, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Franco's lies



Franco's lies

Huninhuevo couple lovers dwarf q come here from trolls. 
I can not help but sadly how some share these days photos of Franco dictatorship attributing his achievements that do not belong; For those who are tired of propaganda and false news here is the truth: 

Franco did not create social security - Social security was initiated by the commission of social reforms of 1883 and 1900 when they begin to implement these policies. Social security is institutionalized in 1908 through the National Insurance Institute. 

Franco did not create industrial tribunals - Labor courts are approved by the law of mixed juries of May 7, 1931by the Labor Minister Francisco Largo Caballero. 

Franco did not create paid holidays - The first paid holidays were approved in 1918 to officials of state law employment contracts in 1919 to the captains and officers of the merchant marine and in 1931 Article 56 recognized him for all workers. 

Franco did not create the pension system - In 1919 the National InsuranceInstitute provides for the imposition of mandatory pension and in 1931 when collected constitutionally and developed as a unified insurance for all workers. 

Franco industrialize Spain - Spanish War destroyed the industry and the era of autarky between 1939 and 1957 wiped out the remains.Spain does not recover the industrial level prior to 1936 until 1970 accordingWorld Bank data. 

Franco did not create wetlands - swamps were scheduled in the plan badajoz 1933 and developed by Industry Minister Indalecio Prieto. Badajoz plan began to take shape in the early twentieth century. 

Franco founded and Telefonica or Iberia, - Telefonica is based on private initiative in 1924 and Iberia similarly in 1927.

Franco established the first aid to large families - First aid to large families established on June 21, 1926 by Royal Decree Law onprotection of large families of civil servants and working class.

Franco created not think the VPO - The housing units are created by the law of cheap houses of June 13, 1911 and develops through a system of foundations that are beginning to offer housing in 1913.

 Franco did not put in capitalism - modern capitalism understood as political liberalism industrial cutting takes place in Spain in the nineteenth century , this is directly stupid.

 Franco did not put it in the UN - The UN blocked the entrance of Spain to be a dictatorship , ten years after entry by US pressure is unlocked. For information on this see "The Spanish issue."

Franco made the country grew 7% - A bubble paid by the state that lasted 10 years, with a previous brutal recession in the era of autarky. 

Spain was not the 8th economy in the world after his death - was the 10th accordingdata from BM,during restoration in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century it was the 6th accordingthe same source. 

Franco was not negligible unemployment - unemployment monitoring does not begin in Spain until 1973, but rare is that it would stop after a war and in subsequent years. 

Franco if collected taxes - only that its management was inefficient also corrupt . The application of VAT is not made in any European country until the beginning of the European economic project.

Oh, and for those who say that Pedro Sanchez has not voted anyone and therefore has no legitimacy know that Spain is a parliamentary monarchy so that citizens can not choose neither the prime minister nor the president (King) of the country .

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