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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Political actually. Mostrar todas las entradas

20 de abril de 2020

Era of Light Report 4/20/2020: Failing Clones, Earth Update, Solutions

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.
The many of our so called leaders, or I should say former leaders have been in the “cloning business” since the 1970’s.
The Bush and Clinton Clan, The Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s, The Royal Family and more, have been known by many different sources to have clones in “storage” for over fifty years.
Eventually they got Hollywood parasites to join in on the fun of having soulless doubles, triples, or octuples, or whatever number they felt they needed.
One of the members of the Cabal also has his own clone selves. You know him as Joseph Biden.
The 2020 elections will not be serious elections. For one, Trump will be 100% Re-Elected. Number two, the opposing side does not have an “actual candidate”.
The democratic party did not have a better candidate, or so they thought. This is why they brought in “Old” Joe. Just for show of course.
His current clone is malfunctioning, losing the ability to even put two words together that make sense.
As Donald Trump puts it: Biden’s a ‘failing’ ‘dummy’ who ‘looks different than he used to’.
In the coming months, you may notice an improved Biden on the stage. This will be a new clone.
Again this is being done to just put on an “election show”. If the citizens don’t know, all the officials know that Trump has this already won.
That is all for today!
Arcturian Group: Solutions
Solutions to world problems of all sorts have up to now always been based in solving the problem on the level of the problem which simply does not work. » Source
Police Bust ‘Horrific’ Child Sex Abuse Ring Spread Across Five States
A global child exploitation sting triggered by a US Department of Homeland Security investigation has rescued four Australian children as young as two months old who were used to produce and ­exchange… » Source
Anshar Collective: Truth Versus Non-truth
You have many instances in your current situation on your Earth to be hearing a multitude of non-truths. This can cause many people, especially those who are unawakened, to feel great confusion, anxiety and chaos. » Source
Ron Paul: People ‘Should Be Leery About’ A Coronavirus Vaccine
Ron Paul, in a Monday interview with host Dan Dicks at Press for Truth, warns that people “should be leery about” coronavirus vaccines that may come out. » Source
The Federation of Light: Waking Hours
ALL OF THIS we have spoken to you about. All these things we have said will be ‘in your face’ and much discernment will be needed. » Source
As Washington DC Faces Coronavirus Spike, Secret Military Task Force Prepares to Secure the Capital
District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser yesterday ordered a one-month extension of the state of emergency, as cases in the region grow at a rapid pace. » Source
Divine Mother: To all My Children in Abusive Situations
The good news is that despite all the pain, this is the moment for breakthroughs, even if you feel that it is the last thing that is possible for you right now. » Source
Attorney General Barr Blocks Release of 9/11 Documents Despite Promises to Victims’ Families
The officials told the judge in the civil case that the release of the files would endanger national security. » Source
Ivo of Vega: Earth Update
There is some information I can divulge to you. Clearly this information is only going to some of the people; others are not hearing the whole story and are revolting against lockdown. » Source
David Icke: Bill Gates, Elon Musk & George Soros Are Frontmen For The Top of the Pyramid
In this exclusive interview, Spiro is joined by David Icke. Spiro and David discuss the ongoing coronavirus crisis. » Source
Click here for the previous report.

29 de marzo de 2020

Announcements & Many Revelations...

MPORTANT READ: Situation update by Per Staffan, March 28th, 2020

2, Two Important Points here,

1, One, April 1st to the 10th, 10 Days of Darkness which may include TV 24/7 Announcements & Many Revelations...

2, Two, Habeas Corpus has been suspended.
So whatever you need for at leasten days it's time to get, if you haven't already.
Know the old way of life is over & will change monthly, weekly, daily as will we.

Who we appear to be will change as we move into the Spiritual Energies as Christ Consciousness is near.
Technologies will give us Perfect Health & Youth & Instant learning & help Unlock many of  Our abilities.

And as Christ said, 'Greater things then I do, ye shall do'. With a Vastly Expanded Heart, We meethe Future, Jack

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden  Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below & More of Mine Above****

Situation update by Per Staffan, March 28th, 2020
Per Staffan March 28, 2020
Disclosure - Political (not channeled)

Critical  developments are underway and this goes far beyond the corona crisis. 

The Coronavirus crisis was started by the global cabal in China. The  main purpose was to bring the global economy to a crash, which would  prevent Trump from being reelected in 2020.

However,  the Alliance with Trump and Q were aware of what was coming and let the  cabal go ahead and instead developed plans on their own for how to take  advantage of the situation. The shutdown of the country cannot go on  forever – we cannot afford it, but it can serve a purpose in the short  term for the Alliance – beyond limiting the spread of the virus.

It  is an effective way of making sure people are not out in the street and  gather in large crowds. Q has gone out and said that a much more  complete shut down will be in place from April 1st to April 10th. 

Presumably this will be announced by Donald Trump on March 31st. This  will give the Alliance a golden opportunity to carry out mass arrests  during this period, minimizing the chances of violent clashes. Pointing  to this is also the fact that Bill Barr and the Justice Department last  week lifted Habeas Corpus on a temporary basis from the Constitution. 

The important aspect of this act is that people arrested on charges of  treason and other such crimes can be held in arrest for a prolonged  period of time.

In  other words we have a period of ten days in early April where the  country will be shut down and the field is wide open for arresting large  number of people. Trump has various military sources to his disposal to  carry out this mission, such as the National Guard.

It  is also possible that the complete take over of the Federal Reserve by  the US treasury Department will be done during this time.

Of course, the cabal is not unaware of such developments. Question is – Do they have any ammunition left?

For  those of you who are no fans of Donald Trump I would just say give our  General Donald Trump a chance to win this war. Winston Churchill was not  very popular in the beginning either, during WW2.

Much  of the advance information comes from Q, which is then verified in  various ways. There are many good “decoders” of Q. One of my favorites  is David who produces the X22 reports. Below you can find his two latest  focused on political developments.

Hang in there and lets keep our fingers crossed for April and a glorious Easter.
Per Staffan
Yellow Sky, Timeline Important, Panic, Suicide Watch

Habeas Corpus Ready, Mass Pop Awakening, Silent War Continues

Message Sent [P], Panic Everywhere, Puzzle Almost Complete

25 de marzo de 2020

Donald Trump on Reopening Economy: ‘I’d Love to Have it Open by Easter’

President Donald Trump speaks during a Fox News virtual town hall with members of the coronavirus task force, at the White House, Tuesday, March 24, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
AP Photo/Evan Vucci

President Donald Trump said during a Fox News town hall on Tuesday that he wanted to get the economy reopened by Easter.
“I’d love to have it open by Easter,” Trump said, setting a date for reopening the country for the first time.
Easter is on April 12.
“I would love to have the country opened up and rearing to go by Easter,” he repeated.
“That would be a great American resurrection,” Fox News moderator Bill Hemer replied.
The president has promised to listen to his doctors and advisers on loosening restrictions set by the government to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but has said would ultimately make the final decision.
Trump appeared upbeat during the event, pleased that the stock market rose over 1,600 points on Tuesday.
He said he looked forward to the day that Americans could go to work, noting that a massive economic depression had its own death toll.
“We can socially distance ourselves and go to work, and you’ll have to work a little bit harder,” Trump said. “You can clean your hands five times as more as you used to, you don’t have to shake hands anymore with people.”
Trump said again that he wanted the economy reopened in weeks, not months and suggested that the United States would be ready.
“It’s not built to shut down,” he said. “Our people are full of vim and vigor and energy. They don’t want to be locked in a house or an apartment or some space.”
The president said that putting restrictions on Americans last week was “one of the most difficult decisions that he ever made.”
“You’re basically turning off the country,” he said, adding that, “I wasn’t happy about it, and I also knew I had to do it.”
Trump said that the economic shutdown was “painful” and “destabilizing” but that it would soon be time for Americans to return to their lives.
“We have to go back to work, much sooner than people thought, and people can go back to work and they can also practice good judgment,” he said.
Dr. Deborah Birx said during the town hall that she would continue looking at the data, and urged Americans to continue following the restrictions set by the Centers for Disease Control

6 de febrero de 2020

Final Wakeup Call: The Money Counterfeiters

The Deep State is loosing global control
In the two previous articles here and here readers have been revealed the corrupt money system and how and why it was created, plainly for the purpose as tool to putting all of us in debt slavery. After about 110 years, from which the last 50 years only backed by paper, the Deep State’s fiat dollar system is now running out of steam and blowing itself up. Because, they haven’t been able to create a world event – e.g. WW3, to urgently replace the system with another fraudulent money scheme. Prearranged, the so called SDR-World money system, run by the IMF in the function as central bank for the whole world.
Under the existing fraudulent monetary system, debt in real terms, becomes impossible to be repaid, whereas the required debt liquidation can only be accomplished by debasement of the currency, i.e. inflation. Fake money rewards the special interest groups most closely associated with money managers: to name a few, the Deep State mob, the military industrial complex, Wall Street, Banks, and the many beneficiaries of government spending.
Unfair distribution of wealth is a characteristic of a fiat monetary system and is being witnessed today in its extreme. As an example; the three richest people own more than the bottom 50% of the world’s population. Fiat money dislikes morality and creates an immoral society. It requires the rejection of a convertible commodity standard, and can only be enforced with powerful legal tender laws.
Economic bubbles are the monsters birthed by fiat currencies and central bank money supply and the manipulation of interest rates. A fiat currency removes a definable unit of account, which is needed for sound economic calculation.
The real issue with the market is that stocks and real estate are extremely overvalued, thanks to the central bank’s money printing, which has created a fake rally through its secret actions by continuously pumping fake money into the system. The only thing really is supporting the markets is the Central Bank with all the money they are printing. Everyone knows it. They only refuse to admit it. There is no strong economy behind all this. It is an inflation-driven bubble.
Most importantly, the central bank global fiat financial system is being brought to the point of deflation, meaning less debt-money is in circulation, which automatically forces the Deep State to surrender their global control. The fiat financial system will be replaced by local sovereign currencies, i.e. gold- or asset-backed sovereign money systems, operated on the QFS. This will be the foundation for the post-fiat, GESARA world.
As an example; Russia is already far less dependent on the US dollar or any other foreign currency. Their central bank is reshaping its international holdings, cutting the share of the US dollar in favour of other currencies and gold. Last year, the none Rothschild owned Central Bank of Russia – CBR reported that the greenback share fell from 43.7 percent to 23.6 percent in twelve months from March 2018. Moscow has also been actively increasing its gold bullion reserves, which totalled $110.3 billion as of January 1.
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered… I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power – of money – should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – THOMAS JEFFERSON – Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809.
Central Banks and Tax Offices are cabal owned corporations
People who think that peace and prosperity are worthy goals, must definitely reject fiat currencies. – For at least since the 1600s in Europe, taxpayer monies have been illegally laundered under supervision of the Pope through the Vatican Bank. Also, became known; tax offices and central banks are cabal owned corporations, identified and located at; Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. As tax revenues are for elites and the bribing of politician to filling their pockets along the way. On the other hand; Governments are funded totally through black earning projects, such as drug-trafficking, organ- and human-trafficking, including child-sex-trafficking and off-budget accounting as published in the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR).
In fact, the world is run by unelected and illegitimately elected individuals that for more than 80% are corrupted; among others through paedophilia and secret blood rituals. – When President Trump finally implements GESARA Law the Federal Reserve and IRS officially would be defunct. Income taxes will be abolished and replaced with a sales tax on non-essential items.
Recovering from the damage caused by the fiat currencies will prove to be much more difficult than rejecting the temptation to initiate a fiat currency as the unit of account in the first place. – Honest money is the essential ally of liberty. Precious metals must and will return to serve as the foundation for the new QFS-system. The QFS does not exercise control over the financial system in every country, but acts as a supervisor of every transaction to prevent corruption within the system.
Worldwide, people are waking up to the fact that the current economic system of debt-based-fiat money is unsustainable. Central banks are quietly and secretly preparing for the worst, by buying gold on the cheap. Governments will do what they always do in a financial crisis: protecting the insiders and those close to the Deep State.
Inflation is plain Theft leading to Stagflation
Inflation is nothing more than legalised theft by our governments; it stands at only two percent, at least that is what the Statistics say. But these numbers don’t portray the truth. The real rate is probably closer to 9%, maybe even higher. Who knows? All published inflation data are fabrications, as these numbers are made up to suit the government. Lower inflation numbers in statistics look better, and they don’t show the theft committed by governments.
For example, an inflation rate of 8% annually means that $100,000 in cash today would be worth only $46,319 in 10 years. That’s more than half its value evaporated into thin air. In 20 years, it would only be worth $21,455. In 30 years, it would be worth an abysmal $9,938. What can you do to protect yourself? – The only answer is to buy precious metals for any amount you have deposited in the bank and don’t immediately need.
Nevertheless, over the past ten years despite the reality of tens of trillions of dollars printed and monetised by Central Banks in the U.S., Europe, UK, and Japan remain most banks underfunded and would be insolvent if they had to administer true accounting practices.
The Cabal-owned Central Banks want an “inflation rate” of 2%. They officially say it’s good as the purchasing power of the currency falls. But for whom is it good? For the banksters themselves and the political class of course, who gets the newly issued currency first. For the rest of us, it is not so great at all. When more currency is pumped into the economic system, more money runs after the same amount of goods, which results in a heavy loss of purchasing power for the people down the line, first the middle class and then the poor. The most vulnerable group of people, are hit hardest.
Consumer price inflation had been low for two decades. In the early ’60s, it was less than 1.5%, as is today, although on altered parameters, see below. But then, it crept up, to 5.8% in 1971. While, the rest of the world – which held billions of dollars – began to get nervous. And rightly so.
Rather than honour its commitment to redeem U.S. dollars at $35 an ounce of gold, the Nixon administration simply “closed the gold window” in 1970. And created a new currency; a dollar that wasn’t connected to anything. The feds could now print as many as they wanted.
Shrewd investors anticipated the move, but not too many. Gold was already up to $40 an ounce when the announcement was made on August 15, 1971. Then, the dollar continued to sink until, by the end of 1979, gold was changing hands at $512/ounce.
The premise of the U.S. Treasury, and the economists guiding it – including Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman – was that the new dollar would be every bit as good as the old one; and that its guardians at the Treasury would be careful not to print too many. However, that premise was false. In 1973, the Arabs proved it, raising the price of oil 300% just to keep up with the depreciating dollar.
Governments were spending too much money; the deficits had to be borrowed. This “crowded out” private borrowing and slowed the economy. The combination of rising consumer prices and economic stagnation was cleverly stitched together, leading to the monster of “stagflation.”
Stagflation means persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment and stagnant demand. As, inflation destroys consumer purchasing power. The creation of money and credit does not create prosperity. It’s a form of theft through hidden taxation of consumers.
By 1974, that monster was breathing fire. Consumer prices were rising at an 11% rate. Governments, were near panic, and built defences. They created the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to try to bring their expenses and revenues closer together. Perhaps the CBO has helped. Or maybe it didn’t. Either way, the monster ran wild. U.S. public debt rose from $371 billion in 1970 to $908 billion in 1980. And by 1980, the inflation rate was hitting 14%. – Today’s official inflation rate, by contrast, is less than 2%. But wait…
In the 1990s, the feds changed the way they calculate the inflation numbers. If they thought the quality of a product had increased, they reasoned that buyers got more for their money. So they pretended that consumers got a lower price, too.
If a new computer was 10 times as fast as an old one, for example, they cut the price 90% — even though you had to pay just as much for the new one as for the old one. As you can imagine, these “hedonic” sleights of hand substantially cut the “inflation rate.”
But John Williams, of Shadow Government Statistics, continues to calculate inflation using the same formula used in 1980. Guess what inflation rate he gets for last year? Ten percent. In other words, using the same yardstick, inflation is already higher than it was in 1970. Confirmed by the 8% rice of the gold price, that also is a good measure of real price inflation.
The ’70s ended with no crash in the stock market. But, after inflation, a stockholder left the decade with only about 7% as much real wealth as he had when he entered it. Looks similar to the situation in the 1920s.
In broad terms, the false premise of the ’70s was that the new dollar was as good as the old one. You could have multiplied your money 13 times, simply by betting against the new dollar. All you had to do was to buy gold and sit tight.
And what about now? The leading premise of the 2020s is probably that this economy is just as good as ever. Investors seem to think so. The press says so. And President Donald Trump said recently in Davos; that he has led a “spectacular” turnaround of the U.S. economy and urged the world to invest in America. The question is: Is it true or false?
If false, the 2020s will prove to be at least as painful as the 1970s or even the 1920s, and probably much worse.
Free money is a scam corrupting society
On September 17, without a cloud in the sky, the central bank “cranked up the presses” to add about $100 billion a month over the next five months — simply to cover U.S. deficits. That’s inflation. Pure and Simple. The kind of thing that governments do to fund their activities that are often wasteful, but gives the impression being valuable.
Remember, “inflation” refers to increasing the money supply, not specifically to the kind of “inflation” that people don’t like i.e. consumer price inflation. First comes the money-printing. Then come asset price increases. Sharply rising consumer prices are usually the last and is the most spectacular phase of an inflationary disaster.
Free printed money is a scam. The longer it goes on, the more corrupt the whole society becomes, and the more citizens demand radical reforms. The new money, so far, has gone mostly to the Deep State cabal, and into the pockets of the rich, and politicians.
GDP growth is kept positive, by lending money below the rate of consumer price inflation. Worldwide, central banks lowered rates some 90 times last year. And now they are using its Repo Printing Program to pumping money in the system even faster than it did during the crisis of ’08-’09.
For several years through 2013, the Central Banks bought roughly $1.5 trillion of Treasuries and mortgage bonds to try to hold down long-term interest rates and encourage more borrowing and spending. Lower rates also led investors to invest more in stocks.
America and the rest of world won’t be made great again until the real wrongs – perpetual war and perpetual fake-money inflation – are corrected. These wrongs are not committed by capitalists, or by the Chinese, Mexicans, or Iranians. They are committed by central planners at the Rothschild central banks and executed by politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, cronies and other Deep State cronies, who instructed them to act that way. They won’t stop until the whole matter blows up.
Stay tuned there is more to follow

27 de octubre de 2019

Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for October 27, 2019

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - October 23, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)


China's ruling Communist Party leaders announced to hold a conclave this week to discuss "modernizing the country's governance system".

In other news, the leader of ISIS, Al-Baghdadi was just captured (dead or alive) which marks significant geopolitical progress toward the transition.

President Trump is expected to make a 'major statement' today which is assumed to be about Al-Baghdadi's capture.

Meanwhile, DECLAS is rolling out and rioting/chaos is expected once mass arrests/indictments begin.

President Trump is expected to announce the return to the gold standard to save the country from collapse during the chaos.

Once the U.S. returns to the gold standard, all countries will also begin adopting new modernized gold/asset-backed monetary systems.

6 de septiembre de 2019

Final Wakeup Call: Money Getting Faker by the Day

Money never earned or saved
The fake money system has given the world two things that it lacked beforehand: huge demand coming from credit-rich consumers, and a huge supply of capital, coming from the same source. – The financial industry created this bubble by lending the Central Banks’ fake money. Money that no one ever earned or saved, to people who had no business borrowing it, so they could buy overpriced homes they couldn’t afford. Then, after the inevitable blow-up in 2008, insiders bought the homes that had been heavily discounted by the blow-up they had helped to cause.
Nevertheless, the fix was triggered. Central Banks brought forth several rounds of QE-stimulus, quashed interest rates, keeping them down until the sector was fully reflated. To put this into perspective: The Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, show home prices went up about 30% over the last six years.
Interest rates are the price of money. Like all prices, they should be set by the market in order to accurately convey information about economic conditions. When the Central Banks lower interest rates, they distort those signals. This leads investors and businesses to misjudge the true state of the economy, resulting in misallocations of resources. These misallocations can create an economic boom. However, since the boom is rooted in misperceptions of the true state of the economy, it cannot last. Eventually, the Federal Reserve-created bubble bursts, will result in a recession.
The Central Banksters easy credit money policy has already killed the consumer figuratively and can be seen as the main cause of today’s crisis. The unparalleled ocean of artificial liquidity would surely lessen the effect of this recession, was the belief; the unplanned consequences of these policies is inflation, followed by stagflation, which will eventually wipe out the last bit of savings of people that were able to hold onto that last bit of security. In other words; the Central Bank’s power to affect the economy has now been greatly reduced. They have hit the proverbial wall and the people are headed to the edge of the economic fiat money cliff.

The economy is controlled by the issuance of fake money
The central bankers inflate; they have to keep inflating or the show comes to an end. The increasing money supply causes confusion, mistakes, and disasters. Inflation has already done trillions of dollars’ worth of damage to the economy. And if the picture that is emerging is correct, this is only be the beginning.
The world economy is controlled by the issuance of fake money. By controlling the issuance of money, the Rothschilds control the entire world economy. They can expand it or crash it at will. The depression that began in 2008 was yet another Rothschild creation, to further their agenda of centralised global finance and to introduce the long-planned world central bank.
The Federal Reserve, responding to concerns about the economy and the stock market, and perhaps to criticisms by President Trump, recently changed course on interest rates by cutting its “benchmark” rate from 2.25% to 2%. President Trump responded to the cut in already historically low rates, by attacking the Fed for not committing to future rate cuts.

Doing the same old thing and expecting different results
The Fed chair Jay Powell and European Central Bank president, Mario Draghi, both affirmed their resolve to provide more stimulus in the months ahead. In other words, the guardians of the world’s most important measures of value, said they would lend more fake money at even more fake interest rates. This, of course, caused disturbances in the financial markets. Investors are pretty sure that an already crazy situation is going to become even crazier in the future. And probably, they are right.
The Fed’s actions are a textbook example of the popular definition of insanity: doing the same old thing over and over again and expecting different results. After the 2008 market meltdown, the Fed launched an unprecedented policy of near-zero interest rates and “quantitative easing.” Both failed to produce real economic growth.
The latest rate cut is unlikely to increase growth or avert a major economic crisis. It is not a coincidence that the Fed’s rate cut came along with Congress passing a two-year budget deal that increases the already $22-trillion-dollar national debt and suspends the debt ceiling. The increase in government debt puts pressure on the Fed to keep interest rates artificially low, so the federal government’s interest payments do not increase to unsustainable levels.
The economy peaked at the turn of the century. Since then, as measured in the most reliable money mankind has ever known, gold, the blossom of its industrial wealth, the Dow 30, has been cut in half.
The global economy has been disturbingly twisted by fake-money financialization. Society and government have similarly been perverted and corrupted by its fake-money-financed elite. And now, the fading light of late summer falls on an aging, degenerate empire; like a fallen apple, it sits on the ground dreaming of springtime.
The common perception is that President Trump may be a bit unhinged, but he’s basically a man who understands money. – Recall that he was elected to Make America Great Again. The “again” part suggests that it isn’t so great now! And he was right. By almost every measure, the U.S. has lost ground in the 21st century, declining in almost every domain.
This decline was dismissed by Hillary Clinton, who countered this, saying that “America is still great.” But the decline was felt in the heartland, particularly by the average person. “Breadwinner jobs” in the factories were disappearing. Women moved fairly swiftly into the offices and coffee shops in the big cities. But men were often excluded from job opportunities.

The financialised economy
Today, there are said to be some 100 million adults without jobs. Many of them are comfortably retired. But some are simply marginalised, unable to find work in the financialised economy and the politically correct culture of 21st-century America.
These were the evils that President Trump was elected to fix. But they are not technical problems, Trump cannot simply push down on the lower-rate lever, or turn the tax-cut knob. Nor can he go to war with the Chinese, Mexicans, Democrats, the press or the Fed and expect any significant improvements. No, America’s problems are self-inflicted. It turned against its own principles of balanced budgets, honest money, and small government. Now, these disregarded principles have turned against the nation.
But let’s look at how Trump has done so far. Generally, what can be perceived is an central bank economy that has more or less continued to fumble along as it did during the Obama years. Final retail sales numbers, being a reliable measure of consumer health, have gone down compared to the last few months of the Obama era.
The number of jobs added is also lower than it was in the later Obama years. GDP growth got a temporary boost from the tax cut, but has fallen back to Obama levels or lower. In other words, the economy as a whole has not improved. But the price paid to keep it from changing is higher than ever.
Under Obama, federal spending rose at 2% per year. Now, it is rising at more than 4% per year. No president since Lyndon Johnson has dared to increase spending so wildly. And in Lyndon Johnson’s era, the economy was growing at 4% or higher. Today, GDP growth is only at half that level.
The only way the feds can keep spending so much money now is by borrowing. Just three weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump concluded an act of bipartisan treachery — agreeing to do away with the debt ceiling. Now, the sky’s the limit. And already, the feds are reaching for the stars. In the last month, the federal government has been borrowing at the rate of $4.5 billion per day.
The big question, though, is this: Would a Fed rate cut — or even multiple rate cuts over the next several months — really matter? Borrowing rates are already historically low. Few analysts think that reducing them a bit further would do much to revive the economy’s areas of weakness — from sluggish factories, to a tepid housing market, to anxious consumers, to uncertainty among company CEO’s about how to respond to Trump’s mercurial trade policies.

Fake-Money bubble will burst
Almost all major countries are stuck. They’ve all built their economies on fake money and phony interest rates. Soon, they’ll all be competing to debase their currencies to keep the fake money flowing and the whole useless exercise is going nowhere.
Private central banks are issuing the public currency as a loan at interest. This is why today every nation is drowning in intentionally-created, unnecessary debt, with the sinister purpose of enslaving every person on the planet to the private bankers. That is the reason for the ever-increasing taxes and the decreasing benefits; so that we are in the position to pay the bankers their unpayable interest on the public currency issued in the form of loans.
For the enslavement to succeed, peoples’ rights and freedoms to refuse the bank’s interest-bearing money have been stripped away. Deep State-controlled governments force their populaces to use the private central bank’s currency, loaned to people at interest, via the Legal Tender Laws. Herein lies the secret to the chains of your enslavement. People are ordered by the government, at the risk of being thrown into jail, to use the banker’s fake money, and to pay the interest charged by the bankers through, for example, taxes.
Let Mr. Market set prices and interest rates
Meanwhile, the Central Banks attempt to “prime the pump” via new money creation, restarting the whole boom-and-bust cycle. – This is not to say that no one would experience economic difficulties in a free market. Businesses and even whole industries could still potentially close because of changing consumer tastes, new competitors offering superior products, or bad business decisions. Bubbles may even occur in a free market economy, as some investors misinterpret trends to represent permanent changes in consumer preferences. But periods of downturn would be shorter, and most would only affect specific industries, rather than the entire economy.
Central Bankers, rather than do the right thing, by allowing Mr. Market to set prices and interest rates, keep repeating their old tune, in the expectation of getting better results; the very definition of insanity. Faced with the next crisis, all central banks are going to do what everyone expects them to do. They’ll turn the screws on savers, tighter than ever. They’ll buy bonds and force interest rates down; all to keep the fake money pumping into the bubble markets.

Central Banks’ ability to manage the unmanageable — a monetary system based solely on fiat currency, together with Trump’s continuous Fed bashing, is signalling the erosion of trust in and respect for the Fed, that is also evident by the interest in cryptocurrency, the passing of the Audit the Fed bill, and the passing of state laws re-legalising gold and silver, which are now both once again recognised as being legal tender. There is no doubt people are witnessing the last days of, not just the Federal Reserve and Central Banks in general, but the entire fiat debt-money concept, as well as the welfare-warfare system. Those who know the truth must do all they can to ensure that the crisis results in the return to the constitutional republic of America, the ending of the EU, true free markets, sound money and a geopolitical status of peace, with free trade policies.

False money, phony interest rates gives fake capital
But instead of even trying to understand the real challenge, the Central Banks make the problem worse. They are competent in their incompetency; immersing we, the people into a deliberate state of suffering, simply to fill their own pockets with our hard-earned money. Like the communist leaders in China, they pretend to stimulate, manage, and improve the economy. But the typical politician knows no more about economics than the typical communist. Perhaps even less. So, instead of letting capitalism do its work, the Central Banks undermine it with fake money, phony interest rates and fake capital.
Capitalism needs real capital; meaning savings. But the geniuses at the Central Banks have been punishing saving and rewarding debt, which is anti-capital, for at least the last 20 years. That’s why growth rates are falling and almost all the new jobs created in the last 20 years are in the low-wage, low-productivity, service sector, rather than high-value-added manufacturing.
Thanks to the profuse accumulation by the central banks of Europe and Japan, roughly 25% of all outstanding government debt now trades with a negative yield. This includes half of all European sovereign debt; 85% of Germany’s debt, and as of last week, all of Switzerland’s outstanding debt. That’s right, the entire Swiss government bond market – ranging from maturities of one month, all the way out to 50 years – now trades with a negative yield.
Even worse, we’re now seeing yields on some European high-yield corporate (or “junk”) bonds begin to dip into negative territory. This is complete and utter madness. After all, there are nocredible reasons why some banks and funds might choose to hold negative-yielding sovereign debt.
NIRP has helped drive up the prices of many financial assets. Along with quantitative easing (“QE”) and other central bank phony stimulus programs, it has been rendered next to impossible for income investors to earn a decent return on their savings today.
But as long-time FWC-readers may recall, when NIRP first took hold long ago, the greatest fear was that banks would begin to pass negative rates along to customers directly.
In other words, instead of being paid to save capital, individuals like you and me would be forced to pay just to keep the money we’ve already earned. And this could easily trigger a massive, global “run on the banks” as people rush to withdraw as much currency as possible to avoid these penalties.
So far, banks have borne the brunt of the negative consequences to date. The European banking system in particular – which was already struggling to recover from the euro crisis earlier this decade – has been decimated by NIRP. Yet, despite their struggles, most banks have still been reluctant to pass the costs of negative interest rates along to individual depositors, but rumours are spreading that this could soon happen. From the first of October next, Dutch banks are going to charge customers when they collect their own money via the banks’ ATM cash dispensers.
Fake money has destroyed real capital, created chaos in the markets, caused trillions in malinvestments, slowed down growth and resulted in appalling inequality. It has also corrupted the government; the central banks use it to avoid making hard — but necessary — decisions. Fake money finances their fake wars, rewards lobbyists, campaign donors, crony contractors, buys politicians and people in authority, it has added more than $10 trillion in additional debt in the last 10 years.
And with so much cheap credit available, not a single politician even suggests balancing the budget or curtailing wasteful spending. Why make tough choices when you get free money in your pocket?
For example, Switzerland and Germany are actually “getting paid” to borrow, Mr. Trump concluded at the G7 in France. But ordinary people only get free money when the fix is in. And the fix won’t stay fixed forever. Today’s rigged-up bond bubble will be no exception. When will it pop? How?
It would be nice to meeting the person who knows the answers to those questions. In the meantime, we wait, we watch, and try to connect the dots. And wonder: What really

Measured in gold, for the last 20 years the world has been in a bear market
Measured in gold, the Dow has been in a bear market for the last 20 years. Stocks have never returned to their 1999 highs. From 40 ounces to the Dow in 2000, the price of the Dow stocks — again, in gold terms — fell to just seven ounces in 2011. Then, there was the initiation and implementation of a powerful, criminally manipulated counter-trend.
But measured in gold, what is seen is something different. Instead of a new bull market, there is a classic bear market bounce — with the Dow-to-Gold ratio (aka the Greed/Fear index) rising, from 22 September 2018. In other words, the Dow never rose to new highs at all, not in gold terms; it merely retraced a bit more than 50% of its losses.
And since then, it has come down again, with all the hogwash, fraud and foolishness on the loose, but now the smart money is turning to gold for protection.
The precious metal rose as much as 1.2% to $1,502.30 an ounce on the Comex (metals exchange), the highest level since 2013. The move extends this year’s rise to 17%, with gains underpinned by inflows into exchange-traded funds. Silver has also surged.
Could it be that FWC was right all along? The run-up in stocks was not a genuine bull market. It was a fake-out, with prices manipulated by the Central Banks, as they can never stop a correction. But they can delay, distort, and disguise it. And they can sure make a gold-bug look stupid.
Soon, the world is expected to return to the gold standard, probably by mid-September. Once this happens, the Federal Reserve and all other central banks will become obsolete, while the IMF will announce a global gold treaty, calling on all countries to return to the gold standard. Then, the implementation of the New – Gold-backed – Financial System QFS will be operational. Fiat money will be completely obliterated over time. This will be the first phase of the GESARA agenda.

Meanwhile, gold achieved what it had failed to do for years. It staged a major breakout, jumping double digits in less than two months. The price of gold jumped 7.3% in a two-week stretch. Since gold blasted above $1,400 an ounce in June, the metal has been in a clearly defined uptrend. Unfortunately, most people have a hard time believing the trend is so powerful. However, the numbers prove it in this case. Both silver and gold have been rocketing higher over the past few weeks. It’s just the beginning. Don’t let this opportunity slip; Now’s the time to purchase both metals, if you haven’t already. Big gains for gold and silver are likely to continue, as historical trends show that Gold could easily see another 19% gain over the next year

6 de julio de 2019

Ashtar: Appropriate Time

This is Ashtar Sheran with a message for our loved ones upon planet Shan.
Yesterday’s American celebration of Independence Day had grand expectations that never materialized. The president’s speech was rumored to be a revealing of the RV, the new promised world and more. He didn’t waver from his plan to simply celebrate the history of the United States, as it has been told you you over the past. Of course this history is not as you know it. Your minds have been altered to believe what you have been told.
This will be rectified in future when it is the appropriate time to do so. And with those words “appropriate time” I will say that this is not the appropriate time to reveal the RV to all those upon your planet who have no idea of what is going on. Some of you do and you are chomping at the bit to get started. But you have to understand you are a minority of the population upon your planet, and although you are in the know, these others are not. Your world must be dealt with as a whole, not in parts.
The lightworkers and starseeds are aware because they work with us. They are the first to become multidimensionals on your planet. They are there to help to lead the rest when it is their time to begin ascending.
As for information, the information must go out to you. If it goes out through the POTUS, as a whole, not in parts. Lightworkers must ready themselves to be able to help those with questions and many of you are not aware enough yet to fulfill that role.
The RV will not be revealed through pomp and circumstance. Not with parades, long speeches, fireworks and flyovers. It will be rolled out in small pieces, as it already has been, small enough for those who are listening to digest the information and to assimilate the new reality being created. Yes, you are co-creators so this new reality is being fed to you piece by piece.Your light power is the power that will create and hold this new reality in this new timeline for earth.
Of course, there are those who are attempting to confuse, lie, cause separation, wreak havoc as is want to happen on your planet. You have to take that element with a grain of salt.
Those who proclaim that John F Kennedy Jr will come back from the dead to speak to you at Mt Rushmore are fooling you. You must stay grounded. For much of the information you hear, you must have a “see it to believe it” attitude. Do not accept these claims unless you have the ability to sense energy. When you do sense the energy of these claims, you will see they are lies. Otherwise, investigate the claim and see if there is truth to it.
Your light power is the power that will create this new reality and yet so many of you are fooled by lies. We desire that you work on that gullibility with some realistic skeptism and ground yourself daily so that you are not so easily swayed when others are lying to you. They want you to create their reality and that reality is your lie, your untruth, so which do you choose? Do you choose peace and love for the people of earth or do you choose to continue the lie that has been perpetuated which continues to play out before you. It is up to you. You are the ones who are involved in this new timeline of creating a new earth. I can’t stress this enough. It is up to you, nobody else. Your energy is what is creating this new timeline so please stop falling for lies and rumors. Check with your intuition.
Your desire to be rescued is being played upon. You are here to rescue this world, not JFK Jr, or anyone else. You must stay level headed. Stop any wishful thinking. Adopt healthy skepticism. Don’t listen to everything that is told to you. Everything will happen as it’s supposed to but much of it has to do with the light energy that you put towards the truth as the truth can only be physically manifested by energy of its own frequency. Why do you think that your planet until now has been of such a low vibration? Because it is a web of lies, which obviously have not abated yet.
As for President Trump in his speech last night, he did exactly as he was supposed to do: he said nothing of the RV. Despite rumors that he was going to tell all, and to start the RV off, he held his ground and said nothing. And yes, we extraterrestrials were watching all of this. We watch you all the time.
This message is being relayed to you to tell you that it is up to you. Where you focus your energy is what will be created. Do you want the Truth of peace and Love to be created, or lies to continue to be created? Because when you fall for lies, you will create more lies.
I remain with you always,
YouTube: SharonandIvoStewart

21 de marzo de 2019

Q-anon: Increase In Attacks Only Demonstrates Validity And Close Proximity To Justice


unraveling eraoflightdotcom
Number(s) do not always equate to days.
The face of a watch/clock has multiple versions.
Incorrect interpretations pushed as statements of fact often lead to pitfalls [stranglehold ‘choke’ tactic used by attackers].
Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].


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