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27 de noviembre de 2018

How would the resume of a monarch? Here's an example

Very good morning I seek work as liquidator of Catalan, conqueror of half the world, sportsman and active military 

Allow me to direct me to present my name is  Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón. The names received were the following reasons:
  • Felipe, in honor of his ancestor King  Felipe V , the first Bourbon who reigned in Spain.
  • John , in honor of his paternal grandfather  , Juan de Borbon, Count of Barcelona .
  • Paul , in honor of his maternal grandfather King  Paul I of the Hellenes .
  • Alfonso , in honor of great - grandfather King  Alfonso XIII of Spain .
  • All Saints , as a continuation of the Bourbon tradition (treason) against Catalonia.

I was born in  Madrid , the  30  of  January  of  1968 , in the clinic of  Our Lady of Loreto On February 8, 1968 I was baptized in the  Palacio de la Zarzuela  by Archbishop Casimiro Morcillo ,  Archbishop of Madrid My height is  1.97 m tall The  Spanish Constitution , Title II, Article 56, paragraph 2  means I can  use other titles and dignities, generally referred to historical entities, which have traditionally been associated with the Spanish Crown :  

WORK EXPERIENCE  He received military training at the  Military Academy  of Zaragoza , the  Naval School  of  Marin  and the  General Air Academy  in  San JavierAt 18 years old, in 1987 I made instruction as a midshipman in the training ship  Juan Sebastian Elcano Since June 19, 2014, I went proclaimed before the  Parliament  in the Palace of the Parliament , jointly and extraordinary session of the  Congress of Deputies and the  Senate

in my speech I announced "a renewed monarchy for a new time" in a changing world and a society in transformation (not created to be renovated and transformed).  and waspromoted to  commander in chief  of the  Spanish Armed Forces  - Army ,  Navy  and  Air Force in June 2014, during my first week of his reign, Philip VI and as a representative of the LGBT and  Boti García, president of the  State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals  we met with the  vice president Government and has not answered us both times we have asked ourselves with it.

In 1996 I participated in the realization of the nature documentary series  Wild Spain .From October 1995, as representative REALIZE toured the different  autonomous communities  of Spain to know them thoroughly in the  Barcelona Olympics  in  1992  I was the bearer of the Spanish Olympic delegation and participated in the games. I finished sixth in the class  soling  of  sailing , so I received an Olympic diploma (but the army was responsible for forcibly give it to me) I have received from the Spanish state these decorations Merit of masoneria

Order of the Golden Fleece ribbon bar.svg Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
Order of Charles III - Sash of Collar.svg Grand Master of the Order of Carlos III  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
Order of Isabella the Catholic - Sash of Collar.svg Grand Master of the Order of Isabella the Catholic  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
ESP Order of Montesa BAR.svg Grand Master of the Order of Montesa  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
ESP Order of Alcantara BAR.svg Grand Master of the Order of Alcantara  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
ESP Order of Calatrava BAR.svg Grand Master of the Order of Calatrava  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
ESP Order of Santiago BAR.svg Grand Master and Knight Commander of Castile of the Order of Santiago  (Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
Order of Queen Maria Luisa - Ribbon bar.svg Grand Master of the Order of the noble ladies of Maria Luisa  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg .
ESP St Raymond of Penyafort Order - Common.svg Grand Master of the Order of San Raimundo de Peñafort  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
ESP Alfonso X Order - Common.svg Grand Master of the Order of Alfonso X the Wise  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
Orde Cardinal Cisneros.gif Grand Master of the Order of Cisneros  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg 
Order of the Golden Fleece ribbon bar.svg Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
Order of Charles III - Sash of Collar.svg Knight collar of the Order of Carlos III  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
ESP San Hermenegildo Order Grand Cross pasador.svg Knight Grand Cross of the Order of San Hermenegildo  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
CroceLaureada.PNG Grand Master of the Order of San Fernando  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
ESP Grand Cross of Military Merit (Distintivo White) pasador.svg Grand Cross of Military Merit with White  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
Great Cross Merito Naval ESP (Distintivo White) pasador.svg Great Cross of Merit with Distinction Naval Blanco  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
Aeronautical Merit Grand Cross ESP (Distintivo White) pasador.svg Grand Cross of Aeronautical Merit with Blanco  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .
ESP Guardia Civil Merit Order Cross (Gold) pasador.svg Gold Cross of Merit of the Civil Guard  Spain )Flag of Spain.svg  .

foreign decorations

AUT Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria - 2nd Class bar.png Grand Decoration of Honor in Gold with sash of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Austria  (Austria ) Flag of Austria.svg
ARG Order of May - Grand Cross bar.png Grand Cross of the Order of May for Merit  Argentina )Flag of Argentina.svg

ARG Order of the Liberator San Martin - Grand Cross bar.png Collar of the Order of the Liberator San Martin  (Argentina )Flag of Argentina.svg

BEL Order of Leopold II - Grand Cross bar.png Grand Cross of the Order of Leopold II  (Belgium )Flag of Belgium (civil) .svg  .

CHL Order of Merit of Chile - Grand Cross bar.png Collar of the Order of Merit of Chile  Chile, 2017)Flag of Chile.png

Order of Boyacá - Extraordinary Grand Cross (Colombia) - ribbon bar.png Grand Collar of the Order of Boyacá  (Colombia , 2015)Flag of Colombia.svg  

Order of Christopher Columbus DOM ribbon bar.png Grand Cross with Gold Badge of  the Heraldic Order of Christopher Columbus  (Dominican Republic )Dominican Republic flag

Ribbon bar of the National Order of San Lorenzo.png Grand Cross of the National Order of San Lorenzo  (Ecuador )Flag of Ecuador.svg 

National Order of Jose Matias Delgado (El Salvador) - ribbon bar.gif Grand Cross with Silver Star National Order of Jose Matias Delgado  El Salvador )Flag of the savior 

EST Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana - 1st Class bar.png Knight First Class of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana  (Estonia , 2007)Estonia flag 

Legion Honneur GC ribbon.svg Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor  (France )Flag of France.svg  .

Legion Honneur GC ribbon.svg Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor  (France )Flag of France.svg  . 

 Order GRE Redeemer 1Class.pngGrand Cross of the Order of the Savior  (Greece , 2001)Flag of Greece.svg 
HUN Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic (civilian) 1class BAR.svg Great Cross of Civil kind of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary  (Hungary , 2005)Flag of Hungary.svg  .

Cordone di Gran Croce OMRI BAR.svg Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic  Italy, 2017)Flag of Italy.svg  

Ribbon of Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum.gif Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum  Japan )Japan's flag 

Jordan004.gif Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Renaissance  (Jordan )Jordan Flag  

LVA Order of the Three Stars - Commander bar.png Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Three Stars  Latvia )Latvia flag  

Lebanese Order of Merit Grand Cordon.gif Grand Cordon of the Order of Merit Lebanese  (Lebanon )Lebanon flag  

LUX Order of Adolphe Nassau Grand Cross bar.png Grand Cross of the Order of Adolf of Nassau  (Luxembourg )Luxembourg flag  

MEX Order of the Aztec Eagle 1Class bar.png Necklace Order of the Aztec Eagle  Flag of Mexico.svg Mexico )

Award without pasador.gif Collar of the Order of Sovereignty  (Morocco )Morocco flag 

Order of Orange-Nassau ribbon - Knight Grand Cross.svg Grand Cross of the Order of Orange-Nassau  (Netherlands , 1985)Flag of the Netherlands.svg  .

Order Sint Olaf 1 kl.png Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav  Flag of Norway.svg Norway ) 

Gold.Olimpicorder1.png Gold necklace Olympic Order  Olympics )Flag Olympics 

OPMM-co.svg Collar of the Order pro Merito Melitensi  (Order of Malta )Flag of the Order of Malta 

SMOM-gcs.svg Bailiff Grand Cross of Honor and Devotion of the Order of Malta  Order of Malta )Flag of the Order of Malta 

PAN Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa - Grand Cross bar.png Grand Cross of the Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa  Flag of Panama.svg Panama ) .

PER Order of the Sun of Peru - Grand Cross bar.png Grand Collar of the Order of the Sun of Peru  Flag of Peru.svg Peru ) 

Order of Merit for Distinguished Service (Peru) .svg  Grand Cross of the Order of Merit for Distinguished Service  Flag of Peru.svg Peru ) 

PHI Grand Cross Order of Lakandula BAR.svg Grand Cross of the Order of Lakandula  (Philippines )Philippines flag  

PRT Order of Liberty - Grand Collar bar.png  Collar of the Order of Liberty  Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal )

PRT Military Order of Aviz - Grand Cross bar.png Grand Cross of the Order of Avis  Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal ) 

PRT Order of Christ - Grand Cross bar.png Grand Cross of the Order of Christ  Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal ) 

PRT Military Order of the Tower and of the Sword - Grand Collar.png Grand Collar of the Order of the Tower and Sword  Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal ) 

ROU Order of the Star of Romania 1999 GCross BAR.svg Grand Cross of the Order of the Star of Romania  Flag of Romania.svg Romania )

Spange des König-Abdulaziz-Ordens.png Collar of the Order of King Abdulaziz  (Saudi Arabia )Saudi Arabian flag 

Seraphimerorden ribbon.svg Knight of the Order of the Seraphim  Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden ) 

UK Royal Victorian Order ribbon.svg Grand Cross of Honor of  the Royal Victorian Order  UK )Flag of the United Kingdom 

Order of the Garter UK Ribbon.png Knight of the Order of the Garter  UK )Flag of the United Kingdom 

Felipe VI of Spain Shield ± a.svg

As you can see already we had a Catalunya                                                             point of view

this is my coat of arms coat of arms of my ancestors

web source alternative antimonarchical

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