
15 de abril de 2020

The Five Stages of the Reunion of Souls/Twin Calls


The effervescence of the reunion of the twin souls/flames is not exactly the ultimate goal of the mission.

Indeed, the twins share a common mission. A number of trials await them before they can understand the very essence of their divine mission and reach the divine moment of fusion.

That is why the twin souls/souls will have to go through 5 successive stages:

1. The energetic cleansing

2. Recognition
3. The rupture
4. The  reencounter
5. The fusion


A soul that has gone through thousands of existences cannot carry an important emotional baggage, which is precisely the case of twin souls/flames. Their original separation has left a deep karmic imprint, which makes them suffer particularly. In addition, the energetic cleaning is presented as an indispensable stage to continue their common paths. This purging can be carried out thanks to energetic massages.

It is practically impossible to find your soul/soul mate without having proceeded to this emotional healing work and learned to love yourself. Whatever their level of spiritual awakening before the merger, soul/twin calls experience numerous synchronicities and ascend on each side. Their paths are distinguished by their content, yet they are curiously similar in terms of life experience.

The twin souls/flames are after all a mirror for each other.


When two Souls/Flame Twins recognize each other, a phenomenon occurs that is as disturbing as it is unexpected. Usually neither of the two beings expects it. Completely different from a crush, this encounter is, so to speak, unromantic. Indeed, it is not a question of physical attraction, but rather we are in the presence of an impression of mutual recognition, or deep reconnection.

Souls/soul mates are linked by a feeling of mutual understanding, even telepathy, and will be able to read each other like an open book. In a word, this encounter will have everything from a natural evidence.

Particularly noteworthy, this event causes major personal upheavals, for it will awaken all the wounds and sufferings that have gone before the surface. 

Souls/soul mates each reflect the soul of the other, and let appear what the other does not want to see in them. The more evolved Soul, that is to say the more awakened soul, will know very quickly that it has found its Soul/Flame Mate and that they are destined to live together. The materialistic Soul, the less awakened one, will oppose with respect to it this unique and inexplicable love. The evolved Soul (or chaser) will try in vain to make the materialistic Soul (or chaser) understand even if this love is not exactly "reasonable". Faced with this misunderstanding, Souls/Twin Flames will end up separating. 

This phase of separation is, however, necessary for them to be able to access the long awaited and desired fusion.


The Twin souls/flames are destined to separate soon after they have met/recognized each other because they must finish their energetic cleansing. 

To do this, they must revive the original separation by moving away from each other again.

This stage is hard to live through, but it is essential for the twin souls/flames, because the goal is to restore the balance of the "center point" of their polarity.

By reactivating their karmic memories, the twin souls/flames will be able to consciously revive them.

The duration of this stage depends on their levels of consciousness, as well as their aptitude for awakening.

Souls/twin calls can thus remain separated for years, sometimes without even the slightest contact.

There comes a time when they realize that they cannot live without each other.

Souls/soul mates usually have a lot of difficulty after this break-up phase and will feel, again, particularly disturbed on an emotional level.
The feeling of estrangement may even be accentuated by human losses from their environment.

Souls/twinned calls thus learn to experience love for themselves before they can finally fully reconnect on a spiritual level.

In other words, the twin souls/flames must go through a phase of inner purification before they can finally be reunited.   


Only at the moment when the soul feels ready to be linked, or the soul rejected (runner), will it return to its other soul (chaser), thus giving rise to the reunion.

The twin souls/chasers meet and reconcile; this is the moment of confession and the readjustment of their relationship.

By meeting physically, the twin souls/flames assimilate and unify their respective energies in order to form a third one.

They must then take the time to couple on the vibratory level in order to achieve absolute fusion.


Once their love has been lived out mutually and naturally, the twin souls/flames can finally be fully reunited. That love must be without condition, waiting or judgment.

The twin souls/calls must be on an equal footing, with neither trying to exercise dominance over the other. 

As their time together progresses, the sharing will become more intense and the relationships deeper.

Once the merger has been achieved, the twin souls/calls will know the serenity and revelation of their joint mission, which will be much higher than their simple reunification.

Two soul/flame twins coming together generate a significant energy fusion. This amplification of vital energy, or life energy, is by this fact intimately linked to Kundalini.

Laura Cortez

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