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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta CONSCIOUSNESS-PHILOSOPHY. Mostrar todas las entradas


-occurring relationship WHEN ONE OF THE TWO raises awareness


 -occurring relationship WHEN ONE OF THE TWO raises awareness

You can be your man or you woman begins to have a strong motivation pulling him towards the quest for spirituality and inner discovery, even when one of the components of a couple decides to undertake the search alone towards the encounter with oneself several things to be present and you will have to deal succeed.

Of course, every experience is different for each person but this can be a regular profile.

Which begins in this spiritual journey alone, you know he has come up with something that makes you very happy and full of his own soul.

When you try to share your feelings with your partner, this is surprised and not able to understand it and live it the same way he lives it with enthusiasm and excitement.

This, at first makes you feel bad and misunderstood.

At the same time, the couple, looking at the situation from a cerebral point, he feels most of the time talking to him, who is losing his mind and reason, that all these stories are confusing you and think you're wasting your time because it does not believe that his ideas and his way of thinking "new" are valid for this time.

For undertaking the search is a bitter pill misunderstood feeling, but for accompanying him also, as it invades the fear, the terror of losing the couple, and should not be understood if it continues to speak different language.

But time passes and you are looking realizes that he has yet to find himself, it's hard to just follow in the wake and it would be easier if it could be understood by your partner, but at the same time calm is acquired, welfare and more understanding, previously he is missing.

You should know that it is logical and normal that this behavior does not understand, because everyone has their moment of awakening, the time of "light" in which he realizes the reason for its existence, albeit by a different path than the couple discovered.

Followed by a new stage in which the seeker realizes that his career, learning to speak somehow is waking up in his innermost being a mixture of excitement, elation, curiosity, wanting to know more and more eager to share with others, to put it in some way.

Feels the need to do, say and do things to share what he perceives and lives with such intensity.

And the more euphoric is in this, the pair is positioned in a position of disbelief and growing more so abysses; 

It's your process of awakening of consciousness!

The undertaking this path knows he will not back down, do not want to go back for anything in the world but he can not and he will have very clear what their stance though not his job to follow, you have to let go and flow through "signals" and intuition.

You begin to have a feeling different to things (like more detachment from the material), and becomes one less vulnerable to what they say, do and think others because at least you have something clear, you start to love you more , that is a lot!

The couple often do not understand anything and despairs that thinks you're missing, and may be so, not understand how you could change so much.

Whoever undertakes the spiritual path, take the time to look, it becomes insatiable search of himself and his surroundings, and knows he can not stop looking, it becomes your way of life and the more you learn whether same, more is known and meet others.

This is a reward, and your way of being sooner or later produce a change around.

And these changes may be in different ways.

Which does not seek, which stays the same can make decisions like this:

He or she sees that you have changed so much that you are no longer the same / that he met and no longer understands you and is more difficult ever be by your side, as there is something that escapes you can not control.

(Are you vibrating at different frequencies and the person remains the same can not withstand the more subtle the other vibrational state).

Another is, stay by your side for convenience, by status, by economy, but do not understand and live entirely separate lives in the spirit, (which is usually the most common).

Another is that love, which does not create dependency, or require or control, or want to change anyone become understanding and reason to envision what is happening to your partner and can even awaken in you the same, and you say; 

Sometimes the relationships are broken, but others are transformed and delivered with more love, enrich and nurture in a way unknown until then.

If you have walked the spiritual path alone, remember that it is not an impediment to maintaining a balanced relationship, but quite the opposite as you can understand why things and skip that difficulty is just one more proof of the capacity of love you have to hold either sharing life with the same partner and helping her with all the information you have, that that's the information to share so others and your partner have it and make their decision or understanding that has to break to follow another path you will mostly continue learning, this time without rancor and without reproach that a cycle is over, but always having tried to help your partner and not giving it aside because what you've learned serious one pOSITION very selfish not to help sleep.

When you wake up, wake for him and those with him, as standard practice is to share and help others to awaken, always respectfully and tactfully, without offending or impose.


The great luck in the world is what happens to couples who wake up in unison, they become a unit that connects them with heaven and earth to uncover the truth and purpose of life.

Understand and begin to live the spirituality actively in everything they do, they live and feel together, so find out what your but in relation to all things that happen in everyday life in a more balanced way.

At the same time they discover that they have come together to be here at this, at this time just because they made a pact before some other "place" before birth and always for a reason, help yourself and your example and way of life .

Why these couples better maintain vibrational balance as being both those who are held in the same frequency makes them grow spiritually in a more obvious way.

That's what has to be, if he could not be after trying every spirit follow his path of evolution with respect and always willing to help that sooner or later we all came to Rome, it would be worth coming apart at the same site and realize that you could have been avoided if there was love between the two.

A hug of light.

Viajante of Stars  

Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice


Walking regenerates the brain, relieves stress and sadness

by martin

If you feel sad, worried or anxious, one of the best natural remedies is walking. Stay away literally the source of the problem and immerse yourself in a natural environment. There is nothing better than a nice walk to relieve pain, get rid of accumulated stress and recharge your batteries. 

In fact, it is known that exercise, and walking in particular, is an excellent therapy for the treatment of depression and anxiety. It has been shown that walking at a steady pace promotes the release of endorphins, hormones that make us feel happy and relaxed, while reducing the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.

In addition, neuroscientists at Princeton University believe that the effects of a healthy walk beyond the momentary production of some neurotransmitters, and believe that regular walking can even help regenerate the brain to help us cope better with less stress the everyday problems. 
The "soothing neurons" in the brain 

These researchers worked with two groups of guinea pigs, a group remained active and the other destined for a sedentary lifestyle. After walking, scientists analyzed their brains and found that in animals that had been doing some physical activity neurons that inhibit the activity of nerve cells were activated too excited.

Then they added some environmental stress and found activation of excitable neurons in the hippocampus, a brain region involved in emotional responses. However, animals that walk could cope better with this brain activation because it is even activated the "soothing neurons" to prevent the impact of the situation was excessive and to keep stress under control


The Collective: Effects of the New Energies

The Collective: Effects of the New Energies

council of lightThe latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Light Bearers of the New Earth!
We wish to share with you a clear vision of the Light we see Earth adjusting and recalibrating to now, and the effect that Presence is having on Earth’s people and Her vibration.
Understand that you are still in many ways living within a system of mental, emotional, physical, and etheric repression, which though it cannot prevent the growth and empowerment of your consciousness, tends to keep you unaware of that expansion as you move through your day.

This is not unusual; other societies, whether based on ships or space stations, or on planets or stars, have experienced a similar matrix system of control.

What is unusual, is that you are emerging from the depths of one of the worst and most drastic examples of a control system that this galaxy and Universe have yet witnessed.
And that you are coming to attune yourselves to the Light reaching your planet now, and with your planet Herself, more than that system of outer control.

“And how could it be a form of outer control, when it has squashed or directed our awareness, thoughts, feelings, and DNA for millennia?” you may ask.

We say outer control, because it is not inherent to your being, on a soul level, to have no free will, and to be manipulated by some outer force.
And so as this Universe moves into the Satya Yuga, a golden era of Freedom, Peace, Enlightenment, Service to Others, and Divine Love, you have begun to become self-aware in the sense of realizing the puppet strings, and are detaching them from yourself.

This is not a matter of simple political awareness, though that is one component of what you are experiencing.

We speak of political occurrences often, but only as a reference to Earth’s history or contemporary life, and in relation to your increasing strength and individuation from that which has illegally usurped control over Earth life for so long.

That which is political on the planet is not separate from the etheric—that quantum field from which all possibilities and potentials are either borne out into experience or fade back into unmanifest energies.

There have been other attempts, at other moments on Earth’s current timeline, to wrest control of human life out of the hands of those who wrongly took control of it eons ago.
Yet these were not successful, except in the sense of adding to the energetic momentum that has built the events and revelations you see unfolding around you now.

You have seen great teachers come to this Earth, speaking of spiritual precepts and revelation, explaining how energy works, and how thought and inner intention mold energy into outer form and outer events, while demonstrating that which you have considered to be the miraculous.

You have heard or read of them speaking of how all must be based in Love, or fade away to be reborn into another reality, seeking to express itself in a continuously higher form as it moves from one incarnation to another.
That which continues without physical death—that which you call the Ascended—is a life based entirely in Love, in Service to Others, in an integration of mind and heart, until the heart-mind has become the center of individual consciousness—an expression of the higher self, seeking to fulfill the soul mission for which each person incarnates.

Yet you will see many basing their beliefs in Ascension upon a singular notion, or an outer demonstration.
These are often spoken of as the “downfall of the cabal,” or the falsely conceived “currency reval,” or “the end of war” or many other outer events (often just called “the Event”) that signify a sudden energetic shift upon the Earth which is then borne out in physical events that affect group and individual lives around the world.

We would say, that it is of course joyful and positive to believe in the full enactment of NESARA law, of Peace created and maintained everywhere on Earth, of all persons being well-fed and well-educated, of the ill tended to in holistic terms, and of the homeless housed with dignity.
It is of course a positive belief to cheer on the work of those championing the Divine Feminine upon the Earth such as Malala Yousafzai, or of those working the Peace Map timeline, such as Dr M T Keshe.

It is a wonderful form of manifesting and co-Creating, to envision and feel the reality of NESARA being announced upon your televisions, and the end of media and financial exploitation and fraud.

We would simply say, that these are only outer signs, as great as they are, to that which you are already experiencing within yourselves.
Some may call these outer demonstrations miraculous.

We would more view them as the natural outcomes, per the laws of physics, of your beliefs and expectations—that which you claim as your new reality.

We would say also, that the reason why you are claiming this now, is that you are integrating the higher energies now flowing to the Earth, as well as aligning with the energies of the astrological configurations that are carrying you into the Age of Aquarius.

You are realizing that this is you now, and not some far away dream.
The sooner you can stop waiting, and begin to feel that you have already arrived—that you are no longer in a battle, no longer struggling, and no longer stuck in duality—the sooner all that you dream of will arrive as a natural consequence of that which you expect.

Does the entire world have to go along with your good feelings about life?

We would say, that even in the worst monsoon season in a region given to such, you need not fear flooding.
For your belief in your and your community’s safety and well-being will carry you forward to continuing to experience such, and to avoid the disasters others have forecasted, regardless of what appears to be “logical.”

And so, smile at this seeming unawareness of how far you have come, and how far you are now traveling.

For your own vibration is remaking your world, and your own life, into something that past generations—even a younger you—would have once only termed a miracle, a thing for only an Ascended Master.
To which we say, “Yes—you are the Ascending One now. And you are indeed creating that which in the past would have taken tremendous effort, or taken a long time, or not anchored fully into human life, or been called a miracle.”

You are that miracle that reaches beyond your social training, your subconscious patterns, your past lives.

You are the Ascension—you are the Rainbow Bridge itself—and we welcome you to your new life, as the brilliant expressions and demonstrations of Divine Love that you are.

Namaste, friends! You are our family, and we are by your side, always.

» Source

ASCENSIONED MASTERS Greetings, my beloved ones, yes, it's me, María Magdalena.

 My beloved Yeshua is here too.

 We want to tell you, Beloved Ones, that the vibration of peace is being emitted in your plane of the Earth with such a magnificent force that we are asking each one of you to open your sacred hearts and begin to feel this vibration within your physicality and inside your mental and emotional bodies. And then, let my beloved Yeshua carry forth his words of wisdom while the vibration of peace is being infused into his sacred heart.

Dear, yes, it's me, Yeshua.

 I come to you at this moment to express my love for each one of you and my devotion for each one of your souls. It is of great importance, dear children, that you begin to open your sacred heart, your compassionate heart and your loving heart.

Opening the way for peace to prevail in your own lives and bringing peace to your heart so that everything that no longer serves you from any discordant energy begins to heal what worries you. And so, today, as I advance as the prince of peace, I ask each of you to open your ship to the vibration and healing that is so necessary not only on this planet, but in all aspects of this universe, and this galaxy and this solar system

A lot of energy is being infused into your planet, and you can begin to feel it, feel it in your heart, feel it inside your soul, feel it within the essence of your being. And then, please breathe deeply and begin to breathe the vibration of peace that is now being emitted in the ethers, through the atmosphere, as if they were particles of fairy dust that are now floating in the air.

May peace embody your essence on all levels, may peace embody your essence on all levels, may peace embody your essence. And allow yourself to feel this powerful frequency of joy within your heart, that you have come to yourself once again, that you have come home to yourself once again.

. May peace embody your essence on all levels, may peace embody your essence on all levels, may peace embody your essence. And allow yourself to feel this powerful frequency of joy within your heart, that you have come to yourself once again, that you have come home to yourself once again.

Breathe the essence of love, breathe the essence of peace and breathe the essence of tranquility.

Breathing in light and love and joy. And, dear ones, understand at this moment that you have agreed to come to this planet to be builders of peace and showers of light, and it is of the utmost importance that you maintain so much peace, as to keep the vibration in your vessel.

Holding this frequency so that the light can shine and attract all the energies that are of the greatest good to your own soul.

Can you now begin to feel this vibration of peace that emanates in every cell, every fiber, every pore of your being? And like a magnetic frequency, now you are bouncing and taking this energy out of your ship, through your auric field, into the universe.

Can you begin to feel like a bright star? So bright and bright that your peaceful essence is seen, felt and recognized by all who enter into your presence and make contact with you? Know, at this moment, that this vibration, the vibration of peace, has a powerful frequency. And then, we ask you to impersonate this, and if you do, start reading or listening to my peace lesson in the 12 Mastery Teachings of Christ that I have given birth for all of you to receive.

Therefore, breathe deeply, inhale and begin to embody this frequency not only at this time of your vacations, and this season of celebrating my birth, but keeping it in your physique, will keep you strong physically, mentally and energetically. Breathe this, breathe this, breathe this, it will keep you strong, physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. Breathe this, breathe this,

Keep the vibration in your essence as you radiate the frequency of the beautiful shiny particles of diamonds that are now being infused into your system. Again, Dear Sons, peace is your birthright, please open your sacred heart, your compassionate heart, and bring peace and these sparkling diamond particles to your heart. Let everything that does not work begin to disappear. Let everything that does not serve you fall apart. Allow any anger, loneliness, sadness or fear to begin to disappear.

Begin to allow any energy that is not of the highest vibration to simply fall out. 

Imagine that the particles and light frequencies of the diamond are the vibration of peace, begin to melt all the frequencies that are inharmonic within you, and thus begin to feel that the energy of peace begins to melt all the energies that do not they are of love, they are not of peace, they are not of harmony, they are not of joy.

Begin to release these frequencies in your system, release them, release them, release them. Know, at this moment, Dear Sons of Light, who are beautiful children, and who must stand in their beauty, stand in their brilliance, stand in their magnificence, and feel the essence of the truth of who you are.

 You are a beautiful, beautiful and beautiful child of God, and you must shine and shine, and it is time to simply believe and trust that you are a Divine spirit, a Divine Son of the essence of God.

Can you feel the particles of diamond light of peace that emanates and heals and illuminates while you shine? when you start to shine like the beautiful diamond that you are, bringing the essence of love, bringing the essence of peace, breathing the essence of tranquility and breathing the essence of joy. Breathe, my children, breathe. Breathe in the essence of peace, breathe the essence of love, breathe the essence of light. And so, Beloved Ones, allow you to open the camera within your heart that we call your sacred heart. In fact, there is what we call a secret chamber within your heart, a place within your own heart chakra that holds the key to happiness.

Maybe you've never heard of this before, but there is a secret chamber inside your heart chakra that holds the key to happiness. and breathing the essence of joy? .

Breathe, my children, breathe. Breathe in the essence of peace, breathe the essence of love, breathe the essence of light. And so, Beloved Ones, allow you to open the camera within your heart that we call your sacred heart. In fact, there is what we call a secret chamber within your heart, a place within your own heart chakra that holds the key to happiness. Maybe you've never heard of this before, but there is a secret chamber inside your heart chakra that holds the key to happiness. and breathing the essence of joy?
Let this be unlocked, let us open the door, let us help you unlock the heart chakra that has been closed out of fear, loss, loneliness, despair. And then, I ask you now, Beloved Ones, to breathe this, breathe in the opening and the passageway to your divine birthright of peace.

Can you feel that your heart chakra opens and unlocks the heart chakra that has been closed? Closed, perhaps, of all his emotional pain of this life and of all other lives, dimensions and frequencies.

Can you allow your heart to open to peace and open the sacred heart of mercy, so that you are a vessel, you are a creator god, holding the essence and the presence of peace, again, Dear ones, you are like a bright star, and your light and your frequency are bouncing around the world. This is very necessary during your difficult times on this Earth. We do not want to get into all the problems, but as you know them, there are many who are not at peace, and the world is not at peace, and Mother Earth is crying out for your help, so allow yourself to open your heart chakra, open that secret and sacred chamber that now holds the key to your happiness, so that you are at peace, so that you are in balance, so that you are in harmony with yourself, so that you are comfortable inside yourself your own skin And then, allow this energy , feel this energy and this presence, of the Living Light of God within your being.

Allow yourself to feel this energy and presence of the Living Light of God within your being. And so, dear ones, breathe deeply, inhale and breathe. Breathe in the vibration of peace.

Dear, it is me, Mother Mary. I come to you at this moment as I stand before you, opening your Sacred Heart, your compassionate heart, your merciful heart with compassion.

Let my child help you, open the bedroom so that you feel at peace and have compassion for yourself. We know that this life and all the lives since the beginning of your soul journey have not always been easy. But we tell you, Dear Ones, how important it is to honor yourself, to have compassion for yourselves, to give thanks to yourselves.

Be grateful for your life, be grateful for all the experiences and do not allow your heart to close again.

As my son came to show you and open the sacred passage of the sacred heart that lives inside you. Please, do not allow it to be closed again, it is a new beginning, it is a new day, it is a new opportunity for all of you. Today is to live from an open and loving heart, loving all souls, including yourself, having compassion for you and for all life, having compassion for Mother Earth, having compassion for all those who are not in balance. And those who are confused and do not live from their beautiful sacred and merciful heart.

Please pray to open your own heart chakras, just as today you are being gifted with this gift, the secret passage of your heart chakra, the chamber of your sacred heart is being opened. Live from the warmth of the heart, live from compassion, live from the understanding that you are truly a divine child of God, serve and be served in the living light, and be free. And then, know, at this moment, how important it is to live your life in the sacred energy of the Divine, holy grace Living your life in Divine, sacred energy, of Divine Holy Grace. And then, breathe this essence and this frequency, of what we call renewal.

You are renewing the essence of the truth of your being. Renew your beautiful spirit, renew your soul, renew the aspects that live inside you, and yes, we call them aspects, because there are many aspects for you, your being of essence. And so, today, we come to bring you this healing of your aspects, of the essence of you, that is, the totality of everything you have ever been, and everything that you will be.

You see, Dear One, you have had many lives and many aspects that have not been balanced and have been in harmony. I do not want to confuse it, but what I am trying to say is that everything that has ever been, although all lives, and all times and dimensional spaces, As if everything you have ever been is now being balanced and harmonized, you are in balance with yourself, now you can live fully from the heart, what a beautiful gift you receive today.

Everything you have ever been is now being integrated into the sacred heart of mercy and compassion. The sacred chamber of your heart is welcoming you back home, welcoming your essence and all your aspects.

You're coming home, you're coming home, you're coming home. And so, dear ones, can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel this energy? Opening the cameras inside your heart, opening the cameras inside your heart. Integrating this energy into your heart chakra. And now, as my son infuses the energy of peace in you, in your sacred heart, there is no more discordant energy that is affecting you or causing you pain or discomfort, as if all the lives you have ever lived now go back to the synchronicity, the synchronicity of being in harmony, being in balance, being in union, being reconciled in your pure and perfected state of your beautiful spirit. And so, Beloved Ones, allow to sustain this energy and this awakening.

We ask you to begin to consider and consider very seriously what appears to be in its perfected state. Be balanced and harmonious, and be at peace. We are giving you this energy today, now it is up to you to stand on the vibration, what do you think? How you behave? How do you act? How do you get in the world? What does this mean for you from now on? How are you going to change your habits and your ways of thinking? And then, Beloved Ones, know that on this day you have been given this beautiful and beautiful healing gift.

The powerful vibration of peace that is now being emitted on Earth can now be received within you. My son has given you this beautiful gift, and all the galactic brothers and sisters and the Great Creator are flooding this planet and all the souls with peace. And all those who read this or hear this, or experience this healing at this time, have the option to live in peace for the rest of their incarnation and for all eternity. And so, Dearest Sons, hold your light so intensely that there is never any doubt that you are children of peace. Yes, dear children, since my son is called the Prince of Peace, you are all his children.

You are all the peacemakers and the messengers of hope and renewal.

So now, by accepting this within your heart, allow it to advance towards your essence, through your behavior, through your energy field, through your aura, attracting everything in your life that is peaceful. , harmonic relations and harmonic frequencies. which are of the greatest vibration of peace and love. And so, dear, can you feel how your sacred heart opens and how your merciful heart opens?
Today, the vibration of the eleven, of your month of November vibrates to the frequency of peace. And as you see.

Dear Ones, we will meet again on another 11, December 11, another powerful portal and the opening of peace.

And so, Dearest Sons, realize at this time, that as you open your heart to this connection, you are holding the vibration of the Divine Union within yourselves.
You are a portal of peace, you are a portal of peace, you are a portal of peace. Today, Dear Sons, we ask you to keep this frequency so close, in the essence of your being, that you feel that it beats from your heart. Can you feel peace and love now opening and vibrating from your Sacred Heart? Have compassion for yourself, peace for yourself.

Everything you do, every decision you make has to do with peace.

You are keeping the frequency of peace so strongly within your essence that nothing and no one can change this vibration of you. This is a strong statement, but nobody or nothing can change this vibration of peace from you. Take time, Dear Ones, to consider the power that this statement has.

Do you choose to claim and embody it and not allow yourself to be affected by the behavior of another person?

Can you choose to keep peace within your system, regardless of what happens around you, choose peace and love over anger, violence and negativity?

Do you choose to claim and embody it and not allow yourself to be affected by the behavior of another person?

Can you choose to keep peace within your system, regardless of what happens around you, choose peace and love over anger, violence and negativity?

 Do you choose to claim and embody it and not allow yourself to be affected by the behavior of another person?

Can you choose to keep peace within your system, regardless of what happens around you, choose peace and love over anger, violence and negativity?

And so, Dear ones, know, at this moment, that you have the answers within the secret chamber of your heart. You have the answers to everything that concerns you.

The answers are simple, Dear One, choose peace, choose peace, choose peace. And you see, your beautiful heart is open. And we see that you are receiving it. And we are grateful, and we are grateful.

I will allow my son to speak, and I thank him for his time, and I thank him for his attention. I thank you for allowing me to help you open your compassionate and sacred heart, so that you can live in the truth of who you really are as a Divine Son of God who lives in your pure and beautiful essence of God's love.

Dear ones, yes, it's me, Christ. Yeshua, Jesus, Lord Sananda. I am known by many names, but I come to you today as the Prince of Peace. And I come to you with my open, compassionate and merciful heart, and I am in front of each one of you, and I infuse my energy into your heart.

I send you this powerful vibration of peace so that your mind is at peace, your body is at peace, all aspects of your being will be at peace. So that you can be at peace with yourself, and therefore, Dear One, it is my gift to you, it is my gift to each one of you on this day of celebration, when Lea celebrates her birthday, we give her this gift and that's why we give everything to you too.

You are all receiving this powerful gift of peace and healing and how important it is to welcome your vibration, and as you walk on this plane of the Earth, you will never feel alone and feel the presence of the Living God within you, because you will feel this connection with the Oneness and with the Divine Love and the Divine Grace that is your birthright, and it is your connection with the Great Creator.

My Mother and I have opened the sacred chamber of her sacred heart, and when you see those images of us with our sacred hearts, remember the gift that we gave you today. Again, it is the option to live by peace. No more fighting, no more fighting, no more disharmonic energies. Keep these frequencies as close and as expensive to you as possible, and remember that we love you, and celebrate it with you during this time of the holiday season, and all the time throughout the year and beyond, not only in this holiday season, but we continue to surround and support you with the vibration of peace. Again, Dear Ones, you are flooding your planet at a very fast rate. A lot of energy is being infused on this planet, and you, Beloved Ones, are opening the floodgates so that others can witness and feel, feel and be attracted by your vibration.

This is an extremely important moment, and you may not fully understand everything that is being provided to the Earth plane, but know that we are helping this planet because it is in dire need. And you will begin to see so many people change and open their hearts to each other in the beautiful state of Grace, as Divine children of God, by opening the portal of peace, the sacred heart, the merciful heart, deep within camera of your own heart chakra. And then, Beloved Ones, accept our gift today, our mother and I will return. As always, we thank you for your time, we thank you for your attention, we thank you for your willingness to serve and for keeping the Living Light of God in the essence of your being.

And then, now know, my children, that my Mother and I support you, and my Mary also accompanies you, and we are walking with you and opening the chamber of your heart until you can feel this completely within you. your self. But we ask you to consider this and to understand that it has already been done and that all you have to do is receive. Move forward now with our gift and the celebration of the peace energy that is now being given to you and this planet and all souls. Move forward as the Living Light of God and allow your spirit to shine and be the change you wish to see, the beautiful light that shines so brightly on this plane of the Earth, because you are the star and the stars shine so brightly to guide others . And they are opening the way for you to follow and feel the energy of peace in your own lives and allow yourself to rest in the arms of God, being comforted by your own souls. We thank you, and we know, at this moment, that each of you has opened your heart and we are very grateful. Go in peace.

»Source - Channel: Reverend Lea Chapin


GOD'S LETTER 04 December 2017 -to extend ARMS V.O. hispanish

GOD 'S LETTER 04 December 2017 -to extend ARMS

Sacred Hearts ONE:

Extend the arms of his inner self and gird with our love as one, deposited in their hearts from the moment of its Cosmic Birth and potentiated in this now by our source for its glorious homecomings Unit.
• We will not tire of highlighting the energy advantages offered by this time, for the recovery of their primitive natures, in this existence elevation of consciousness and deification as a genuine Being of Light.
• We speak of the manifestation of God within, the responsible learning, through love, forgiveness, acceptance and gratitude, all three - dimensional experiences.
We • Also, refer to expressions of love themselves, the full embrace of his Being of Light, the incorporation of knowledge, understanding, wisdom and truth Crísticos in his ways of Redemption and Resurrection of Consciousness Primeval de la Fuente divine.

This now have much to gain, as defined by their words, in the sense of the enormous opportunities that surround them to recover their sense I am, change the meaning of God, and acceptance are a Creator God , embodied in a man forms.
• These concepts include the blessings designed some time with us and all the Brotherhood of Light, to help Gaia and win back the sleeping memory, reaching their summations, as a Christed Master who opens the Gates of the Ascension .
• Respect and honorifiquen its Purposes soulish of this incarnation, going daily to their hearts, to search their own essence, the basics of their belief systems Crísticos and work with the changes and creating a new reality and lifetime.

Accept once and for all that are powerful Creator Beings endowed with our same divine faculties, because it time to stop turning into a vicious circle and dualized polarized by a person affected by the lower vibrations of illusion mind arrived.
• Consciously, even if it costs at the beginning, enter assisted by their Spirit Guides Us, or Being that trust, the quiet stillness of their sacred centers, to work with the Will of Being God, in the format of their minds and emotions.
• channeled his footsteps by quantum path of the new timeline, because they are in the Fifth - dimensional threshold, which makes them an attraction and rapid manifestation of your thoughts.
• So be aware of the viability of this flow, and use it profitably in their growth.

Beloved Masters, have chosen to hear the call of their souls, then assume the responsibility that this superior commitment entails and extend their arms to the Love that we offer, in the form of multiple energy gifts to choose as honor their missions and services, the discovery of his Holy Truth.

Enhances your chances, drawing from your Essence of Soul primeval gifts and you offer multiple options Multidimensional flow, to hold, protect and promote the descent of your Being I AM and out of your Light Body and Regreses the Home Unit.

• Thank you for going to the neutrality of your heart, to bless and benefit with the frequencies of change that come to you through sunlight.
• Congratulations on your acceptance of Divine Creator Condition and humble adoption from the heart, the real meaning of being God in a human Earth 3D container.
• Blessed are you, to be developing with respect and simplicity, the alchemical power of your Master Christ, and conscious co - creation of reality of the Golden Age, New Tera.

Our thanks for choosing wake up, your intention to know yourself, to recognize us as your Divine Parents, we are waiting for thousands of years, your return to our arms of love as one, deep in your heart, where our home Unit awaits you.


This publication is free to replicate the time they deem necessary, modify it if necessary, partially or completely.
Being inherent in Luz information, has no copyright and is not the primary source of it is cited.
Light Codes contained in this publication are enriched each time it is broadcast from the heart and with a pure intention.


Research Suggersts that We are All Geniuses until... We enter the school System

by Fattima Mahdi
October 05, 2017
from TruthTheory Website

NASA are responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.

In 1968, Professor George Land and Beth Jarman were contacted by NASA and asked to devise a creativity test to help select innovative engineers and scientists.

The assessment was a huge success. The test worked so well and was so simple that the duo then came up with a creativity test for children.

The test was to look at a problem and come up with new, different and innovative ideas.

They tested 1,600 children between the ages of 4 and 5 and were amazed by the results. Out of the 1,600 children who took the test, 98% of them scored at genius level.

Land and Jarman then decided to measure the children's progress over time. They turned the research into a longitudinal study and tested the same children again at 10 years old.

By this point, only 30% of children were at genius level. They then tested the children at 15 years old and found that only 12% were at genius level.

It is important to note that the same creativity test was given to 280,000 adults (average age of 31) and the genius level was at 2%.

According to Land, the primary reason for the rapid reduction in creativity was due to the fact that schools teach children to try and use both convergent and divergent thinking at the same time:

  • where you judge ideas, criticize them, refine them, combine them and improve them, all of which happens in your conscious thought

  • where you imagine new ideas, original ones which are different from what has come before but which may be rough to start with, and which often happens subconsciously.
Land explains that it is impossible for children to use both kinds of thinking at once as competing neurons in the brain will be fighting with each other.

Land also provides solutions and suggests that if people are allowed to split their thinking processes into various states, they would be more effective in their ability to be creative.



While playing the separation game, you have chosen to be unaware of Reality.

Saul via John Smallman, November 21st, 2017

Here in the spiritual realms we are delighted to watch humanity’s amazing progress as you move rapidly and inexorably towards awakening.  You need to awaken, and increasing numbers of you are doing so, one at a time, but that one by one, “left lane closed ahead” method is coming to an end because the new Super Highway to awakening will shortly be brought into operation.
Everyone will awaken because it is God’s Will, and as there is only God there is only His Will.  Therefore there is nothing to fear, even though the mainstream news is mostly reporting on fearful events to encourage you to live in fear, and pointing out large numbers of things and events of a fearful nature to justify this encouragement.
Love is free, open, undemanding, unconditional, utterly gentle, and infinitely powerful!  As humans it is very difficult for you to see or believe that because you are so caught up in the seeming reality of the illusion where your very survival seems always to be under threat, and the evidence of that threat is seen in storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars, and sickness, which results in a constant and ongoing sense that “I need to defend and protect myself and my loved ones from all these horrors.”  But engaging with that thought, or any similar one, and holding it in the forefront of awareness closes down your hearts and shuts out of your awareness the Love, the infinite field of Love, in which all of creation, including each one of you, is eternally present.
You are each eternal and immortal beings created for joy in the Presence of God.  There is only God, and so you are always in that Presence, but because you chose to play the game of separation, and because when you were created you were given the Power of God, you were able to construct an unreal but seemingly very real physical environment that you have named the universe, sometimes even “the multiverse.”  It seems vast, especially when compared to your physical form, nevertheless it is contained within You.  Within you is the brilliant flame of divine Love, which is your eternal essence, and which is therefore You.  It is Reality, It is You, and therefore all that exists does so within You.  You are One with Source, Mother/Father/God, which by Its very nature is the infinite creative potential from which all arises.
However, while playing the separation game, you have chosen to be unaware of Reality in order to make the game seem totally real, which, you must admit, it does.  To awaken is to make the choice to know Reality again by dissolving or disassembling the illusion, and you, humanity, the collective have made that choice along with a most powerful intent to make it happen NOW!  Of course, as you have often been told, there is only Now, and so you ask: “WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!”
That is the paradox, you are awake, wakefulness is all around you, but you have individually chosen to continue engaging with the dream, with the illusion, and you do not want to let go of it because it is so familiar, and because you are afraid that it is all that there is.  But Reality is all that there is, Reality is far vaster than you can possibly imagine, and herein lies the paradox.
Most of you have at least once, and probably many times, become so engaged with a play or a movie that you are watching, or a novel you are reading, that when it finishes the experience of it, the memories, hang on and continue to play out in your minds for quite a long time afterwards.  Eventually, of course, the memory of the story fades, and you forget about it, except when someone mentions it in conversation and you revisit it as you discuss it.
Well, the illusion is gone, BUT you keep on conversing about it and re-engaging with it, making it seem very real.  This is why your daily visits to your holy inner sanctuary are so important, because it is there that you can release your tightly held grip on unreality and awaken.
You have all heard of people who have done this and experienced a moment of WOW!  Maybe you have even met one of them and conversed with them, or heard talks they have given, but you remain skeptical about what they tell you, and for fear of something worse – death and termination of consciousness, perhaps – you choose to continue to cling tightly to unreality.  Remember, you always have a choice, you can always change your mind, which is an extremely limiting device, and then open to the infinite vastness of Reality, of God, of Love.
As an allegory, you could imagine having been shipwrecked and escaped from the wreck in a life boat in which you have spent weeks lost at sea and struggling to survive.  There you are all alone in a vast ocean of nothingness, except for the life boat which is deteriorating beneath you.  A very frightening situation.  You probably shut down your awareness of the seemingly endless and unfriendly expanse of water surrounding you, and hunker down into dreams and memories of happier times, as one day rolls seamlessly into the next with nothing to differentiate them.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a ship appears and offers you a life line.  But you have become so accustomed to being utterly alone and lost that you cannot believe that rescue is at hand, you think you are dreaming.  Eventually the persistence of the rescue crew persuades you that you are not dreaming, that they are with you to rescue you, and they help you climb aboard the ship, into reality where the physical presence and experience of a hot bath, warm food, and a comfortable bed finally convinces you that you are indeed rescued, that you are safe, and then your joy knows no bounds.
So, to repeat yet again: Go within daily, allow your hearts to open to the Love that envelops and embraces you in every moment, and feel the warmth and the Love.  That is Reality.  And know that you cannot avoid awakening because dreams – the illusion – are ephemeral and do not last.
With so very much love, Saul.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...