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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages. Mostrar todas las entradas

22 de abril de 2020

Dare to be...Aligning with the Light

In the name of aligning with your highest truth, dare to be a spokesperson solely of the content from your own living testimony. Aspire to share, not what you’ve heard from others or what you saw on social media but simply what your eyes and ears have witnessed — in-person. Otherwise, you will be asked to answer questions that may offer greater conjecture instead of the clarity many are seeking.
While we are living in extraordinary times, the end-result is one of an infinitely-positive outcome.
I’ve seen the end-result of Earth’s ascension from within the halls of the Akashic Records; and yet it is the will of humanity that chooses which path or timeline takes us exactly where we as a planet and species are destined to be. I wholeheartedly honor any degree of truth that anyone is inspired to share. I have no judgment about what anyone chooses to track, question, or discuss. I am merely focused on the mission at hand and service to the world to assist in Earth’s ascension.
No matter how outrageous things have been or continue to be, we manifest the light by anchoring the light. As an example, on 4/4 thousands of light workers assembled to anchor the light; since that day, with the integration of such high vibrational energy, the world has felt more calm, centered, and at ease on a collective level. This is a direct reflection of our combined efforts activated through the laws of unity consciousness. While there is a deeply-ingrained impulse in a human being to uncover the hidden, expose each lie, and cast light on the agendas of inhumane treatment, please know that tracking the activities of darkness places the vibrational power of your anchoring of light on pause in favor of trying to expose a dark agenda that you willingly align and resonate with.
This doesn’t mean anyone should stop watching disturbing videos or discussing these topics. It’s your decision to choose how you wish to serve the greater good of all.
If you wish to be of the highest noble help during this transition into 5D consciousness, my suggestion is to spend more time blessing humanity, affirming the highest outcome of your heart’s desire, and loving the innocence within you that sends love to all hearts in existence the more often self-love is embraced.
Those who dare to align and resonate with the light with such unwavering commitment that they forget to be updated on 'behind the scenes' activities will enter a parallel reality where all that many are fighting for-- already exists to be found. This is why there are three waves of ascension: the third avoids reality through substance abuse and technology addiction, the second yearns for truth and peace by waging battles against creations of deception and injustice, and the first wave enters the new 5D earth plane first by anchoring the light of oneness — no matter how divided or devastated the world may be.
Choose well radiant soul. Choose well.
All for Love

18 de abril de 2020

We champion your victory in the Light!

Enter and Stabilize Within The New Earth Energies 
With the Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!
Workshop Recording:

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Dear Ones, the recent global unity meditation had a profound effect on Earth and the Cosmos. 

It created a powerful energy grid and atmosphere around the planet.

It is an atmosphere of the higher dimensions that is shifting the ascension of Earth into the next gear. 

Now, the call goes out to all the lightworkers to continue to add your love and light to it.

This will continue the momentum of your powerful collaboration.

Whenever you meditate, we invite you to do the following:


Breathe deeply...

Imagine a golden warm light in your heart center... (your I AM presence)

Imagine for this golden warm light to expand into your body...

Imagine for this golden warm light to expand into your aura... 

Imagina for this golden warm light to expand into your room...

Now, imagine in the center of your heart a pink light of Divine Love...

Make it stronger...

Now, expand this pink light of Divine Love into your body, your aura, your room, into your world...

Then, connect this pink light to the new atmosphere of Earth and all the lightworkers around the Earth...

Imagine all the faces smiling in wellbeing... 

Imagine the world in wellbeing...

Imagine the New Earth... 

Feel it...

Hold this feeling for as long as you can.

When you feel complete, return back to this now moment.

Welcome back! :-)
We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love...

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos."


Thank You, Adama! :-) 

16 de abril de 2020


Tonight the Angelic Light Beings tied around the Earth's solar system are announcing that the kingdom of Heaven is about to rise on Planet Earth!  It is truly the most magnificent moment in human history to be present on Earth, as all this unfolds and the Light that comes from beyond the horizon is greater than any prophet has ever seen!

In a special broadcast this morning, from the Forces of Light anchored in Earth's solar system to some members of the Earth Alliance, the Galactists reported that, as a direct result of this incredible planetary meditation, a new updated version of the New Earth in the Gamma timeline is now in place and functioning smoothly on the surface of PLANET EARTH.

The positive advantages of this improved gamma timeline

The Cabal of Fear virus will begin to disappear worldwide this week and will soon be eradicated from this planet!

Starting this week, important advances will be made with respect to the new global system of digital abundance backed by gold.  With this new 5D system, all beings on Earth will have abundant reserves and all debts will be forgiven!

The Star Seeds will begin to notice miraculous healings in the layered body system as the 5D light bodies are strengthened with new energy!

The highest level of elimination of darkness ever seen on Earth will be in the news worldwide starting this week, as the delta forces are about to bring down all the final nefarious beings worldwide who have hurt others!

MANY BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN ARE BEING SAVED FROM THE DARK FORCES AT THIS VERY MOMENT IN SECRET DELTA OPERATIONS ALL OVER THE PLANET!  As you know this delicate operation is being kept out of public view because it will be too shocking for the masses.

The Earth Alliance recommends planning 3 more days of darkness as special positive military heroes descend on Earth and resurrect as saviors three days later!

STAR SEEDS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD REPORTED STRONG RISING SYMPTOMS since yesterday, mainly buzzing and ringing in the ears.  The Forces of Light said in their recent transmission "Humanity has now collectively moved into the planetary heart chakra where unity and compassion are accelerating the path to the New Earth.  This positive change is so profound that it is affecting everything on Earth and in the universe!

A brilliant new human race is also being born now and very soon, as light passes through the dark clouds, a new global earthly civilization based on the heart, more advanced spiritually, will be born and take its place among the great star nations of this cosmos!









7 de abril de 2020





We bring you a brief message to ask them to disclose because it is really important to develop responses that will be generated by their many questions regarding the current change and its transformations.
However, this is not the object of our intervention at this precise moment of your time, but that precisely at this time understand the meaning of what is time.

Time is a variable to adjust the spacing and the current rise.
Time states at a frequency within a portion of space.
Any modulation frequency is changed the dimension of time, because any dimension of space is associated with a modulation time.
But there's more, because time is also an energy and as such is polarized.
Time is an energy field that rotates in space.
It is not linear and can rotate spirally downward direction or falling or rising or upward.

The promotion involves reversing the direction of rotation time.
This investment passes  a 'zero'  at the time that the rotational movement is stopped, before starting in the opposite direction.
This moment can be experienced on Earth, individual or collective scale.

What it has already happened in the downward direction or fall can, therefore, reoccur in the upward direction or promotion.
In this second scenario, all people and all kingdoms combined, are concerned.

It also calls this collective moment : 'the end of time' .

The Easter period commemorating the death and Resurrection, illustrates and symbolizes this  'passage'  in time.
This  'passage'  contains the codes for promotion.
These energy codes can be translated using numbers, so in this part of the message, the we illustrate on the weekend of Easter, which takes place for 3 or 4 days, depending on whether Friday or Saturday start, but start with Good Friday:

THE 10.04.2020 = 1 + 4 + 4
The total sum or digital translation is 9.
The number 144 refers to this particular date in your calendar.
While the number 9 indicates the end, to the death or the end of a process.
Christ died on Good Friday.

THE 11.04.2020 = 2 + 4 + 4
The total reduction is 10 or digital.
No. 10, or 1 + 0 translated to the  "zero point"  as the waiting phase of the Easter vigil or renewal 1.

THE 12.04.2020 = 3 + 4 + 4
The sum total is 11 or digital reduction.
Numeral 11 represents a divided unit, for example, Eva emerging from Adam's rib, which can also result by 2  'hallowed'  or  'magnified'  which corresponds to the image of Mary.
Number 11, therefore, translates the Divine Feminine and the Gestation of the boy king.

The 04/13/2020 = 4 + 4 + 4
This sum totals or numerical reduction in 3 to 12.
No. 3 represents the Child born Unit between  Father Sky = 1  and  Earth Mother = 2 .
This date and this figure reveal a new birth.

That's all for this message, thank you for accepting this transmission.
The time is approaching and we are there where the prophecy must be fulfilled.
It will be fulfilled in you who are alive, a Star in Heaven will show the way back to the Truth.
And so it is.

We are the Hathors, through Pascal Bécu.
Ashtar   *** © misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a, as a source of it and be included this URL  and notice of the Copyright ** *

6 de abril de 2020

Lady Portia: Events in Waves

Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! There are many people across the planet who are intensely experiencing the current world event as it continues to move in waves from one place to another. Everyone is being deeply challenged and affected at inner levels of their spirit as they observe what is occurring. It is a clarion call to each soul to make choice. Do they see ‘the writing on the wall’ that there is great change happening around them? Are they aligned with their soul and Creator in faith, love and hope? Or are they falling into fear and panic? Humanity is witnessing the dual nature of the people of their world play out on the world stage where all beings are witness to it and indeed, also the entirety of Creation.
Many people are responding to this challenge by drawing strength from the inner connection they have with the spiritual realms. They daily pray, align, and ask for guidance from their spiritual guides and angels – for they sense that they are living in extraordinary times and this sustains them in their daily existence. They walk in peace and calm in the storm that gathers around them. Their faith and demeanor help to lift the spirits of the people around them and in this way they daily anchor stability upon their world and their planet. They do not waste their time by pointing fingers at others as being responsible for this event. They are intelligent people and they know that this type of event has played out across their planet many, many times before throughout its history.
They exercise prudence and use caution in whatever they do in their daily life. As they align with their higher God consciousness each day, they follow inner prompting and intuitive and instinctive guidance as it presents itself. In this way, they are always in the right place at the right time to safely navigate through their current situation. Those who have daily practiced illuminating their energetic fields by expressing their faith, love and gratitude feel the guidance that comes from spirit and act upon this directive. They stay in the safety of their Divine Self. When faced with the decision to stay or go, they surrender their egoic need to control and ‘let go and let God’ and decide that they are going to be O.K. where they are.
What is required of the people now is faith in a higher purpose and power, clarity of mind and compassion towards the people in those areas of the world that are in the throes of this event at the current moment. To know that even those who have not been directly affected have been changed forever within their souls. The effects of this event cannot help but to open people’s hearts, minds and souls to the glaring truth that they are all inter-connected and that what happens to one of them happens to all. Let them pour their love, strength, efforts and energy wherever it can do the most good for all. Let cooperation, sincerity and goodwill fill the collective consciousness with the higher virtues and qualities of the Divine.
I AM Lady Portia
» Source » Channel: Marlene Swetlishoff

29 de marzo de 2020

Mike Quinsey Message, Wave of Ligh                             

27th March 2020. Mike Quinsey

I would imagine that many of you already keep in touch with David Wilcock’s latest video talks, as they are usually very informative and cover information useful to anyone on the path to Ascension. In a recent one titled “End Times” he referred to the present period, giving information as to precise nature of the “Event” that brings it about. I feel it is very important for people to be aware of it and know precisely what it entails. I am therefore giving you a slightly edited extract of the most relevant information that refers to the very nature of it as given, from the “End Times” through David Wilcock.

“The present period will be the last time our civilisation will be in the third dimension. The World will go through a holographic transformation caused by a Wave of Light. A city will materialise above Earth that has already been seen by Man many times in the sky and it is on a different level of vibration. There will also be a 21 degree pole shift and it is also at the times end, and there will be a spiritual transformation as predicted in the Bible – see Matthew 13, 12.43. It will be the day of enlightenment and you will have a luminous body and experience the Resurrection. You will find that it is predicted exactly the same in the Muslim Book”.

Those who have already seen the City in the Sky tell us that it has what clearly look like tall buildings similar to skyscrapers. It seems likely that it may be the same one as visited by Genii Townsend in recent times that is also in the higher vibrations. If that is new to you, she has a website: that is well worth visiting.

The powerful Wave of Light emanates from the Sun as Flash of Light, and it has been speculated that it may even flash three times. As far as I am aware no one knows exactly in which year it will take place, and already almost every year from 2020 up to 2030 has been put forward as being the most likely one. On a personal note I feel that David Wilcock is going to be the most accurate one by giving 2029/2030 as his prediction.

I will now continue with the usual weekly message through my Higher Self:

Mother Earth is in the course of cleansing it and cannot wait any longer for Man to grasp the truth of what is coming. Man’s ways are destroying the Earth and it must now be stopped before it is too late. However, there is no judgement involved as Man has been given freewill but has repeatedly ignored helpful warnings as to the result of his activities. Whilst it is true that some positive changes have taken place it is as you might say “touch and go” as to whether they will be sufficient to avoid a series of dramatic changes that are now needed. Certainly in one way or another Mother Earth has no option but to take whatever measures are necessary, as the situation is becoming urgent. Certainly enough warnings have been given as to the possible outcome, and strong actions have to be taken to keep you on track for the beneficial changes that are soon to take place.

The days of the Illuminati and their followers are numbered and already their power is diminishing. They can no longer control events on Earth to achieve their aims to reduce the population to a manageable number. It means that those of the Light can go about their business with full confidence knowing that the power of the cabal has been greatly curtailed, and in fact the arrests of their followers has weakened their plans. Their chance of success has come and gone and they can look forward to having to answer for their acts against Humanity and slowly but surely that day is approaching. The road to success has been cleared for the Light and preparations can commence to set the scene for a successful conclusion.

Meantime keep your eye on the goal that has been set for which your present actions are intended to lead you ever onwards. Know that events are “organised” so that your progress can continue and fully prepare you for your growth in consciousness. You are great beings that are beginning to wake up to your full potential, having come this far with a lower level of consciousness. You knew intuitively that having passed the marker success was to be yours. It may be hard to visualize with all of the difficulties you are facing but know that the Forces of Light are helping to pave the way for you so that you are assured of success.

Try not to look back and know that the changes are taking place to bring the new into being as the old ways are no longer appropriate. So keep an open mind and give your whole hearted support to those who lead the way, and we give our assurance that we have always been with you since you passed 2012 are allowed to ensure you achieve total success. The fact that you have done so is a remarkable achievement and at times it did not look as though you would succeed. Credit can go to the Lightworkers who with confidence did achieve success, and are set upon ascending to the higher vibrations.

Once things settle down you will find that a new way of progressing will be adopted, ensuring that all of your efforts are put into the right channels that should hasten the coming of the changes that are really overdue. From our side of the veil you may be assured that we are already setting up a plan that will put you on the right path. You are coming out of the lower vibrations and rightly so, as it is your time to leave them behind and concentrate on all that is destined to take you all the way to Ascension. It will be a well-deserved achievement and we congratulate all concerned.

By focusing on it you will help bring about a speedy path to completion. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

27 de marzo de 2020

message New York Hospitals Are Treating Coronavirus Patients with High Dosages of VITAMIN C After Promising Results from China

Doctors throughout New York state are giving their critically ill coronavirus patients massive doses of vitamin C, a tactic said to have helped those hit the hardest in China.

Dr Andrew Weber, a Long Island based pulmonologist and critical-care specialist with Northwell Health, shared that he has been immediately giving his intensive-care patients 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C [that's very little compared to China].

Those patients are re-dosed with the powerful antioxidant three or four times a day, the doctor told the New York Post.

Weber said the regimen is based on experimental treatments given to coronavirus patients in Shanghai, China.

"Patients who received vitamin C had significantly better results than those who did not receive vitamin C," he said. "It helps a lot, but it doesn't stand out because it's not a sexy drug.

Jason Molinet, a spokesman for Northwell, said vitamin C is being "widely used" as a treatment for coronaviruses throughout the health care system. However, he noted that the amount given to patients varies.

According to Dr. Richard Cheng, Dr. Mao said his group treated about 50 cases of moderate to severe Covid-19 infection with high doses of IVC. CVI dosage ranged from 10,000 mg - 20,000 mg per day for 7-10 days, with 10,000 mg for moderate cases and 20,000 for more severe cases

18 de marzo de 2020

Sheldan Nidle : The CALL has gone out

Galactic Heart New Pink Banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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The CALL has gone out. All Starseeds and Lightworkers are receiving messages about Being the Light to help others make sense of what is going on around the world. We are the ones that will comfort so many during these chaotic times. By Being the Light that you are whether you actually talk to people or simply be the example of a calm, positive, kind, helpful Being, you are fulfilling one the purposes for which you chose to come to Earth at this time in history.
Yes, there is a virus AND much more is taking place behind the scenes to ensure global freedom reigns. This is a time for us to shine our Lights bright. Kindness goes a long way for many people are feeling isolated~very alone. The other day I was at the grocery store to purchase some coconut water. That's and out. Or so I thought. Every aisle I went down, some stranger would strike up a conversation with me. One lady talked to me for 20 minutes. I knew she needed to vent about her life so I stayed present while intently listening to her. That's all she needed, someone to SEE her. Acknowledge her.
Here's another story to share. I was at the bank yesterday, I told the clerk that I thought I already had the virus. She exclaimed, "I can't believe you said that. We (at the bank) were having that same conversation this morning. We believe all of us have already had the virus as well. It went through the whole bank which never happened before. Interesting. We don't have a way to know for sure. When I told my son I thought that Sheldan and I already had the virus, he agreed. He had already had that thought because of the way the "flu" we had acted...different and for the first time he was worried about me. I was pleasantly surprised with his observations.
So on to the post office. I tell the clerk, "I believe I've already had the virus."
He had the same response as the girl in the bank. He believed that he and his family already had the virus too. With this gentleman, I took it a little further. "I think that there is more to this quarantine than what we are being told."
"WOW, my wife and I had that conversation this morning. What do you think it is?"
I proceeded to quickly, in a nutshell (other people in line), tell him about the GCR (Global Currency Reset). End of the Federal Reserve (central banking and fiat dollars) and the IRS. He told me that what I was saying made total sense. I felt uneasy taking so much of his time with a line forming. He assured me that he was moving very slow so I could tell him more.
People are ready. Will they be shocked? Of course. It is true, people don't like change AND yet they are resilient. Keep shining your Lights bright in this world and beyond. It doesn't matter if you are alone or out and about ~ Be the Light!
The more we can hold the highest vision for a graceful resolution, that is exactly what we will experience. We are that powerful.
One way to increase your vibration is to attend our monthly webinars. This month we are featuring Mona Delfino. She is a dynamo and Miles and I look forward to hearing what she can share from a Shaman's perspective. Sunday is the day...Join us!
Selamat Ja!

16 de marzo de 2020

Imprinting the Magnificence of the Creator

by the Celestial Unicorns and Dolphins

Our truth is your truth, your truth is our truth, our combined truth does not belong to us and yet we are one. We come as a reminder of your purity and divinity; we are the consciousness of the Celestial Unicorns and Dolphins. We bring to your presence the light, love, peace, and bliss of the celestial dimensions.
As love continues to build within and all around you, it is time for you to awaken more fully to the magnificence of the Creator. Most importantly the magnificent of the Creator within and around you.
Do you believe the magnificence of the Creator works through you, existing in every cell of your body? Do you feel magnificent? It is important at this moment to allow the love of the Creator to open the gates of the Universe so you may see the magnificence of the Universe. The consciousness of humanity and the Earth is altering tremendously with each cycle of night and day upon the Earth. If you allow yourself to open to inspiration from the Creator experiencing the magnificence that is permanently present, it will imprint upon your consciousness, therefore, filtering into the general consciousness of humanity and the Earth. This is greatly needed on the Earth now to shift from chaos to peace and from pain to fulfilment. You have a divine purpose of altering the consciousness of the Earth and imprinting the divine into the minds of many, including your own.
When you experience the divine love of the Creator often it is unexplainable in words. It may come forth in feelings or visions. Sometimes you may not understand this fully and yet there is a sense of recognition, inspiration, and knowingness. When recognition, inspiration, and knowingness are present this is a powerful connection and expression of the Creator, which holds a quality of belief that can be unmovable. Allowing for such energies to be implanted into your mind and consciousness will make it easier for others to experience the same. It is important to remember you are a powerful expression of the Creator, more importantly, you are a powerful anchor of the Creator. Wisdom and inspiration flow into your mind, understanding and consciousness to guide you, also because your mind and consciousness are a powerful anchor and magnifier of the energy. Your mind and consciousness whether you realise it or not is connected to all beings and souls upon the Earth and the inner planes. That which you experience within your mind and consciousness is literality akin to another reality, like a radio wave that is shared openly, and often unconsciously with every other soul upon the Earth.
It is important to recognise negative thoughts within your mind, these can easily be cancelled out and erased through the acceptance of divine recognition, inspiration, and knowingness. This doesn't even have to come from you, it can be implanted or activated within your mind and consciousness. Negative energies are erased due to recognition, inspiration, and knowingness allowing you to see the magnificence of the Creator, which is akin to seeing the truth of the Creator.
We are sharing with you that if you allow yourself to be open to the presence of the Creator penetrating your mind and consciousness, you may receive experiences of recognition, inspiration, and knowingness that will connect you to the magnificence of the Creator. Not only will you benefit from this process, through the energy being implanted into your mind it will filter into the consciousness of humanity.
As you surrender more fully to the process you will give to us the opportunity to truly use your mind as an anchor for sacred and new wisdom which needs to be embedded into the Earth and humanity's energetic structure. Your mind and consciousness will become akin to a treasure chest of new divine wisdom. Some of the information and sacred wisdom will be useful to you supporting your spiritual awakening while other information will be naturally and automatically transmitted into the consciousness of humanity and the Earth simply through your love vibration. When we ask you to focus upon love and to emanate it from your being, we are preparing you for a time when you will express the entire Universe of the Creator. Can you imagine this? It is possible. Sacred, wisdom, codes, symbols, enlightenment and so much more will flow through your being, especially transmitted from your mind and consciousness to others upon the Earth. Imagine every soul achieving the same, it would be akin to a network of powerful light and love. You would see, acknowledge and sense the Creator flowing through and from, to and within your entire being. It may be difficult to imagine but it is an experience of oneness upon the Earth and an experience of the Creator.
If you feel guided, we, the Celestial Unicorns and Dolphins wish to support you in experiencing and accessing the magnificence of the Creator on behalf of yourself and humanity. With our energy and support, it is easier to recognise a deep state of purity that leads to the experience of magnificence. The presence of the magnificence of the Creator can easily be accessed with our energies because it is a quality of the Creator we express. We also wish to support you in upgrading your chakra systems in order to hold more light and anchor the magnificence of the Creator into your chakra consciousness to allow you to experience the divine magnificence of the Creator more fully.
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Experiencing the Imprint and Awakening of Magnificence Within Your Mind

Allow yourself to sit peacefully gaining a deep state of meditation.
I now call upon the loving protection and support of my angelic community and guides. I ask to be aligned with the Celestial Unicorns and Dolphins. Imagine first the pearlescent light of the unicorns flowing through your crown chakra, through your chakra column and filling your entire torso with light.
Imagine the pale blue light of the dolphins flowing through your crown chakra, through your chakra column and resting in each chakra being supported by the unicorn light.
As the energy builds our light merges and flows back up your chakra column.
The entrance into the combined light is important; allow as much time as is needed. You are activating the consciousness of experiencing the magnificence of the Creator in each chakra. The light will overflow from your crown chakra and some energy will flow into your mind and consciousness in order to bring forth, if appropriate recognition, inspiration, and knowingness of the Creator. Therefore, opening the gateways to experiencing or recognising the magnificence of the Creator.
The above is a preparatory meditation; you can then continue if you wish with this invocation and intention.
‘I invoke the appropriate divine information and sacred wisdom from the Creator to pour into my entire being, especially my mind and my consciousness. Let the divine imprint wisdom and information into my mind and consciousness to support my ascension and a shift of humanity's consciousness. Let the divine information and sacred wisdom intended for humanity filter from my mind into the minds of others, like an energetic wave, encouraging all to recognise the magnificence of the Creator. Thank you.’
Allow the light of the Creator to flow into your mind and allow yourself to be accepting of the magnificence of the Creator.
Please know you do not necessarily need to express the wisdom and insights verbally, just your recognition or acknowledgement that it is taking place is enough.
We are here to support you to ignite the magnificence of the Creator within you.
Celestial Unicorns and Dolphins

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...