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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta DNA. Mostrar todas las entradas

15 de julio de 2019

Cheri Lawrence: Healing the Cradle of Lyra

Hello again family of light! Just wanted to share a little more understanding that is coming in as you all know we are finally down to clearing the fallen angelic realms known as the Nephilim. Our original blueprints as created. We are healing the Cradle of Lyra, the Seraphim and Oraphim, angelic and archangelic DNA blueprints on the planetary grids within and reversing what happened to the universal time matrix when this Atlantian experiment went horribly awry with the infiltration of the wheat.
As I wrote about in my recent post about the “Christed Wheat and the Mind Control” this was a Martian experiment by Monsanto in 5d Atlantis to accelerate the lightbody for very nefarious purrposes. I am just coming into this knowing like you. We have to clear and regain our memories or akashic records as we were not really physical in the Atlantian and Lemurian timeframes, more like energetic giants and celestial bodies or spirals of plasma light as we were in full lightbody quantumly before the DNA and entire universe fell into density. This is bizzare for us to comprehend at this point but the bible is filled with vague references around the so called giants or Nephilim in depicting the fall of the heavenly realms known as christ conciousness quantumly. They weren’t physical giants but energetic giants.
So the experiment infiltrated the wheat which was the plant emanation of Prime Creator. The entire spiral of this universe fell in density and it ripped a hole in the space/time continuum up through Andromeda which is the heart of our universe and path to the higher heavens or multiverse. You can see this as the infiltration and split of the double diamond sun blueprint of Ra and Quetzalcoatl, our omnipresence and quantum christed consciousness. The rip caused a massive vacuum and bleed through from an adjacent universe where the archonic forces resided. They were sucked into our universe and fell in consciousness or density as well and melded with the angelic blueprints somewhat like that Philadelphia experiment. The elemental realm was affected as well and all our carbon chakras got a reptilian overlay. Reptiles are animal elementals. The plant and animal kingdom fell as well with the infiltration of christ consciousness. We are bringing this all back together and healing it here and now from the lowest density in the physical.
I am now coming into this 5d awareness that this was not an invasion and we were not attacked by the draconian and archonic forces but it was a horrible accident from a foolish and irresponsible group in their lust to harness the power of creation which affected everything as we are all one at the highest level.
This group was the Luciferians who continued to chase their lust for power through their religion known as the Illuminati. They retained some of their quantum abilities as they basically hacked the DNA and cloned portions of the lightbody for dominance in the astral realm and control over the time matrix using this technology called Ultra.
This rift in space created a wall in time or these self encased inorganic timelines I see as plastic. Lisa Renee discusses this as the ring of fire and a plexiglass wall in time. It affected all our blueprints. We were all affected but the two most infiltrated soul monads were my Hilarion family (Seraphim) and that of Isaiah (Oraphim) through the priesthood which morphed into the ritualistic abuse of the children to feed the astral. I have seen the horrors in these timelines since the fall of our consciousness which infiltrated and effed up all the blueprints. I come from a long line of unwitting Catholics who never talked about the abuse by the priests. Generational mental illness of our first born males. Ruined lives of my cousins who were all put forward proudly by their parents as alter boys. I have seen in my ancestral timelines the tunnels running underneath the Vatican. The schools where all of us kids were drugged and implanted. The Isaiah monad and Oraphim blueprint was infiltrated by the Illuminati.
As we know power over others is imbalanced energetically and not self sustaining so over time they sucked the life out of everything but most importantly their subsequent generations who the Illuminati fragmented so severely through torture, pedophilia, MK Ultra and ritualistic abuse that starts in the womb. Now they are so desperate for power that they have gone outside the Illuminati family and started trafficking other children to torture and abuse for astral power. They are so sick and demented from consciousness fragmentation they have become ritualistic cannibals here on the physical literally. The entire global power and cultural structure here in 3d WAS led by them until 2016.
In the lower astral they are sadly more like sick and demented children because this is where their fragmented consciousness resides.
In the natural realm everything is symbiotic and created to work together so when the universes bled through these fallen aspects of these other fallen races worked together to create what we know as the hell realms as everything has to have sustanence to survive. The draconian forces are elemental energy, the archons are from a realm of machines. They had control of the lower carbon chakra spin rate through sodomy and sexual abuse which affects the kundalini. There were two main creators in the lower astral, Hemingway who wrote the mind control algorithms or manuscript using the archons to power them and Rasputin the self appointed dark master of the hell realms. A sick, sick, disgusting sexual pervert abusing all living things in these quantum timelines. I will leave it at that.
As you know my team has been working on dismantling these plastic timelines by reverse engineering the damage done universally. All of us are in the process of doing this for our timelines quantumly we just can’t percieve it yet because of the algorithms running through our christed consciousness. But my mission was specifically to clear the mind control and deconstruct the quantum infiltration. I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening right after 2012 and it took me 4 years of being completely bed bound to rebuild my previously ascended Hilarion lightbody and reclaim my chakras in all dimensions and octaves. Once the God particle activated within my blueprint I felt the full weight of the creator come down that etheric cord and into my life. He took me on an amazing shamanic journey and up through the starry ascension corridor known as the firmament. Then the janitorial clearing work began as we repaired the damage to the firmament or cosmic blueprint.
Although I can percieve the creator shapeshifting (Oraphim DNA) into all these timelines reversing the repair, it has been a journey to finally be able to understand what is being done. Because of the massive interference in our 3d brainwaves we can not percieve the quantum nature of the work we are doing in the higher realms. I asked my higher selves once in frustration why they won’t talk to me lol! And he just said “we are not at that timeline yet”. Some of us projected ourselves before the fall of Atlantis into the future now to do this repair and restoration work. I have done this work for 7 years full time and still don’t have a clear perception of the quantum immersion I hear is coming as we are finally finishing the cosmic repair.
This is what I know. We starseeds are reversing the damage to the entire time matrix and reengineering it back to fully organic. Each timeline we clear reverses the damage to our entire ancestral line as everything is a fractal. We go back to the time of the infiltration by extracting the cellular damage or mind control, healing it through our lightbodies and collapsing the infiltration quantumly. The creator through me is shapeshifting into and dismantling these inorganic timelines and returning the parts and pieces to us to transmute within the light of our presence. This heals the entire realm!
As we heal, everything returns to it’s original state before the fall. The timelines will then fractalize organically and all our ancestral lines will carry on in parallel realities both past and future as the fractals unfold without the trauma of the infiltration, rip in time, and inorganic bleedthrough between universes. At this point the Illuminati has lost all power in the quantum realms. Rasputin is running from timeline to timeline screaming about the destruction of his hell realm timelines lol!! A few things like some of the infiltrated elements have had to be returned to stardust and some soul damage was so severe it went back to the central sun for reformation. We have completely deconstructed the thoughtform known as Satan which was bound by astral alters of broken children’s fragmented consciousness that was being used quantumly to play out these bizzare scenarios of the SSP and funky looking aliens, apocalyptic destruction and invasions from space. This was the matrix and the mind control. I just found a fragment of my mom who was ravaged by Alzheimers this lifetime and trapped within one of these timelines (huge relief as my inner voices kept saying she was in hell. I lost her body in 2011, her mind was gone 10 years prior). The creator is now releasing the last of the fragmented children whose consciousness was powering the hell realms and SSP. With tears of joy pouring out from from me I can hear them saying goodbye to each other now which after 7 years is music to my ears. So sweetly as just beautiful disincarnated and innocent children in all these timelines together being used to play out all these quantum consciousness bizzare and perverted simulation programs. Remember some of these pieces being released are from our soul families to heal whether we remember them or not. I also have taken alot of astral crapola and abuse from Rasputin as he was super pissed off slinging insults at me and hatred towards the creator lol! Nothing can touch our light and vibration unless we allow it to affect our emotions. I have oddly known no fear doing this work. We just dismantled the last of the black magic grids and have released hundreds of fragmented consciousness from congressmen and politicians all over the world bound astrally through blackmail using the children.
This whole thing has always presented to me as an astral rescue mission, reversal and timeline repair. Because my soul is Arcturian, I hold the Arcturian corridor within my DNA. This is the corridor of light that souls follow into the higher heavens which is why I can do this work.
This, along with the white hat allied forces here on earth will stop the flow of children to fragment which was the only astral power they really had. That and the astral weapons running through our brainwaves to keep us asleep. The creator stepped in to fix this madness. This is the reason things are taking so long. We are all in a holding pattern here until the last of our christed consciousness is reclaimed so the entire creation is once again organic which changes the trajectory of all quantum and parallel realities for the entire realm. We are the vessels in the physical anchoring our light to the the earth and allowing the clearing to flow through. My mission began as an investigation by the creator into every timeline to assess and reengineer the damage. It has taken longer than anyone expected because it was pure chaos run amok.
I don’t think the old guard Illuminati currently incarnated here will be able to heal (to me they look like they are decaying before my very eyes) so we need to lock them up as well as all the criminal class and cartels who will do anything for money. But the children are extremely resilient and can heal once their consciousness is free.
Just know what follows is the return of our christed consciousness that we hardworking starseeds and lightworkers will embody as a group together sometime next year. The system will be organic once again so the rest of our source reflections can awaken naturally. Younger souls can funnel through within a system that supports their lessons within a beautifully organic system.
We are all here with different gifts and missions to start once we embody our full 5d consciousness once again. We will be the leaders and creators of the new earth and systems as she will fully support our multidimensional expression once again.
I can’t quite fathom quantum immersion yet but I feel that those of us ready and currently in the holding pattern for creator to finish this work on the Divine plan and soul reclamation will be able to transmute ourselves into full and sovereign lightbodies. This is done once we embody true christed consciousness like that of the ascended masters before us. It is done by our DNA bliss codes which phire up and quantumly spin the fully crystalline chakra system multidimensionally. We will then be able to walk into any of our multidimensional soul timelines both past and future and become fully immersed within it while fractalizing ourselves out organically in full potential affecting them in beautiful ways because we will hold our current awareness and akashic wisdom that we have embodied through this process. We in affect become our ancestors within all time periods prior to and after this now moment we are healing called “the fall”. Most of us will choose to keep our aspect here and help usher in the golden age yet fully aware and participating in a multitude of parallel realities simultaneously.
The divine mind or christ consciousness is like a giant mansion that you are aware of and doing something different within each and every room. This includes our ET incarnations as well. Both past and future will be unlimited potential once again! This is the souls journey. Unending discovery and wonders within an ever expanding creation.
This is a somewhat simplistic interpretation but the best my 3d brain can explain it at this point. A magnificent symphony as I can start to hear my soul song playing in the background! Thank you for reading my post it helps my awareness to share!
Love on light warriors! We are almost there!
In loving service! Cheri of Hilarion, House of Ra, Order of the Seraphim.


14 de abril de 2019

- Multiple Higher DNA Activations -

Denise Le Fay April 13, 2019

Traditionally the month of April is an intense month with plenty of big Aries-like ascension related changes and April 2019 is certainly perpetuating this. It’s April 13, 2019 as I hurriedly write this and I’m rushing because I know all too well just how quickly and easily three or four weeks can come and go now and before you know it we’re in the next month! You look back at the previous month and can barely remember it and instantly find yourself deep in the next level and phase of the rapidly unfolding everything. This is us getting used to existing in non-linear, quantum, it’s always the Now Moment life and reality. Exciting, weird in a good way and it’s forcing us to quickly adapt to this timeless, more creative and much more malleable 5D and higher way of being and living.

As with everything unfolding with the Ascension and Embodiment Processes, all of us have had our preconceived expectations about how each level and phase would be like, what it would look like and how it would feel in our bodies, consciousness, lives and external reality. We’ve all had these preconceived notions, expectations and beliefs about all the Ascension Process stages, and for the most part we’ve been correct but we’ve also been wrong many times too.

I know that in many cases my, your, our Higher Self/Selves deliberately withhold certain information from these versions of us incarnate on Earth during the Ascension Process, the Embodiment Process, and the Separation of Worlds. I can feel when I, Denise, am being deliberately kept in the dark so to speak and typically it’s because I, Denise have to physically live it, embody it and be permanently changed by it from having physically lived and embodied it. There is no one else in my, in your personal Volunteer Ascension Ground Crew that can do this but me, but you, and because of this we’re often left to do it without fully understanding what and how etc. The point I want to make with this is that in these types of physical level Ascension and/or Embodiment moments, it’s all on you baby! The second I’ve done this, the temporary higher awareness blindfold is removed once again. Many times we have to live it blind so that “it” has the most impact on us, our consciousness, our physical body and our energetic structures. I mean that’s the point, physical level, biological, DNA evolution and with some of it consciously knowing it from higher levels of awareness doesn’t help us with it. Because of this and the need to have each Ascension and/or Embodiment related energetic events impact us as powerfully as they can, we’re often intentionally kept unaware of certain aspects of all this.

Never forget for a moment that we’re currently living the increasing conjuntion between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn NOW, all year. The magic doesn’t only happen on January 12, 2020 when this astrological transit reaches the exact conjunction, it’s been happening all of 2019 and it peaks January 12, 2020. Readjust your perspective about every minute of 2019 because you are a FORErunner and this is true this with powerhouse reality-changing, Separation of Worlds, Saturn Pluto in Capricorn conjunction.

For Starseeds & Other Dimensional Incarnates “First Contact” Means Something Very Different

The entire week of April 7th thru the 13th has been very busy on multiple levels and far more is coming throughout the second half of this month. During April 7–13th many of us had written Comments under the previous article about remembering attending meetings in higher dimensions. Some of these asleep, out-of-physical-body meetings took place at the eight dimensional (8D) Galactic Federation level while most others took place in dimensions below that but were highly important and valid nonetheless. I’ve had conscious memory of having attended many big 5D and a few smaller 8D Galactic Federation meetings since the start of the 1980s. Many of these different dimensional meetings going up to the 8D Galactic Federation level were packed with currently incarnate Volunteer Starseeds individuals but many others from other dimensions and Light levels also.

[I have to share this because it’s another aspect of this article. The pressure yesterday and today, April 12–13th, has been rather intense feeling to quickly get this particular article written, edited and published asap. Keep that in heartmind the rest of this month especially.]

 Many had shared in Comments about their different personal experiences at these common higher dimensional, nonphysical meetings. The talk included how much we’d all enjoy being able to get together like this but while in our physical bodies on the physical level. There was talk about meetings at a bar and laughing and sharing our earthly trials and tribulations with each other once we were out of them. All in all the discussions were something most Starseeds and other Volunteer aspects could thoroughly relate to from having lived multiple lives on both sides of the proverbial “Veil”.

The entire week of April 7th through the 13th, 2019 has been very busy on multiple levels and far more is coming throughout the second half of this month. The evening of April 10th I repeatedly saw different humanoid shaped beings moving about in my house. None of this felt or was negative but it’s been a while since this has happened for me, and it felt different somewhat and like they wanted me to be very consciously aware that they were here and moving about.

April 11th shortly after I’d gone to bed and probably only a few minutes after I’d fallen asleep, I was jolted by a lucid encounter with a large metallic cube shaped etheric device that carefully and intentionally came into contact with the tip of my right elbow. The second contact was made it hurt and jolted me back awake. For a moment I was confused and thought, out of old habit, that it was some sort of Team Dark attack. Like I said, old Team Dark PTSD! After a few minutes I realized that there had been a small group of positive higher dimensional Starbeings, aka ETs, who had intentionally used that large metallic cube device to remove some old trauma and physical level damage to my right elbow. (I’ve had pain and tendonitis in my right elbow since the late 1970s.) There may have been other reasons this happened but I wasn’t aware of them.

The main reason this event surprised me was because my once common and almost daily interactions with my higher Starbeings/ETs family as been nearly nonexistent since I started the physical level Ascension Process February 1999. I’ve had positive ET contact since birth, but once I began the Ascension Process at the physical level, they left me alone on the physical level to live and embody all I had to. It’s for this reason that I’ve been mildly surprised to have some positive Starbeings showing up in my life and house again in 2019.

The morning of April 12th I was suddenly impulsed to go visit Whitley Strieber’s website. I haven’t even thought of him in over a decade so I was also interested in why this was happening now. I read a couple of his latest Journals and checked out a couple of his current books. In one of his Journals he mentioned about how he’s being pressured now by his ET group to quickly write a book about, well, I’m not sure exactly. It sounded like they are pushing him hard now to get something specific written to help other people, and, how he’s also been under attacks by unseen negative others that do not want him to share this information. Same old story of negative controllers vs. freedom fighters on the physical and nonphysical levels. There’s other reasons why I was unexpectedly impulsed to visit his website yesterday but they’re personal. I’ve always liked the way Whitely Strieber writes but I don’t Work or live anymore where he still does. Yes, getting the information out now is very important, for everyone at their different levels and Earth worlds.

The late evening of April 12th I read a mass email notice from Sandra Walter, April Wave and Three Years of Unity Meditations! April 12, 2019. See her website to read the whole thing. There was one main sentence in it that was valuable to me now because it helped me better connect the many Starbeings, Starseeds and ET dots that have escalated in my personal life again this month.

“The Divine Coordination of these gatherings always touches my heart. The Inner Earth grids are about to amplify, the Embodiment activations are coordinated with a major timeline shift, a collective starseed DNA activation is upon us, the crystalline convergence is about to unfold…so much is happening at the end of April. The necessity to be with Star and Soul family in the physical during this time has been strong.” — Sandra Walter 

A ‘collective starseed DNA activation is upon us’. That helped me better understand why and what all has unfolded quickly throughout the week of April 7–13, 2019. I strongly sense there’s much more of this coming with our Starbeing, ET kinsfolk and more this month and beyond. I now understand why some of my ET family recently showed up to help me with whatever was stuck in my elbow. It also indicates why many have written Comments recently about their desires to connect more with their Star kinsfolk both in the physical as Starseeds and in higher dimensions at meetings etc.

I mentioned recently in a Comment about how I’ve been Seeing a series of cosmic walls or thresholds etc., or what others call Gateways. Because I usually always See cosmic Gates from a position above them looking down on them, they look more like the tops of sections of different walls to me. Who knows. I take what I get in the ways I get them. 😉 Anyway, what I’ve Seen of these latest cosmic wall tops—aka Gateways—is that there looks to be four or five of them in this section we’re in now. The first one looks to me to be Crystalline but slightly cloudy like dirty quartz crystal. The second, third and forth of these particular cosmic wall tops or Gateways or cosmic thresholds is more Crystalline and clear and bright until the fifth one which is Diamond-like and barely even visible because it’s of such a higher frequency. Those visuals are big clues about what we’re literally going through this month and beyond; from Crystalline to Diamond and beyond that. Include some ‘collective starseed DNA activations’ along with all this too. They’re all different aspects of the one overall Ascension and Embodiment Process and automatic Separation of Worlds. You cannot have the one without the other/others happening.

Now that we’ve talked about all this from this angle, flip it around and view and sense things from the Embodiment angle. There’s a huge and important difference. The more you, me, we Embody (capital E), the more NEW Crystalline and Diamond and also Starseed DNA we Embody, the faster the Separation of Worlds is happening. It cannot help to do so because all that NEW cannot co-exist within all that old lower negativity and escalating chaos and insanity. Absolutely cannot.

In April 2019 we’re passing through these particular four or five different cosmic wall top threshold Gateways, each one a higher frequency than the previous, then depositing us into greater NEW Photonic Light energies and space and much more with more NEW in our physical bodies and beings than before. I sense this and more is quickly evolving us into greater Embodiment, greater merging and unification with the Other aspects of our Selves in and through our physical bodies, DNA and Selves here now. We cannot fully comprehend what all that is going to automatically change in us and all around us. This year is the Separation of Worlds, the Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction, and “First Contact”, just not like most have expected or believed it would happen. It’s “First Contact” for sure when you, me, we start Embodying Starseed DNA in these our current physical bodies! Let go of what you thought you knew and believed because so much bigger and more complex and interesting than that is what’s really happening.

Much more to come this month and every m8onth this year. I sense by August 2019, many things will be radically different in very positive ways for many who are ready for that level of improvement internally and externally. For others it will arrive each week or month after August leading up to January 2020. For others it will be after that. It doesn’t matter when, only that it happens for as many as can do it now. ❤


April 13, 2019

Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may copy and share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author(s) and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

28 de marzo de 2019

Anna Von Reitz: Protect Your DNA and the RV

Real Embodiment only happens when the higher consciousness bodies are able to come into the physical realm, which means to fully align, embody and seat within the physical body itself. Currently, the structural changes as a result of the bifurcation within the past, present and future planetary realms, impacts all human beings towards greater embodiment levels of their soul, monadic and higher spiritual layers.
Embodiment is about becoming more conscious and aware about our body and mind, and how they really function together in direct partnership with our consciousness access level. As we ascend, we are becoming more self-aware in a first-person experience that is recognizing more of what is actually happening within our body and mind, at the same time we are traveling within a group consciousness experience. Through dedicated self-observation we can pay attention to many different layers of consciousness patterns, reactions and stimulus that are occurring simultaneously and extend throughout the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies. The earlier stages of authentic embodiment levels are dependent on developing self-awareness, as the more deeply we know ourselves, and we know our body and how its functions, the deeper we can go into the spiritual embodiment stages. If we do not observe our deepest motivations, self-talk and pay attention to our bodily reactions, we cannot truly know ourselves and this generates inner disconnection that blocks the integrative embodiment process.
Embodiment begins to happen within the consciousness layers as one becomes more self-aware of what the body is doing during a variety of different contexts that we encounter in life. These are the situations, experiences, relationships, our memories and history, the social and cultural lenses that we filter through our personality to make sense of the world. Through all of these layers of context that we are exposed, we have many memories and beliefs recorded in our physical body and nervous system from the experiences that come with those sensations and feelings, that are all interconnected.
Thus Embodiment goes hand in hand with dedicated self-awareness and by making the commitment to be in the observer consciousness, to watch and listen to our body and mind by paying attention to exactly what it is doing and feeling in the moment to moment. We learn that the mind’s contents and beliefs will reflect in our unconscious or automatic reactions to any external stimulus, and thus we observe these reactions, because we want to know ourselves more deeply in order to be free of unconscious blockages that thwart embodiment.
The first stage of authentic embodiment begins with moments of saturating concentrated focus upon the present moment awareness of the body’s sensations, whereby recognizing the body’s language, feelings and reactions are the sum reflection of the buried contents of the mind. Automatic reactions in our body can notify us of deeper context and belief that are carried within some area of the mind and this content takes shape within the form of the body’s posture, gestures or movements in some way. Most people are disconnected from the unified relationship that exists between their body and the layers of their mind, and so cultivating deeper awareness of the body’s sensations and movements, while noting complex deeper feelings that arise is important in developing self-awareness, as well as progressing into the stages of the higher embodiment process.
When we cultivate body awareness in this way, it allows us to make positive growth changes in ourselves, because from observation, we have become aware of what we needed to change to become healthier or more balanced. It is nearly impossible to make positive changes in our lives when we are not aware of the changes we need to make, because we are unconscious of the areas that need improvement. If a person has little body awareness, combined with little self-awareness of the consequences of their thoughts and actions, they generally remain unconscious to what they need to do in order to free themselves from pain or to better help themselves.
Consequently, developing self-awareness in the present moment by paying attention to the body is the key to making positive changes within ourselves that can ripple positive impacts, that greatly improve the quality of our lives. As we have more present moment body awareness we start to experience the physical body we inhabit, knowing that it is the vehicle for our mind, consciousness and spirit to express through in order to travel through time. Everything we experience has greater purpose for lessons and gaining knowledge about the inner spirit traveling in the material world. As we start to experience this inner knowing as a reality in our day to day life, we become more embodied, connecting with higher aspects that find expression through us that expand our consciousness. We are continually growing by learning more about ourselves and embracing change in the process of being more deeply authentic.
  • Embodiment means to feel how it feels to be in your body and to be conscious of those feelings, paying attention to recurring patterns that may be disempowering and limiting. Only when we can see these patterns and how they influence us, we can change them.
  • Dedicate to explore improved body awareness through observation of sensations, feelings and experiences that are happening in your body moment to moment. Pay attention to impressions that you feel in bodily movements and reactions, where does your body hold stress and constrict? Where in your body do you feel more relaxed and open? What can you do to more deeply connect with your bodily awareness?
  • Slow down and find ways to move your body that feels positive and joyful, such as dancing, swimming, deep breathing, connecting with nature and allowing something harmless to feel pleasurable and be enjoyable.
  • Practice and explore what it means to be embodied by being authentic and true to your experience in any context that you may find yourself. Your experiences are valid and important in the authentic embodiment process. When we deny feelings and experiences we’ve had, we deny the truth, which blocks embodiment.
  • Make the commitment to become fully embodied by being as authentic and truthful as you can be in all circumstances. As you grow and change, your version of authentic expression will also continue to grow and change. Accept change as necessary for continual authentic embodiment.
  • Disregard labels of acceptable or nonacceptable themes that describe terms that are spiritual, conscious or awakened, in the positive or negative. Instead focus fully on really what you are feeling in the moment and finding the most authentic and compassionate expression for it.
  • Pay attention to your reactions in your body as they reveal places where you still may be hiding something from yourself and others because you are afraid. Be willing to face what it is that you may be hiding and attempt to describe it so you can learn to overcome the fear that feeds it.
  • When people in our life such as friends or family members are relating to us in past images or inauthentic ways, gently invite them to know the real you, share something that is your authentic self and then ask them to be real with you. In the embodiment process, we want to relate with others who also value authenticity and support this path along with us.
  • Participate in body awareness centered activities. Research therapies and educational material online that may be highly supportive now. Find areas that interest you, such as body work, fascial and tissue release, somatic therapy, methods that focus on embodying presently through grounding, breathing, posture, perceptual awareness, hydrotherapy, neutral mind and meditation.
When we allow ourselves to be totally honest with how we are feeling in our body, we can be present to the embodiment process and then we can start to observe those places that need our love and attention, so they can heal and recover. The body informs us when something is not healthy and that something in our body or life needs to change in order to rebalance and heal. Thus we need to learn to love and connect into our body while listening to the body’s messages, tuning into what the body needs to keep us balanced, healthy and embodied.

20 de marzo de 2019

Crystalline DNA Alignments and Codes : The Original Template of Divine Creation emerges at Equinox March 2019

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 17 March 2019

Beloved Family, as you move into and beyond the March Full Moon and Equinox, those of you who have chosen New Earth as your destination are experiencing the reactivation of your Divine Human Template within your DNA.  This is a powerful process that involves receiving powerful incoming Diamond Light Codes that are not only activating the original template, but also throwing off all and any distortions and alterations in the DNA Genetic Key patterns.
The Elohim Angels were the original creators of the Divine Human Template, according to the Divine Plan.  In this original Template, Humans were created as guardians and caretakers for the Sacred Planet Earth.  They were created as Peace Loving and Gentle, designed to live in harmony with their fellow beings and the environment. 
But, you should know, Beloved Ones, that there was a race of beings that we will simply call the “Draco-Sumerians” who coveted the planet and decided to make it their own and to divert it from its original purpose.  To do this, they altered the Genetic patterns and keys of the human “keepers” on the planet, so that they ceased to be peace loving and harmonious and became greedy and aggressive.  They did this by altering the patterns of the Masculine energy flows, so that where the masculine and feminine had been in perfect balance before, now the masculine was designed to seek domination and control through money, sex and power.  All other beings were seen as subject and subservient to the human masculine energy.
Now, after thousands of years of this imbalance and distortion that is perpetuated through the DNA and its records, the incoming Diamond Light Codes are becoming so powerful that they are simply washing away the distortions and manipulations to the original DNA and allowing the Divine Human Template to emerge again.  The Elohim knew that in time this would happen, and they designed the process of Ascension to bring the “Earth Keepers” back to an awareness of who they were and the inherent power and empowerment within them.
So, Beloved ones, you have reached that point where your DNA is being purged and cleansed, and you are reconnecting with your Divine Power.  As this process continues, you throw off the old masculine pattern that was imposed on you and embrace what we call the new Divine Masculine, which was modeled for you on Earth by Jeshua as he walked the path of the Christ consciousness as an Avatar.  Together with Mary Magdalene, they showed how the Masculine and Feminine could be brought into balance to create the Golden Star/Light within the Human Body and DNA.  As these energies come into balance again, you will feel the Golden Light within your cells illuminating your life and your path.
This Equinox/Full Moon, with its emphasis on 1degree of Aries and Libra, focuses on the New Masculine (Aries) and the Sacred Marriage (Libra) within your cells and your DNA.  Masculine and Feminine seek equality and balance and a new way of being that will allow the Divine Human Template of the Elohim Creators to emerge and to activate the true purpose of each human and the New Earth itself.
This will be both a powerful and a magical time.  There will be an acceleration of the awakening process and an acceleration of the cleansing process within your bodies. It is important that you take good care of your physical body and that you rest when you need to.  Now is not the time to be starting grand projects, for your body needs you to allow it the time and energy it needs to return to its original settings and align with its Divine purpose.
A New Earth: A New Life and a New Mission
Beloved Ones, as the Elohim remind us, the Earth was originally created to be a Sacred Temple Planet or place of Spiritual Retreat where beings from all over the Galaxy could come to enjoy the Planetary Garden that was the creation of the Elohim as well.  The various Star Nations were invited to create Sacred Sites and Temples that would link back to their home worlds and be a mirror of their relationship with the Divine.  The Earth would hold the “Temple” or Sacred energies of many Star Nations, and Humans were designed to be the Keepers of the Garden Planet and to maintain its beauty and harmony.
After the alteration of the DNA, that original purpose was lost, and the Star Nations withdrew from the Earth as the Elohim figured out what to do to reclaim the Earth without resorting to violence and manipulation.  Their plan was to send out a call to Light Warriors and Workers around the Galaxy and beyond to come to the Earth to assist in the process of raising consciousness so that Humans would remember who they were and throw off the distortions and manipulations of their own accord.  And so, that is why many of you are here, you answered the call and you came to bring your light and power in the project of reclaiming the Earth and birthing the New Earth, which would reset the Galactic Mission of Earth to be a Sacred Planet and a Place of Spiritual Light and Sanctuary for the Galaxy.
So, at this time, Earth is ascending to her new purpose as a Sacred and Pristine Planet of Spiritual energies that are anchored in the fifth dimension but ascend all the way to the 9th dimension.  And those of you who have chosen to ascend with her are also opening to the higher dimensions and allowing yourselves to anchor those higher dimensions on the New Earth grids.
Not all are ready to ascend to the New Earth and cross the Bridge to Higher Consciousness.  This who can not yet move beyond the fifth dimension will continue on the present Earth which we call “alternate” Earth, a place where lower frequency humans can live out their lives through their choices, with the possibility of awakening being always present. 
Alternate Earth and New Earth exist in the same space, but in different dimensions.  That is why it is possible for you to move between them once you have got your bearings in the new quantum continuum of energies.
New Earth is a clear and pristine energy that elevates the Sacred and exists as a harmonious, loving and creative frequency.  This is what we call the “Sanctuary” or “Temple” frequency.
Alternate Earth is a chaotic place where  energies whirl as many people who have not mastered their energies attempt to create and co-exist together.  They release much fear and anger as they have not sense of the damage that can be done by out of balance emotions and mental patterns.  They have not ascended to love,  but are still following out of date patterns of greed and domination to attempt to create what they need.
Let us explain it more clearly : in 2012 the old third dimensional Earth ceased to exist.  It was replaced by Alternate Earth which was a fifth-dimensional Earth that could accommodate the populations of the old Earth.  It also contained the seeds of New Earth that are coming to fruition right now, as the First Wave of Ascenders prepare to activate their inner bridges and cross over to New Earth frequency.
Service and Purpose in a Sacred Context
Beloveds, it is clear that with this huge shift in the Earth and her purpose, there will be a similar shift in your soul mission and purpose.
Those who shift into New Earth frequency will feel an intensified desire to align with the Sacred Mission of Earth, and to activate their Soul Missions as Keepers of the Sacred Earth energies.  They will be the Keepers of the new Temples and Sanctuaries, which may be as simple as a room in a suburban home or as grand as a new building devoted to Divine Service in the New Earth.
There will also be those who are called to reactivate the Paradise Garden through the Paradise Codes.  They will reconnect with the Earth herself and the Devas and Nature Spirits to manifest the energy of Paradise in those places on the Earth where the New Earth frequency is grounding.
For, Beloved Ones, you are the New Earth, and where you are that is where this new Diamond Crystalline frequency is grounded in you and through you.
However, many of you will choose to spend more time in the alternate Earth engaged in the processes of assisting those still there to awaken.  You will be Teachers and Guides and Healers, and you will find that your work is rapidly expanding and growing  as more people are guided to you.
Many are being called right now to step up and make themselves more available for those who are seeking the light and moving into the awakening process and who need support and love and guidance.
So you can see, that there are many options available to the Light Warriors and Workers as you move forward into this exciting new phase. 
But, we wold also say that the emphasis here is on service to the light and the divine plan, and not on making money and having a great and successful business.  That is the old paradigm.  In the New Earth energy you simply follow your intuition and your guidance and allow the flow of divine creative intelligence to sustain you.  If you are are aligned with this flow, the you will be supported in everything that you do.  The purpose of the Earth is also to sustain all life, so that you should never have to be anxious and fearful if you follow your impulse to service and expressing your purpose on Earth.
Equinox March 2019 and Full Moon
So, Beloved Ones, we ask that you hold your awareness at the Equinox and be prepared to listen to your guidance and your soul.
Make choices as to where you would like to be and what you feel you want to be doing to express your Soul Purpose on the Earth/New Earth.
Above all, hold the energy of the Sacred and of Sanctuary in your Heart.
Perhaps you will even begin to build your own Sanctuary to the Divine Light!
Or perhaps you will begin  to create the Garden in your Heart and in your Life!
We rejoice and celebrate with you at the returning of the Light and the Earth to its original purpose as “New Earth”……The Sacred Planet of Divine Light.

31 de diciembre de 2018

DNA Activation Meditation

This meditation is for maintaining your structure and allowing your DNA to activate.
There isn't a specified time limit on any step. The time required for each step is up to the individual.
Follow the 6 meditation steps below 
Step 1MeditationRelax:
Use your selected method to connect to source
Step 2Purple LightSurround Yourself with Purple:
From Source bring in Purple or Violet energy. Feel it start to
vibrate your Spiritual body.
Step 3MediationSurround yourself with an inner layer of Gold:
Feel each cell in your body begin to vibrate to a universal rhythm.
Step 4DNA Mediation Gold LightAlign Your Inner Self Energy with Source:
Move down to the cellular level. Visualize and align your body's
energies with those coming from Source.
Step 5Earth Angel ImageLet the Angels Complete the Process:
Call in your Angels and let your Angels complete your activation process.
Step 6MeditationReturn to Your Normal State:
Finish up by gradually returning to your present conscious state

21 de diciembre de 2018

Your DNA is Evolving/Changing, Your Genetics, Your Entire Physical Make-Up.... in order to Evolve Your Whole Physical REALity...

In observing, it's been interesting to observe mindsets, about everything... most of all how most still do not understand higher consciousness, or the LightBody and how DNA is evolving, and how all correlates still.....

So many still living by limited mindsets, so fixed on certain things.... and trying to apply their own "old mentalities & belief systems" to Multi-Dimensional Evolution... still trying to "find the "cause" to "blame" or a "box" to fit DNA CHANGING into, instead of seeing from a much bigger picture of what's REALLY GOING ON....

The human aspect cannot accept that the multi-dimensional body doesn't RE-ACT or ACT like the old carbon-based human body did/does..... and how pure the body has to be, how pure each's surroundings have to be, how pure your heart and mind must be, how pure every act must be...

Consciousness (a Higher Purer Love) is TAKING OVER your bodies..... awakening DNA in a way that does not conform to any old beliefs. It's working through your entire body ... re-working how your body works ... in all new ways.

So many still trying to "contribute" the Crystalline LightBody's immense purification process to a "human thing"....

Consciousness is PURE.... Consciousness is LOVE... Consciousness is ALIVE.... Actual Living, Breathing DNA... Higher Consciousness overrides the human body and re-writes your enetire genetic make-up..... so ALL OF THOSE OLD WAYS are no longer true, what's going on with your body, not what you "think" it is....

So many still do not understand the physical reality, Soul's Choices prior to incarnation, why things are "going down" the way they are..... so many can't see beyond their current physical, emotional, mental reality to accept alternatives that challenge their current limited beliefs....

So many asking "what about this physical reality"? Not understanding there are infinite multiple dimensions of physical realities running and that the REASON all is occurring is to AWAKEN all out of and through their own unconscious realities, so that each will CHOOSE CONSCIOUSNESS (LOVE) by showing compassion, by stepping up to BE the CHANGE, by seeing the OLD SYSTEMS and realizing that it's up to EACH to affect the PHYSICAL by BEING the absolute highest conscious LIGHT BEING in every exchange. It's up to EACH to step forth, unite, come together and share. It's up to EACH to open their hearts and minds so fully that they don't go back unconscious/asleep again. It's up to EACH to see the injustices and CHOOSE a DIFFERENT WAY.... and to do whatever it takes in THEIR OWN REALITY to live as their own higher/highest self.

So many still wanting to "put this" on others..... this is not an "it's on others" thing.... that's the old way. This is on you. Are you LIVING FROM YOUR HIGHEST PLACE in every moment, are you BEing LOVE in every moment, are YOU SHARING ---- everything ---- to unite, awaken, touch the lives of all that you come into contact with AS LOVE here? Is YOUR WHOLE LIFE HIGHEST ALIGNED in every moment, in every way?

So many do not understand "why" we've been doing all of this for so many years.... To elevate the consciousness of all OUT OF THE OLD.... to get hearts open enough that each's higher mind consciousness can open up too, to activate EACH'S Multi-Dimensional LIGHTbody, which is a PURIFICATION of the distortions, a purification of the whole body vessel, a purification of your thoughts, your emotions, your everything.....

So many do not yet understand, that your entire LIFE has to be fully aligned, from the absolute highest place/space, from deep deep deep inside. That as each is, then how we treat each other changes..... how we show up changes.... the reasons for all that we DO changes.... as all is out of a DEEP SOUL LOVE, a caring that transcends the limited human stuff..... a UNION that has nothing to do with "human" anything.... THIS LOVE.... this is what CONSCIOUSNESS is.... and as each comes to FEEL IT, EXPERIENCE IT, EXPRESS IT, SHARE IT, EMIT IT, RADIATE IT AND UTILIZE THIS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE...this is how each's current reality shifts/changes.... from an unconscious one to a conscious one.

A PURE LOVE.... that needs for nothing at all.... a PURE LOVE, so when we connect with anyone, this LOVE IS FELT..... this caring is FELT.... and while not fully understood by the human aspect, it's how we communicate here....

THIS PURE LOVE... this is HIGHER/HIGHEST/PURE SOURCE LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS... this is what "changes" the physical reality.... this is what re-writes your DNA... SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS, where you realize that you are the SOURCE of ALL.... You are the one creating your reality, you are the one that agreed to be RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ENERGY and how you affect all here. You agreed, on a SOUL LEVEL, to awaken from your own DEEP STATE OF AMNESIA, which brings about confusion for awhile.....

You cannot apply your human beliefs and perceptions to multi-dimensionality... otherwise your multi-dimensional you is not present....

When you look at the physical reality, your perceptions must be "different" and you must be OPEN to what your human aspect does not yet understand....

This is a Quantum Existence..... where all things RESPOND to YOUR Levels of Consciousness.... One thing you will find is that the higher our states of consciousness, the less we try to convince anyone of anything at all.

We just STEP BACK and allow each their own PRE-CHOSEN experience here.... The human (ego) aspect doesn't like this... it gets angry, wants to point the finger, be a victim, judge and blame.

Until each realizes that there are multiple dimensions of realities available in every moment... and the current moment dictates each moment VIBRATIONALLY and ENERGETICALLY.... which dictates the physical reality here.

Passageways are important, because they provide a much greater opportUNITY for holding the highest vibrational realities fully, so that the physical can re-align to match all of the "new" (higher dimensional) realities that you've worked for, put in effort on, held the consciousness for.... it's a convergence when StarGates align, beyond all previous convergences before... it's an up-leveling for all CHOOSING HIGHER-LOVE-CONSCIOUSNESS over the old ways....

We are in the middle of the GREATEST TEMPLATE BUILD of this existence thus far. This 12D Template is a game changer, just like every previous one was, yet this one.... this puts all previous shifts "to shame". What each must realize, at some point, is your old unconscious realities are being dismantled, dissolving and must be completely realigned in all new ways....

Will you consciously choose to fully surrender your own Ego, your own separation, your own dualistic beliefs or will you hold out until your inner-matrix collapses, so that your heart will open fully.... for you to listen/see what your ego refused to before? Will you keep trying to "insist" your limited perceptions as "reality" still? Will you keep playing out distortions in your own reality until they become so loud that you will finally pay attention/listen and open up to what didn't fit into your linear mindsets/boxes before?

Those realities that you wonder about... who's going to change everything? YOU ARE... WE all ARE, by LIVING PURITY and BEING THE EXAMPLE of what PURE LOVE IS.... and it won't be tainted by your human ego anything..... YOU WILL FINALLY START TO CARE about every person/thing you connect with, YOU will start to SHARE and stop thinking just about yourself, YOU will step into/through your own FEARS and dissolve them, YOU will become the PEACE-KEEPER, the EXAMPLE OF HOW LOVE LIVES..... Those realities.... they are yours to Master, yours to affect, yours to make a difference in, by the way you behave, act, show up....

NEW EARTH REALITIES ARE ALIGNED WITH PURE LOVE.... for all of US.... we actually care about all of us, we take all of us into consideration, we don't have the human ego limits of before.... we actually SHOW EVERY ONE WE CONNECT with how important, special and beautiful they are. We SHOW everyone, everything.... HOW LOVE BEHAVES.... we go that extra mile, we pay it forward, we reciprocate, we respect, we care...... yet we also SEE and RECOGNIZE all who do not yet live this way and their limits and conditions, where they cannot yet share, because their hearts are not open, their minds are not open, they are still living by the old programs/systems/beliefs in THEIR LIVES STILL..... We do what is appropriate, which is different in every exchange. The ENERGY of the person tells us what's most appropriate and what's the most beneficial in each exchange. Not saving, not fixing, not taking each's ABILITY TO STAND IN THEIR OWN POWER AND BE LOVE on as our responsibility, because it's not. The template/gridwork for our NEW EARTH is held in place by each one of us. When others "go unconscious", we have to be 'MORE CONSCIOUS'..... in order to continue to hold, anchor, stability, maintain our NEW EARTH GRIDWORK/NETWORKING SYSTEMS.....

So many caught up in the "out there" reality still..... not realizing that reality is what's INSIDE. We experience everything from DEEP INSIDE OF US... fully connected and in-tune, with every vibration of every thought, sound, emotion, energy that is present.... 360 degree range (our whole Zero Point Field Range)....

When you speak, your mindsets are audible/visible and can be FELT.... OUR FIELDS deliver all of the information to us.... The human aspect is unaware of the encodements transmitted from their words, their energy field, their actions, their thoughts, their whole body... The human aspect is unaware that every word spoken/typed... transmits "knowledge", telling us each's mentality and levels of consciousness they currently function from... and how much "work" is necessary (on an energetic level) to break those linear constructs down in order to shift. The deeper the human programming, the more energy it takes.... The more unconscious, the more exhausting, because we are constantly repeating ourselves from different perspectives having to "break through" all of that programming that each is unaware they still hold....

Eventually, each starts to observe those in their own reality and decides how much CONSCIOUS ENERGY TO INVEST in breaking down programming. There are many things taken into consideration (the equation)..... The dynamics of the whole reality, relationship, purposes and more..... Decisions are not like they once were. Highest States of Consciousness take everything and everyone into consideration.... ourselves, each other, the much bigger picture, the current reality and all...... Our decisions are always based upon every perspective... not just the limited ones that human aspects see. We live in and from a Quantum State of Consciousness, where REALity is CREATED by what we CHOOSE TO ALLOW, INVEST IN, DO..... and if there is one ounce of unconsciousness present, then our own choices/decisions are relative to this. Do we invest the energy to shifting... do we keep doing this over and over and over, like a broken record (karmic) or do we just step back and allow all to fall away/go it's own way and open up to the next highest dimensional reality to come forth to MATCH OUR CURRENT VIBRATION and LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS or do we compromise consciously, knowing that the reality is "part unconscious" and decide to INVEST OUR ENERGY INTO EVOLVING THE WHOLE thing into a higher state of consciousness ourselves..... When we make these decisions, they affect every other reality that's possible, available, waiting/ready/preparing to come forth, so while the human aspect is focused on themselves, we are taking everything into account.... and making a decision that serves the highest purposes for all of us here ....

Quantum REALities function very differently than linear realities do. There are algorithms, ratios, equations and energetics and the mechanics of all .... all taken into account. Quantum Dynamics. Consciousness is an energy. Unconsciousness is too. Each equates to very different realities.... and actual physical dimensions/experiences too.

So when you look at your reality, from inside and out there.... you are being presented with an opportunity to shift your entire reality to a much higher consciousness one and Master your entire reality as LOVE..... touch all that you connect with, make a difference in every way .... are you LIVING THIS FULLY or looking at everyone else to do this "for you" instead..... ?

MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EARTH presents very different realities for each.... all relative to how each actually LIVES THEIR WHOLE LIFE ... now. You live in a multi-verse... in your physical reality... with each living in their own Universe.... as you become your universal you, you support/inspire/uplift and encourage all around you to embrace becoming their own Universal aspects too. Living fully Sovereign as Divine Light BEings here, then we get into Galaxies and resonance and uniting as Cosmic BEings and resolving any "differences" so we all can co-exist as PURE SOURCE LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS here.

This 12D Template... this is a 12 Strand DNA Activation Template. Each must fully comprehend, on a whole new level, what it means for your DNA to constantly evolve, adapt, change and how your entire old belief system will not work here. ♥ Every THING you "thought" you once knew... goes out the window....

This is an entirely "new" existence where "none of that" is true anymore.

I love you. See your own limits, conditions and mentalities... and where you are functioning from in every moment. It's important for us all as LOVE. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

11 de noviembre de 2018

November Trajectory Shift: Path of the Cosmic Christ

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
A unique influx is anticipated toward the end of this month. We opened late Monday and these preparatory frequencies are already expanding the grids and gates.
Since the opening of the Infinity Gate at the end of August, the purer experience of Source-as-Self consciousness, the pure Oneness, has been anchoring into the collective through many activated hearts. Those hearts are in turn activating Divine HUman Crystalline DNA, the Diamond-Solar lightbody and Rainbow Bridges to New Earth realities.
In this now, the Crystalline DNA is receiving and transmitting pure positive photonic light. Our Crystalline DNA event last weekend demonstrated this; we can initiate others into this higher state of Cosmic Christ Consciousness through shared DNA activation. It is amplifying and activating the grids, Gaia, Solaris, HUmanity, kingdoms and elementals for New Earth revelation.
Pure light infusions are consistent; the unification of cosmic stargates with heart stargates is happening in this Now. Feel the expansion and personal shifts in trajectory as DNA receives and transmits pure positive photonic light. Meditate on this often; those highly charged particles must be directed by conscious intent.
Preparing for the Collective Trajectory Shift November 21-25
We now prepare for the upcoming influx November 21-25. It is expected to be strong collective timeline/trajectory shift. We unify to provide the High-Vibe reality for all willing hearts, as well as accept and amplify the higher choice of embodiment and full-on Source-as-Self experience as our trajectory. Call this forth through all of the interconnected stargates, including your heart and Gaia.
As with every Gate in this powerful year of transformation, they build, expand, widen the cosmic flows for more plasma penetration. The High-Vibe Tribe experience is already shifting to accommodate the collective intention, and I AM shown this Primary Christed Timeline lifting many to a resurrection experience early in the New Year.
This allows for more Divine DNA codes and strands to bilocate into our fields, more Diamond-Solar toroidal fields to activate, and a shift in Gaia’s core and grids to accommodate. It already feels like a very sacred passage, and a welcome experience after a cleansing year. Let us honor our sacred service well.
For the High Vibe Tribe, embodiment is unfolding in the Now. Embodiment changes the energy fields of Gaia. The intel reveals December – January will be a strong passage for first embodiers. While it is a beautiful, unmistakable and unique experience, our intention is to be of Service and open these bridges to the New Earth for all willing hearts. We do this with conscious intent, sacred Mastery practices, and unifying with the collective HUman heart grid often.
Follow the inner guidance this month; it may seem unpredictable or unfamiliar. Now is the moment to detox on all levels so the new wave can get in. Support this Light influx in thought, word, action, creation and spirit. Deep introspection and clearing has been a theme this year; now it is revealed why. All unfolds in Divine perfection.
Solaris enters a highly charged band of photonic frequencies, and the Source codes activate in within and without for a brand new experience. We migrated realities this year, and now a new collective trajectory shift is upon us.
The Multidimensional Self is taking over the journey, and we must be true to our Diamond-Solar hearts. The only way embodiment becomes a full, present experience is through conscious intent and practice. Our DNA begins to broadcast pure positive photonic light; we become a pure stargate to reveal the New.
Unifying for the 11-11
Ceremony and unified intent honoring the 11-11 anniversary will assist in highest outcomes. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers; you may be called to travel in the next few weeks for grid alignment, preparation, and your own activation. Follow that Divine Flow; remember your starseed DNA is speaking to Gaia across all realms.
Take your Heart stargate where it is needed; often these ancient crystal beds, aquifers or structures are hidden until the right moment. Notice that Divine manifestation takes over when the heart and mission are aligned. Trust the journey, and take your crystals so they may upgrade.
Light Tribe Unifications:
SUNday, November 4: Global SUNday Unity Meditations with Divine DNA code amplification at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time.
Wednesday, November 7 at 8:02am PT: New Moon and unified Gateway Opening for the 11-11.
SUNday, November 11: Global Ceremony for the 11-11. Get outside on Gaia. Global SUNday Unity Meditations with Divine DNA code amplification at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time.
SUNday November 18: Global Unity Meditations and opening for the November influx. Meditations with Divine DNA code amplification at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time.
November 21- 25: Gateway, Cosmic Influx and Collective Trajectory/Timeline Shift.
Thursday, November 22 at 9:41pm PT: Full Moon and collective focus on the trajectory shift. Overwrite and override lesser realities, revealing and becoming the Embodiment timelines. Also Thanksgiving Day in the USA; infuse your gatherings with Cosmic Christed Unconditional Love.
SUNday, November 25: Global SUNday Unity Meditations with Divine DNA code amplification at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time.
November is Not the Usual Influx
This wave is a cosmic launch pad; a birthing of Hearts and DNA, and revelation of New Earth experiences. It opens the bridge for December- January creations, both within and without.
We had a collective trajectory shift at the end of May, aided by many in service. Work with this influx, utilize the intel in the Now. Visualize, create highest outcomes, remote influence those collective timelines with New Earth Now exercises and DNA activation. Lower timelines and delay tactics (personal or collective) dissolve with embodiment and unified intent.
The next few months are a collective turning point for demonstrating new realities. This year taught us to shed any attachment to old timelines, outdated stories and old versions of Self. As we embrace the New, the unknown, it expands into limitless possibility; Source consciousness. Give yourself and the collective this precious gift, right now.
Blessings to all for highest choices and outcomes during this passage. I will be on a private sacred retreat next week to prepare the Gateways and myself for this influx.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,Sandra

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...