda to change the human mind and heart aiming to destroy the child and family. Other nominees argues that motherhood is the radical oppression of women, a certain bondage biology;and even defends sexual emancipation in childhood or that heterosexuality is an aberration of nature.
Gender ideology implements the social constructivism of postmodern Marxism - who does not believe in the individual - in legal systems and doctrinal foundations that build human identity: biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation vary independently, when in reality they do not.
Sex belongs to the non-verbal language of the body's senses.Statistically, 99.98% of the time - without bimodal distribution spectrum with a tiny number of exceptions - the individual expresses isomorphously sexual identity according to their genotype and phenotype.
The theoretical argument of cultural neo-Marxism to meddle in the intimacy of a couple, is now el'consenso científico' dictates that there are no biological differences between men and women, the idea of ​​class is obsolete and has changed gender identity and racial identity in another dichotomy between oppressed and oppressors.
Hence the dogma that we live in a'hetero normativo' system, a system of compulsory hetero sexuality imposes on women's reproduction of the species, that is, to reproduce the heterosexual society emerges. In conclusion: women do not exist.
A sophisticated ideological weapon to control thought and impose the way of understanding reality, disseminated drivers New World Order (NWO). 
State religion and doctrinal design subversion, made by a technocratic tyranny frontally facing nature and common sense, and presented as a liberation movement of women under slogans like without gender equality there is no social justice.
Gender ideology is an ambitious plan nihilistic lavishly funded for mutating human nature in a way never seen in any totalitarian state. However, the facts, not ideology, determine reality.
In his attempt to destroy the biological basis of society, among its spokespeople and laborers who do not understand the game radical feminist organizations and ideological homosexual movements that divide and demoralize the population count - the so-called LGBT groups + (Lesbinas, Gays, Bisexuals, ... QIAP Queer transgender, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual) whose annual suicide rate exceeds 40%.
The disorder of sexual identity or'disforia of género' has been standardized as healthy by decree supra national United Nations system and the World Health Organization. However, no one can change sex doing magic with words, for more cultural than is the spell, being an indelible fact that will never change even if it is presented as a struggle for civil rights.
Which imposes limits on the manifestation of this world are their non-malleable, determinists and knowable natural laws, not culture. Therefore, gender ideology involves the removal of any natural limit. One is male or female before birth and even after death. In this regard, testing for DNA genetic code are irrefutable.

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