
14 de febrero de 2020

The time has come Those of you who are here today, reading this particular transmission of Light, are our Chosen Ones.

Luz Peña

MOTHER GOD - 12 February 2020

Beloved Masters of Light,
foto de Luz Peña.
The time has come

Those of you who are here today, reading this particular transmission of Light, are our Chosen Ones.

Chosen to do what, may I ask?

Chosen to lead the world and the people around you, and show them the way to Love. The way to unity. The way to compassion and forgiveness. The way to freedom, abundance and equality for ALL.

Remember, Chosen Ones, you are NOT here to further spread the energies of Fear, Separation or Fault, by your vibrations projected into every moment of your day.

And so, if/when your state of being has fallen from 'High' to 'Low' on the vibrational scale, it is important that you do not strike out. Remember not to say unloving words to yourself, dear ones, for everyone has their good and bad days.

All you have to do, as soon as you have caught yourself doing any internal or external activity that radiates/transmits low vibration energies, is to CHOOSE to stop immediately.

Take as many deep breaths as necessary. Close your eyes. Seek and feel the powerful burning sun shining from your Higher Heart chakra, and let your entire body be completely covered within its threefold flame. Immediately declare your intention to walk all day in this state of being.

The state of being as ONE with your I AM Presence. The state of being your I AM Presence wherever you are and no matter what you are facing. Visualize this happening immediately and thank your beloved I AM, for your wish will be fulfilled immediately.

Every little or big action you take, or don't take, matters.

It matters to you personally, and it matters to EVERYONE around you. Your individual vibrations; your personal energies strongly influence everyone around you in ways that humanity cannot yet measure.

You really should not underestimate the amount of personal power you have to influence the Collective Energy Matrix of planet Earth. Do not walk around with the belief that you can be easily defeated by the negative or heavy collective energies that are on the planet at this time. This is especially important for those of you who are empathetic and/or very sensitive to energy to listen.

All of you who are reading this have chosen to do so because you have decided to walk the path of Spiritual Mastery and Life, and therefore, you can no longer afford to waste any more time walking completely believing in this fallacy.

What fallacy exactly, you may ask?

The fallacy that there is something 'out there' stronger than you.

And so, we remind all of you here today, that from now on, before you do any internal or external activity, check carefully with your inner guide to see if the activity you wish to do can be classified as Divinely Inspired , OR, inspired by fear.

Simply speak the following simple word aloud three times, to help you gain clarity:


By taking such an action, or doing such an activity, what is your intention here?
Is this action completely aligned with your primary intention of wanting to be of loving service to the world?

Is it a perfect vibratory combination with your call as a Lightworker, that is, to spread the energies of Love, Light, Peace and Unity?

Or, are you demonstrating and expressing your opposite polar and low-vibration energies instead?

For example, Adele recently saw large numbers of people wearing masks when she walked in a popular suburban shopping mall in Melbourne.

It made her wonder if these people did so out of fear of being infected or because they might actually know/have someone close to them who had been personally affected by whatever they were afraid of getting more of.

Do you think these people were divinely inspired to wear masks for their individual health, safety/protection or were they inspired by fear instead (perhaps believing that prevention is better than cure)?

Don't misunderstand us, we are not judging in any way the people who have chosen to wear these masks.

We are simply here to remind you, beloved Masters, that your every thought, word, feeling and action constantly tells a story about who you are and who you have chosen to be.

The course of action chosen by these people (for example, wearing a mask) at that time was actually telling their cells, their DNA and transmitting to their individual Energy Matrix, and to the Collective Energy Matrix of the planet, the following low-vibrational beliefs: that it is not safe to be here.

It's not safe to be on planet Earth right now. The world is a dangerous place. People's health and safety depend on luck and on their lives remaining completely out of their control.

Humanity has been living in a perpetual state of fear for so long that they cannot help but react the way they have been conditioned to react.

We ask you, our beloved Lightworkers, to show you the way to live differently. Not only through your words, but mainly through your examples.

Actions speak louder than words. Now, more than ever, we need your Light to shine as brightly as the Suns it really is and has become again. It is time for all of you to believe in your own power. Believe in your magnificence.

Believe in the Mighty One, always victorious, the I AM Presence burning within you and know without a doubt, that you are always wrapped in the loving embrace of God.

Be anchored in love always; anchored in your Soul Power and Divine Sovereignty, and stand firm in the belief that nothing ever happens to you unless you have chosen (allowed vibratory), allowed or given permission for it to happen to you.

Declare, and then, demonstrate your belief in your Omnipotence; in your own greatness. A belief that is not demonstrated externally is NOT an attained belief at all.

It is but a wish/dream; a fantasy; a fantasy.

If you really believe you are God, then it is time to act like God or, like God, always, no matter what.

In other words dear ones, unless the belief that you are God is constantly demonstrated through every inner and outer activity that you perform on a daily basis, your sacred goal of spiritual/life mastery and Ascension to 5D will remain forever out of reach.

For example, if you truly believe that you are God, will you walk around in such fear that you will not be able to stay healthy and safe wherever you are?

Can you imagine Jesus successfully walking the Earth in fear that his health may be in jeopardy due to the recent declaration of a world health emergency?

Are you able to imagine him successfully feeling fearful that he may not have enough money to pay his bills?

Or any other kind of fear you may still have, which has so far negatively affected your life.

Some of you here may think or respond immediately that you are not yet at the level of spiritual/life mastery of Jesus. It is unfair to be compared to Jesus.

He is up there, on the mountaintop, so high, while you are beginning your journey to the mountain (i.e. back to the God within) or, you are still somewhere in between and have not yet reached your destination.

Beloved Masters, it is time for you to completely abandon the three-dimensional belief that says: Time exists. There is absolutely zero gap between past, present and future.

Meditate on this Ultimate Truth often and ask your I AM Presence to integrate this Truth into all levels of your being so that you can always act from a place of full understanding of your multidimensional nature.

If you believe that it will take time to reach the top of the mountain where Jesus already stands, then look and it will.

On the other hand, if you believe so strongly that the highest vibrational frequency where Jesus can be found is where you (or your Higher Self) have always been (i.e., you have never left), then guess what, this belief will manifest in your physical reality in wonderful and magical ways.

If, on the other hand, you continue to choose to walk completely immersed in the vibrations of fear: for example, fear of remaining / not being healthy, fear of living on a dangerous planet where natural disasters often occur, fear of not having enough money, fear of being around the Chinese right now, fear of not being loved or accepted by the people around you, etc. -> what you are really doing is, continuously, recreating and re-manifesting the same stories of suffering, scarcity, or separation for: yourself, AND, for the whole Human Collective.

Like what you do for yourself, you do for the world, and what you do for the world, you do for yourself.

The entire planet is in the state it is in now, because of these false stories that humanity has continued to believe in and, therefore, create for yourselves. The state of the emotional body of the Human Collective has often been neglected, as many people have completely forgotten that Love is stronger and more powerful than fear.

The whole world and the many Kingdoms of Gaia are crying out for love at this time, in many different ways.

And you, our lightworkers, have chosen to be here, to be the Love you have been (perhaps in the past) seeking outwardly. It is time for all of you here, to constantly become a representative of Divine Love wherever you go.

Invoke the entire Angelic and Ascended Host. Ask that the Mighty Flames of God's Love shine forth in every aspect of your life that is not functioning at this time.

Do this as often as you are inspired; visualize it happening in great detail, and then simply observe/observe how the energy of fear easily dissolves. And if you truly believe in the powers of God's Love, in a short period of time, you will find your situation magically improving.

Let us tell you some important news, dear ones.


The whole Company of Heaven is watching you closely; caring for planet earth with great love and care. There is absolutely nothing to fear.

The Ascension process for the entire human collective and Mother Earth is going quite well at this time and we are always in perfect control.

As usual, you can choose to believe or not believe these announcements.

You are more than welcome to believe the media. They, as usual, are still playing the 'Drums of Fear' and, if that is the channel or frequency of 'TV/Radio' that you wish to tune into, then of course we will not stop you.

Again, it all comes down to: Choice and Intent.

Beloved, what will you choose for yourself? What is your intention?

Stand firm, always believing in your Self and demonstrating your mastery.

And that is all we ask you to do every day.

You are necessary and you are sufficient.

We are in this together, and failure is impossible. We are in the midst of creating a glorious new painting called 'Heaven on Earth' on a giant blank canvas right now, and you are all the master level artists we have sent to help complete this masterpiece.

For those of you reading this, you have helped in this way many times before. You know what you have come here to do.

It is time

Loving you always,

Mother of God

(Adele Arini)

Published by RANKENLT OSARAN Interstellar Commander of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets through Joan Ashtar  © misteri 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced on condition that it respects its integrity and mentions the author as a source of the same and that this URL  and the Copyright notice be included

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