
10 de julio de 2019

David Wilcock: IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed !

IT’S TRUE: Jeffrey Epstein has actually been arrested. Indictments have been unsealed. This is the case that will bring down the House of Cards. Everything we just prognosticated in DECLAS is coming true. Big Tech knew this was coming, and has grossly restricted freedom of speech online as a result.
What independent YouTube creator WOULDN’T want to talk about the biggest story of the year, which may soon become the story of the millennium?
Get ready for a TORRENT of new information coming out that none of us could possibly have foreseen. This is it. DECLAS is happening!
The California Independence Day earthquakes may have been strikes intended to take out the Deep State’s last, best chemtrail-attack facilities, as we will see.
The Deep State may have intended to usese the facilities in a final attempt to destroy America right before the indictments unseal.
Mass censorship won’t stop this Truth Avalanche from falling. We are just now seeing the first pebbles… and we probably won’t need to wait very long.
Once I got our epic, 53,000-word DECLAS Ebook done, I immediately plunged into finishing Awakening in the Dream, for its imminent release this December 3rd.
And I have to say, I am having a fantastic time with this creative process. A true spiritual renaissance. The best I’ve felt in many years!
Awakening has gone much better than I could have even hoped, and will probably be seen as my most important and noteworthy book of all.
We are going FAR deeper into the spiritual arena than any of the previous volumes, blending science, philosophy, synchronicity, prophecy, the Law of One, Ascension, Secret Space Program, Disclosure, the Solar Flash, etc… but alas, I digress.

We need to clear about a thousand more to make it likely that we will hit the list, unless we get suppressed… so this is a great way to help us out. And it will be well worth it!
On 9/11, my father refused to go home until he had finished the article he was writing, regardless of what disasters may have been happening to New York State and the United States right outside his door.
In a mode like this, where I have cleared 100 percent of my time to write and am on a very strict deadline and solo retreat, any breaking news would have to be God-damned amazing for me to cover it.
This is that breaking news, my friend.
Texts, emails and you name it came slamming in. This is real. This is happening. This is NOW.
Epstein’s arrest story first went up yesterday, July 6th, 2019.
This was only ONE day after the second, very disturbing Los Angeles earthquake that I endured while deeply engaged in this mystical writing process.
Both the first and the second quakes were not at all random for me. Some part of me was very aware of what was going to happen.
That doesn’t change the fact that both of them really freaked me out, and particularly the second one, which felt a lot more violent.
The July 4th quake happened just one paragraph after I wrote about the earth being dynamited and the ground shaking in Rosendale, New York. This was where I lived when the contacts described in the book began in 1996.
These dynamite explosions were used to mine the cement that launched the Industrial Revolution. Rosendale was the “Womb of America.”
This was such a powerful synchronicity that I wrote it right into the book after it happened, in what is currently Chapter Six, Page 127.
The second quake occurred on my mother’s birthday, the next day, July 5th.
I had severe eyestrain and had decided to lie in bed and meditate deeply after dinner. This was very abnormal behavior for me.
A dog had been going super crazy outside for at least ten minutes, shrieking like a pack of coyotes. Jesus! Then it finally stopped. In relief, I decided to lie down and rest.
Just five minutes after I got comfortable and began a deep meditation, IT began.
I actually heard the shockwave before feeling it, which was extremely intense.
The sound was like a huge roar, similar to a massive bowling ball in a lane, heading due south. It appeared to be going about 1000 miles an hour. It was so fast.
At the moment this very fast sound hit the house, WHOMP — a painting in my bathroom slammed against the wall. OK, that was definitely real. Uh-oh.
About four seconds later, everything started shaking like mad. I quickly realized this was not a meditative experience, but was very, very real. It kept getting worse. And before long I got the hell out of there.
Let’s be clear that for someone living in Los Angeles, having a smaller quake and then a larger quake 24 hours later is very, very troubling.
As I was lying there on my bed, and it kept getting worse and worse, I didn’t know at first if I was about to die. That is a very humbling experience.
That same morning, I had a dream about being on the top of a building that completely fell over. I was able to just step off of the roof onto the pavement safely. And I was indeed safe in this real-world quake.
I found out later on that a prominent friend of mine had texted me one minute before the quake began, for the first time since January.
In a subsequent text from late that same night, he revealed that he had just finished watching an episode of my show about how our consciousness influences earthquakes.
He had texted me to talk about my show, at 8:18 PM. Just one minute later, that’s when the second quake happened.
Hopefully I can get his permission in the future to discuss this story in more detail. We will see. It was mind-blowing!

The first quake was suspicious enough.
It was a whopping 6.4, the biggest in Southern California since Northridge in 1994 — 25 years — and it literally happened on Independence Day.
This is the day in which America celebrates her freedom. It is the ideal day for the Alliance to do something that will later be noteworthy.
Once you have the classified information in hand, you no longer see all earthquakes as simply “natural events.”
The technology most definitely exists to produce earthquakes. It involves microwaving a fault line and melting the crust until it slips.
Some, but certainly not all of the earthquakes in today’s world will be deliberately generated.
So, when we see the biggest shaking in Los Angeles for 25 years, and it lands right on July 4th, that certainly becomes… interesting.
One possible speculation is that this quake was an Alliance strike against a massive above-ground and likely underground base in the China Lake area.
We have heard about many other quakes that were visible indications of attacks against underground military facilities engaged in nefarious activities.
If you are new to this aspect of our work, start out with Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed from September 17, 2011, currently with over a million views.
Then click the following links to read Part Two, and then Divine Intervention from May 9, 2012,for critical additional context and data.
It would certainly be appropriate and timely if the final strike that won the insider war against the Deep State was carried out on Independence Day.
This, of course, is the day where we celebrate America’s freedom from tyranny here in the US.
The Alliance may intend to tell us all of this in a post-Disclosure society, making the news all the more interesting once we get there.
It is also possible that the second, larger 7.1 quake the next day, on Friday the 5th, may have been needed to finish the job.
The initial July 4th strike may not have adequately solved the problem by wiping out the China Lake bases, if that’s indeed what was intended.
There have apparently been many strikes like these that have destroyed various underground bases in this “shadow World War III.”
The epicenter of the second quake was only 12 miles away from the first one. China Lake’s own site says the combination of these two quakes wiped out their facilities.
Even on the surface, we know that great destruction was done to this GIGANTIC Naval Air Weapons installation at China Lake.
How gigantic? Bigger than the state of Rhode Island. Fully 85 percent of the Navy’s entire testing area for weapons systems on land!
We will have a quote that proves this in the next paragraph section below.

As many insiders have revealed, underground bases almost always have a physical location on the surface that some personnel access them through.
With a base this gigantic, there would be absolutely no way for civilians to know where all those soldiers are actually working.
Although the Navy has a significant majority of Alliance components, nothing in today’s world is 100 percent.
We are about to see that whistleblowers have already indicated that at least parts of this base were up to no good.
Before we get there, it is very important for you to see just how massive the damage was to this utterly gigantic military base from these two earthquakes.
Check it out:
The Navy’s massive base in China Lake, California, has ordered an evacuation for non-essential personnel after recent earthquakes have rendered the installation “not mission capable,” a message posted on the base’s Facebook page says.
“Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake is responding to a 5.0 magnitude earthquake at 8:16 p.m., and a 7.1 magnitude earthquake at 8:19 p.m. Pacific time and multiple, consistent aftershocks on July 5 following a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and numerous aftershocks on July 4,” the message says.
“NAWS China Lake is not mission capable until further notice; however, security protocols remain in effect. Safety of personnel is currently the highest priority.”
Accordingly, the commander of Navy Region Southwest has authorized non-essential active-duty service members, drilling reservists, civilian employees, and military dependents to evacuate to Naval Base Ventura County, California, the message says.
Base personnel who are evacuating can receive more information by calling a Family Information Call Center at 1-844-523-2025.
“NAWS China Lake access remains Mission Essential Personnel only,” the Facebook message says. “Do NOT attempt to access the Installation unless you are Mission Essential Personnel.”
Located in the Mojave Desert about 150 miles north of Los Angeles, the sprawling installation covers more than 1.1 million acres, which is larger than the state of Rhode Island, according to the base’s website.
The installation contains 85 percent of the land that the Navy uses for the research, development, acquisition, testing, and evaluation of weapons systems.
We have no briefings one way or another on this yet, but the correlation and timing of these events is very compelling, if not obvious.
Look. It’s very simple. These quakes destroyed a gigantic military base. No one can stay there except for “Mission Essential Personnel” to assess the damage.
It is entirely possible that the Deep State was preparing some devastating, final attack against America from this China Lake base.
Think about it… this is one of the main military centers in America for air-based weapons, and that’s just the unclassified part.
The more-classified part is that this facility may have been a key center for chemtrail operations.
Our briefings had already indicated that one of the only covert “war toys” the Deep State still had left to fight with was a certain number of chemtrail planes.
Based on the insider testimony you are about to read, those planes may very well have been stored at China Lake.
Now the runways are devastated and the planes cannot take off. The planes themselves may have been wiped out by falling debris.
I could definitely see the Deep State doing a lethal aerosol attack from this base… as soon as DECLAS began, and top SatanicDiddlers(TM) started getting arrested.
In the case of an attack like this, whatever gets sprayed on us from these planes might be very different from “normal” chemtrails.
God only knows what they could think up. Consider Michael Crichton’s classic 1969 thriller, The Andromeda Strain.
Diseases, airborne pathogens, chemicals that induce mass hysteria, hallucinogens, nanites, you name it.
Additional, valuable data comes to us from Anthony Etienne Jaime, in a very interesting whistleblower article from December 1st, 2014.
The article is quite lengthy and you should read the whole thing.
Here is a brief synopsis of Jaime’s credentials as a whistleblower:
“I am a former employee of the China Lake Naval Weapons Center (NWC) as it was known when I worked there.
“During my time there, which spanned nearly 9 years beginning in 1973 and ending in 1982, I was employed in several different capacities.
“I started off as an apprentice electrician in the Public Works Department in 1973 and after completing the program and making journeyman, I wound up transferring to the Range Department and the Supersonic Naval Ordinance Research Track or SNORT, as it is commonly known.
“After leaving the base for a brief time in 1979, I returned to the Public Works Department as a power lineman in the high-voltage shop before leaving civil service again for good in 1982.
“All of these jobs afforded me plenty of opportunities to travel all over the base in the performance of my duties.
“In addition, I spent nearly 30 years working out of I.B.E.W. Local 428 in Bakersfield, Ca., including many DoD projects at China Lake, Edwards AFBFTC, Vandenberg, and spent several months working in the extremely secret and much speculated upon Northrup Tejon Ranch RCS facility located in the Tehachapi Mountains west of Rosamond, Ca.”

Fig. 1 – The Track Crew (1978) at SNORT w the Sierras in the background – L to R: Anthony Etienne Jaime, Dan Krausman, Cleve Warren, Eddie Mierta, Raphael Alvarado, Billy Brown. ~The Truth Denied
Before we go on, remember that the China Lake base is close to Edwards and Nellis, both notorious for their underground cities — such as the infamous Area 51.
In this map it is listed as NAWS China Lake:

Now let’s read just a bit from this fascinating site, and you will soon see how deep the rabbit hole goes:
My journey began in the early morning hours of July 30th, 2012, with a UFO sighting that took place over the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station in California that lasted for several hours.
[This] led to continued UFO sightings and other strange sights in the sky for the next three days, including witnessing what I now believe to have been a full-on holographic demonstration of Project Bluebeam.
After overcoming my initial sense of shock and disbelief, I became completely engrossed in a search to find rational explanations for the strange sights I was seeing in the sky.
At that particular point in time I had never heard of a chemtrail or many of the other terms I was to become so familiar with, but that was rapidly to change.
Already, we are seeing UFOs and chemtrails here. This is looking very interesting indeed.
Now let’s read from another section of this fascinating insider testimonial:
As I struggled to wrap my mind around the incredible sights I was seeing in the skies, I compiled a short list of possible causes, but I kept coming back to the Navy and the China Lake base as the most likely explanation.
The top three possibilities of that list were: 1) government research with military applications; 2) ET really is here; 3) a combination of 1 & 2, which is still my favorite theory.
Over time, my personal observations and experiences have allowed me, along with a great many other people who were accompanying me, to witness an incredible assortment of extraordinary sights in many different locations.
The one constant throughout my journey to date has been my proximity to the Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake, California,which in turn is in close proximity to a large number of other related military facilities that I believe also play a role in what we are witnessing in our skies.
While many of us may hear some the names of some bases mentioned frequently, far too few really know or understand what goes on behind those closed gates.
I believe that it is through understanding what role these bases play that we will come to a much fuller understanding of the nature of the Chemtrail phenomenon and what is occurring in the skies.
The majority of activists documenting Chemtrails are looking up in an effort to understand what we are seeing, but let me assure you that there is most definitely a terrestrial connection to ground-based facilities.
Our briefings do indicate that the Alliance now has control of the majority of all the earthquake- and storm-making technology, and has since last year’s infamous 11/11 incident.
We will cover this story in just a minute, as it provides extremely valuable context.
For now, we will continue with the “China Lake Dossier.”
In this next excerpt, Jaime gets into more detail about the weather modification connection to China Lake, and how it is all being done on publicly-restricted land:
As previously mentioned, China Lake is an enormous facility, most of which is comprised of sparse, unpopulated tracts of desolate desert.
In the eyes of the visionaries who chose this location, [it is] perfectly suited for testing a wide variety of naval ordinance and weapons.
[This includes] missiles, propellants, and bombs, with the list growing to include radar cross-section testing, electronic counter-measures, laser/optics research and testing, aircraft survivability, ejection seats testing, and also weather modification….
Another facet to consider is that while many people have their attention focused on bases like AREA 51, there are activities occurring at China Lake, hidden in plain sight, which go unnoticed because of that fact.
Additionally, there is the BLM, which has closed off large tracts of public lands from vehicle traffic, ostensibly to preserve wilderness areas from encroachment by the public.
However, from my experience, it is my opinion that the BLM serves as a plausibly benign first line of security by keeping prying public eyes to a minimum, since foot traffic only is allowed in some of the rugged areas of public land adjacent to the base — where I believe testing or other activities are occurring.
In this next quote, Jaime reveals that within the known world of weather modification disclosure, there is a clear connection to China Lake:
I would like to bring the focus back to chemtrails and weather modification programs.
It is hard to believe now that I failed to make the connections, but so many things that seemed to just be loose threads with no connectivity were right there in front of me for a long time.
The first big indicator for me was the regular increase in lightning storms during the summer months of July and August, beginning around 1998.
They always occurred over the base in the northeastern mountain ranges surrounding the valley here, and much of it was point-to-point lighting and not ground strikes.
In addition, while there was a lot of lightning, there was very little thunder or rainfall.
During the early years of my life, earthquakes were far more common here than lighting storms, and these lightning storms were something new.
The odd storm or two might have gone unnoticed, but when they began to occur with such frequency over a long period of time, I began to notice the change.
The weather seemed to be just a little out of the ordinary, but nothing I could really put my finger on, and the words “climate change” had not yet gained much traction in the public’s or my own perception.
Also, during my early years I can remember the Navy’s Hurricane Hunter Squadron flying in and out of China Lake on a fairly frequent basis, which would seem to be a little out of their normal area of operation.
And from my years of employment aboard China Lake, I can remember the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, which was headed up by Dr. Pierre St. Amand, an individual whose name is frequently mentioned in regard to the development of military weather modification efforts.
[St. Amand is] most notably [linked to] Project Popeye and Operation Stormfury.

Dr. Pierre St. Amand
[This] explains the Hurricane Hunters coming to China Lake, since that project involved attempting to lessen the strength of hurricanes.
Project Popeye, the first wartime military weather modification operation, took place during the Vietnam War.
[This] was Dr. St. Amand’s brainchild, and really began the pursuit of weather modification as a weapon by the military.
And ironically enough, in both 1982 and 1984, there was some extremely bad flooding that occurred at China Lake that did some major damage to the facilities there.
Since I was working there in 1982, and was the temporary foreman of the high voltage shop, my hands were full directing crews that were restoring power to facilities all over the base that had been damaged by the flooding.
In the years since then, I have been informed by more than a few friends that the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department was experimenting with cloud seeding and it got away from them, causing those floods.
Another individual that played an integral role in China Lake’s development of Project Popeye was Ben Livingston.
[His] interview with Alex Jones regarding weather modification can be viewed in this video, The Father of Weaponized Weather:
This was just Part One. In Part Two, which was released just two weeks later on December 15th, 2014, Jaime went even deeper.
Now we will continue with just a few brief excerpts from the very lengthy, detailed and fascinating Part Two installment, documenting China Lake’s extensive involvement with weather modification:

Yet another historical link between China Lake and weather modification efforts is provided by the China Lake Museum’s reference to the CHINA LAKE WEAPONS DIGEST, and its description of “The Cold Cloud Modification System, successfully used in cold-fog mitigation;
“China Lake was for many years a world leader in weather modification for drought relief (GROMET), hurricane abatement (Cyclops, Stormfury), fog abatement (Foggy Cloud), and rainfall enhancement for military purposes (Project Popeye).” 22

Photo of Cold Cloud Modification System
Based upon the foregoing evidence and historical background, it should be patently clear that the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station has a demonstrated connection to military weather modification efforts, and that these are programs the government has been working on for decades.
The above link to Cold Cloud on China Lake’s own museum site was, of course, deleted… but thanks to the magic of, here it is. Check it out, it is fascinating:
Although a Part 3 was teased at the end of Part 2, it does not appear to have ever been written… but what we already have here is more than enough.
Now that we’ve seen some suitably disturbing data about the China Lake facility, let’s explore the idea that the Alliance may have been able to conduct a strike against it, using earthquakes.
The big “reveal” that the Alliance could control earthquakes occurred with a very suspicious event on November 11th, 2018.
First of all, the date of 11/11 is a “numerical synchronicity.” Fans of Q and the Alliance are often looking for these types of repeating numbers in Q posts.
Read for yourself. No one can cover up how strange this worldwide earthquake was:
On the morning of November 11, just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.
The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar.
The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across ChileNew ZealandCanada, and even Hawaii nearly 11,000 miles away.
These waves didn’t just zip by; they rang for more than 20 minutes. And yet, it seems, no human felt them.
Only one person noticed the odd signal on the U.S. Geological Survey’s real-time seismogram displays. An earthquake enthusiast who uses the handle @matarikipax saw the curious zigzags and posted images of them to Twitter.
That small action kicked off another ripple of sorts, as researchers around the worldattempted to suss out the source of the waves. Was it a meteor strike? A submarine volcano eruption? An ancient sea monster rising from the deep?
“I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it,” says Göran Ekström, a seismologist at Columbia University who specializes in unusual earthquakes.
“It doesn’t mean that, in the end, the cause of them is that exotic,” he notes. Yet many features of the waves are remarkably weird—from their surprisingly monotone, low-frequency “ring” to their global spread. And researchers are still chasing down the geologic conundrum.

Why are the low-frequency waves so weird?

In a normal earthquake, the built-up tensions in Earth’s crust release with a jolt in mere seconds. This sends out a series of waves known as a “wave train” that radiates from the point of the rupture, explains Stephen Hicks, a seismologist at the University of Southampton….
However, there was no big earthquake kicking off the recent slow waves. Adding to the weirdness, Mayotte’s mystery waves are what scientists call monochromatic.
Most earthquakes send out waves with a slew of different frequencies, but Mayotte’s signal was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat.
“It’s like you have colored glasses and [are] just seeing red or something,” says Anthony Lomax, an independent seismology consultant.
A day after this very mysterious National Geographic article came out, other follow-ups appeared, like this notable one from Bustle:
11/29: Unusual Seismic Waves Shook Earth On 11/11, Scientists Still Don’t Know Why
For 20 minutes on Nov. 11, 2018, strange seismic waves reverberated around the Earth for nearly 11,000 miles — and we have no idea what they were.
No one felt them; nothing was destroyed by them; if it wasn’t for the data collected by various tools and sensors around the world, we might never even have known they had happened.
Scientists are hard at work unraveling the mystery as we speak — and they’re starting to have some idea of what might be going on, so it’s perhaps not quite fair to say that “we have no idea what they were” anymore — but the work is ongoing.
I love a good weird science mystery, so let’s take a look, shall we?
Many factors combine to make these seismic waves exceptional.
First, there’s the distance they traveled: The Earth’s circumference measures not quite 25,000 miles; with the waves covering 11,000 miles, they literally stretched almost halfway around the world.
Then, there’s their regularity: Whereas a typical earthquake would have produced waves of many different frequencies, these waves were “monochromatic,” consisting of one shape — what National Geographic described as “a clean zigzag” — repeated at regular intervals of 17 seconds.
As volcanologist Helen Robinson, a PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow, put it to the Independent, “They’re too nice.”
We were told that the Alliance used newly-acquired Deep State satellites to pulse this long series of 17-second quakes through the earth.
This precision of rhythm and wave shape seemed impossible, but it happened.
If it went on for 20 minutes, that’s [20×60=] 1200 seconds. Divide that by 17 and you get about SEVENTY different pulses, seventeen seconds apart.
The seventeenth letter of the alphabet…. is Q.
This was one of the most interesting and controversial “Q Proofs” of all.
In case they did 71 different pulses instead of 70, which is fully plausible, that would be another “17” in reverse.
[Please make sure you have read DECLAS in order to fully understand this context.]

We can also look at the name of the island where the quakes began for further possible clues, since this appears to have been done deliberately:
The Word “Mayotte” Means “Island of Death”
The name is believed to come from Mawuti, contraction of the Arabic جزيرة الموت Jazīrat al-Mawt – meaning “island of death” (maybe due to the dangerous reefs circling the island) and corrupted to Mayotta in Portuguese, later turned into French.
The Alliance may have chosen to start this worldwide earthquake from the “Island of Death” to send a message to the Deep State….
Time’s up.
It is also possible that there was a huge underground base there, like Diego Garcia, which is also in the Indian Ocean. We have had many insider briefings about that base.
This 17-second pulsing “Q-Quake” seemed to be the Alliance’s first major action after taking over the weather-control satellites, as they had indicated in preceding Q posts.
Anyone who thinks ‘We’ don’t have the technology to create natural disasters through pulsed microwave beams is not paying attention.
Just because a technology is highly classified doesn’t mean it is fake. This is very, very real. The heat of powerful microwave beams can push clouds around or melt crust inside a fault line.
We have heard in briefings that the Deep State is far less likely to be able to do any strikes like this now. They have lost almost all of their ‘toys’ already.
Now we have a working theory. The Alliance may have struck China Lake right before it was set to unleash chaos when the indictments unseal — and the BIG arrests begin.
If so, it seems very likely that the Deep State never anticipated an attack this massive in the midst of this “Shadow World War III,” but look — China Lake is gone. Toast. The entire base.
Is there any other evidence to support this theory? Are there any weird hints that something big is about to happen? Absolutely.
At this point, we are still on July 5th. This was the day that the second and larger quake hit us as I laid there meditating in bed.
Very importantly, the China Lake Quake hit just one day BEFORE the all-important Jeffrey Epstein arrest occurred.
I was actually on my Iphone, reading about the second quake I just got through in the Daddy Chair, after heading downstairs.
Then I ‘accidentally’ clicked on the following article, which I hadn’t even seen (emphasis added):
President Trump deepened the mystery of why Vice President Mike Pence abruptly canceled a trip to New Hampshire
Trump said there was ‘a very interesting problem’ in the state and that all would be revealed in the next week or two
‘I can’t tell you about it,’ Trump said. ‘But it had nothing to do with the White House. There was a problem up there’
Earlier this week, questions arose when Pence canceled his trip at last minute
He was on Air Force Two preparing to leave when it was canceled
President Trump on Friday deepened the mystery of why Vice President Mike Pence abruptly canceled a trip to New Hampshire earlier this week, saying it had to do with a problem in the state and all would be revealed in ‘about two weeks.’
It was ‘a very interesting problem that they had in New Hampshire,’ he told reporters at the White House.
‘You will know in about two weeks,’ he added.
But the president, known for his frequent tweets on all manner of subjects, refused to give a hint as to what it could be.
‘I can’t tell you about it,’ Trump said. ‘But it had nothing to do with the White House. There was a problem up there. And I won’t go into what the problem was, but you will see in about a week or two.’ 
Pence abruptly cancelled an appearance at an opioid event in New Hampshire on Tuesday afternoon because of an ’emergency.’
Chief of staff Marc Short told reporters at the White House that it would be ‘weeks from now’ before the reason would be disclosed,according to Bloomberg.
The bizarre situation began at lunchtime, when a Pence representative came on stage at the New Hampshire event to say the VP had been recalled.
‘Air Force Two was heading this way. There’s been an emergency callback. The vice president has been asked to return to Washington,’ Randy Gentry said.
Pence’s office clarified later that AF2 never left the ground.
The vice president, however, was on the plane preparing to leave when the trip was canceled….
Principal Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley tried to tamp down anxiety, telling a group of journalists huddled in the corridor outside his office that there was ‘no cause for concern.’
‘Something came up that requires the VP to remain in D.C. There is no cause for concern,’he declared….
It remained a mystery what the ’emergency’ was that caused Pence to cancel, and who had called him and asked him to come back.
A senior official told White House reporters that neither the president nor the vice president was experiencing a medical emergency.
‘No medical emergency with either person,’the person said.
National security concerns were also ruled out as reporters scrambled to figure out why Pence had cancelled his event.
So in all honesty, let’s ask about the odds. We have the two biggest LA quakes in 25 years, beginning on Independence Day.
The Alliance already made it very clear on 11/11 that they had gained control of the earthquake technology and could use it for military strikes.
Then this very mysterious article where POTUS telegraphs a “very interesting… emergency” with a one or two-week deadline comes out… at 5:37 PM Eastern time.
This was just six hours before the second quake.
Then the VERY NEXT DAY, FBI agents smashed in the doors at Jeffrey Epstein’s house… and arrested him.
7/6: FBI Agents Pound Down Jeffrey Epstein’s Door and Arrest Him
Around 5:30 p.m. Saturday, about a dozen federal agents broke down the door to Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse to execute search warrants, witnesses and sources said.
“We heard the loud banging and we walked over and saw all these FBI agents just pounding down the door,” a witness told the Herald.
Epstein, 66, is expected to be arraigned in federal court in New York on Monday on charges that he molested dozens of underage girls in New York and in Florida, the sources said.
His arrest, first reported by the Daily Beast, comes nearly two weeks after the Justice Department announced that it would not throw out his 2008 non-prosecution agreement, even though a federal judge ruled it was illegal.
With all the people who went to Epstein’s island, you’d better believe this arrest is a “kill shot” for the Deep State — and they know it.
Thus begins the fall of the House of Cards. Is this all a coincidence?
If you don’t ‘get’ how important this arrest is, just look at the following Tweet:
OH. MY. GOD. is right!
Here’s another strange synchronicity. A couple of months ago I went to a local fancy restaurant here in LA for a nice dinner with my wife.
Jeffrey Epstein was there. Over by the wall, next to the fireplace.
He was wearing a tan felt baseball cap. I looked him right in the eye. He looked me right in the eye.
He very likely knew who I was, and the shenanigans of his that I have reported on. I was not afraid… but it did definitely creep me out.
He had his back against the wall and people on either side of him. I thought about how brave he was showing his face in public, quite honestly.
I wondered how in the world this man was still free and able to walk around… but that’s all changed now.
And best of all, a SEALED INDICTMENT was just unsealed and led to his arrest. That’s it, folks… the Proof has arrived.
It is On like Donkey Kong.
What can we expect?
There is a flood of new Q drops, 27 so far and counting. It is hard to know where to begin. So let’s start with the most exciting ones – TWO messages from President Trump/Q+…
Q drop number 3377…
Q drop number 3378 features a meme of the USA flag and the words ‘FOR GOD & COUNTRY’. The text below reads…
And now let’s go back to the first drops in the long thread…
Q drop number 3354 features a thrilling meme. There is an American flag to the left and a silhouetted figure in the center. He is facing a stormy sky, lightning all around. The figure looks like President Trump. The caption reads: ‘The STORM has arrived’.
Here is an excerpt from the text below the meme…
‘Just because the “public” is unaware of something, does not mean
nothing is happening…
…When BLACKMAIL no longer holds due to LOSS OF SENIOR LEVEL KEY
protected become prey.
Q drop number 3355 features a post from an Anon:
‘Welcome back, Q. So good to see you. Are you returning publicly again now.’
Q responded:
‘The time has come to re_enter the public domain.’
Q drop numbers 3360 and 3361 feature a screen shot from the Inspector General report with these words:
‘Initial analysis of laptop – thousands of emails.
Hillary Clinton & Foundation
Crime Against Children.’
Q drop number 3363 features the photo of Bill Clinton and Rachel Chandler on Epstein’s plane. There is also a link to a Washington Times article with the headline, “Bill Clinton Issues Jeffrey Epstein Statement”:
The text below the picture and link…
‘Does this single picture of BC (Bill Clinton) on Epstein’s plane with RC (Rachel Chandler) refute his entire statement?
FAKE NEWS disinformation campaign FAILING.
Here are excerpts from the linked Washington Times article. Bear in mind, so far Bill Clinton has NOT BEEN ACCUSED OF ANYTHING…
‘A spokesman for the former President said in a statement on Fox News that “he knows nothing” about the “terrible crimes” linked to Mr Epstein…The spokesman said that Bill Clinton “has not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade”, and he has “never been to Little St James Island” (Epstein’s island)…
…Mr Clinton, according to a 2016 Fox report citing court documents, flew on the “tricked-out” Lolita Express 26 times.’
Wow. Major projection from a top Deep State player. Expect a lot of projection from other key Deep State players in coming days and weeks.
Q has always promised us action. Now President Trump/Q+ and the Alliance team are delivering on their promise. The STORM is upon us. Freedom and abundance for humanity is now just a heart-beat away.
God bless you, President Trump and the entire Alliance team. WE ARE WITH YOU TOO!
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

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