, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Announcements & Many Revelations...



Announcements & Many Revelations...

MPORTANT READ: Situation update by Per Staffan, March 28th, 2020

2, Two Important Points here,

1, One, April 1st to the 10th, 10 Days of Darkness which may include TV 24/7 Announcements & Many Revelations...

2, Two, Habeas Corpus has been suspended.
So whatever you need for at leasten days it's time to get, if you haven't already.
Know the old way of life is over & will change monthly, weekly, daily as will we.

Who we appear to be will change as we move into the Spiritual Energies as Christ Consciousness is near.
Technologies will give us Perfect Health & Youth & Instant learning & help Unlock many of  Our abilities.

And as Christ said, 'Greater things then I do, ye shall do'. With a Vastly Expanded Heart, We meethe Future, Jack

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden  Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below & More of Mine Above****

Situation update by Per Staffan, March 28th, 2020
Per Staffan March 28, 2020
Disclosure - Political (not channeled)

Critical  developments are underway and this goes far beyond the corona crisis. 

The Coronavirus crisis was started by the global cabal in China. The  main purpose was to bring the global economy to a crash, which would  prevent Trump from being reelected in 2020.

However,  the Alliance with Trump and Q were aware of what was coming and let the  cabal go ahead and instead developed plans on their own for how to take  advantage of the situation. The shutdown of the country cannot go on  forever – we cannot afford it, but it can serve a purpose in the short  term for the Alliance – beyond limiting the spread of the virus.

It  is an effective way of making sure people are not out in the street and  gather in large crowds. Q has gone out and said that a much more  complete shut down will be in place from April 1st to April 10th. 

Presumably this will be announced by Donald Trump on March 31st. This  will give the Alliance a golden opportunity to carry out mass arrests  during this period, minimizing the chances of violent clashes. Pointing  to this is also the fact that Bill Barr and the Justice Department last  week lifted Habeas Corpus on a temporary basis from the Constitution. 

The important aspect of this act is that people arrested on charges of  treason and other such crimes can be held in arrest for a prolonged  period of time.

In  other words we have a period of ten days in early April where the  country will be shut down and the field is wide open for arresting large  number of people. Trump has various military sources to his disposal to  carry out this mission, such as the National Guard.

It  is also possible that the complete take over of the Federal Reserve by  the US treasury Department will be done during this time.

Of course, the cabal is not unaware of such developments. Question is – Do they have any ammunition left?

For  those of you who are no fans of Donald Trump I would just say give our  General Donald Trump a chance to win this war. Winston Churchill was not  very popular in the beginning either, during WW2.

Much  of the advance information comes from Q, which is then verified in  various ways. There are many good “decoders” of Q. One of my favorites  is David who produces the X22 reports. Below you can find his two latest  focused on political developments.

Hang in there and lets keep our fingers crossed for April and a glorious Easter.
Per Staffan
Yellow Sky, Timeline Important, Panic, Suicide Watch

Habeas Corpus Ready, Mass Pop Awakening, Silent War Continues

Message Sent [P], Panic Everywhere, Puzzle Almost Complete

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