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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Àngels. Mostrar todas las entradas

31 de diciembre de 2018

Message From The Angels: Creating Your New Year Now

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Happy Almost New Year to you! Those of you on this list know our belief – that in every breath you begin a new year, a new moment, a new life, a new you! That said, we understand that as human beings you need mileposts and markers – times in your life to pause, reflect, recalibrate, and resurrect the light from within!
Take a few moments before the new year to ponder this question… “In exactly one year from now, what do I want my life to look like?” Who will be in it? How will I feel? What will my body be like? Take time dear ones and really allow yourself to be completely honest with you! If you could wave a magic wand, what would your life be like this time next year?
Now, get out a piece of paper and write upon it your wishes. I want to be healthy. I want to lose weight. I want to be more flexible, tolerant, and kind. I want to resolve my unpleasant feelings with a certain person whether the healing is inside or out. I want a new home. I want to feel safe and secure in my finances. I want to take a glorious vacation. I want to find ways to make my body feel vital and alive. I want a new career that makes me feel abundant, expressed. and appreciated. I want to learn a new skill…
Keep going. Make sure each and every item on the list makes your heart leap with joy as you think of having it.
Next, take time and with each item, really imagine that you are at this time next year and that thing or condition is in your life. Imagine it deeply. Feel it. Repeat this exercise until you actually have taken the time to feel deeply each and everything that you want as if it is already here. Your imagination may be a bit rusty but if you keep at it, you will bring it – and your creative powers that enlist the assistance of the entire universe – to life!
Now put your list away in a special place – perhaps a pretty envelope in a drawer, upon your alter, or under a beautiful piece of art! Be creative.
As the year approaches, every single time you think of anything on that list, without exception, your only job is to say to yourself…
“There’s no need to worry. The universe is working on all my dreams. I simply have to enjoy my days and honor my guidance. My life unfolds in perfection. I trust that the Creator of Universes can fulfill all my heart’s desires.”
There you go dear friends! You have set the entire universe in motion to fulfill your dreams! Print that affirmation out. Carry it with you. Repeat it often. And then, at this time next year, take out your lists and be amazed at the miracles that have been created in your life!
Happy New Year! Happy New You! Happy joyous celebration of life’s ability to be recreated anew!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Message from Ann…
Hi Everyone,
I love those angels! Years ago they had me do a similar exercise – writing everything down and then looking back. I was indeed amazed. Nearly everything on the list had come in some fashion or another.
We work so hard to “make” things happen. We over-think our strategies. We do what we learned. We analyze things to death. In reality, reality can be so much easier!
As the angels like to say, “Set the universe in motion and get out of the way!”
We set it in motion by being honest about our desires and imagining how they’d feel in their fruition. We get out of the way by focusing on anything joyful in the here and now and then honoring our guidance, also known as our heart’s desires!
When I wanted a house years ago I didn’t do tons of research or worry about when, how, how much. I set a budget, made my list of wishes and waited. I drove around when I had the urge, found a house that didn’t quite suit me and waited … until the Realtor in that house sent me a list of other houses and the one I currently live in and love was on the top of the list.
When I wanted to get my work out to the world, I set the intent and waited. Years later, the means to get it on the web on video appeared right in front of me.
When I wanted to figure out how to find time to work massive overtime during the holidays while at the same time enjoying them I imagined everything flowing with grace and ease and just honored my heart. Everything flowed delightfully!
When I wanted to forgive people in the past who had been fairly horrible to me I stopped “trying” and just allowed myself my feelings while praying and imagining what this peace would feel like, and little by little I woke up feeling more compassion until I was able to hear the angels tell me the pain that motivated them.
May 2019 be the year you give up struggles, enlist the universe’s assistance, and enjoy your lives as the magic unfolds
Here are some pointers to embrace the angels exercise this week and therefore a miraculous new year!
1. Make your list
Take a few hours at least. Really breathe and drop into your heart. This time next year what would you like life to look like? What do you wish to see appearing in your life, your body, your heart, your mind… Make your list and make sure you really get down to the things and feelings and conditions that matter to you. Take this exercise seriously… and then the universe will too!
Your list can be as long or short as you like. No rules. No right. No wrong. The only criteria is to write down what is truly in your heart.
2. Feel it
For each item, imagine you already have that in your life, heart, or body. Ask yourself, “How would I feel?” Don’t just answer intellectually… really get to the feeling. Keep asking yourself questions until you get there? If you had your new job, for example, how would you feel when you wake up? When you drive to work? Can you imagine the satisfaction of working with people you love who value you? Get juicy!
When you can feel it, you know you’ve “dialed in.” If you can’t feel it yet, get online and look for examples of others who have what you want. Read about how they feel. Imagine that is you.
3. Enjoy your day
This is the hardest part! We fall back so easily into attempting to control life, others, and our dreams. Remind yourself…
“There’s no need to worry. The universe is working on all my dreams. I simply have to enjoy my days and honor my guidance. My life unfolds in perfection. I trust that the Creator of Universes can fulfill all my heart’s desires.”
Happy blissed, blessed, & magical new year to all of you! May it be a year of dreams come true!
Love you all!
» Source » Channel: Ann Albers

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