
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta U.S. economy. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta U.S. economy. Mostrar todas las entradas

11 de abril de 2018

EXECUTIVE ORDERS Executive Order Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to promote economic mobility, strong social networks, and accountability to American taxpayers, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1.  Purpose.  The United States and its Constitution were founded on the principles of freedom and equal opportunity for all.  To ensure that all Americans would be able to realize the benefits of those principles, especially during hard times, the Government established programs to help families with basic unmet needs.  Unfortunately, many of the programs designed to help families have instead delayed economic independence, perpetuated poverty, and weakened family bonds.  While bipartisan welfare reform enacted in 1996 was a step toward eliminating the economic stagnation and social harm that can result from long-term Government dependence, the welfare system still traps many recipients, especially children, in poverty and is in need of further reform and modernization in order to increase self-sufficiency, well-being, and economic mobility.
Sec2.  Policy.  (a)  In 2017, the Federal Government spent more than $700 billion on low-income assistance.  Since its inception, the welfare system has grown into a large bureaucracy that might be susceptible to measuring success by how many people are enrolled in a program rather than by how many have moved from poverty into financial independence.  This is not the type of system that was envisioned when welfare programs were instituted in this country.  The Federal Government’s role is to clear paths to self-sufficiency, reserving public assistance programs for those who are truly in need.  The Federal Government should do everything within its authority to empower individuals by providing opportunities for work, including by investing in Federal programs that are effective at moving people into the workforce and out of poverty.  It must examine Federal policies and programs to ensure that they are consistent with principles that are central to the American spirit — work, free enterprise, and safeguarding human and economic resources.  For those policies or programs that are not succeeding in those respects, it is our duty to either improve or eliminate them.
(b)  It shall be the policy of the Federal Government to reform the welfare system of the United States so that it empowers people in a manner that is consistent with applicable law and the following principles, which shall be known as the Principles of Economic Mobility:
(i)     Improve employment outcomes and economic independence (including by strengthening existing work requirements for work-capable people and introducing new work requirements when legally permissible);
(ii)    Promote strong social networks as a way of sustainably escaping poverty (including through work and marriage);
(iii)   Address the challenges of populations that may particularly struggle to find and maintain employment (including single parents, formerly incarcerated individuals, the homeless, substance abusers, individuals with disabilities, and disconnected youth);
(iv)    Balance flexibility and accountability both to ensure that State, local, and tribal governments, and other institutions, may tailor their public assistance programs to the unique needs of their communities and to ensure that welfare services and administering agencies can be held accountable for achieving outcomes (including by designing and tracking measures that assess whether programs help people escape poverty);
(v)     Reduce the size of bureaucracy and streamline services to promote the effective use of resources;
(vi)    Reserve benefits for people with low incomes and limited assets;
(vii)   Reduce wasteful spending by consolidating or eliminating Federal programs that are duplicative or ineffective;
(viii)  Create a system by which the Federal Government remains updated on State, local, and tribal successes and failures, and facilitates access to that information so that other States and localities can benefit from it; and
(ix)    Empower the private sector, as well as local communities, to develop and apply locally based solutions to poverty.
(c)  As part of our pledge to increase opportunities for those in need, the Federal Government must first enforce work requirements that are required by law.  It must also strengthen requirements that promote obtaining and maintaining employment in order to move people to independence.  To support this focus on employment, the Federal Government should:
(i)   review current federally funded workforce development programs.  If more than one executive department or agency (agency) administers programs that are similar in scope or population served, they should be consolidated, to the extent permitted by law, into the agency that is best equipped to fulfill the expectations of the programs, while ineffective programs should be eliminated; and
(ii)  invest in effective workforce development programs and encourage, to the greatest extent possible, entities that have demonstrated success in equipping participants with skills necessary to obtain employment that enables them to financially support themselves and their families in today’s economy.
(d)  It is imperative to empower State, local, and tribal governments and private-sector entities to effectively administer and manage public assistance programs.  Federal policies should allow local entities to develop and implement programs and strategies that are best for their respective communities.  Specifically, policies should allow the private sector, including community and faith-based organizations, to create solutions that alleviate the need for welfare assistance, promote personal responsibility, and reduce reliance on government intervention and resources.
(i)   To promote the proper scope and functioning of government, the Federal Government must afford State, local, and tribal governments the freedom to design and implement programs that better allocate limited resources to meet different community needs.
(ii)  States and localities can use such flexibility to devise and evaluate innovative programs that serve diverse populations and families.  States and localities can also model their own initiatives on the successful programs of others.  To achieve the right balance, Federal leaders must continue to discuss opportunities to improve public assistance programs with State and local leaders, including our Nation’s governors.
(e)  The Federal Government owes it to Americans to use taxpayer dollars for their intended purposes.  Relevant agencies should establish clear metrics that measure outcomes so that agencies administering public assistance programs can be held accountable.  These metrics should include assessments of whether programs help individuals and families find employment, increase earnings, escape poverty, and avoid long-term dependence.  Whenever possible, agencies should harmonize their metrics to facilitate easier cross-programmatic comparisons and to encourage further integration of service delivery at the local level.  Agencies should also adopt policies to ensure that only eligible persons receive benefits and enforce all relevant laws providing that aliens who are not otherwise qualified and eligible may not receive benefits.
(i)   All entities that receive funds should be required to guarantee the integrity of the programs they administer.  Technology and innovation should drive initiatives that increase program integrity and reduce fraud, waste, and abuse in the current system.
(ii)  The Federal Government must support State, local, and tribal partners by investing in tools to combat payment errors and verify eligibility for program participants.  It must also work alongside public and private partners to assist recipients of welfare assistance to maximize access to services and benefits that support paths to self-sufficiency.
Sec3.  Review of Regulations and Guidance Documents.  (a)  The Secretaries of the Treasury, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, and Education (Secretaries) shall:
(i)    review all regulations and guidance documents of their respective agencies relating to waivers, exemptions, or exceptions for public assistance program eligibility requirements to determine whether such documents are, to the extent permitted by law, consistent with the principles outlined in this order;
(ii)   review any public assistance programs of their respective agencies that do not currently require work for receipt of benefits or services, and determine whether enforcement of a work requirement would be consistent with Federal law and the principles outlined in this order;
(iii)  review any public assistance programs of their respective agencies that do currently require work for receipt of benefits or services, and determine whether the enforcement of such work requirements is consistent with Federal law and the principles outlined in this order;
(iv)   within 90 days of the date of this order, and based on the reviews required by this section, submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy a list of recommended regulatory and policy changes and other actions to accomplish the principles outlined in this order; and
(v)    not later than 90 days after submission of the recommendations required by section 3(a)(iv) of this order, and in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, take steps to implement the recommended administrative actions.
(b)  Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretaries shall each submit a report to the President, through the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, that:
(i)    states how their respective agencies are complying with 8 U.S.C. 1611(a), which provides that an alien who is not a “qualified alien” as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1641 is, subject to certain statutorily defined exceptions, not eligible for any Federal public benefit as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1611(c);
(ii)   provides a list of Federal benefit programs that their respective agencies administer that are restricted pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1611; and
(iii)  provides a list of Federal benefit programs that their respective agencies administer that are not restricted pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1611.
Sec4.  Definitions.  For the purposes of this order:
(a)  the terms “individuals,” “families,” and “persons” mean any United States citizen, lawful permanent resident, or other lawfully present alien who is qualified to or otherwise may receive public benefits;
(b)  the terms “work” and “workforce” include unsubsidized employment, subsidized employment, job training, apprenticeships, career and technical education training, job searches, basic education, education directly related to current or future employment, and workfare; and(c)  the terms “welfare” and “public assistance” include any program that provides means-tested assistance, or other assistance that provides benefits to people, households, or families that have low incomes (i.e., those making less than twice the Federal poverty level), the unemployed, or those out of the labor force.
Sec5.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b)  This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c)  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
April 10, 2018.

23 de enero de 2018

Melania Trump follows in Israel's footsteps and forbids the White House staff to take the flu shot - We all have to screw ourselves up or become antisocial or in jail

First Lady Melania Trump has banned White House staff from receiving the flu shot after learning of the vaccine's adverse health effects.

Melania Trump Bans White House Staff From Taking Flu Shot

First Lady Melania Trump has banned White House staff from receiving the flu shot after learning of the adverse health effects associated with the controversial vaccine, according to reports.

While public debate rages about the safety of this season’s flu shot, Melania Trump says that as far as she is concerned, she won’t have people endangering her son with their “dangerous” flu shot diseases.

“I will not allow incubators of dangerous viruses to come anywhere near my son,” the First Lady said.

After researching the ingredients used in making the flu shot, and becoming concerned about potential negative health effects, including death, Melania Trump said she was “amazed that it [flu shot] is being pushed so hard by the media this year.“

The First Lady, who proudly describes herself as a “full-time mom”, then realized that this year’s flu shot is only 10% effective – and the flu strains contained in the vaccine may be responsible for spreading serious cases of influenza.

Many of the victims of this year’s deadly flu epidemic – including many of the dead – received a flu shot shortly before they came down with the virus.
In Santa Barbara eight people had died of the flu this month. 

Seven of them had the flu shot. This deadly pattern is replicating itself across the country, yet health officials are still telling people to get the flu shot, even though it does not work this season.

In the interests of her son Barron’s health – as well as her own – Melania decided to avoid the flu shot this year. She also decided to clean up the White House, encouraging staffers against taking the flu shot.

But as Melania explained, this wasn’t as easy as it sounds. Every year the pharmaceutical industry, medical experts and the mainstream media work hard to convince us to get vaccinated against the flu. 2018 is no different.
But, as usual, we’re not being told the whole story.

Pharmaceutical companies provide mainstream media outlets with a huge percentage of their advertising revenue. Big pharmaceutical companies actually spend far more on advertising than research. We are talking hundreds of billions of dollars.

Big Pharma’s dollars effectively purchase the obedience of mainstream media. You can no longer believe anything they say about pharmaceuticals, especially vaccines.
It is clear Big Pharma is desperate to ensure mainstream media outlets never tell us about adverse reactions or the toxic chemicals being injected into us in the flu shot.
While the CDC attempts to convince us that the flu shot is safe, doctors working for the agency have warned us that the opposite is true.

The sad fact is that we cannot rely on the CDC and mainstream media to protect us. We must do our own research and educate ourselves.

In the First Lady’s case, her self-education led to her total ban on the flu shot among White House staffers, encouraging the use of natural immunity-boosters, instead of the ineffective and dangerous vaccine.

Melania said that in order to justify the ban to the staffers, she had to provide “plenty of scientific evidence.“

“I have a friend who is a holistic doctor, she provides me with most of my dietary advice and nutritional supplements. She provided me with a wealth of information about the reality of vaccines in 2018,” the First Lady said.

“I spent a lot of time researching, reading, really studying the subject. I had to feel totally confident I was making the right decision for my son.”
“It took a few months but I finally felt totally confident with my decision.”

13 de octubre de 2017

Advises on the Transition to Lawful Money and Credit

"Anna Von Reitz on the Transition to Lawful Money and Credit" by Suzi - 10.11.17

Entry Submitted by Suzi at 3:28 AM EDT on October 11, 2017

Long Awaited: Anna Von Reitz Advises on the Transition to Lawful Money and Credit

This evening Judge Anna Von Reitz, Fiduciary to the American States and people, more formally known as United States of America (Unincorporated) continues her Evil in High Places series (Article #752) with what was labeled as Part One, but which I think is actually Part Two (see Article #743 of same title).

Nonetheless this busy woman shares substance with us that we have long craved. The highlights:

1. We the American states and people are not responsible for the Odious Debt accumulated by the Federal Reserve System and its related corporate and association entities. Instead, we have made our claims against the perpetrators and all their spin-off organizations and those claims have long- since cured.

2. What was thought to be our debt is now our credit. And the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve system is no longer protecting the Principals responsible for this deplorable situation.

3. New Management (the good guys) are taking over the business and deciding what happens to all the ill-gotten profit.

4. Our claims predate those of the OPPT and we have the preeminent standing.

5. All the corporate governments WORLDWIDE and all their franchises are under new management, most especially and including the BANKS.

6. It’s taking a while for the word of this to get out. (Yes, I dare say, I wonder why the MSM doesn’t want to inform the people of the world that they are under new management!!!)

7. Those responsible, have no justifiable argument against the moving forward of good business.

8. Anna advises against panic and fear. This is just an appropriate business transition deriving from and moving out of the bankruptcy.


10. This process is within the Public Law and also in the statutory law. It will all be peaceful, without violence or malice.

Article #752 begins. (Red highlights added. I’m an editor, and we editors love our red pens, but after you read this, I think you’ll share my enthusiasm!!!!)

Stay alert to all news tomorrow.



Article #752 begins:

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Evil in High Places -- Part One 

By Anna Von Reitz

Money--- even actual money that has value in-and-of-itself, is a very queer thing, so odd in fact that most people's brains refuse to contemplate it for long. It just does not make sense to them, so they accept it as a Fact of Life and go on about their business. 

This is understandable, but not at all healthy or helpful. 

Your country and your world need you to think about what money is and is not. 

First of all, what we use "as" money in this country is not money. It is a private bank script, akin to casino chips. Inside the casino you can use the chips "as if" they were money, and for this purpose, the chips were assigned a value by the 1934 Emergency Banking Act. That piece of skulduggery established an exchange rate of one actual United States (silver) dollar per one I.O.U. denominated as a "one dollar" (equivalent) Federal Reserve Note. 

This would be exactly the same as if I said, okay, I am going to give you this piece of paper--- an I.O.U. -- in exchange for a piece of silver worth a dollar in the world market, so that you can play in my casino. 

What is the immediate impact of this arrangement? Well, the casino owner gets a lot of silver at no interest, which he can use to invest as he pleases, and you meanwhile are left with his I.O.U., which within the confines of the casino spends just like real money, but isn't real money. It's credit. His credit. 

And how much credit could a bankrupt governmental services corporation have? 

Zero to none. 

Nonetheless, this is the "deal" that Congress dished out to the trusting American people in 1934 on behalf of the private Federal Reserve Banks.

So the Federal Reserve Banks issued a private bank script (casino chip) as a one dollar-equivalent I.O.U., and the Congress, which had long since been corrupted and was secretively functioning as the Board of Directors of the bankrupt Municipal Corporation doing business as the "United States of America" (Inc.), forced Americans to accept this deal via "Legal Tender Laws" and the 1934 Emergency Banking Act, etc., etc., etc.

As a result, American Silver Dollars were collected by the Federal Reserve Banks and the debt of the Federal Reserve Banks (their I.O.U.s -- Federal Reserve Notes) were collected by the American people and everyone else doing business inside the casino.

There was a long period during which the machine quietly ticked away, with the silver being drained out of the American's pockets and into the private bank coffers, and on the surface, nothing much appeared to have changed. Inside the casino, the so-called "domestic economy" the people, largely unaware that they were now exchanging casino chips (I.O.U.'s) went about their business, shook their heads, thought that the business of high finance was too mysterious for them, and started exchanging their labor and other assets for the I.O.U.s. 

Then, the organization issuing the I.O.U's --- the "Federal Reserve System"-- went quietly bankrupt and welched on all those I.O.U's. in 2009. The Casino went bust. And despite the obvious malicious intent and the wildly inequitable nature of this "deal" in the first place, and also the self-interested fraud involved on the part of the Congress and the coercive nature of the bogus "Legal Tender Laws" and "Acts" misrepresented as actual public laws applying to all Americans---- despite all this, the courts let the vermin have bankruptcy protection. 

The "Federal Reserve System" was, after all, just a spin-off and private trademark of the Federal Reserve Bank Association. What did it matter if it was allowed to go bankrupt?

Only that it allowed the member banks to literally steal all that American silver and use it to trade and collateralize their own debts --- for free --- for a hundred years, and never give back any interest, any profit, any share of this whatsoever to the American states and people, and at the end of this looting, leave the American states and people holding the bag for all this. 

Yes, it wasn't bad enough that the privately owned and operated members banks of the Federal Reserve System and the fake corporate "Congress" stole all the silver and used it for a hundred years without repayment of any kind, but they left the American states and people holding their debt. Literally. 

This is known as "Odious Debt" --- a debt from which the victim gains no value or benefit and which was created by means of fraud, non-disclosure, coercion, or other criminal means. 

We, the American states and people, are not responsible for this situation and we are not paying this Odious Debt. Instead, we have made our claims against the perpetrators and all their spin-off organizations and those claims have long-since cured. 

What was thought to be our debt is now our credit. And the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve System is no longer protecting the Principals responsible for this deplorable situation. 

But, but, but, but..... we can hear the guilty parties sputtering, "We are too big to fail! If we fail, we are taking everyone else with us!"

It's not quite like that. 

You see, we are the Paramount Secured Interest Holders. We now own it all. So it isn't a matter of them being too big to fail and threatening to take us all down with them. It's a matter of New Management taking over the business and deciding what happens to all the ill-gotten profit. 

Heather Ann Tucci-Jareff and her fellows in the Paradigm Project perceived the same things and have attempted to foreclose on the perpetrators and create a gigantic Public Trust --- the so-called OPPT, however, our claims predate theirs by several hundred years. We also have standing as True Creditors and Principals that no federal employee and no member of the Bar Association has. 

All these incorporated Territorial and Municipal Governments worldwide and all their franchises (exempting living people who have been enfranchised without their knowledge or consent) are under new management, most especially and including the banks. 

It's taking a while for the word to get out and even longer for people on the street to make heads or tails of it. 

While you are taking in just this small part of the evil that has been practiced against us and against billions of other innocent people worldwide, bear in mind that those responsible have no excuse and no ability to claim that this is any issue of "national security" nor any part of any political movement nor insurrection nor anything but plain, old, average, every day conduct of business.

It's just business that the perpetrators of these evils didn't expect to be conducted.

There is no reason to panic, no reason to be afraid, no reason to think that your money is worthless or that you don't have credit or anything else of the sort. 

Those of you who are old enough to remember when Tricky Dick Nixon took the "US" off the silver standard and created the Petro-Dollar know that this took place without any great upheaval or fanfare. You can expect the transition to lawful money and credit to be similarly low-key.

After all, we are just going home after being tossed about on the "sea" and everything we have done and are doing is already set in the Public Law and also in the statutory law. It's all being done peaceably, without violence, without malice.

And at the end of the day, it is really good news, that will pave the way for a better world and a better future for everyone on this planet. 

I tend to think of FDR as "King Rat", and so he was, but he was right about one thing --- there really is nothing to fear, but fear itself

19 de septiembre de 2017

How much should the US? And whom? Everything about the record public debt of Washington (INFOGRAPHIC)

Posted 19 September 2017 1:13 GMT | Last updated: 19 Sep 2017 10:04 GMT 

What is the US government debt? What it is and how it has evolved over the mandates of recent American presidents? Here are all keys. 

Sputnik / RT 

On 12 September , the US public debt He reached a record high, surpassing $ 20 trillion for the first time in history. A new White House authorization allows the US Treasury Department exceeds the limit of 19.94 trillion set in 2016. On 8 September , the US president, Donald Trump , signed a law suspending the barrier until December 8. 

the debtUS Federal Government It can be divided into two main areas : public debt and domestic debt. The first group consists of securities purchased by investors, corporations, government bodies of the States, the Federal Reserve System US and foreign governments. As for domestic debt it consists of securities acquired by other federal bodies. 


Among the biggest foreign holders of bonds of US government debt include China (1146.5 million), Japan (1090.8), Ireland (302.5) and Brazil (269.7), according to estimates by June 2017. 


However, the US debt never stops growing . The last dramatic growth of US government debt It took place during the presidency of Barack Obama, The predecessor of Trump. During the pre-Obama came to power 17 years , the debt grew by $ 5 trillion, as well as increased in the first three years of his mandate. 

At the end of his term in January 2017, Obama left the country with a debt of 19.9 trillion, ie that during his tenure the US public debt almost he doubled. Also limit government borrowing rose several times. In October 2013 this situation even led to the so - called 'closure' of the Government, the suspension of the provision of all non - essential public services. 


This occurred because the budget law was never approved in time because of a disagreement over funding the Patient Protection Act and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or also known as Obamacare). 

At that time the government was forced to send home without pay most of its officials, 800,000 federal employees, more than one million workers without a specific date for the payment of their salaries. The closure lasted 16 days. 

This dramatic growth of public debt under President Obama had his cause, among other things, the need to combat the consequences of the 2008 crisis in spending on the military campaign in Afghanistan and the reform of health Obamacare.

Reforms and measures that could promote Trump, which include the border wall with Mexico, could further increase debt. According to estimates by the Congressional Budget Office US (CBO, for its acronym in English), the current federal debt is at its highest level since World War II and will increase over the next 30 years to reach 150% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2047.

30 de agosto de 2017

US bankers financing US enemies

If you really hate the Corp. UNITED STATES, then STOP flying their flag at your homes! 

Start flying the true American flag of the people!

US bankers financing US enemies

Forgotten history: US bankers financing US enemies---and why it is important now
By Jon Rappoport
August 28 2017
In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller.  Over the years, several million copies have been sold.

Allen's thesis was stark: super-rich American capitalists were financing socialism. This bizarre paradox was resolved when socialism was properly understood---not as "power to the people"---but as elite power over the people. In other words, as a hoax. 

These days, the socialist hoax is still unknown to most of the population. Cloak a global power grab as progress for all of humanity.

Here, from chapter six of None Dare Call it Conspiracy, "The Rockefellers and the Reds," is a devastating passage commenting on the period just after the Russian Revolution of 1917:

"The Rockefellers assigned their public relations agent, Ivy Lee, to sell the American public the idea that the Bolsheviks were merely misunderstood idealists who were actually kind benefactors of mankind."

"Professor Antony Sutton of Stanford University's Hoover Institution, notes in his highly authoritative Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development:"

"Quite predictably...[Ivy] Lee concludes that the communist problem is merely psychological. By this time he is talking about "Russians" (not Communists) and concludes "they are all right."  He suggests the United States should not engage in propaganda; makes a plea for peaceful coexistence; and suggests the United States would find it sound policy to recognize the USSR and advance credits [give loans].' (Antony Sutton, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Calif., 1968, p.292)"

"After the Bolshevik Revolution, Standard of New Jersey [Rockefeller] bought 50 per cent of the Nobel's huge Caucasus oil fields even though the property had theoretically been nationalized [by Russia]. (O'Connor, Harvey, The Empire Of Oil, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1955, p.270.)"

"In 1927, Standard Oil of New York [Rockefeller] built a refinery in Russia, thereby helping the Bolsheviks put their economy back on its feet. Professor Sutton states: 'This was the first United States investment in Russia since the Revolution.' (Ibid, Vol.1, p.38)"

"Shortly thereafter Standard Oil of New York and its subsidiary, Vacuum Oil Company [Rockefeller], concluded a deal to market Soviet oil in European countries and it was reported that a loan of $75,009,000 to the Bolsheviks was arranged. (National Republic, Sept.1927.)"

"...Wherever Standard Oil would go, Chase National Bank was sure to follow. (The Rockefeller's Chase Bank was later merged with the Warburg's Manhattan Bank to form the present Chase Manhattan Bank.) In order to rescue the Bolsheviks, who were supposedly an archenemy, the Chase National Bank was instrumental in establishing the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce in 1922. President of the Chamber was Reeve Schley, a vice-president of Chase National Bank. (Ibid, Vol.11, p.288)

According to Professor Sutton: 'In 1925, negotiations between Chase and [Russian] Prombank extended beyond the finance of raw materials and mapped out a complete program for financing Soviet raw material exports to the U. S. and imports of U. S. cotton and machinery.' (Ibid, Vol.11, p.226) Sutton also reports that 'Chase National Bank and the Equitable Trust Company were leaders in the Soviet credit business.' (Ibid, p.277)"

"The Rockefeller's Chase National Bank also was involved in selling Bolshevik bonds in the United States in 1928. Patriotic organizations denounced the Chase as an 'international fence.' Chase was called 'a disgrace to America... They will go to any lengths for a few dollars profits.' (Ibid, Vol.11, p.291)

Congressman Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Banking Committee, maintained in a speech to his fellow Congressmen:"

"The Soviet government has been given United States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and the Guaranty Trust Company and other banks in New York City."

"Open up the books of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in New York, and of Gostorg, the general office of the Soviet Trade Organization, and of the State Bank of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States' Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York'. 
(Congressional Record, June 15, 1933.)"

"But the Rockefellers apparently were not alone in financing the Communist arm of the Insiders' conspiracy. According to Professor Sutton '... there is a report in the State Department files that names Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (the long established and important financial house in New York) as the financier of the [Russians'] First Five Year Plan. See U. S. State Dept. Decimal File, 811.51/3711 and 861.50 FIVE YEAR PLAN/236.' (Sutton, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 340n.)"

"Professor Sutton proves conclusively in his three volume history of Soviet technological development that the Soviet Union was almost literally manufactured by the U.S.A..."

"...Sutton shows that there is hardly a segment of the Soviet economy which is not a result of the transference of Western, particularly American, technology."

"This cannot be wholly the result of accident. For fifty years the Federal Reserve-CFR-Rockefeller-lnsider crowd has advocated and carried out policies aimed at increasing the power of their satellite, the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, America spends $75 billion a year on defense to protect itself from the enemy the Insiders are building up."

NOTE: The descendants of these bankers are now doing everything they can to build up the story that Donald Trump won the presidency by colluding with Russians. To call this an irony, in view of the above information, would be a vast understatement.

However, the motives of these men are clear:  regardless of whether Trump meant to keep his promises to destroy Globalism (aka worldwide socialism), his mere mention of Globalism as the enemy, during the presidential campaign, and his declared opposition to Globalist "free trade" treaties, was sufficient to warrant an all-out attack on him.

The whole idea of nationalism as preferable to Globalism could act as a contagious germ spreading to the people of other countries---so Trump as the face and symbol of such sentiments had to be defamed and crushed.

Through various front organizations, cutouts, dupes, brainwashed useful idiots, and violent hired thugs, that operation to crush Trump is well underway.


Many, many of Trump's supporters want to see Globalism buried. Ultimately, they are the real target of the Globalists, who want to neutralize and disperse them and make them passive and demoralized.
Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.
Jon Rappoport - The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
You can find this article and more at
  (To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealedclick here.)

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...