
5 de julio de 2018


 July 4, 2018

El presidente Trump ha prometido publicar nuevos documentos que demuestren que la familia Bush y Clinton tuvieron una participación directa en los ataques del 11 de septiembre.

De acuerdo con fuentes gubernamentales de alto nivel, Trump está preparado para lanzar una nueva evidencia que expone la colusión entre el 'Estado Profundo' -con los Clinton y los Bush a la cabeza- y el corrupto régimen saudita. informa: En resumen, el papel de Mueller al encubrir los vínculos de Arabia Saudita con el 11 de septiembre es solo la punta del iceberg; Trump está listo para exponer aún más la colusión por el estado profundo, de acuerdo con los funcionarios que hablaron con Infowars.

Trump ha criticado previamente al ex presidente George W. Bush por sus acciones antes y durante el ataque del 11 de septiembre.

"Perdí cientos de amigos, el World Trade Center cayó durante el reinado de George Bush", dijo el entonces candidato Trump durante un debate en 2016. "¿Nos mantuvo a salvo? Eso no es seguro ".

Meses más tarde, el Comité de Inteligencia de la Cámara publicó una versión censurada de las 28 páginas de la Encuesta conjunta del Congreso, una vez clasificadas, sobre el informe de la Comisión del 11 de septiembre.

Mientras redactados en lugares, las 28 páginas revelaron alguna información bombshell.

"Mientras se encontraban en Estados Unidos, algunos de los secuestradores del 11 de septiembre estuvieron en contacto y recibieron apoyo o asistencia de personas que podrían estar conectadas con el gobierno saudita", dice el informe. "Hay información, principalmente de fuentes del FBI, que al menos dos de esas personas fueron acusadas por algunos de ser agentes de inteligencia saudíes".

Trump está amenazando con divulgar la información posiblemente redactada o quizás incluso documentos nuevos completamente desconocidos para el público.

Curiosamente, la purga dentro de Arabia Saudita durante el primer año de Trump en el cargo eliminó a muchos aliados saudíes de las familias Bush y Clinton.

La purga contra la "realeza corrupta" por parte del rey Salman tuvo como objetivo a 10 príncipes y 38 altos cargos del gabinete, y curiosamente, Arabia Saudita supuestamente representó el 20% de los fondos de la campaña de Clinton en 2016.

Además, un abogado de las familias de las víctimas del 11-S, Jim Kreindler, dijo que la prisa por la guerra con Iraq requería el encubrimiento de la conexión saudita con el 11 de septiembre, y Mueller fue instrumental para que esto suceda.

Esto explica por qué la administración Bush permitió a sauditas prominentes, incluidos miembros de la familia Bin Laden,  volar fuera del país inmediatamente después de los ataques del 11 de septiembre , una evacuación que el informe de la Comisión del 11-S más tarde convenientemente afirmó que nunca sucedió.

Al rescate de España

Que España será rescatada nadie puede negarlo, pero que implicará para nuestras familias?

Hace más de dos años, el decir que España iba a ser rescatada era como decir algo completamente ilógico e irreal, la gente de la calle, a pesar de vivir recortes ( España recortó a Catalunya 9.800 millones en tan sólo 5 años), la gente lo negaba porque “subía el PIB”.

A día de hoy ya nadie lo puede negar, los niveles de deuda son excesivos, España sigue son saldo primario negativo ( sin pagar deuda le falta dinero para el resto de gastos y es el único estado de la UE en esa situación), y cuando pasa algo en cualquier parte, tiembla todo…. Y el BCE dejará de comprar deuda a finales de año.

Hay quien no le da importancia a un rescate, te sueltan que se rescatará como a los otros países… Y ya está… Pero no conocen lo que implica para su población.

En primer lugar debemos saber de dónde partimos, y es que España, en este momento, tiene más de 11,5 millones de personas que viven bajo el umbral de la pobreza, el 25,5% de la población…. En Grecia, antes del primer rescate, ese porcentaje era del 20.1%, en Portugal 17.9% e Irlanda 15.2%.

España, de hecho, ya ha estado viviendo unos previos efectos de rescate, ya que, en 10 años, el porcentaje de población que ha pasado a ser pobre ha subido 10 puntos…. Y eso que la población se ha incrementado, sino hablaríamos de un porcentaje del 12% de incremento.

Pero eso, a quien no le toca pasar a clase pobre, no lo ve… Hasta que le toca…

Y le toca en un rescate…. Un rescate a España supondría tener que recortar, progresivamente, y en el plazo máximo de 3 años, un importe algo superior que lo que cuestan hoy en día las coberturas sociales: Sanidad, Educación y Bienestar.

En pocas palabras, para ver cómo le afectaría a uno mismo, debería hacer los siguientes cálculos: 1-. Incrementar la bolsa de la compra en un 4% ( IVA). 2-. Disminuir su salario neto en un 7% ( IRPF). 3-. Tener que pagar el colegio de los niños ( una media de 300 euros por niño y mes) 4-. Tener que pagar la universidad ( 22.000 euros/ año como mínimo por carrera). 5-. Tener que pagar la sanidad ( espero que a nadie le tengan que operar) y quien tiene mutua deberá pagar el doble que ahora ( 300-400 euros por persona y mes) 6-. Los pensionistas recibirían una pensión rebajada en más del 50%….

Eso implica que el 90% de la clase media española pase, progresivamente, a clase pobre.

Quien tenga la suerte de poder sobrevivir a esas circunstancias, deberá pensar si sus hijos también podrán sobrevivir a ello ya que se encontrarán en la misma situación, ya que el rescate de España no sería como el de Irlanda o Portugal, sería algo peor que el de Grecia…..

Y la única opción para evitar el rescate, curiosamente, es la independencia de Catalunya pactada ( sin pactar que es el mejor escenario para los catalanes supone una mayor ruina para España), lo cual evita el rescate definitivamente a todos los catalanes, y da una oportunidad de 2-3 años más a los españoles de evitar el rescate ( Catalunya se quedaría parte de la deuda de España, sobre todo la que molesta a corto plazo, para pagarla, sin problema alguno, a largo plazo).

Es para pensárselo.

Jordi Mas Font

ESTO SE HUNDE: La actividad del sector privado en España registró la peor lectura del dato en los últimos 17 meses, según IHS Markit

La actividad del sector privado en España moderó su crecimiento durante el pasado mes de junio, convirtiéndose así en la única de las grandes economías de la zona euro donde las empresas frenaron su expansión, según refleja el índice PMI compuesto. Se situó en 54,8 puntos desde los 55,9 del mes anterior, registrando así la peor lectura del dato en los últimos 17 meses, según IHS Markit.


Sencillamente no hay crecimiento, todo lo contrario.
En la próxima crisis la gente se apropiará de barrios y de edificios para poder vivir.


¿Jordi, qué es el PMI?
También conocido como Índice de Gestión de Compras o por las siglas PMI (del inglés Purchasing Managers Index), es un indicador económico que se elabora mensualmente a través de encuestas realizadas a los encargados de realizar las compras en empresas privadas. El indicador es elaborado principalmente por Markit Group, para más de 30 de países, y el Institue for Supply Management que elabora el PMI para Estados Unidos.

El índice PMI se basa en los resultados de encuestas mensuales realizadas a un panel profesional de gestores de compras de empresas del sector manufacturero y del sector servicios (también se realiza el PMI del sector de la construcción pero es menos importante). Las preguntas están relacionadas con distintos eslabones de la cadena de producción y las repuestas pueden ser “mayor, igual o menor”. Se realizan así 5 subíndices de cuya ponderación se obtiene el Índice PMI final:

Nuevos pedidos (30%)
Producción (25%)
Ocupación (20%)
Término de entrega de proveedores (15%)
Stock de compras (10%)

Catalunya sufre une expolio de 16.000 millones de euros por parte de los gobiernos de España.

Liga de HOCKEY SOBRE PATINES exclusivamente catalana para la próxima temporada.

En el mundial de Rusia participan 3 países que no existían en la época de naranjito. Incluso hay uno que no representa a la totalidad del Estado del que pertenece.

Catalunya no entrará en el bombo del próximo Europeo y, prácticamente, no hay tiempo para el Mundial de Qatar...

Pero, una cosa está clara, antes de que te acepten en una federación internacional hay que demostrar la singularidad.

Me gustaría que el Govern, que dice que es republicano, empezara a fomentar las ligas catalanas excluidas de las españolas.

Ojalá fuera en todos los deportes, pero es evidente que para empezar sería más fácil con los que son mayoritariamente catalanes dentro del estado español.
Es decir: hockey sobre patines, sobre hierba y waterpolo.

Dentro de esa estrategia, y como prueba para las demás, empezaría por el hockey sobre patines.
Este mismo verano, la Federación Catalana de Hockey debería anunciar que en septiembre comienza una liga catalana a doble partido y que no quedarán fechas para jugar la española.
Sencillamente, los clubes que así lo deseen, renuncian a competir en la liga española.

Qué dice la ley del Deporte:

Artículo 15

1. Todos los Clubes, cualquiera que sea su finalidad específica y la forma jurídica que adopten, deberán inscribirse en el correspondiente Registro de Asociaciones Deportivas.

2. El reconocimiento a efectos deportivos de un Club se acreditará mediante la certificación de la inscripción a que se refiere el apartado anterior.

3. Para participar en competiciones de carácter oficial, los Clubes deberán inscribirse previamente en la Federación respectiva. Esta inscripción deberá hacerse a través de las Federaciones autonómicas, cuando éstas estén integradas en la Federación Española correspondiente.

4. Para participar en competiciones oficiales de ámbito estatal o de carácter internacional, los Clubes deportivos deberán adaptar sus Estatutos o reglas de funcionamiento a las condiciones establecidas en los artículos 17 y 18 de la presente Ley. Su inscripción se efectuará, además, en la Federación española correspondiente.

Como habrán observado, los clubes podrían seguir inscritos en la federación española pero no jugar su competición, su liga (que es de ámbito privado).

O podrían tomar como ejemplo el fútbol sala catalán. Hay unos clubes integrados en la Federación Catalana de Fútbol, ergo en la RFEF y otros que NO.
La Federació Catalana de Fútbol Salapertenece a otra asociación mundial y organiza su propia liga y no hay policías que lo impidan:

Lliga Nacional Catalana de Futbol sala

Esos deportistas no tienen licencia federativa de la RFEF aunque pueden jugar las competiciones internacionales de selecciones que organiza la AMF (Asociación Mundial de Fútbol Sala).
Es bastante lógico (aunque reviente el carácter universal del olimpismo) que el COI solo reconozca a la FIFA, pero eso no quita que pueda existir cualquier asociación mundial con sus propias competiciones en las que, por cierto, puede participar Catalunya:

Sin ir más lejos, en Hockey sobre patines, Catalunya pudo competir en la Copa América como miembro adherido.

Otro ejemplo, en este caso de cohabitación entre liga privada y federación internacional, sería la Euroliga de Baloncesto (ULEB).

Así que, concretando, los clubes de hockey sobre patines deberían organizar una liga catalana para el 2018/19.

Posibles consecuencias:
-Los clubes sean expulsados de la Real Federación Española de Patinaje (RFEP).
-Los jugadores no puedan competir con la selección española.
-Los equipos ganadores de la liga catalana no podrán jugar, de momento, las competiciones internacionales organizadas por la FIRS.

-Los equipos catalanes juegan su propias competiciones (Liga, Copa y Supercopa).
-Al ser expulsados de la Euroleague crean su PROPIA COMPETICIÓN EUROPEA.
Sí, tal como lo leen, una competición europea que al principio solo la jugarían equipos catalanes. O sea, de ella saldría el auténtico mejor equipo de Europa. Hay que recordar que los catalanes han ganado el 75% de las Copas de Europa.

No sé si el hockey europeo puede permitirse organizar una competición sin catalanes. Quizás sí al principio, pero siempre habrá esa sensación de competición desvirtuada.
Seguro que con el tiempo se buscaría el acercamiento, igual que hizo la FIBA con los jugadores de baloncesto de la NBA...

Y, cuidado, cuando hay otra competición, es muy fácil que otros clubes de Europa se apunten y ya no solo sean catalanes...

Recuerden que, yendo de buen rollo, echaron a Catalunya de la federación internacional cuando ya había ganado el Mundial B.
Nunca se le ha devuelto esa jugarreta política, ahora sería el momento de vengarse.

Aunque, el motivo que nos lleve a las ligas catalanas, debe ser porque representa el paso previo e imprescindible para ser reconocido.

Cómo quedarías las ligas:
La catalana casi igual, la española hundida.
De la última temporada de la OK liga, de 16 equipos: 13 son catalanes, 1 gallego, 1 asturiano y 1 valenciano.
Catalunya podría hacer una liga de 14 (repescando a 1 equipo de los 10 catalanes que juegan la "segunda división").

Naturalmente la federación catalana también organizaría sus otras divisiones inferiores de los clubes que así lo desearan.

En fin, quizás no todos los equipos jugarían la competición catalana, pero ese es el primer paso para que otros deportes hagan lo mismo.
Y, sobre todo, para que nos tomen en serio.

El viajero intrépido

Algunos de ustedes se han sentido un poco incómodos cuando salieron de su propósito y se mencionó su misión. ¡El Universo sabe y entiende esto! Puede haber sido peligroso para ti 'antes'. Si fueron tus antepasados, generaciones anteriores con sus ideas radicales o memorias de otro tiempo; es posible que haya sido herido, perseguido o muerto por sus creencias. Tenga la seguridad, mi poderosa, ¡ya no hay necesidad de temer esto! Los caminos se han abierto, se han eliminado los bloques y sus caminos personales están claros para que pueda avanzar. ¡Da el primer paso adelante, viajero intrépido! ¡El mundo te está esperando! ~ Creador

The Secret of Presence

by EraOfLight
7 chakras eraoflight
If you are reading these words, you are already in the process of ascending, whether you feel the way you desire, or await a “big bang” moment of realization to fall from the sky. The primary purpose of ascension is to help you navigate your human journey of time while aligned with the timeless wisdom, inspiration, and guidance of your soul’s highest knowing and deepest calling. As you ascend, the story of time will still play out externally, but felt and experienced uniquely from the view of your timeless inner witness.
The Universe has instructed me to be clear and specific on this moment of ascension, so to align our individual and collective focus into 5D consciousness. Since the 4th dimension is a corridor of time, ascension teaches that each and every moment in time is created to escort you out of the boundaries of time. This doesn’t mean that perceptions of reality appearing in time won’t matter anymore. Instead, you are naturally flowing in peace, unity, and harmony with the current of time, so to ride the waves of expansion versus getting toppled or displaced by them.
One of the biggest confusions and distractions for ascending light workers is the recognition that all old paradigm spiritual teachings act as a gateway to deeper more resonant insights. This means that many of the quickly becoming outdated teachings were created to help light workers awaken from a 3D perspective. It’s one thing to be awake in a 3D reality and another to keep waking up into higher dimensional perspectives, such as the 5th dimension of unity consciousness. At this time, life only seems tenuous, unbearable, confusing, or frustrating, as life creates the exact framework to render old 3D spiritual teachings extinct, as a means of driving the focus of light workers deeper into the mysteries of their infinite potential.
When you are awake in a 3D reality, it is common to have spiritually-themed judgments projected upon the patterns of 3D ego consciousness in others. When we are awake in a 5D reality, we are aware of the play of ego, as the evidence of someone’s inner healing journey being so overwhelming to their nervous system that they have been thrusted into fight or flight mode, unable to meet you where you hope others will meet you. In the 3rd dimension, we assume and conclude about others. In the 5th dimension, we empathize with others by striving to only understand ourselves.
As a way of assisting you beyond the perceived boundary of time, I will offer you one of the newest teachings the Universe has offered me from a 5D perspective. It is called the secret of presence.
Presence is not a new concept, but has always remained elusive when viewed from a 3D standpoint, as an object to seek or a location to find. Especially when held over your head by the voice of an inner critic, the notion of “I should be more present”, wondering “Am I in the present moment?”, or even commanding yourself to “stop thinking and just be present” are all ways in which the innocence of ego transforms an insight into a spiritual form of inner bullying. I say the innocence of ego because it is only using your wisdom against you, hoping to capture your attention and receive the love its afraid you won’t give it. So how do you surrender the need to search for the present moment or judge yourself whenever you’ve decided you aren’t in the present moment? It occurs by unearthing the secret to presence that transforms it from a 3D accomplishment into a 5D awareness.
Presence is not something to practice. It is a cultivation of focused relaxed attention that awakens within you over a period of time. While there are things you can do to assist in the matter, you cannot make it happen by the efforts of personal will. That’s essentially how you push it away. The secret to presence is desire. This means the way in which you can measure how naturally present you’ve become or are becoming is by tuning into how much you desire being nowhere else, but right here, right now.
In the 3D, a need to be present is no different than extra items added to your grocery list. In the 5th dimension, you surrender the aggression, intensity, and desperation of trying to be ultra spiritual and super-mega present with a simple willingness to let honesty be your guide.
Ego consciousness is not wrong. It’s something you outgrow. Much like a child shouldn’t be ashamed of its precocious nature in the presence of adults, ego can be embraced with authenticity and openness, as a means of helping it evolve and integrate. In ego, it’s instinctive to desire things that aren’t in your present moment reality, perhaps even desiring outcomes or even the ability to visit places outside of the present moment. That’s not wrong. The question is, how much time does it occupy? If the majority of your time is spent anticipating the arrival of different characters, outcomes, and opportunities, it explains exactly why the present moment seems so unsatisfying or fearful to your nervous system. In a nutshell, you aren’t disempowered by how things are or aren’t, but by how deeply committed you are to waiting for things to be different.
To take a bold leap into 5D presence, simply ask yourself:
Please do not try so hard to be present. It just shuts you down and feeds the inner spiritual bully. Instead, take a moment to realize the light of your soul only desires this — as it is — right now. It knows better things are coming, but it allows the Universe to bring that forward on its behalf, while embracing the way in which life appears solely for its evolutionary benefit.
There is a law of attraction and in the coming months, I’ll be teaching it from a 5D perspective. The difference is astounding and will transform your life radically. In the meantime, this teaching help you complete your journey out of 4D spiritual purgatory by allowing present moment reality to be your object of desire. It’s natural to want things to be different, which they will be, when the time is right. Until then, may you give tour desire to the crucial and auspicious moments at hand, where your soul’s impulse is found in craving simplicity, peace, balance, and well-being.
Whether you are already giving yourself this gift, opening the door to this insight, or expanding this commitment with renewed enthusiasm, it is your willingness to desire however the truth of reality has been molded to be that determines your experiences and perceptions of life. The more open you are to celebrating exactly how things look and feel, the more miraculous your journey is bound to become.
Matt Kahn.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Why America’s Law Enforcement Empire Resembles Secret Police In A Dictatorship

by EraOfLight
dailytruenews eraoflight
Secret police are characteristic of dictatorships, or so goes the conventional thinking on the subject. Police in democracies operate for the most part transparently and within a set of rules and guidelines that limits their ability to gratuitously punish citizens who have done nothing wrong. If a policeman operating under rule-of-law steps out of line, he can be held accountable. That is also conventional thinking.

But what happens when an ostensibly “democratic” police force becomes corrupted and starts doing things that are outside its zone of responsibility, and does so to benefit a political relationship that will in turn protect those who have broken the law under cover of carrying out their official duties? That is the characteristic of what we have been calling a “deep state,” where forces drawn generally from the political class and security services conspire together to control what the public is allowed to know while also manipulating nuisances like elections to make sure that the “correct” outcome emerges.
Indeed, deep state operating in a democracy or republic is far more dangerous that the secret police in a dictatorship. That is because in a system where the forces of the state are all-powerful, nearly everyone expects that what they read and what the government says is all a lie. In a democratic system there is what intelligence officers would refer to as plausible denial, which means that even when the government is behaving very badly much of the public will believe that it is acting honorably because they want to trust that the system works. And when the deep state includes management of the media, many citizens will likewise believe what they are reading or hearing is honest reporting, even when it is not.
Due to the events of the past year in particular, many Americans have become convinced that there now exists something like a secret police operating in the United States that is a fusion of some political dealmakers with certain politicized elements in the intelligence and security services. However one regards President Donald Trump and his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, there is nevertheless something odd in terms of how they have been investigated and, in the case of Flynn, legally entrapped to convict him of lying to the FBI to force him to cut a deal with the Special Counsel inquiry headed by Robert Mueller.
Consider how, even though meeting with Russians is not illegal, Trump and his associates have been subjected to secret investigation of their Russian ties for nearly two years without any revelations apart from the fact that it was Israel, not Russia, that colluded to undermine White House policy. FBI Director James Comey’s antics during the primaries and electoral campaign, in which he first exonerated and then complained about Hillary Clinton while at the same time validating a dossier full of largely questionable information about Donald Trump’s dealings with Russia provides clear evidence of an organization that has lost its bearings and has become a politicized agent of an incumbency that has itself become corrupted and believes itself to be above the law. And then there is the Central Intelligence Agency’s own John Brennan working with the FBI to undermine the Trumps, illegally digging up dirt from the liaison intelligence partners in Europe and the Middle East.
America’s law enforcement empire has all the characteristics of secret police in a dictatorship. It is not transparent in its actions, has a history of bending the rules to obtain convictions, and its officers are rarely held accountable. It has also been politicized. And to be sure, one should recognize that there are two additional factors driving the growth and transformation of the national security state in the U.S. First is the intense dislike that the top levels of the American intelligence and police agencies have for Donald Trump personally, a contempt that Trump himself has largely earned by his scorn for much of the government that he inherited. Second is the “trust the authorities” culture that has grown up since 9/11, reinforced by fearmongering on the part of the government to justify executive overreach and enabled through anti-terror legislation that has unleashed the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency (NSA) to act with impunity while suffering no consequences whatsoever.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Universal Mother Mary: You Are My Messengers

by EraOfLight
mary eraoflight
Your plan is to allow those in need to fill with hope and with the vision of another way of life, the Nova way.
Greeting my sweet Annas! I am Mare’, I am Universal Mother Mary, I am your Mother, Mother of Love, Mother of Compassion and Hope and Mother of All. Yes, dearest children of my heart, I love and cherish each and every one of you, and whether or not you turn to me consciously for love, support, and nurturing, or nourishment of your soul, I am with you always. I find my way into your hearts one way or another because you are never, ever left alone, for I am always with you.
You, the ones reading these messages my sweet angels, are great at finding your way home into my heart for reassurance and for the replenishment of your energies and strength. And, yes dear ones, I am speaking to you because you are my messengers, and I want you to take this Love – My Love – to everyone, and share it with the ones who are in dire need of light and support.
You are finally understanding that this lifetime, this journey you are undertaking, is not about being right or wrong, it is not about sacrifice or solving karmic debt, nor about having others pay any dues to others or to you. This lifetime is not about any of the extremes of the duality of the old third- dimensional world, but about balancing all of those parts of self, positive and negative, and then rising above all of them.
It is about empowering and accepting yourself where you are. It is about loving you in this moment, regardless of where you find yourselves in your journey, just as I love and accept you utterly and unconditionally.
Dear hearts, there are no buts or conditions or reasons why you would have to postpone loving yourselves and everyone else just as I do – I adore you! Open and receive My Love and let go of any blockages and fears that suggest to you that this is not so.
Enjoy feeling loved and accepted, and allow others to feel your love and acceptance of them without you having to explain it, and without trying to teach them by using wise words or by giving them your advice.
My brave angels of love, my warriors of light and peace, you have taken upon yourselves some of the heavy and dense energies of the third and outdated world on purpose, and with great courage and faith. Faith in My Love for you, but mostly faith in yourself, faith in your ability to remember always who you are and where you are coming from – pure and infinite love!
There is nothing else that is, and only that is real, the love that you are! Your divine plan is complex and extremely beautiful, very wise indeed, with the great purpose of helping and assisting in removing and eliminating those dense energies from humanity’s consciousness.
Your plan is to allow the light and the love to touch and teach the ones in need who will be attracted to you effortlessly, and then to allow them to fill with hope and with the vision of another way of life, the Nova way.
The new way of love, the compassionate, kind, and cooperative way, where there is no judgment or competition of any sorts. Where there is no doubt or fear in one’s ability to be love and to be the Creator Self, bringing beautiful worlds and reality into form, while at the same time trusting that everyone else has everything that they need to find their way back into My heart, and into the fullness and wholeness of their own magnificent selves.
Stay with My Love and stay with My Peace! Farewell.
» Source » Channel: Genoveva Coyle

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Sanat Kumara: Sanat Kumara Is Preparing To Go Home As He Has Nearly Fulfilled His Promise

by EraOfLight
sanat kumara
I AM Sanat Kumara. And I Am overjoyed to be able to be with you here at this time in these moments.
For long ago I shared with my brethren that I would be the one that would take this planet, these people, all of you through this evolution; through the various calamities, catastrophes, travails that you have all traveled through; that you have journeyed through.
And I made a promise long ago that I would see this through to the end, to the end of this age and into the beginning of the next. And I have fulfilled my promise just as my dear brother Sananda has as well and many others.
But in my promise I said I would be the last. I would see this through and be the last one to leave to move on. And I have fulfilled my promise for I Am the last one to be here with you as these changes continue to move along.
And I Am here to tell you now that as my promise is coming near to fulfillment for I will then be able to leave and to go home myself. Go home to my dear one, my Venus who has waited for me for a very long time. Just as you, each one have those that are waiting for you that you left long ago.
And if you feel a tear coming to your eye it is because you are now remembering. You are remembering those times long ago. And as you remember those times, those moments, those times of intense love for your loved ones, and those times now it becomes more and more difficult for you to be able to be here and withstand the energies as they continue to shift and change. And as many of you have been acclimating to these energies, preparing for them, some of you are yet having difficulties with this.
For these energies are powerful. But you are also powerful and you must all remember this. You are powerful beyond measure. And just as I made the promise, so too did you all make the promise that you would be here until the end and into the beginning of the next Age. And that next Age is nearly upon us all.
You have heard from our dear Ashtar that all is in readiness for those in the ships, those you call the Galactics are there ready to move in a moment’s notice. And those of the Ascended Masters are all ready and waiting always there to give you that nudge, that push forward. But a gentle push. Never harsh. Always gentle, loving, caring. And all of you now as you are moving into this new Age — and fast moving into this new Age I will add — you are preparing as well, many of you, to go home.
Many of you to remember and then be ready to let go and forget. Forget the old travails. Forget the negative parts of your journey and remember the positives. Remember all that has been good and much of your journey has been good.
So I leave you now with this understanding that even though you find yourselves now in some difficulties, some negative conditions where the energies are too powerful at times, know that this is just for a moment yet. For the whispers from all of us continue to come in, continue to invite you to move forward. Always to move forward. To trudge forward to reach that finish line that seems to be pulling away from you as you get nearer to it.
But yet it is not. It is only in your understanding and the programming that you have come to understand that that finish line keeps eluding you. But I tell you now you have all reached that finish line just as Sananda has been saying. It is right there in front of you and it is time now to cross it. To cross it and forget the past.
That does not mean forget your loved ones but forget the past, the negativity of the past. For it will only continue to hold onto if you let it. Release now. Release! Let go! Go with the flow. And let the flow take you to your promised land.
I AM Sanat Kumara and I will be with you again at what you call your next Advance. And I will be there as the Great Initiator, the One Initiator, to initiate all of you as a group and some of you even as individuals.
All of my peace and love be with all of you. I AM the Beginning and the End – the Alpha and the Omega, just as you all are.
» Channel: James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
“Believing is seeing!”

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Unraveling & Untangling Your Mind & Entire Matrix Program

by EraOfLight
As "old" REALities are unraveled
, it’s important to understand certain things, for this journey of exiting/transitioning over to all new REALities can be done consciously or unconsciously, which dictates HOW all is EXPERIENCED by each.
These increases in PHOTONIC LIGHT/ACTIVITY “work through” all. They“work through” and “weave through” and “seek out” our CONSTRUCTS and FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR REALITIES and completely RE-WORK THEM for/with/within us.
The human ego’s auto-response (and primal instinct) is to try harder, to try to hold on, to try to control more, to try to force more, to try to keep it all together, while that inner knowing that all is “slipping” and could “come crashing down/fall apart” in any moment, is a part of many’s process of awakening here, because it’s how the separated-ego dissolves. In a 3D/4D Matrix Construct, there is a feeling that all is unraveling and that no matter how hard we “try”, at some point all is going to give way…. this too is an important part of the awakening process, for in the moment that all gives way, a new way is forged and opened up…. and those ego matrix programs break down even more.
We can’t “tell” the human aspect that their entire reality is going to be re-worked, (because they don’t want to hear it), that all that they’ve “worked hard for“, was just a part of an illusion and that all they “thought”, which is not actually “true”. We can’t “tell” the human aspect HOW DEEP THIS JOURNEY OF OUR SOUL EMERGING TAKES US, because of the amount of resistance, the amount of fight (struggle) to hold on to their current realities, which the human aspect doesn’t want to hear that their whole reality is BUILT on beliefs, emotions and programming held deep within, held together (the glue) by fear, judgment, insistence, stubbornness, refusal to listen to NEW LIGHT INTELLIGENCE that obliterates the old realities as they were. We can’t tell them anything…. we have to GO ON AND SHOW THEM… and just let each figure it out themselves, be ready to open up and listen, learn to APPRECIATE and RESPECT in all new ways….. which only usually occurs once one’s entire reality has “collapsed” (reconfigured through Quantum Light Codes & Geometrics) and they “glimpse” “new truth” to open their hearts to MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXISTENCE too.
So, because we’ve realized, through repeated realities… that occur over linear years of time, because we’ve shared for years and most were not ready to listen then… we went go on. Because we realize it’s not our job to ‘save’ in the ways others would perceive, that it’s our “job” (agreement to fulfill Soul Purposes & Galactic Missions here) to SHARE THE INFORMATION that assists each with CHOOSING how they desire to actually experience their own Multi-Dimensional Earth Experience, so that is what we’ve done and continue to do.
Human aspects don’t realize, that until their reality is TOUCHED (affected) in a way that GETS THEIR ATTENTION (opens their heart fully), they are completely closed off, don’t want to listen/know or care…. they don’t understand, or care, that their realities have to evolve too and they they have to do this journey, just like we all did… because THEIR SOUL is ready to FULLY AWAKEN FROM WITHIN THEIR BODIES and WALK IN HEAVEN ON EARTH HERE….. now…. They don’t actually care enough to observe their own separation/duality and do anything about it, because it “threatens” their current realities of what they “want” to believe (the appearance of safe/don’t challenge me or make me actually feel or do anything)…. because they live in “real”ities in their heads of “prove to me first” or “let me make sure I’m covered before I open up to listen/share/do”….
Human aspects want to “fix” their realities first, before they actually ACT…. they hold on out of FEARS that they don’t realize are a belief system housed in the cells of their bodies, because they allow the outside reality to dictate, instead of seeing the outside as a REFLECTION BACK of what is already going on inside, and they mastered overriding their feelings, unconsciously overriding their higher self/Universal guidance/selves, by letting their ego-self run the show….. not REALizing that the aspect/voices/energy that they listen to, actually CAUSES the physical to take form, which is what our human aspect calls “experiences” (or “Lessons” to teach the human ego aspect something)…..
Human aspects won’t budge, until the foundation of their realities are rocked, shaken or stirred,until the entire reality distorts or goes “haywire” (Quantum) and their current reality is so overwhelming/VIBRATIONALLY LOUD that they don’t have a choice but to stop, listen or open up to see….. They’ve planted their minds firmly in their current belief systems and are holding on for dear life, pointing the finger (playing out their own victim/blame energy/karma games and scenarios), because their FEARS of actually doing what they know is aligned, appears “worse/harder” than continuing to comply and hold on for dear life to the old ways still…..
Human aspects function from a limited state of consciousness, which correlates to an unconscious state. These unconscious programs and beliefs are each’s akashic records, held deep within each’s cellular body and cleansed/cleared by way of the RELEASE OF THE EMOTIONAL ENERGY STORED, which often is FELT THROUGH PHYSICAL PAIN…. The human aspect avoids this at all costs, fearing pain, fearing feeling, fearing because they judge, fearing being open, looking vulnerable, fearing what they “believe” others think, because they don’t yet understand that “those others” are only speaking/transmitting back what they already hold inside… and the only way to clear the program is to go straight into it, to see it for what it is… a matrix program, a construct, a belief, a story, a need/seeking something to validate/acknowledge, built on ENTIRELY UNCONSCIOUS DIMENSIONS… where every reality is not actually true.
THE ENTIRE MATRIX PROGRAM is an intricate system, woven through each’s life in ways that are only VISIBLE AS ONE OBSERVES FULLY and fully takes the blinders off. The entire MATRIX PROGRAM was housed within each, held together by fears and lack, self-serving agendas that didn’t care a bit about hUmaNITY… because that’s what the Matrix is/was…. It is a program, a simulation, a big ole huge TEST, and initiatory passageway to AWAKEN THROUGH and to… It’s this beautiful and ugly intricacy, that is woven, embedded and incorporated into our lives, because unconsciously, we didn’t have a CLUE…. yet now all will/do….
CLEARING THE COSMIC AKASH.... this is the ENTIRE MATRIX PROGRAM and EVERY SYSTEM built from/on/through UNCONSCIOUSNESS…. the entire 3D/4D perceptions of REALity…. and yes, realities are PERCEPTIONS…. they are subjective and they CHANGE in every nano-second here. The only thing that HELD THEM TOGETHER WAS BELIEF, sub-ordinance, complacency and compliance… and a refusal to actually open our hearts fully to be able to accept and see and then to actually DO SOMETHING…. which means taking full responsibility for what each allows, supports, invests in, participates in and keeps creating to occur….
Every moment now is PHOTONS PHOTONS PHOTONS…. which activate and distort, amplify, enhance, make all louder and allow each all new illusions/dreams/realities to actually WALK IN AND EXPERIENCE HERE…. ones that REPLACE THE OLD ONES, the ones that were allowed to function based upon fears…. photons re-wire and recode our entire physical make-up, giving each the ability to OBSERVE EVERYTHING on a Quantum Level and CHOOSE what they really “want” reality to be….
Human (ego) aspects don’t choose the unknown, don’t like surprises or anything they can’t touch/prove/control…. our realities are the opposite… they are magical, dreamy, beautiful and REAL, yet they are all built on all new foundations of UNITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS, instead of the separation programs, systems and energies of the old…. Our realities ARRIVE/MATERIALIZE in new colors, enhanced experiences that are PURE…. they support our NEW EARTH EXISTENCES, all of ours, in every way…. and look nothing like the old. Our realities are kind, caring, respectful and everyone shares… not because there is lack and each is in “need”, yet because there is immense abundance, because our hearts are open and we live from a state of consciousness that is infinite abundance… which “shows up” in our realities for us… because we truly care, because we do this work, because we continue, every moment of every day to open those gateways and hold them open, to open those portals and explore, to open up all that’s always available to us all, because we are not making excuses, waiting for others to figure it out/get their selves together, finish playing out their human-ego-programming; Instead, we are honoring everyone’s journey for all that they chose to experience here… and we are honoring ours… fully….
WE didn’t stop because others had doubt, criticized, didn’t believe, reciprocate, support or care enough to want to be a part of NEW EARTH… we went on and we created, birthed and in every moment, anchored immense light within ourselves and our entire physical reality too. We didn’t wait for others to “decide” when it was comfortable, because to the ego, this will never be comfortable (that’s the point), yet as the ego dissolves (is put to bed/rest), it no longer “gets a choice”, because it IS THE ENTIRE MATRIX PROGRAM and it’s on each one of us to REALIZE THIS…. because OUR REALITIES DEPEND ON THIS…. for each one of us…. to change Matrixes…..
Our entire physical body is a massive and intricate SYSTEM that operates on PROGRAMS and CODES… It’s like evolving from Windows 3.1 to a Mac to a Quantum Computer, an intelligent LIFE FORM that processes data, codes and information as LIGHT….. our entire body has a template (Operating System), every organ, muscle, bone, particle has to be re-coded….. from Linear to Quantum…. from fixed to open aligned flow, from a virus to a brilliant intelligence that can’t be “affected” by the old anymore…. our entire body LINKS UP TO OUR FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS, which at first , for physical body ascension to occur, builds a Merkaba (which occurs over much linear “time), WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY each cell is breaking down linear constructs and building it’s own Merkaba too. Then, for full-blown Multi-Dimensional Quantum Existence… reconstructs to become intricate, constantly changing/evolving StarGate Systems, that communicate with every cell of our bodies, from every cell in our bodies, interchangeably….
Our bodies are constantly clearing old programming, yet eventually instead of it being so physical (and big), it’s just photonic energy dissipating through holographic access through a FIELD. As our bodies reconfigure constantly, we have to adjust how we live our lives here. We have to learn to RESPECT these immense EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSES that allow us all to “leave the old”. Yet to leave the old with your body, you have to leave it with your emotions, your mentalities, your fixed beliefs… FIRST, otherwise, your body/reality will re-configure for you, yet your human ego aspect will still be trying to hang on to a reality that no longer exists… which is where “suffering” comes in, because each is disconnected within and re-connection is REQUIRED to TRANSCEND THE OLD FULLY here.
The Evolution of the Consciousness of hUmaNITY is a huge process of ALL of HUmanity waking up. This is where we are now. This is each playing out their own Matrix Programs (which then links up to collectives), to resolve where the programs (emotions/mentalities) are housed in each physical body still. The human ego aspect doesn’t realize that the only way the Entire Matrix is still real, is if they keep it place in their lives, with their unconscious actions, through their fears and that there is an entirely different Matrix Now (Plasma Crystalline Matrix of NEW Earth), and entirely new networking system offering freedom, joy, peace, physical abundance and re-unites us all on a Cosmic Level as Star-Light-Soul BEings here in physical form, that replaces the old ones completely, yet for each to change/switch Matrixes, each has to first realize and accept this.  ♥
With love from LeMUria, Our NEW Earth REALities and our HOME STAR SYSTEMS,
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
p.s. I’m working on a article to share regarding the increased over-stimulation/overwhelm that can occur with these increasing Photonic Light Activations (and will with each phase, yet differently), as each’s body awakens to FEEL more for awhile. Each LightBody phase has a more finely-tuned nervous system/neural networking system and immune system, than it did before. It’s important for each to understand this, so that each can care for/support their body as it evolves through Ascension processes/phases and Multi-Dimensionality as it occurs now. ♫
p.p.s. The ENTIRE Earthly Human Experience is ONE BIG PROGRAM. The illusion/dream that you walk/live/exist in/through, is determined by each. In order to choose consciously, maneuver and master it, each must fully come to accept and understand this. It’s through identifying the vibrational frequency and energy of all, that we can realize which Matrix we are living in/on… Old Earth or NEW (or somewhere in-between for awhile). First each has to acknowledge ….

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

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